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1、25、意大利的科学家伽利略发明了望远镜,天文学家的“第三只眼”是天文望远镜,可以分为光学望远镜和射电望远镜两种。四级作文1素质教育?应试教育?【中文提示】 现今教育为应试教育 提倡素质教育 作者看到素质教育的效果From primary school to college, students, teachers and parents-all are struggling for high scores. This is because the current education system is not aimed at studentsquality, but only at devel

2、oping their ability to perform well on tests. As result, many students, even those with high scores, often do poorly when it comes to the practical application of what they have learned. Therefore, China is challenging examination-oriented education by advocating quality-oriented education. The alte

3、rnative will focus on the students ability as a whole. The exam results will no longer play a key role in evaluating a student. Personally, I firmly believe in the magic force of this new policy. It seems that I have seen in my minds eye the more colorful life, the looser environment, yet the more c

4、reative minds of the future students. Our education, so to speak, will bring up a new generation. primary school 小学 scores skCEs 得分 n.名词 examination-oriented education 应试教育 alternative C:l5tE:nEtiv 选择对象;选择余地 n.名词struggle for: 为努力2信心成功【中文提示】 为什么要有自信 为什么会没有自信 如何做到有自信Whatever one does, one should do it

5、 with confidence. If one had no confidence, there is little possibility that one would ever achieve anything, especially when one is faced with drawbacks or hardships. This truth seems to be self-evident. However, in reality we do see a lot of people who complain that they lack the ability to do som

6、ething or that their difficulties are too great to overcome. For some, this might be true. But for many others, this only shows that they have lost heart. Why do people often feel frustrated even though they are capable of doing something? There are, among others, two main reasons. First, these peop

7、le do not have a correct estimation of themselves. Second, they over-estimate the difficulties. It is possible to build up faith in oneself by having the right attitude toward ones own abilities. We should never underestimate our abilities but should believe in the proverb: Where there is a will, th

8、ere is a way. Confidence is the premise for fulfilling a task successfully. over-estimate 评价过高 v.动词 underestimate 5QndEr5estimeit 低估,看轻 v.动词 premise 5premis 前提 n.名词 lose heart: 丧气,灰心,泄劲,泄气3双休日【中文提示】 双休日的好处 问题:课程更多了 应合理安排时间The two-day weekend has brought a lot of benefits to college students. It not

9、only offers us more time to get rid of tiredness and have a good rest, but also gives us more chances to take up some hobbies, such as fishing, reading, or gardening. From these activities we can learn many things outside the classroom, which will add to our knowledge. Despite the convenience it bri

10、ngs us, the two-day weekend has also given rise to quite a few problems. The most serious one is that the weekdays are filled with more lessons, sometimes too many. Because our classes are limited to Monday through Friday, we have to take more lessons each day than in the past. This leaves us little

11、 time to catch our breath during the weekdays. In order to benefit most from the two-day weekend, students should make a good plan for the two-day weekend, not only to take this chance to relax but still set aside enough time to study. By doing so, students can have a good time as well as make progr

12、ess in studies. convenience kEn5vi:njEns 便利,方便 n.名词 progress 5prEures 进步,发展 n.名词 get rid of: 摆脱,除去take up: 拿起,开始从事,吸收,占据4战争 【中文提示】 战争造成的影响 为什么要避免战争 如何避免战争 War is a terrible thing. Anyone who hears of it is fearful and terrifried. Once engaging in war, large amounts of money are wasted, thousands of

13、lives are sacrificed, and the whole nation is thrown into extreme confusion. Even the victorious country loses more than it gains. Since war is so terrible, how do we prevent war is an important question. Is it possible to prevent war? Surely it is. Though it is beyond our power to prevent war betwe

14、en others, we can at any rate prevent war between our nation and other nations. In order to realize our hope, we must never invade others, and at the same time, prevent others from invading us. According to my opinion, no country can keep herself from being invaded unless she has effective means of

15、self-defense. Hence we must develop our military strength so that we can make others fear us and consequently dare not to invade us. The world would be, I believe more advanced civilization if people were kind and friendly to one another. sacrifice 5sAkrifais 牺牲,献出 v.动词 at any rate 无论如何,至少 invade in

16、5veid 侵略;侵占 v.动词 civilization 9sIvIlaIzeIFLn;-lIz- 文明,文化 n.名词 keep.from: 阻止, 隐瞒, 抑制at any rate: 无论如何, 至少5一寸光阴一寸金【中文提示】 时间比金钱更重要 原因:时间一去不复返 要充分利用时间 浪费时间等于浪费生命 A proverb says: Time is money. But in my opinion, time is even more precious than money. Why? Because when money is spent, we can earn it back

17、. However, when time is gone, it will never return. This is the reason why we must value time. It goes without saying that the time for study and work is unusually limited. Hence, even an hour is extremely precious. We should make full use of our time to do useful things. As students we must make ef

18、forts to engage in our studies so as to serve our nation and people in the future. But it is a pity that there are a lot of people who do not know the importance of time. They spend their time smoking, drinking and gambling. They do not realize that wasting time is equal to wasting a part of their v

19、aluable life. We should get into the good habit of saving time. Do not put off what can be done today until tomorrow. Laziness will not only bring us failure but also lead us to the road of poverty. it goes without saying 理所当然,不用说 gambling 5AmbliN 赌博 n.名词 make use of : 假借; 利用get into : 习惯,熟悉6怎样处理贫富差

20、距?【中文提示】 收入差距,严重的社会问题 原因:分配机制;经济发展;教育体系 措施:改进分配制度;着重关注落后地区;提高教育水平 Most people have realized that the income gap has long been a serious social problem. There are three reasons why such phenomena have arisen. First, the distribution mechanism of our nation has some innate drawbacks. Second, the dispa

21、rity of economic development between urban and rural areas as well as the east and the west is too huge to be mended in a short time. Third, the present educational system is far from satisfactory: many children throughout the country drop out of school for various reasons. Consequently it is import

22、ant that we take three measures to solve this problem. First of all, the government should constantly improve the distribution mechanism, making it not only transparent but also reasonable. In the second place, during economic development, more emphasis should be placed on the relatively backward ar

23、eas. Last but by no means least, all people make great efforts to significantly improve our educational level-if we can quickly increase the literacy rate of our nation, the overall situation will fundamentally change. It is beyond doubt that the income gaps is a serious problem to any nation at any

24、 time. Nevertheless, in such a nation as we have, I firmly believe if all of us shoulder the responsibility, we can deal with this problem successfully. distribution 7distri5bju:FEn 分配 n.名词 mechanism 5mekEnizEm 机制 n.名词 innate 5ineit 天生的;先天的 adj.形容词 drawback 5drC:7bAk 缺点 n.名词 disparity dis5pAriti 不等;

25、不同 n.名词 transparent trAns5pZErEnt 透明的,易懂的, 显而易见的 adj.形容词 fundamentally 基本上 adv.副词 as well as: 以及,及drop out of: 掉队,不参与,离去far from: 远远不; 一点也不7高校毕业生是否该到西部去?【中文提示】 年轻人是否应该投身于西部大开发 西部大开发提供好机遇:找工作容易;更多的工作机会 怀疑态度,大城市机会多,去西部风险大 作者观点,支持去西部发展 Recent years witnessed a profound change in Western China. The whol

26、e country combines joint efforts to engage in the exploitation of the western provinces. This vital issue especially attracts youths attention. However, they have different views on whether they should contribute their part to the modernization of the West after their graduation. Some students hold

27、that the West offers unprecedented opportunities for young talents. Firstly, it is comparatively easier to launch a career for a newcomer in the West than in such large cities as Shenzhen and Shanghai. Secondly, the West is still underdeveloped, so it offers many more opportunities and is the ideal

28、place to realize ones dreams. Other students, whereas, cast doubt on those points of view. They hold that developed area can provide more chances. To go to the West, they say, is too risky. Personally, I take the side of the people in the first category. I think that going to the West is a perfect c

29、ombination of our nations need and my personal ambition. I believe that an able man should face challenges boldly and not be afraid of hardship. witness 5witnis 目睹,见证 v.动词 exploitation 7eksplCi5teiFEn 开发 n.名词 unprecedented Qn5presidEntid 前所未有的,空前的 adj.形容词 newcomer 5nju:7kQmE 新移民 n.名词 whereas (h)wZEr

30、5Az 然而,反之 conj.连词 boldly 勇敢地,大胆地 adv.副词 engage in: 参加;从事point of view: n. 观点;意见8电脑游戏【中文提示】 电脑游戏的弊端:影响学业;逃课 原因:电脑游戏推层出新;学生缺乏自控能力;老师监管不够 解决方法:环境;实现梦想;利用媒体宣传 More and more college students become indulge in computer games. Some of them play video games all night, which will inevitably hinder their stud

31、ies. Others are even truant to enjoy themselves. There are three possible reasons to account for this trend. First of all, information technology is developing at a fantastic speed and computer games become more and more advanced and attractive. Whats more, many students lack self-control to such an

32、 extent that they play for long hours even if they know it is harmful to both their physical and mental health. In the third place, the university authority and teachers are too lenient with the students-they attach great importance to imparting knowledge and more or less overlook students?personali

33、ty development. The solutions to this problem seem more than clear on this occasion. By creating a favorable environment, university authorities can help students enjoy learning in and after class. Moreover, university teachers should teach students how to make the best use of their time and energy

34、to realize their dreams. Last but not least, the mass media should also play a positive role in conveying the message that it is not wise for college students to play computer games for long hours. hinder 5hindE 阻止;妨碍 v.动词 truant 5tru:Ent 逃学的,懒散的 adj.形容词 convey kEn5vei 通知;传达 v.动词 indulge in: 沉溺于;享受一

35、下 account for: 对作出解释9 成人教育热【中文提示】 越来越多的成人参加成人教育 原因:拿学位,拿文凭;学技能;找工作 有助于自我升值,提高国民教育水平 Nowadays more and more adults especially in cities spend their leisure time trying to improve themselves at school or at college. According to a recent survey, the number of adult students in 2005 is more than 6 time

36、s that of 1995. There are various reasons for this fantastic spurt in adult education. Some people who are employed go back for education to acquire another degree or diploma. To them more knowledge, or rather, more credentials means more opportunities for better jobs and quicker promotion. Other pe

37、ople especially those who are temporarily unemployed go to residential schools, open universities or other training institutions. They are eager to learn new skills since they are anxious to return to the job market. Adults continue their education for different purposes, but they share a common goa

38、l-to improve themselves. And the spurt in adult education, in turn, helps raise the intellectual standard of the whole nation. spurt spE:t 突然的爆发 n.名词 diploma di5plEumE 文凭,毕业证书 n.名词 credentials 证书 n.名词 according to : 比照;按照;依据;依照10自助旅游还是跟团旅游 【中文提示】 自助旅游的好处:自由,灵活,时间充足 跟团旅游的好处:食宿,路线安排妥当,安全 作者选择自助旅游的原因:看

39、风景,了解民俗风情,结交朋友,宝贵经历 When it comes to travel, some people will choose to go on an individual tour while others want to go on a package tour. Those people who decide to go on an individual tour argue that they love the freedom and flexibility when they travel by themselves-you can stay longer if you e

40、njoy the beautiful scenery there. Furthermore, you will have more chances to communicate with local residents or other tourists from all over the world, which will be an exciting and unforgettable experience. Those people who prefer going on a package tour maintain that you do not have to worry abou

41、t time, route and accommodation, which enables you to concentrate on the beautiful scenery and enchanting local customs. Moreover, it is safer and less time-consuming than individual touring. In my opinion, I prefer to go on a individual-tour whenever I go traveling. To begin with, I want to visit n

42、ot only the scenic spots but also the common people. Second, I enjoy making friends along the route: the communication with them helps expand my vision and widen my horizon. Furthermore, the difficulties I come across during traveling can be part of my life experiences. flexibility 7fleksE5biliti 弹性

43、,机动性 n.名词 accommodation E7kCmE5deiFEn 膳宿 n.名词 enchanting in5tFB:ntiN 迷人的 adj.形容词 vision 5viVEn 眼力,远见 n.名词 horizon hE5raizn 范围,视野 n.名词 in my opinion: 依我看来 come across: 遇见,碰上;发现11双学位【中文提示】 近年,大学生读双学位成为一种现象 双学位的好处:学习效率的提高;更多的竞争机会;找到好的工作 双学位利大于弊 Recently it has become a phenomenon for college students t

44、o have two majors at the same time. In this way, they can get double BA degrees when they graduate from the university several years later. Although it may bring unfavorable consequences, we can conclude this practice is favorable on the whole. To begin with, most students will become more hardworki

45、ng and efficient in order to finish the learning tasks satisfactorily. Moreover, with two degrees after graduation, they will stand a better chance in the job market full of fierce competition. As for todays university students, tuition fees are becoming higher and higher. If they can make achieveme

46、nts in study in the university and find a satisfactory job afterwards, it will not be a big problem. Weighing the pros and cons of such a new trend, we can naturally come to the conclusion that it is beneficial and rewarding. This system not only urges students to work hard, but also prepares them for the coming competition when they enter real society. phenomenon fi5nCminEn 现象 n.名词 eff

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