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1、施工技术Construction Technologies2 0 2 3 4云顶隧道敞开式隧道掘进机通过断层破碎带施工技术吴海祥1,尹佟华21.中交天和机械设备制造有限公司;2.中交第二公路工程局有限公司摘要马来西亚东海岸铁路项目云顶隧道右线隧道掘进机(TB M)掘进期间,遇到破碎围岩、软弱围岩、泥岩、断层以及深度塌腔等多种不良地质段,通过分析 TB M 通过的不良地质情况,对施工方案进行介绍,并对实际施工过程中应对不良地质的施工技术进行探析,可供同类不良地质工程借鉴。关键词:断层破碎带;隧道掘进机;施工技术作者简介:吴海祥(1988),男,山东菏泽人,工程师,学士,研究方向:山岭隧道掘进机设

2、备研发。1工程概况马来西亚东海岸铁路项目横贯马来西亚半岛东西,项目起点为哥打巴鲁,终点为巴生港,跨越吉兰丹、登嘉楼、彭亨以及雪兰莪 4 个州属。云顶隧道位于吉隆坡东北部山区,横穿巴雅山脉,隧道全长 16.4 km,是项目全线重点控制性工程,建成后将成为东南亚第一长隧道。云顶隧道不良地质段多,技术难度大,施工风险高,是典型的超大超长超难工程。云顶隧道设计为双洞单线隧道,设计坡度进口段坡度 3、出口段坡度-7.6,隧道线路成“人”字坡,最大埋深约 750 m。隧道褶皱和断裂构造较为发育,所有构造均与板块的裂开、俯冲、碰撞和造山后应力转换有关。隧道穿过 3 条地质断层,其中有 1 条为实测断层,2

3、条为物探推测断层,基本情况如表 1 所示。另外,根据地质勘察单位的水文报告,云顶隧道 38%段落(6 215 m)属中等富水区,其余 62%段落(10 155 m)属弱等富水区。不良地质主要有:1)花岗岩与片岩或千枚岩岩体蚀变带的大变形,通常而言,蚀变带岩体质地软、节理裂隙发育,围岩工程性能差,有大变形的风险;2)破碎带突水、涌水,破碎带通常岩体完整性极差,岩石风化破碎强烈,岩体工程地质性能差,同时鉴于云顶隧道隧址区地表水系发达,项目又位于热带雨林气候区,降雨充沛且较为平均,破碎带富水且水头较高,均有突水、涌水的水文地质条件。2设备情况本项目所使用的敞开式 TBM 由中交天和设计制造,敞开式

4、TBM 是以通过撑靴支撑在开挖的隧道岩壁上产生的摩擦力来提供推进力使刀盘掘进,并采用锚喷支护,可实现自动开挖、出渣、支护等功能。TBM 主要由刀盘、1082 0 2 3 4第卷总第期5459第期44主驱动、护盾、主梁、推进液压缸、撑靴液压缸、连接桥、仰拱块吊机以及 13 节后配套台车等组成。TBM 设备主要技术参数如表 2 所示。该敞开式 TBM 目前掘进累计进尺 2 300 m,最高单日进尺 27.3 m,最高月进尺 506 m。3不良地质施工措施TBM 在断层及破碎带中掘进,主要的工程难点包括围岩变形大,易造成塌方,掘进方向难以控制,TBM 撑靴落空无法推进等问题,导致无法正常施工。采取有

5、效措施顺利通过不良地质段是该工程的一个难点。通过断层破碎带不良地质,TBM 掘进可能出现的情况:(1)掌子面或刀盘后方频发塌方,刀盘前方局部临空,不能有效破岩,清渣支护工作量大。(2)出渣量瞬间增加导致输渣系统瘫痪,被迫频繁停机。(3)洞壁不能为 TBM 撑靴提供必要的承载力,致使TBM 推进困难,掘进方向难以控制1。(4)围岩坍塌,落石占用 TBM 主机区域设备空间,清渣占用大量时间,或因初期支护量大大增加,还需要回填或灌浆处理空洞,使 TBM 掘进单元经常待工,效率显著降低2。(5)围岩失稳引起坍塌,并可能会伴随发生突涌(泥)水,给 TBM 设备、作业人员安全带来威胁。(6)通过大的破碎带

6、时,围岩大面积深度坍塌,挤压护盾,导致卡机3。云顶隧道右线 TBM 掘进 2 km 期间,已经遇到了破碎围岩、软弱围岩、泥岩、断层、深度塌腔、涌水洞段等多种不良地质段,其中出现 2 次因软弱围岩造成撑靴踩踏围岩位置无法正常受力,撑靴打滑严重;还出现 1 次因拱顶围岩破碎严重,塌腔尺寸过大,落石对设备造成了损表 1断层一览表序号名称走向与路线关系相交里程上下盘地层备注F 物探 1物探推测断层CH503+337TF2地质调查期间观测断层160CH507+600T带内岩性为构造角砾岩,泥质、钙质胶结,发育硅化、褐铁矿化、高岭土化、碳酸盐化蚀变F 物探 2-1物探推测断层CH509+188O-SF 物

7、探 3物探推测断层CH510+822O-S表 2TBM 设备主要技术参数表主部件名称细目部件名称描述整机主机长度/m约 25整机长度/m266(包括加利福尼亚道岔)主机重量/t约 900最小转弯半径/m500适应的最大坡度上坡 3%,下坡 3%刀盘重量/t195刀盘驱动驱动型式VFD 变频驱动功率/kW4 900转速范围/(r/min)06.4额定转矩/(kN m)14 701脱困转矩/(kN m)22 052主轴承直径/mm4 860/6 000(内径/外径)推进系统液压缸数量/个4液压缸行程/mm1 829撑靴系统支撑形式浮动式主机皮带输送机胶带宽度/mm1 067皮带运行速度/(m/s)

8、02.8109施工技术Construction Technologies2 0 2 3 4图 3应急喷混凝土及模筑混凝土害。因此,必须针对上述不良地质情况,制定专门的施工措施。3.1顶部深度塌腔破 碎 围 岩 段 落 最 具 代 表 性 的 不 良 地 质 在YCH500+164YCH500+171 段,顶部塌腔深度高达 8 m,从右至左贯穿,现场顶部深度塌腔照片如图 1 所示,TBM在穿越该处不良地质段时,采用了刀盘低转速、低推力、短进尺及强支护等方式,现场及时启用钢筋排系统,并使用 125H 型钢代替连接筋,对顶部塌腔先进行厚度为 1.2m 的 C40 钢纤维混凝土回填,其余部位填充陶粒轻

9、式型混凝土。加密支护通过情况如图 2 所示。3.2撑靴位置塌腔和软弱围岩撑靴位置深度塌腔和软弱围岩的不良地质段严重影响 TBM 掘进换步作业,且该位置塌方较为严重,一定程度上影响了 TBM 仰拱预制块的安装,处理该不良地质段主要采用的是挂网喷混凝土作业的方式,同时在撑靴踩踏该段落时,降低水平液压缸的压力,控制在 25 MPa 左右,推进压力不得高于撑靴压力的 70%,防止因撑靴打滑,无法掘进,同时也会对撑靴总成主体结构造成伤害。对于软弱围岩和拱腰处存在较大塌腔时,对围岩进行加固处理,具体措施:(1)应急喷混凝土。应急喷混凝土封闭破碎围岩,及时控制岩体垮塌,但强度低,撑靴易二次破坏。(2)模筑混

10、凝土。模筑混凝土可增强软弱破碎围岩的承载力,确保撑靴正常受力,混凝土达到一定强度的等强时间长4。(3)软岩混凝土换填。凿除无强度的软弱岩体,浇筑混凝土置换,保证撑靴正常受力。应急喷混凝土及模筑混凝土情况如图 3 所示。TBM 穿越极破碎围岩,极易发生围岩大变形,应对初支护进行加固处理,具体措施:(1)加强支护。对变形段落加强支护,采用 125 型钢代替拱架连接筋,必要时加密拱架 45 cm 等。(2)拱架临时支撑。拱架发生下沉时,增加临时竖撑,控制变形量,如图 4 所示。(3)钢轨排代替仰拱块。针对后配套无法通过的情况,采用钢轨排代替仰拱块,降低后配套高度。TBM 掘进遇到破碎围岩、软弱围岩时

11、,隧底易出现大量积渣,具体处置措施:(1)钢筋排支护。及时安装钢筋排,控制掉渣量,同时露出护盾的破碎围岩采用应急喷混凝土及时封闭。(2)小型挖掘机辅助清渣。受空间限制,清渣以人工为主,小型挖掘机为辅。图 1现场顶部深度塌腔图 2加密支护施工1102 0 2 3 4第卷总第期5459第期44(3)钢轨排代替仰拱块。采用轨排代替仰拱块,在积渣不完全清理的情况下,保证 TBM 快速通过。底部清渣处理如图 5 所示。4结束语在采取上述施工措施和调整掘进方案后,TBM 顺利通过了该断层破碎带,大大降低了卡机对施工的影响,为类似 TBM 在断层及破碎带中掘进积累了丰富的经验。(1)加强地质勘察工作,尽可能

12、探明前方地质条件。结合地质资料以及掘进参数和出渣情况,可初步判断前方地质是否有变化。同时,可以配置相应的超前地质预报设备,如 BEAM、TSP、HSP、ISIS 等5,每天利用 TBM 整备时间或者在不影响正常掘进的情况下实施预报。(2)围岩轻微或一般失稳洞段,通常不会严重影响TBM 掘进,坍塌量不大,可采用先掘进后处理的办法。通过减小撑靴撑紧压力,减小推进力与推进速度,降低刀盘转速等掘进参数的调整,继续掘进。围岩在护盾后面露出后,根据围岩的表现形式与失稳程度,选取合适的形式及时加强初期支护,可采用的支护形式有喷射混凝土、锚杆、钢筋网、钢拱架等。(3)围岩发生严重失稳时,TBM 无法继续掘进,

13、必须停机,先处理后通过。利用 TBM 自身设备超前处理,对前方的断层破碎带超前加固处理,然后 TBM 再掘进通过。超前加固的措施包括超前锚杆、超前小导管、超前注浆、超前管棚等,可以采用加固速度快、效果较明显的新型化学浆液材料。围岩失稳洞段,TBM 掘进方向容易发生偏离,需高度关注掘进方向的变化,及时调整,避免出现较大偏离。(4)对于可能出现的卡机现象,根据隧道工程施工经验,结合国际已有工程的施工经验,同时咨询国内外专家,得出 TBM 破碎带卡机时,可采用开挖导洞超前预加固法通过。参考文献1 王梦恕,王占山.TBM 通过断层破碎带的施工技术 J.隧道建设,2001(3):21-25.2 张瑞春.

14、TBM 顶部塌方洞段固结灌浆方案 J.山西水利科技,2008(5):81-87.3 范以田,王晓全,陈艳会,等.大坂泥岩隧洞 TBM 脱困综合技术方案J.土工基础,2010(3):25-26.4 尚彦军,杨志法,曾庆利,等.TBM 施工遇险工程地质问题分析和失误的反思J.岩石力学与工程学报,2007(21):2 404-2 411.5 刘斌,李卫兵.TBM 隧洞施工超前地质预报方法对比分析J.矿山机械,2008(21):1-6.通信地址:江苏省常熟市义虞路 123 号中交天和机械设备制造有限公司(215500)(收稿日期:2022-12-27)图 4拱架临时支撑图 5底部清渣处理111tect

15、ion method based on machine vision is proposed,which adopts a robot au-tonomous operation platform and a bolt fastening method based on image recog-nition.It uses a 3D camera to collect im-ages and an image processing software Halcon to achieve image threshold seg-mentation based on grayscale values

16、.A circular curve algorithm is used to obtain the complete bolt hole circle,and Hough circles function in open-cv is used to ob-tain the geometric center coordinates and radius of the circle to extract the coordi-nates of the bolt hole position.Then,the coordinates of the bolt holes outside the shoo

17、ting range are got by physical co-ordinate relations,and finally the visual coordinates are converted to the coordi-nates under the robot coordinate system.This method solves the problem of instal-lation in complex situations within the steam generator and the problem of not being able to do it in o

18、ne step when the installation is complex and realizes the function of automatic,fast and accurate location of the installation.The research on the accurate recognition technology of bolt hole position can realize the im-provement from eye recognition to ma-chine vision recognition,greatly improve th

19、e efficiency of plug mounting plate installation and ensure the safety of the operator in the radiation environment.Keywords:Machine vision system;Bolt location;Halcon;Threshold segmenta-tionDiscussion on Standard for Setting Overhead Guard of Pallet StackerTSG N00012017 Special Purpose Mo-tor Vehic

20、les in Defined Fields Safety and Technical Supervision Regulation clarifies the scope of application of fork-lift trucks and puts forward framework requirements in terms of design,manu-facture,use and inspection.The overhead guard is an important safeguarding and protective device for forklift truck

21、s.The necessity of setting an overhead guard for a pallet stacker is analyzed and dis-cussed.Based on the safety technical specifications and relevant standards on special equipment,the difference be-tween ride-on vehicles and walk-in vehi-cles are clarified by explanation of terms,and corrective me

22、asures are proposed from the safety perspective.Finally,combined with the actual work and in-dustry characteristics,the construction of a safety-centered standard system is rec-ommended toensure the safe operation of equipment and continuously improve the safety and integrity of forklift truck in-sp

23、ection,which further enhances Chinas discourse power in the field of interna-tional standardization in forklift truck industry while avoiding the emergence of controversial issues.Keywords:Pallet stacker;Overhead guard;Ride-on vehicle;Walk-in vehi-cle;StandardConstruction Technology of Open Tun-nel

24、Boring Machine Passing Through Fault Fracture Zone in Genting TunnelDuring the excavation of the tunnel boring machine(TBM)of the Genting Tunnel Right Line of the Pantai Timur Railway Project in Malaysia,various un-favorable geological sections such as bro-ken surrounding rock,weak surrounding rock,

25、mudstone,fault and deep collapse cavity were encountered.By analyzing the unfavorable geological conditions through which the TBM passed,the construction plan was introduced,and the construction technologies to cope 英文摘要ABSTRACTS IN ENGLISHVol.54Serial No.594Publishing on Apr.10,2023No.4英文摘要ABSTRACT

26、S IN ENGLISHVol.54Serial No.594No.4Publishing on Apr.10,2023with the unfavorable geology during the actual construction wereanalyzed,which provides a reference for similar unfavora-ble geological projects.Keywords:Fault fracture zone;Tunnel boring machine;Construction technologyResearch on Control o

27、f Excavation Parameters of Earth Pressure Shield in Tianjin Metro SectionBased on the first phase project of Tian-jin Metro Line 11,the control of excava-tion parameters such as soil chamber pressure,slag discharge volume and excavation speed of shield launching and standard section is discussed.The

28、 exca-vation parameters of the entireexcavation section are analyzed.The results show that the total thrust force ranges from 7 800 to 31 000 kN,the cutter head torque ranges from 600 to 3 150 kNm,the thrust speed ranges from 35 to 55 mm/min,the water injection volume is 0.5 to 1.2 m3,and the parame

29、ters are stable within a reasonable range,which verifies the reasonableness of the control of the excavation parameters.Keywords:Earth pressure shield;Exca-vation parameters;Clay strataResearch on Construction Technology and Control Strategy of Shield in Upper Soft and Lower Hard Composite StrataFor

30、 the key difficulties of shield con-struction in the upper soft and lower hard strata,the shield tunnel project of a section of the Heyan Road Crossing Pas-sage is studied.Firstly,the stratigraphic distribution of the upper soft and lower hard strata in this section is introduced,and the main diffic

31、ulties of shield con-struction technology are explored.Then,the fluctuations of the main excavation parameters before and after the cutter changing are analyzed through the ex-cavation parameters recorded during the construction,and based on the changes of the average thrust speed,cutter head torque

32、,total thrust force and segment floating,the way of controlling the exca-vation parameters during the excavation process is studied.Finally,corresponding control strategies for the key problems in the construction of upper soft and lower hard composite strata are given,which can provide suggestions

33、for similar shield construction projects.Keywords:Upper soft and lower hard strata;Shield construction;Excava-tion parameter control;Construction strategyResearch on Application of Rotational Molded Hydraulic Oil Tank in Construc-tion MachineryBy comparing the differences between rotational molded h

34、ydraulic oil tanks and metal welded hydraulic oil tanks in terms of weight,shape,corrosion resistance,sealing,economy,technology and oil tank accessory installation,the consid-erations for the application of rotational molded hydraulic oil tanks in construc-tion machinery are proposed,including inst

35、allation,oil tank shape,heat dissipa-tion of hydraulic system and torque con-trol of oil tank inserts,which can provide experience and reference for the applica-tion of rotational molded hydraulic oil tanks in construction machinery.Keywords:Construction machinery;Hydraulic oil tank;Rotational molding materialAnalysis and Improvement of Commu-nication Crosstalk on Electric LoaderTaking an electric loader as the research object,it repeatedly has the problems of

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