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1、精品文档湖北师范学院2010年“专升本”招生考试综合英语试题题号一二三四五六七八总分题分2020202020100得分评卷人I. Vocabulary (20 points, 1 point each)得 分(1.) Directions: Change the form of the following words by adding prefix or suffix as required1. pursue _ (n. ) 2. mischief _ (adj.) 3. approve _ (n.)4. creativity _ (adj.) 5. threaten _(n.) 6. op

2、timist _ (adj)7. anticipation _ (v.) 8. stable _ (v. ) 9. similar _(n.)10. inspiration _ (v.) (2.) Complete the sentences, using the proper form of one of the expressions listed below.to come to the conclusion to be blue with in the event of to open ones eyes to to blow itself out to wipe out but fo

3、r a matter of so as to to break up1. _ a war, these subways could serve as air-raid shelters.2. A terrorist attack with biological weapons can _ hundreds of thousands of people at one go.3. For the development of our central and western regions we need a lot of things. Its not just _ money.4. Univer

4、sity life is very rewarding. It _ my ignorance.5. _ her encouragement and generous help, I wouldnt have come to college.6. After he analyzed the complicated situation there, he _ that it wouldnt be so easy to find a peaceful settlement.7. Their marriage _ after they had had many clashes over some im

5、portant issues.8. Her face _ cold when she came back through the snowstorm.9. Daisy wouldnt be _ careless _ forget her passport.10. When the storm finally _, they found three people missing.评卷人II. Multiple choice (20 points, 1 point each)得 分Directions: There are twenty incomplete statements in this

6、section, beneath each of which there are four options marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the statement.1. I dont think it advisable that Tim to the job since he has no experience. A. has been assigned B. will be assigned C. be assigned D. is assigned2. As it turned out to be a

7、small house party, we _ so formally.A. need not have dressed up B. must not have dressed up C. did not need to dress up D. must not dress up3. The professor can hardly find sufficient grounds _ his argument in favor of the new theory.A. which to base on B. to base on which C. on which to base D. whi

8、ch to be based on4. Busy he is, he always finds time for sports.A. as B. although C. since D. if5. Many people complain of the rapid _ of modern life.A. rateB. speed C. growth D. pace6. My friend was on his way home from work _ he noticed a woman standing in the parking lot looking very worried.A. w

9、hile B. when C. because D. so 7. Her mother believed that it wasnt until Boyle obtained an acting scholarship _ she become more willing to take part in social activities. A. when B. however C. then D. that 8. _ his parents objections, he would have become an artist. A. It had not been for B. Hadnt i

10、t been for C. Had it not been for D. If had not been for9. _ is the influence of TV that it can make a person famous overnight. A. So B. This C. Such D. What 10. He didnt know anyone at the wedding _ than the bride and groom. A. except B. other C. apart D. rather 11. He was punished _ he should make

11、 the same mistake again.A. unlessB. provided C. if D. lest12 “Well never give in _ they may do or say.”A. althoughB. no matter how C. despite D. whatever13. Substances will expand or contract _ heated or cooled, but this is not the case with water.A. when they will be B. if they will be C. as they a

12、re being D. when14. It was _ everyone went to the beach. A. so hot a weather B. such hot weather thatC. a hot enough weather that D. a very hot weather so that15. The higher income tax is harmful _ it may discourage people from trying to earn more. A. so that B. unless C. in that D. in case16. Those

13、 flowers smell very _. A. pleasantly B. well C. nicely D. fragrant 17. It suddenly _ on me that I had turned to the wrong person for help. A. occurred B . dawned C. struck D. happened 18. They _ at the notice but the light was too dim for them to read it. A. peeped B. glared C. peered D. eyed 19. I

14、dont think much _ him as a football player. He is slow and has no sense of teamwork. A. about B. over C. of D. on 20. According to the plan, the mayor had to _ a public school that morning. A. examine B. check C. look D. inspect评卷人III. Cloze (20 points, 1 point each)得 分Directions: There are 20 blank

15、s in the following passage, beneath each of which there are four options marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best fits into the passage.When women do become managers, do they bring a different style and different skills to the job? Are they better or worse managers than men? Are women more hig

16、hly motivated and 1 than male managers? Some research 2 the idea that women bring different attitudes and skills to management jobs, such as greater 3 , an emphasis on affiliation and attachment, and a 4 to bring emotional factors to bear 5 making workplace decisions. These differences are 6 to carr

17、y advantages for companies, 7 they expand the range of techniques that can be used to 8 the company manage its workforce 9 . A study commissioned by the International Womens Forum 10 a management style used by some women managers (and also by some men) that 11 from the command-and-control style 12 u

18、sed by male managers. Using this interactive leadership approach, women 13 participation, share power and information, 14 other peoples self-worth, and get others excited about their work. All these 15 reflect their belief that allowing 16 to contribute and to feel 17 and important is a win-win 18 -

19、good for the employees and the organization. The studys director 19 that interactive leadership may emerge 20 the management style of choice for many organizations. 1. A. confronted B. commandedC. confined D. committed 2. A. supports B. argues C. opposes D. despises 3. A. combinationB. cooperativene

20、ss C. coherenceD. correlation 4. A. willingnessB. loyalty C. sensitivityD. virtue 5. A. by B. in C. at D. with 6. A. disclosedB. watched C. revisedD. seen 7. A. therefore B. whereas C. becauseD. nonetheless 8. A. help B. enable C. support D. direct 9. A. evidently B. preciselyC. aggressivelyD. effec

21、tively 10. A. developedB. invented C. discovered D. located 11. A. derives B. differs C. descends D. detaches 12. A. inherently B. traditionally C. conditionally D. occasionally 13. A. encourage B. dismiss C. disapprove D. engage 14. A. enhanceB. enlarge C. ignore D. degrade 15. A. themes B. subject

22、s C. researches D. things 16. A. managers B. women C. employees D. males 17. A. faithful B. powerful C. skillful D. thoughtful 18. A. situationB. statusC. circumstanceD. position 19. A. predictedB. proclaimed C. defied D. diagnosed 20. A. into B. fromC. as D. for 评卷人IV. Reading Comprehension (20 poi

23、nts, 2 points each)得 分Directions: In this part there are 2 passages. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer to each question.Passage 1Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage

24、:It is often claimed that nuclear energy is something we cannot do without. We live in a consumer society where there is an enormous demand for commercial products of all kinds. Moreover, an increase in industrial production is considered to be one solution to the problem of mass unemployment. Such

25、an increase presumes an abundant and cheap energy supply. Many people believe that nuclear energy provides an inexhaustible and economical source of power and that it is therefore essential for an industrially developing society. There are a number of other advantages in the use of nuclear energy. F

26、irstly, nuclear power, except for accidents, is clean. A further advantage is that a nuclear power station can be run and maintained by relatively few technical and administrative staff. The nuclear reactor represents an enormous step in our scientific evolution and, whatever the anti-nuclear group

27、says, it is wrong to expect a return to more primitive sources of fuel. However, opponents of nuclear energy point out that nuclear power stations bring a direct threat not only to the environment but also to civil liberties.Furthermore, it is questionable whether ultimately nuclear power is a cheap

28、 source of energy. There have, for example, been very costly accidents in America, in Britain and, of course, in Russia. The possibility of increases in the cost of uranium in addition to the cost of greater safety provisions could price nuclear power out of the market. In the long run, environmenta

29、lists argue, nuclear energy wastes valuable resources and disturbs the ecology to an extent which could bring about the destruction of the human race. Thus, if we wish to survive, we cannot afford nuclear energy. In spite of the case against nuclear energy outlined above, nuclear energy programs are

30、 expanding. Such an expansion assumes a continual growth in industrial production and consumer demands. However, it is doubtful whether this growth will or can continue. Having weighed up the arguments on both sides, it seems there are good economic and ecological reasons for sources of energy other

31、 than nuclear power. 1. The advocates of nuclear energy claim that nuclear energy is _.A. extremely dangerous B. vital in our societyC. exhaustible and expensive D. primitive and cheap2. Some people think that nuclear energy is essential because _.A. there is a serious shortage of manpower B. it pro

32、vides a perfect solution to mass unemploymentC. it is impossible to return to more primitive sources of fuel调研课题: D. it can meet the growing demand of an industrially developing society 3. Which of the following statements does the writer support? (一)对“漂亮女生”饰品店的分析A. The demand for commercial product

33、s will not necessarily keep increasing.图1-2 大学生购买手工艺品可接受价位分布B. Uranium is a good source of energy for economic and ecological reasons.然而影响我们大学生消费的最主要的因素是我们的生活费还是有限,故也限制了我们一定的购买能力。因此在价格方面要做适当考虑:我们所推出的手工艺制品的价位绝大部分都是在50元以下。一定会适合我们的学生朋友。C. Nuclear energy provides an inexhaustible and economical source o

34、f power.D. Greater safety provisions can bring about the expansion of nuclear energy programs.4.5. 1、你一个月的零用钱大约是多少?The function of the last sentence is to _.A. reflect the writers attitude (三)DIY手工艺品的“自助化”B. advance the final argumentC. reverse previously expressed thoughtsD. show the disadvantages

35、of nuclear power6. What is the writers attitude toward nuclear energy?A. Indifferent. B. Favorable. C. Tolerant. D. Critical.300-400元1632%Passage 2300元以下918%Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage:精明的商家不失时机地打出“自己的饰品自己做”、“DIY(Do It Yourself)饰品、真我个性”的广告,推出“自制饰品”服务,吸引了不少喜欢标新立异、走在潮流前端的年轻女孩,

36、成为上海的时尚消费市场。其市场现状特点具体表现为:Exchange a glance with someone, then look away. Do you realize that you have made a statement? Hold the glance for a second longer, and you have made a different statement. Hold it for 3 seconds, and the meaning has changed again. For every social situation, there is a permi

37、ssible time that you can hold a persons gaze without being intimate, rude, or aggressive. If you are on an elevator, what gaze-time are you permitted? To answer this question, consider what you typically do. You very likely give other passengers a quick glance to size them up and to assure them that

38、 you mean no threat. Since being close to another person signals the possibility of interaction. You need to emit a signal telling others you want to be left alone. So you cut off eye contact, what sociologist Erving Goffman (1963) calls “ a dimming of the lights”. You look down at the floor, at the

39、 indicator lights, anywhere but into another passengers eyes. Should you break the rule against staring at a stranger on an elevator, you will make the other person exceedingly uncomfortable, and you are likely to feel a bit strange yourself.随科技的迅速发展,人们的生活日益趋向便捷、快速,方便,对于我国传统的手工艺制作,也很少有人问津,因此,我组想借此创业

40、机会,在校园内开个DIY创意小屋。它包括编织、刺绣、串珠等,让我们传统的手工制作也能走进大学,丰富我们的生活。 If you hold eye contact for more than 3 seconds, what are you telling another person? Much depends on the person and the situation. For instance, a man and a woman communicate interest in this manner. They typically gaze at each other for about

41、 3 seconds at a time, then drop their eyes down for 3 seconds, before letting their eyes meet again. But is one man gives another man a 3-second-plus stare, he signals, “I know you”, “I am interested in you,” or “You look peculiar and I am curious about you.” This type of stare often produces hostil

42、e feelings.7. It can be inferred from the first paragraph that _.A. every glance has its significanceB. staring at a person is an expression of interestC. a gaze longer than 3 seconds is unacceptableD. a glance conveys more meaning than word8. If you want to be left alone on an elevator, the best th

43、ing to do is _.A. to look into another passengers eyesB. to avoid eye contact with other passengersC. to signal you are not a threat to anyoneD. to keep a distance from other passengers9. By “a dimming of the lights” (Para 1, Line 10) Erving Goffman means “_”.A. closing ones eyes B. turning off the

44、lightsC. ceasing to glance at others D. reducing gaze-time to the minimum10. If one is looked at by a stranger for too long, he tends to feel _.A. depressed B. uneasy C. curious D. amused11. The passage mainly discusses _.A. the limitations of eye contactB. the exchange of ideas through eye contactC

45、. proper behavior in situationsD. the role of eye contact in interpersonal communication评卷人V. Translation (20 points)得 分Directions: Translate the following passage into English.最好的评论家是每个人自己。无论某个学者对某一本书作了什么评价,无论他们如何众口一词地对它大加称赞,倘若它激不起你的兴趣,那么这本书就与你毫不相干。作为读者,你是你所读书籍价值的仲裁人。我们当中,没有一个人跟另外一个人的评价完全相像,至多有点相像而已。想当然地认为对我来说很有价值的书恰恰对你也很有价值,这是不合情理的。但是也确实有这

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