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1、大学英语四级预测作文资料仅供参考Topic 1: On the Popularity of Internet-based Instruction1. 现在许多大学纷纷开设网络课程 2. 网络课程学习的利与弊 3. 我的观点 With the rapid development of information technology, there is a boom in Internet-based instruction. Most of the universities offer online courses which have gained much popularity among s

2、tudents nowadays. This new way of teaching brings many advantages. Firstly, it gives much convenience and freedom to students. Students can study at any time and any place as they like, even in pajamas. Secondly, it is very economical because students are not required to come to the campus, and scho

3、ols can cut the expenditure on electricity and water supply, doorkeepers payment, park lots maintenance and so on. But online learning has drawbacks as well. One of them is that there is no effective way to ensure that students make the required efforts. As for me, I prefer the traditional way of te

4、aching. The face-to-face communication with teachers can give me more encouragement. As a matter of fact, the direct guidance and class interaction benefit me a lot.Topic 2: On Overseas Study1. 有人认为海外留学好处颇多 2. 有人反对这种观点 3. 我的看法 Like anything else, overseas study has both advantages and disadvantages.

5、 The main benefits of studying overseas are as follows. In the first place, the overseas students can benefit greatly from the higher academic level and the more advanced research facilities in some famous universities. In the second place, its the best way to understand a new culture and its people

6、 and language. Last but not the least, the experience will be invaluable to character building, making most students more independent, diligent and enterprising.However, the negative effects are also obvious. To begin with, if a person does not make full preparations before going abroad, he will hav

7、e great difficulty adapting to the new environment. Whats more, the cultural differences will hinder the regular life in many ways. Finally, money is always a big problem. Many students have to find parttime jobs to earn money to pay tuition and fees. In conclusion, the advantages of overseas study

8、outweigh its disadvantages. Once they return home, the overseas students will make great contribution to our motherland.Topic 3: Going on Study or Going to Work?1. 有些人决定毕业后读研 2. 有些人决定找工作 3. 我的看法 Currently, the major dilemma which most students face upon graduation is whether to continue pursuing pos

9、tgraduate studies or to find a job immediately. Those who decide to go to work immediately cannot wait to put what they have learned into practice. They believe that only by application can they master knowledge in the real sense. Most important of all, they can live on their own and have the feelin

10、g of accomplishment for the first time. Other people, however, believe that if a person wants to be an expert in a specialized field, four years in university is far from enough. The best way is to choose a direction and study it in depth. It is not late at all when they go to work, because they sta

11、rt at a much higher level. No matter which choice a student will finally make, he has to be extremely careful to look into his unique situation and consult the predecessors for their advice. He will make the right choice if he knows his goal in life and how to turn it into reality.Topic 4: Stepping

12、Away from Online Games1. 现在有许多大学生沉溺于网络游戏 2. 这一现象给大学生带来的影响 3. 建议大家远离这种消遣方式 Nowadays, more and more college students are addicted to online games. Those games may be fun and exciting, but are very harmful to those addicts.In my opinion, there are many disadvantages of game addiction. Firstly, online g

13、ames take up a lot of playerstime for study. Many of the addicts found themselves forced to drop out of school for poor academic performance. Secondly, addicts tend to isolate themselves from the reality. Whats worse, indulging in the virtual world for a long time, they are more liable to suffer men

14、tal problem and physical collapse. Finally, players are exposed to too much violent and unhealthy material, which is definitely harmful to their growth.In short, I cannot see any benefits from online games. Studying should be the primary concern of college students. Therefore, I do hope they can ste

15、p away from online games.Topic 5: How to Eliminate Cheating on Campus?1. 当前校园中存在许多作弊现象 2. 如何解决这一问题 Nowadays, instead of listening attentively in class and working hard after class, a number of students adopt all kinds of dishonest methods to get high scores in examinations. It has become such a seri

16、ous problem that it has aroused the concern from the whole society.To put an end to such a serious problem, in my mind, it calls for the efforts from all sides. First of all, the university authority should make it clear that any cheating behavior in the examinations, from whispering, copying, and r

17、eceiving answers via mobile phones to asking ringers for help, will be severely punished with no exception. Moreover, teachers of all subjects should go all the way to restore honesty by setting an example for the youth through speaking sincerely and behaving truthfully. Last but not least, young st

18、udents, the future of our nation, should view integrity as the prerequisite to an upright and responsible citizen so as to learn to despise and fight against dishonest behaviors throughout the life. Only when all of us join in the efforts of eliminating cheating at all levels can we expect to have a

19、 cleaner society and a more beautiful future.Topic 6: Should Basic Living Skills Become Compulsory at School?1. 一些人认为基本生活技能也应该成为中国学生的必修课 2. 反对者则认为,学生应在家里逐步学习基本生活技能 3. 提出自己的观点 In many developed countries, the teaching of basic living skills has long been much stressed. Then some people consider this

20、course should also be listed compulsory at school in China. They believe its a most useful form of education, which will benefit students for the rest of their life.However, another group of people insist the new course is unnecessary despite its well-meaning intention. In their opinions, the teachi

21、ng of basic living skills is familys responsibility, instead of schools obligation. Moreover, the development of basic living skills is a process, not something that examinations can impart to students.For my part, I agree encouraging students to develop basic living skills is a good thing, but the

22、unsuitable education environment in China has to be noticed. Besides, the heavy study burden on students, if more classes are added, should also be taken into account. Therefore, I dont think its time to make basic living skills compulsory at school for the time being.Topic 7: Private Schools and Tr

23、aining Schools1. 社会上存在着各种私立学校和培训学校 2. 私立学校和培训学校的利与弊 3. 我的观点 With the development of the society and economy, there arise various private schools and training schools, which mainly deal with foreign languages, computers, music, sports, and so on.However, is it good to have so many private schools and

24、 training schools? As a coin has two sides, so are the private schools and training schools concerning their advantages and disadvantages.On the one hand, private schools and training schools can meet the special need of some people, and help them to improve themselves. On the other hand, they often

25、 bring the parents and family heavy economic burden because of their high fees, and put mental pressure on students because of the fierce competition.As for me, I will not choose a private school or training school just to go with the stream. First, it is not difficult for us college students to tea

26、ch ourselves. Second, we should do something to lessen the burden of our family. Make reasonable choices when facing fashion.Topic 8: On College Students Occupying Seats1. 大学校园里占座是很普遍的现象 2. 针对这一行为,人们持不同意见 3. 我的看法 On campus, it is a common phenomenon for students to occupy seats. In the library, clas

27、srooms, and even the canteen, you can find books and pens claiming the temporary usage of the tables and seats.This issue has aroused public concern. Some people hold that it is wrong and impolite behavior which should be fought with. While others argue that students should not take the blame since

28、colleges fail to provide sufficient teaching resources.There is probably some truth in both sides. As to me, Im in favor of the former argument. For one thing, occupying seats inevitably worsens the problem of resource shortage. The seats will remain empty until the occupiers come. For another, taki

29、ng up seats does harm to the harmonious campus atmosphere when friendship and modesty give way to improper competition. Therefore, I strongly oppose this kind of act.Topic 9: Should College Students Have a Credit Card?1. 当前,许多在校大学生都拥有一张甚至几张信用卡 2. 大学生使用信用卡的范围 3. 你认为大学生是否有必要持有信用卡 At present, credit ca

30、rds, the once exclusive possessions of the rich, have become quite popular on campus. Some college students hold more than one credit card. They use credit cards to buy a variety of goods,such as clothes, stationery, electronic products and other expensive goods. Whats more, they also use credit car

31、ds to pay mobile phone bills and other bills.In my opinion, credit cards are not necessities for college students. With credit cards, some students tend to purchase goods on impulse. They can get temporary satisfaction this way; however, hot-headed purchase will leave a heavy financial burden on stu

32、dents. Worse still, if they cannot repay debts on time, their dishonest behavior will be recorded. In a world of credit, such a record is definitely unfavorable to the students.Topic 10: On Accommodation Arrangements1. 有些人认为要为学生提供“单人宿舍”2. 有些人认为“集体宿舍”更好 3. 我的观点 There is still no consensus of opinion

33、among people as to the accommodation arrangementsseparate room or dormitory. Some people strongly stand by the former idea. For one thing, they believe the separate room enables student to enjoy the freedom of flexibility; for example, they can regulate the time schedule according to the personal re

34、quirements and decorate it on their own demand without interference of others. For another, they have the right to conserve their privacy once the economic condition is available. However, those insisting that students should live in dormitory rather than in separate rooms claim that the former is m

35、ore practical and easy, for it will not only enhance the emotional exchange among students, but also strengthen the construction of class culture.Personally, separate room, though seemingly more convenient, will exert negative influence on students mental health and personal value; while dormitory c

36、an improve the above-mentioned situation through natural communications among roommates.Topic 11: My View on Smoking Bans in Schools1.有些大学提出校园禁烟令 2.有人认为,而有人认为3.我的看法 Despite the fact that smoking is harmful to health, there are still many people addicted to such a habit. Considering its great harm to

37、 individual and its surroundings, it has been suggested by several schools to issue smoking bans. For instance, the customs like delivering, sending and lighting up cigarette are forbidden and posters on smoking bans are put up.In terms of the usefulness and practicality of such a ban, some people r

38、eckon that it will not only help to create the green campus, but also bring benefits to the formation of civilized habit. It has been proved by practice that both smoking and cigarette ends have been greatly decreased since the issue of the smoking ban. However, some people hold that there is no def

39、inite punitive measures in the ban, which can only make it a piece of worthless paper with no effect on eradicating smoking. To wipe out smoking on campus is anything but easy, and smoking ban, though not the most effective way, is intended to control smoking, and hence, I personally believe it will

40、 better the current situation.Topic 12: Is EQ More Important than IQ?1. 许多人认为情商(Emotional Quotient)比智商(Intelligence Quotient)更重要 2. 我的观点 Nowadays, many people in the society hold the idea that 20% of ones success lies in his Intelligence Quotient, while 80% in his Emotional Quotient. People now are

41、more and more aware of the importance of EQ.In my opinion, I fully agree with that. First of all, with a high EQ, one will get along well with his peers and companions, so they can conduct business or finish their work in a harmonious atmosphere and improve the working efficiency. Furthermore, only

42、with high EQ can one be self-restrained and bravely overcome the difficulties encountered in work and life. In brief, a high EQ will make a person become more optimistic, confident and passionate in his work. As the saying goes, ones character determines ones destiny, which stresses on the importanc

43、e of EQ. Therefore, while IQ indeed cant be ignored, EQ is more vital for one to be successful.Topic 13: Does Personality Decide Destiny?1.有人认为性格决定命运 2.也有人认为命运是自己把握的 3.我的观点 Personality is the distinctive character or quality of a person, and it is also believed by many people to be the decisive fact

44、or in ones destiny. The famous American military schoolWest Point holds the idea for years that personality decides destiny, and now more and more people share this belief. Personality such as sociability, honesty, aggressiveness and stubbornness distinguishes one man from another, deciding his way

45、of dealing with everything. A conservative man would never take the lead in any pioneering path, so we hardly find him in the list of great revolutionists.On the other hand, some people dont think the above statement valid because they believe that the key to ones fate is held by no one but himself.

46、 Personality is not innate or unchangeable. Harebrained person could also become a great mathematician because he knows his own weak point and would remind himself to be more careful. Where there is a will, there is a way. We are the only master of our own destiny.Finally, I cannot entirely agree wi

47、th the idea that personality decides destiny; I believe personality might have some influence on destiny, but it cannot decide it. All in all, we hold our fate in our own hands.Topic 14: The Importance of Financial Management1.个人理财在现代生活中非常重要 2.很多大学生因没有正确的理财观念而产生了许多问题 3.对于大学生理财的建议 Financial managemen

48、t was once regarded as a profound and complicated study, and it was far away from the life of ordinary people. But now, people of all walks of life talk about savings, stock, fund, house property and so on, since the good private financial management can help us not only to spend our money wisely, but also to make greater fortunes on it.Unfortunately, many undergraduates dont know how to manage their money, wasting a lot of it. Some of them have no plan for their daily expense, so whenever their wallet is full, they can empt

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