1、EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCEEmotionally intelligent people are:Aware of their own emotionsAppreciate others thoughts,feelings and experiences As a result they learn successfully with and from others to:Take in factsAppreciate perspectives&perceptionsTransfer learning to different contextsEMOTIONAL INTELLI
2、GENCEWhen we have insufficient opportunities to explore feelings we start to disconnect two areas of the brain:The emotionalThe intellectualAs a result we may be less able to:Assess situationsForm judgementsMake positive decisionsExperience personal satisfactionForm positive relationshipsEMOTIONAL I
3、NTELLIGENCEEmotional Intelligence is fostered when people are secure enough within themselves to hold on to their capacity to think.Opportunities for emotional intelligence to flourish occur through such approaches&strategies&activities as:Philosophy for ChildrenDramaClass&School Councils&committeesPupil self-assessment&target settingPeer mentoringNurture Group/nurture workA central focus on enquiry&pupil involvement in their learning