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1、Module 2EducationModule 2Unit 1 Its great to see her againQuestions about our schoolWhat buildings or special rooms does our school have?What subjects do you do at school?How do you like our school?What do you find the most and least interesting?New words presentation geography physical PE really ne

2、ither n.地理学地理学 adj.身体的身体的 n.体育;体育课体育;体育课 adv.非常;确实非常;确实 pron.两者都不两者都不 adj.两者均不两者均不Listening activityListen to the tape and complete the sentencesListen and readListen to the tape and complete the table in activity 4.Listen again and answer the questions in activity 5.Language focus-phrasesGuess what

3、!你猜怎么着!你猜怎么着!visit her school 参观她的学校参观她的学校 have a look 看一看看一看 as big as ours 和我们的一样大和我们的一样大Language focus-phrases science libratory 科学实验室科学实验室 swimming pool 游泳池游泳池 a sports ground 一个操场一个操场 a music room 一个音乐教室一个音乐教室Language focus-phrases neither school 两个学校都不两个学校都不 get top grades for 取得取得的高分的高分/最高级别最

4、高级别 Language focus everyday EnglishWhats it like?它怎么样?它怎么样?Lets have a look.让我们看一看。让我们看一看。But what?但是什么?但是什么?Language focus more explanationDo you do anything interesting?anything为不定代词,若有形容词修饰要为不定代词,若有形容词修饰要放在它的后面,同样用法的还有放在它的后面,同样用法的还有something,nothing,everything,someone,anyone,everyone,somebody,any

5、body,nobody 如:如:I have something important to say.I meet someone interesting.Language focus more explanationLets have a look.have a look 看一看看一看 have a look at 看看例如:例如:This is a nice book.Let me have a look.Can I have a look at this interesting book?同时也可以说同时也可以说 take a look(at)Language focus more exp

6、lanationIt isnt as big as ours.asas 和一样 not as(so)as 没有例如:例如:His book is as interesting as mine.His English is not so good as mine.注意:注意:asas前后为同一类人或事物前后为同一类人或事物Language focus more explanationBoth schools are very nice.both 两者都两者都 例如:例如:Both students jump very high.Both of the countries are very lar

7、ge.bothand连接两个并列成分表示两者都连接两个并列成分表示两者都例如:例如:Both Tom and Tony are English.I like both English and math.Language focus more explanationNeither school has anything the other hasnt got.neither表示两者任何一个都不,后面用单表示两者任何一个都不,后面用单数形式,例如:数形式,例如:Neither boy is American.同时也可以用同时也可以用neither of.例如例如Neither of the cou

8、ntries is Asian.Language focus more explanationNeithernor既不也不,同时做主语时,就近原则,例如 I can neither sing nor dance.Neither Jim nor I am student.Neither I nor the twins have been there.Practice 让我们看看今天的天气预报。Lets have a look at todays weather report.能再次看见她真是太好了。Its really great to see her again.Practice 我们的学校没

9、有他们的学校那么大。Our school is not so big as theirs.大明和丽丽都特别擅长体育。Both Daming and Lily are good at sports.Practice 我们两个人都不喜欢看卡通片。Neither of us likes watching cartoons.中国和俄罗斯都不是非洲国家。Neither China nor Russia is an African country.Module 2EducationModule 2Unit 2 Whats the best thing about school?Pre-readingWha

10、t do you think of our school?Whats the best and worst thing about our school?Whats the difference between Chinese schools and other countries schools?Words presentation primary school secondary schoolWords presentation make a speechWords presentationWords presentationWords presentation athleticsWord

11、s presentation discoWords presentation present absent safety fortunately Spanish French involve training society adj.在场的,出席的 adj.缺席的,不在场的 n.安全 adv.幸运地 adj&n.西班牙(的)adj&n.法国法语(的)v.牵涉;牵连;影响 n.训练 n.社团;协会While-reading Read the passage and finish exercises 3,4,and 5Language focus-phrases a secondary schoo

12、l 一所中学一所中学 primary school 小学小学 spendin sw 花花时间待在时间待在 make a speech 讲话,做个演讲讲话,做个演讲Language focus-phrases have a break 休息休息 have two more lessons 还有两节课还有两节课 Personal Health and Safety Education 个人健康与安全教育个人健康与安全教育 do Italian and Spanish 学习意大利语和西班牙语学习意大利语和西班牙语Language focus-phrases a sports ground 一个操场一

13、个操场/运动场运动场 sports club 运动俱乐部运动俱乐部 language society 语言社团语言社团 parents meeting 家长会家长会Language focus more explanationI will stay here until Im 18.until 一直一直直到直到 notuntil 直到直到才才 例如:例如:Its cold until March.It isnt warm until March.Language focus more explanationWe have a break at 11:05.休息:休息:have a break,

14、have a rest,take a rest,take a break.break n.休息休息 v.打破,打破,broke,broken 例如:例如:Who broke this vase?Language focus more explanationI take my exams in eight subjects.take exams insubjects.参加几门考参加几门考试试 例如:例如:I will take my exams in 11 subjects.我将参加我将参加11门学科的考试。门学科的考试。Language focus more explanationWe hav

15、e a large sports ground where we play football.where作为关系副词引导定语从句,相当于作为关系副词引导定语从句,相当于in/at which 例如:例如:This is the factory in which I have worked.This is the factory where I have worked.Practice 校长每天都要做一个讲话。The head teacher makes a speech every day.我们每隔40分钟休息一次。We have a break every forty minutes.Pra

16、ctice 体育课包括身体练习和在体育馆里训练。(as well as)PE involves physical exercise as well as training in the gym.我每个学科都要参加考试。I will take my exams in every subject.Unit 3 Language in use 主格宾格形物名物反身I memyminemyselfyouyouyouryoursyourselfhehimhishishimselfshe herherhersherselfit ititsitsitselfwe usouroursourselvesyou

17、youyouryoursyourselvesthey themtheirtheirsthemselves与反身代词有关的词组与反身代词有关的词组 by oneself come to oneself enjoy oneself help oneself to hurt oneselfIt 除了人类之外的其他动物除了人类之外的其他动物时间,日期,距离,天气时间,日期,距离,天气形式主语形式主语 It is nice of you to help me.形式宾语形式宾语 I find it interesting to play basketball.不确定身份的时候不确定身份的时候 Someone is knocking at the door.Who is it?其他代词其他代词 this,that,these,those both,all,either,neither,each,none something anything 区别区别1.each&every2.none&no oneThe end

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