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1、类别课程目标要求掌握的项目话题The Tang Poems and the Chinese Literature词汇acquaintance,expansion,bar,farewell,part,altitude,tolerant,share,prove,reveal,glance,approve,expense,mental,launch,causion,arbitrary,cater,correspond,donate,decorate,typically,merchant,reflect,previewtake hold of,as far as,hand in hand,lose o

2、nes sense of,communicate with,learn.by heart,approve of sth.,a chorus of,cater for,correspond with句型1.It was only in the 11th century that his poetic genius was recognized.2.The two men met in 744,and although very different,they became friends.3.The poems provide a channel through which they can co

3、mmunicate with the world,and express their feelings.语法情态动词的用法(1)must,cant,may/might(2)should,could,would功能Talk about a Chinese poem.1acquaintance nC相识的人;泛泛之交;U相识,了解We talked as if we were old acquaintances.我们就好像是老相识那样谈话。He has some acquaintance with French.他懂一点法语。知识拓展have a passing/nodding acquainta

4、nce with.与某人有点头之交;对某事略知一二。make ones acquaintance结识某人;与某人相见词语辨析make ones acquaintance,knowmake ones acquaintance表示“结识”的短暂动作。know“认识”,是延续性动词。译我是两年前认识他的。误I knew him two years ago.正I made his acquaintance two years ago.He is not a friend,only an acquaintance.他不是朋友,只是一位相识。acquaintance只是认识,交情不深,谈不上是friend

5、(朋友),更谈不上是intimate(至交)。2farewell nC告别 int.再会,别了They waved farewell to their friends on board the ship.他们挥手告别船上的朋友。Farewell!I hope we meet again soon.别了!希望很快我们能再见面。特别提示由于farewell由“Fare well!”(祝一路平安!)转化而来,故它又作感叹词,意为“别了”。3bar(barredbarring)v摒除;阻挡The policemen barred the ways to the airport.警察封锁了通往机场的道路

6、。知识拓展1)bar sb./sth.from.排斥;禁止Women are barred from the club.这个俱乐部谢绝女性参加。2)bar n.(1)棒;条;棒状物a bar of golda gold bar 金块(金条)(2)横木;门闩There is a bar on the gate.门上有个门闩。(3)障碍;阻挡物(与to连用)a bar to mutual understanding 互相了解的障碍(4)酒吧;柜台a snack bar 快餐部a cosmetic bar 化妆品专柜4part vt.&vi.分开;分离;n.部分;零件;角色;本分;职责They pa

7、rted at the station.他们在车站分手。词语辨析双方向的动作单方向的动作双方向的动作单方向的动作知识拓展part wtih 跟分手;放弃;丧失part from 和分开;离开take part in 参加in part 一部分;有几分for my part 就我而论;至于我I hope we can part as friends.我希望我们能像朋友那样和和气气地分手。Do not part with the shares on any account.无论如何不要放弃这些股票。This is a part of the town that I do not know very

8、 well.城里的这个地区我不太熟悉。If everyone does his part,the project will surely be a success.如果大家都各尽其责,这个项目肯定会成功。Hes taking machine parts to the factory.他正把机器零件带到工厂去。The research project was only a partial success.那个研究课题只取得了部分成功。即学即用(1)He tried to _the two fighting dogs.Apart Bpart fromCdivide Dfight答案:Apart本身

9、有及物动词的意思,意思是“分开;分离”。这里应取此意。句意为:他设法分开那两只正在打斗的狗。(2)The new appointment of the president of Lu Hui University _ from the very beginning of next semester.Atakes effect Btakes part inCtakes place Dtakes turns答案:A考查短语的辨析。take effect“见效;生效”;take part in“参加”;take place“发生”;take turns“轮流”。A项符合“校长任命生效”之意。5exp

10、ansion nU扩张,扩展The expansion of the factory will mean the employment of sixty extra workers.工厂的扩张意味着还要雇用60名工人。His economic policies paved the way for industrial expansion.他的经济政策为工业的扩展铺平了道路。知识拓展expand v扩张,扩展6tolerant adj.宽容的;容忍的Of all the girls she was the most tolerant.在所有女孩子中她是最宽容的。Im a tolerant man

11、 but your behaviour is more than I can bear.我是个宽容的人,但你的行为我已忍无可忍。She was tolerant of different views.她容忍不同的意见。知识拓展be tolerant of/towards容忍;对宽容tolerate v容忍,忍受tolerable adj.可容忍的;尚好的7altitude nC高度;海拔;常pl.高地The plane flew at an altitude of 6,000 metres.飞机在6,000米的高空飞行。It is difficult to breathe at these a

12、ltitudes.在这些高的地方呼吸困难。知识拓展at an altitude of.在海拔高度上at the height of.在高度上at the depth of.在深度上attitude nC态度;看法latitude n纬度;自由longitude n经度词语辨析altitude,heightaltitude特指由地平面或海平面开始计算的高度,即为“海拔高度”。height表示“高度”的普通用语,可指身高、一般东西的高度或海拔。The airliner flew at an altitude of 20,000 ft.客机在20,000英尺的高度飞行。His height make

13、s him stand out in the crowd.他的身高使他在人群中很突出。8specialist nC专家;专科医生He is a specialist in modern history.他是一位现代史专家。His father is a heart specialist.他父亲是一位心脏科医生。知识拓展special adj.特殊的,特别的;专门的specialize/ise v专门研究,专政specialty(AmE)/speciality(BrE)n.C专业,特产on special(口)特价的,特卖的special delivery(AmE)快递特别提示1)a speci

14、alist in history历史专家2)specialize in history专攻历史9failure nC失败者;U失败He is a failure as an English teacher.他是个不称职的英语教师。Failure is the mother of success.(Failure teaches success.)(谚)失败乃成功之母。知识拓展fail v失败;不及格Failures,repeated failures,are finger posts on the road to achievement.The only time you dont fail

15、is the last time you try something,and it works.One fails forward toward success.(Kettering)失败,一次次的失败,是通向成功的路标。你唯一不败的那次是你的最后一次尝试,而且是一次有效的尝试。每失败一次就向成功迈进了一步。(凯特林)特别提示英语中有很多名词与failure一样既可数又不可数,又如:可数不可数a success成功的人或事success成功a failure失败的人或事failure失败a help帮手;助手help帮助a surprise使人吃惊的事surprise吃惊a business一

16、家商店business生意a beauty美人beauty美丽10.merchant nC商人adj.商业的,商人的Did you watch Shakespeares The Merchant of Venice on TV last night?你昨天晚上在电视上看莎剧威尼斯商人了吗?We dont like a merchant who does some cheating in the buying and selling of goods.我们不喜欢在买卖商品中搞欺诈的商人。This is a merchant bank in our city.这是我们市的一所商业银行。词语辨析me

17、rchant,businessmanmerchant“商人”,指大宗货物批发商。businessman“商人”,指实业家,从事工商业的人士(指公司的较高层)。He used to be a wine merchant.他曾是一个酒商。A successful businessman must be aggressive.一个成功的商人必须有进取心。11realist nC现实主义作家;现实主义者They are doing valuable work which idealists as well as realists want to see done.他们正在做着理想主义者和现实主义者都想

18、看到完成的有价值的工作。Im a realistI know you cant change peoples attitudes overnight.我是个现实主义者我知道你不可能在一夜之间改变人们的看法。知识拓展realistic adj.现实的,实际可行的;现实主义的;逼真的realistically adv.实际地12romantic nC浪漫主义作家;浪漫主义者adj.浪漫的Li Qingzhao is a major romantic.李清照是位重要的浪漫主义作家。It is said that Frenchmen are among the most romantic people

19、 in the world.据说法国人是世界是最浪漫的民族之一。13mental adj.内心的;精神上的;脑力的,智力的We should pay more attention to our mental health.我们应该更注重心理健康。His mental health and strengh gradually go better.他的精神和体力逐渐得到恢复。Ageing is accompanied by a slow degeneration of his mental faculties.他随着年纪增长,智力逐渐衰退。知识拓展mentality nU智力mentally ad

20、v.精神上,心理上The basic rule of physical and mental health is to keep smiling.养身之道,喜笑颜开。14share v分享;合用share可以作及物动词也可以作不及物动词。1)作及物动词用时,常用句型有:(1)share sth.(2)share sth.with sb.(3)share sth.between/amoung sb.等Everyone in the house shares the bathroom.这房子里的人共用这个浴室。May I share the umbrella with you?我可以同你合用这把伞

21、吗?2)share用作不及物动词,常用短语有:(1)share out分配;均分His property was shared out between his children.他的财产由他的孩子们平分了。(2)share with 分担I should share with you in the work.我应该同你分担这项工作。(3)share in分担She always shares(in)her mothers trouble.她总是为她妈妈分忧。直击高考(2008安徽)The two girls are getting on very well and share_with eac

22、h other.Alittle BmuchCsome Dnone答案:B解析:句意为“两个女孩相处得很好,她们互相分享很多东西”。由前半句“相处得好”可推知应用much。1as far as远到;直到(否定句中可用so far as);就而论;就而言(作此意讲时,也可用so far as)He walked as far as the river.他一直走到了河边。I didnt go as/so far as the others.我不像其他人走得那么远。As/So far as I know,he has moved to town.据我所知,他已经迁到镇子上去了。知识拓展1)so far

23、到目前为止He has written three books so far.到目前为止他已写了3本书。2)by far修饰比较级、最高级,表示数量、程度等;一般放在最高级之前或比较级之后,但当比较级前有the时,放在前边。He is by far the tallest in our class.他是我们班里个子最高的。He is cleverer by far than his brother.他比他哥哥聪明多了。He is by far the taller of the two brothers.他是兄弟俩中个子较高的一个。3)far from远离;远非;远远不I live far f

24、rom the school.我住得离学校很远。It is far from perfect.这极不完美。Are you cold?你冷吗?Far from it.一点也不冷。4)as(so)long as.只要(引导条件状语从句)You can borrow the book as(so)long as you can keep it clean.只要你不把书弄脏,我就可以借给你。即学即用He is a friend of my brother.He will go with us _ the Capital Stadium.Aso far as Bas long asCso long as

25、 Das far as答案:D他将和我们一起走到远至首都体育馆。“远至”as far as.;so far as用于否定句中,as long as“只要”。2hand in hand 关系密切地;手拉着手地Power and money go hand in hand.权力和金钱密不可分。Dirt and disease go hand in hand.肮脏与疾病是密切相关的。知识拓展结构与之相似的短语有:face to face面对面地arm in arm 臂挽着臂地 shoulder to shoulder 肩并肩地;齐心协力地head to head交头接耳地side by side并排

26、地;并肩地step by step 逐步地A poem might be a way of telling someone something when you do not feel able to talk about it face to face.当你感觉不能面对面地向某人谈论某事的时候,诗歌可能是一种很好的表达方式。The burglar turned the corner and found himself face to face with a policeman.那窃贼转过墙角,面对面地碰上一个警察。3take hold of 握住,控制住,吸引She obeyed and t

27、ook hold of his hand.她听从了他并握住了他的手。Take hold of the stick and Ill pull you out.抓住棍子,我把你拉出来。The music took hold of her slowly.音乐渐渐地吸引了她。知识拓展catch/have/get hold of.抓住;握住lose hold of.没抓/握住即学即用英译汉I need to get hold of some money quickly._答案:我需要马上弄到些钱。4have fun with.对发生兴趣;喜欢Children have fun with little a

28、nimals.孩子们喜欢玩小动物。知识拓展have fun doing 喜欢做have fun 玩得高兴We had some good fun when we all worked together.我们在一起共事的时候过得很愉快。即学即用_ it is swimming in a river in summer!AHow funny BHow funCWhat a fun DWhat fun答案:Dfun是不可数名词,而funny是形容词,但意思却是“滑稽可笑的”,意思不对,故选D项。1Soon Japan and Korea were organised on the Tang mode

29、l,.不久日本和朝鲜也按照唐朝的模式组织起来了,on/after the model of./on/after ones model 以为模范Many schools are managed on the model of Yangsi Middle School.许多学校都学习洋思中学的管理模式。2Writing poetry can help people deal with changes in their lives,death or feelings of sadness,drug or alcohol problems or serious illness.写诗有利于人们应对日常生

30、活中的变化、死亡、悲伤、毒品或酒精引起的问题以及严重的疾病。writing poetry 为动名词作主语。用动名词作主语常表示抽象的、习惯性的动作。Walking after supper is good for both young and old.饭后散步对于年轻人和老年人都是有好处的。知识拓展不定式作主语To say is easier than to do.说比做容易。用不定式作主语时,常表示一次性的、具体的、特指的动作,并且常用it作形式主语而将其后置。如上例可改为:It is easier to say than to do.情态动词一、表能力的情态动词can(could)与be

31、able to用法词汇现在的/一般的能力过去的能力将来的能力can/couldcancould一般不用be able toin/am/are able towas/were able to表示有能力且成功地做了某事will be able toHe is so tall that he can/is able to touch the ceiling.他那么高,手能碰到天花板。He was able to escape from the burning building last night.昨晚他从着火的大楼里逃了出来。If you study English well,youll be a

32、ble to travel to many countries.如果你学好英语,就能够去很多国家旅游。二、情态动词动词原形表现在推测情态动词肯定式否定式疑问式must必定,一定would比will可能性小;还可表“过去常常”比wont语气弱比will语气弱should应该(合乎道理的情况或结果)can很少用,若用时则表理论上的可能性不可能有可能吗?could(可疑的)可能不可能有可能吗?(语气比can弱)may或许,也许,也说不定可能不might比may语气还弱比many not还弱(图中表示此用法不表推测,表其他含义)Accidents can happen on such rainy da

33、ys.多雨的天气可能会发生事故。This may/might be done by him.这事可能他干的。(might语气更弱)Its nearly seven oclock.He should be here at any moment.快七点了,他理应随时在这儿的。三、情态动词用来表请求、建议或允诺等1)当主语是第一或第三人称提出请求、建议时,可用Shall/May/Might/Can/Could I/we.?Shall he/she/they.?Would/Will/Could you.?提醒:could/might/would的语气很委婉。因此回答它们的问句时,不可以用这些词来回答,

34、要用以下形式:Could I use your pen?Yes,you can.(No,Im afraid not.)2)当主语是第二、三人称时表达“命令、警告、允诺或威胁”时,要用shall,此外,宣布法律、法规时,也常用shall。After class,you shall get this book.(允诺)课后,你会拿到这本书的。四、情态动词have过去分词,表示对过去的推测形式用法must have done对过去的肯定推测,“一定做了某事”cant have done对过去的事情的否定推测,“一定/肯定没干”can/could have done用在疑问句中表示对过去动作的怀疑,“

35、可能已经了吗?”could have done用在肯定句中,表示过去没有实现的可能性,“本来可以”may/might(not)have done对过去动作的推测,“也许已经(没有)”。一般用在肯定句或否定句中,不用于问句。might的语气则更加不肯定。should have done/ought to have done用于肯定句中表示“本该做某事,但实际未做”;用于否定句中表示“本不该做,但却做了”,含有责备的语气。neednt have done表示“做了本来不必去做的事”。The lights were out.They must have been asleep.灯灭了,他们一定睡了。

36、You might have given him more help,though you were busy.尽管当时你忙,也该多帮助他一些。He ought not to have treated his parents like that.他本不该那样对待他的父母。即学即用(1)(2010全 国)Just be patient.You _ expect the world to change so soon.Acant BneedntCmay not Dwill not答案:A句意:耐心一点儿。你不能指望世界立刻发生变化。A项表示“不能”,B项“不必”,C项“不可能”,D项“不会”。根据

37、句意A项合适。(2)(2010全国)Im afraid Mr.Harding_see you now.Hes busy.Acant BmustntCshouldnt Dneednt答案:A句意:Mr.Harding恐怕现在不能见你,(因为)他很忙。(3)(2010重庆)You_park here.Its an emergency exit.Awouldnt BneedntCcouldnt Dmustnt答案:D根据题干中“emergency exit”可知,“此处不允许停车”,故用mustnt表禁止。(4)(2010江 西)I have told you the truth._I keep r

38、epeating it?AMust BCanCMay DWill答案:A句意:我已告诉你真相。一定要我再重复吗?(5)(2010辽宁)Doctors say that exercise is important for health,but it_be regular exercise.Acan BwillCmust Dmay答案:C句意:医生说,锻炼对于健康非常重要,但必须是经常锻炼。(6)(2010安 徽)Jack described his father,who_a brave boy many years ago,as a strongwilled man.Awould be Bwou

39、ld have beenCmust be Dmust have been答案:D“杰克把他父亲描述成一个意志坚强的人”,此处表示对过去事实的推测。(7)(2010湖南)You _ buy a gift,but you can if you want to.Amust BmustntChave to Ddont have to答案:D句意:你不必买礼物,但你如果想买也可以。dont have to 意为“不必”neednt。(8)(2010天津)Mark_have hurried.After driving at top speed,he arrived half an hour early.A

40、neednt BwouldntCmustnt Dcouldnt答案:Aneednt have done表示“本来不必做但已经做了”;must have done只用肯定句;would not have done表示“要不就不会了”;couldnt have done表示“本不可能/会做但已经做了”。(9)(2010陕西)May I take this book out of the reading room?No,you_.You read it here.Amightnt BwontCneednt Dmustnt答案:DMay.?的肯定回答,表示给予许可,可用may或can,但否定回答中要用mustnt.(10)(2010江苏)I havent got the reference book yet,but Ill have a test on the subject next month.Dont worry.You_have it by Friday.Acould BshallCmust Dmay答案:B此处shall用于第二人称陈述句中表说话人的许诺。

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