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1、高考英语高频词汇大全表(带音标示例版)-共100个-1.supposespoz v. 设想,料想;猜想,假定【示例】I suppose I should probably find a part-time job. 我在想也许我该找个兼职做。2.observebzrv v. 观察,注意,遵守【示例】The little girl is observing the goldfish carefully. 小女孩正在仔细观察那条金鱼。3.attendtend v. 照顾;护理;出席;参加【示例】The young father attends his baby with the fake boob

2、. 年轻爸爸用假咪咪喂他的宝宝。4.supplyspla n. 供应(量),(复)存货,需品; v. 供给,满足(需要)【示例】Our oil supply comes from this pipe. 我们的石油供应来自这个管道。5.typicaltpkl adj. 典型的;代表性的【示例】Its typical for many Japanese to eat rice this way. 这是很多日本人吃米饭的典型方式。6.supportsprt v. 支持,拥护,支撑,供养; n. 支撑者,支撑物,支撑,支持【示例】My father gives me a lot of love and

3、 support. 我的父亲给予我很多爱与支持。7.entirentar adj. 全部的,完整的,整个的【示例】From the airplane I could see the entire city. 在飞机上我可以看到整个城市。8.happenhpn v. 发生,碰巧,恰好【示例】How did this horrible accident happen? 这桩可怕的事故是如何发生的?9.astonishedstnt adj. 诧异,吃惊的【示例】My mother was astonished by my new haircut. 我妈妈被我的新发型惊倒了。10.recognizer

4、eknaz v. 认出,识别【示例】Although the superstar wears the sunglasses, his fans still recognize him. 尽管这个明星带了墨镜,但是他的粉丝还是认出他来了。11.growro v. 生长,增长,渐渐变得【示例】Plants grow in the field. 植物长在田里。12.shouldd aux. 应该,就,将要,可能【示例】When you are working, you should sit up straight. 工作时,你应该挺身坐直。13.insistnsst v. 坚持;坚持要求;坚持认为【

5、示例】His mother insists that he should put on his warm pants. 男孩的妈妈坚持要他穿秋裤。14.protectprtekt v. 保护,警戒【示例】We need to protect this plant - its very rare. 我们需要保护这株植物,它非常稀有。15.outstandingatstnd adj. 显著的,突出的,杰出的【示例】Jack Ma is an outstanding example of entrepreneurs. 马云是企业家中的杰出代表。16.imaginemdn v. 想象;设想;料想【示例

6、】She is imagining herself wearing a pretty dress. 她在想象自己穿上新裙子时候的样子。17.rangerend n. 范围,射程,排,山脉,放牧场; vi. 排成一排; vt. 排列; adj. 牧场的【示例】Try to keep your speed in the range of 40-80 kilometers per hour. 尽量把你的速度保持在每小时4080公里的范围内。18.considerknsdr v. 认为,考虑【示例】I will consider your offer, but I think I can get a

7、better one. 我会考虑你给的职位,但我觉得我能找到一个更好的。19.delightdlat n. 高兴,愉快; v. 使高兴【示例】I finally got this bag! she yelled with delight. “我终于买到这个包包了!”她高兴地尖叫着。20.casekes n. 例子,箱子,情况; v. 包围,把装于容器中【示例】As a lawyer, I have lots of cases to deal with. 作为一个律师,我有大量的案件需要处理。21.rewardrwrd n. 报答,报酬,奖赏,补偿; vt. 酬谢,报答,报应【示例】Lord B

8、ao receives a gift in reward for his hard work. 为奖励包大人辛苦工作,他收到了礼物。22.treattrit v. 对待,治疗,讨论,请客; n. 请客【示例】I went to the dentists office to get my teeth treated. 我去牙医那里治疗我的牙齿。23.effectfekt n. 效果,影响,印象,所有物; vt. 使发生,引起,产生【示例】That lighting effect makes the stage look mysterious. 那种灯光效果使舞台看起来很神秘。24.consume

9、rknsumr n. 消费者;用户【示例】Consumers should make healthy choices about the foods they buy. 消费者在购买食品的时候应该选择健康的食品。25.punishpn v. 惩罚,处罚【示例】I punish you to kneel on the laundry board! 我罚你跪搓衣板!26.worthwr adj. 值钱的,值得的; n. 价值,财产【示例】My house is worth two hundred thousand dollars. 我的房子值二十万美元。27.survivesrvav vi. 活下

10、来,幸存; vt. 比活得长,幸免于【示例】Its hard for plants to survive in the desert. 对植物来说,在沙漠里生存很困难。28.spendspend v. 花费,用尽,度过【示例】I spend too much money on clothes! 我花了太多的钱在买衣服上。29.intendntend v. 想要,打算,企图【示例】Hi, cat, what do you intend to do - eat me, or just watch me? 嗨,小猫,你想干吗?吃掉我还是只是看着我。30.loseluz vi. (在竞争或比赛中)输掉

11、; vt. 失去,丧失,遗失,浪费,亏损【示例】It took a long time for the fat man to lose weight. 这个胖子用了很长时间来减肥。31.choicets n. 选择(机会),抉择,选项,精华; adj. 精选的,上等的,优等的【示例】To make the right choice, you have to attend the lessons. 为了选出正确的选项,你必须得去上课。32.remindrmand v. 提醒,使想起【示例】My phone reminded me that I have an appointment this a

12、fternoon. 电话提醒我下午还有一个约会。33.quitkwt vt. 辞职;停止;离开【示例】Once and for all, its time to quit smoking. 是时候彻底戒烟了!34.emploympl vt. 雇用;使忙于;使用,用于【示例】She employed a babysitter to look after her children. 她雇了个保姆来照顾她的孩子。35.overlookovrlk v. 忽视,眺望,俯视【示例】It is easy to overlook Mr. Bao in this picture. 在这张照片中很容易忽视包大人。

13、pletekmplit adj. 完整的,完成的; v. 完成,使齐全【示例】And, finally, the puzzle is complete. 最终,拼图完整了。37.operatepret v. 动手术,操作,运转,经营【示例】The doctors will have to operate to fix the problem. 医生将不得不动手术来修复病症。38.abandonbndn v. 抛弃;放弃;放纵【示例】The mother has abandoned her baby. 这个母亲抛弃了她的孩子。39.reflectrflekt v. 倒映;反映;反省;仔细思考【示

14、例】Its so beautiful how the water reflects the sky. 天空倒映在湖面上,真是太美了!40.checktek v. 检查,阻止; n. 支票,阻止,阻止物【示例】Let me check that your blood pressure is OK. 让我查查你的血压是否正常。41.particularprtkjlr adj. 特殊的,特定的,特别的,不寻常的,挑剔的; n. 详细情况【示例】I chose five particular people out of the crowd. 我从人群中选出了五个与众不同的人。42.affordfrd

15、vt. 买得起;抽得出时间;担负得起;提供;产生;赐予; vi. 买得起;担负得起【示例】Ive married a tycoon who can afford the branded goods for me. 姐嫁给了一个能给我买名牌货的土豪。43.provepruv v. 证明;检验;结果是【示例】It takes one second to say I do, but a lifetime to prove it. 说一句“我愿意”只用一秒,证明它却需要一辈子。44.knowledgenld n. 知识,学识,知道,了解【示例】Children are able to learn mo

16、re quickly and retain more knowledge than adults. 小孩子能比大人学的更快更多。45.destroydstr v. 破坏,消灭,毁灭【示例】My computer was completely destroyed in the fire. 我的电脑被大火毁尽了。46.controlkntrol n. 控制,对照实验,控制装置; vt. 控制,管理【示例】I can control the sound balance by adjusting the volume. 我能通过调节音量来控制声音的平衡。47.introducentrdus v. 介绍

17、,传入,引进,提出,采用【示例】Students will introduce themselves on the first day at school. 开学第一天,学生们都要介绍自己。48.cafekfe n. 咖啡馆,餐馆【示例】The man drinks coffee in a cafe. 这个男人在咖啡馆喝咖啡。49.closeklos v. 关,闭,结束; n. 结束,(私人)围地; adj. 严密的,(时间/距离)近的,相似的; adv. (时间/距离)接近地【示例】It feels bad to have a door close on you. 对着一扇关闭的门感觉很糟。

18、50.necessarynesseri adj. 必要的,必需的,不可避免的; n. 必需品【示例】Food and water are necessary for life. 食物和水是生命所需。51.directiondrekn n. 方向,方位,指令,说明【示例】The road goes in many directions. 道路四通八达。52.discoverdskvr v. 发现,找到,发掘,揭露【示例】I hope to discover a cure for AIDS. 我希望能找到艾滋病的治疗办法。53.demanddmnd n. 要求(坚决的),需求; v. 强烈要求,需

19、要【示例】The bad guy had a demand of one million yuan or he kills the boy. 坏人索要100万元人民币,否则他就要撕票。54.callkl v. 把叫做,叫,喊; n. 打电话【示例】Sir, there is a call for you. 先生,这有你的电话。55.doubtdat n. 怀疑,疑虑; v. 怀疑【示例】She is having doubts about her husband having an affair. 她怀疑她的丈夫出轨了。56.progressprres n. 进步,前进,进展【示例】The c

20、hart showed that we were making progress, selling more every year. 图表说明我们在进步,销量一年高于一年。57.includenklud v. 包括,包含【示例】We should try our best to include everybody. 我们应该尽力去把每个人包括进来。58.signalsnl n. 信号; v. 发信号;标志【示例】The ship sent out a signal for help. 这艘船发出了求救信号。59.standardstndrd n. 标准,规格; adj. 标准的【示例】Shou

21、ld this be the standard for the perfect figure? 这种身材是完美身材的标准吗?60.damagedmd v. 损害,毁坏; n. 损害【示例】Oh no! My car was badly damaged after hitting the tree. 噢不!我的车在撞树之后严重损坏了。61.convenientknvinint adj. 方便的,便利的【示例】Its so convenient! You can buy things here at any time. 太方便啦!你随时可以在这儿买东西。62.representativereprz

22、enttv n. 代表,代理人; adj. (of)典型的,有代表性的【示例】She was elected as a representative of the National Peoples Congress. 她被选为人大代表。63.hurryhri v. 赶紧,催促【示例】It seems that everyone in this city is always in a hurry. 在这座城市似乎每个人都总是行色匆匆。64.mentionmenn v. 提及,提名,推荐; n. 谈到,提及【示例】She mentioned her child during their conve

23、rsation. 她在谈话中提到了她的孩子。65.urgerd vt. 使加快,鼓励,力劝; vi. 极力主张; n. 冲动【示例】He urged the pig to go faster. 他催促小猪跑快点儿。66.sightsat n. 视力,望见,视域【示例】My dogs sight is better with these binoculars. 用了望远镜,我的狗视力更好了。parekmper v. 比较,比作【示例】Its smart to compare products when you go shopping. 当你购物时,比较商品是明智的。68.dealdil n. 交

24、易,协定,大量; v. 应付,处理,交易,经营【示例】So we agree, youll buy my house? Do we have a deal? Good. 那么你确定要买我的房子?我们说好了吧,很好!69.offerfr n. 提供,出价,报价,提供物; vi. 提议,求婚; vt. 提供,提议【示例】That companys job offer is so nice! I cant say no! 那个公司的工作邀请太赞了!我没法拒绝!70.judgedd n. 法官,裁判; v. 审判,裁决,判断【示例】The judge decides if I will go to j

25、ail. 法官决定我是否会入狱。71.meansminz n. 方法,手段,工具【示例】Ill push the nail in by means of this hammer. 我要用这把锤子钉钉子。72.obtainbten v. 获得【示例】The policeman is obtaining evidence from the crime scene. 警察正在犯罪现场取证。73.curiouskjris adj. 好奇的,好管闲事的,古怪的【示例】The cats are curious about whats behind the door. 小猫们对门后面是什么很好奇。74.ad

26、miredmar v. 钦佩,赞美,羡慕,喜欢【示例】The general was admired for his brilliant feat in battle. 将军因为在战斗中立下英勇战绩而受人钦佩。75.reducerdus v. 减少,减小,降低,精简【示例】This phone is reduced to 998 in the sale. 这个手机降价啦,只要998!76.costkst vt. 花费,使付出; n. 价格,成本,花费; vi. 估计成本,需要付出高昂代价【示例】This bra costs $200! How expensive! 这件小内内要200刀!太贵了

27、吧!77.availablevelbl adj. 有空的,可得到的,可利用的,有效的【示例】The receptionist told me that there was only one room available. 前台接待员告诉我只有一个房间可以住了。78.weightwet n. 重量,负荷,重要性,砝码; v. 加重量于,使变重【示例】The weight of the apples you chose is 2 kilos. 你选的苹果重量是两公斤。79.limitlmt n. 界限,限度,范围; v. 限制,限定【示例】Slow down! Youre going faster

28、 than the speed limit. 开慢点!你超速了!80.fuelfjul n. 燃料; v. 给加燃料【示例】The man is adding fuel to the car. 那个人正在给那辆车加油。81.determinedtrmn v. 确定,决定【示例】He determined to join the army. 他决定参军。82.fortunefrtn n. 运气,命运,财产【示例】What a good fortune! I won the first prize. 运气真好!我中了一等奖。83.adaptdpt vt. 使适合;改编; vi. 适应不同情况【示例

29、】Camels have adapted three eyelids to cope with desert sandstorms. 骆驼有三层眼皮来适应和对付沙漠中的沙尘暴。84.carrykri v. 携带,运载,传送【示例】Thanks for helping me carry these heavy boxes! 谢谢你帮我搬这些重箱子。85.coverkvr v. 盖住,包括,掩护,通过,占地; n. 盖子,封面【示例】I dont use my swimming pool in the winter , so I cover it. 冬季我不用游泳池,所以我把它盖上。86.sens

30、esens n. 感官,官能,感觉,判断力,见识; v. 觉得,意识到【示例】Im blind, but I can read this book using my sense of touch. 我是盲人,但是我能用我的触觉来读这本书。87.dependdpend v. 依靠,相信,依赖【示例】Sometimes people have to depend on others for help. 有时候人们需要依赖他人的帮助。88.encouragenkrd v. 鼓励;支持;赞助【示例】Her boyfriend encourages her when she exercises. 当她锻

31、炼时,她的男朋友在鼓励她。89.developdvelp v. 生长,发育,发展,显影【示例】We can watch the seed develop into a plant. 我们能够观察到这颗种子发育为一株植物。90.approachprot v. 接近;靠近; n. 接近;途径;方法【示例】The boat is approaching the jetty at a high speed. 这艘船正以很快的速度靠近岸边。91.knocknk v. 敲击,互撞,攻击; n. 敲,敲门,敲打【示例】Please knock on the door before you enter. 请你

32、在进来之前先敲门。92.designdzan n. 设计;图样; vt. 设计【示例】Look at these dress designs. They are so fashionable. 看这些裙子的设计,真是时尚。93.dangerdendr n. 危险,危险物(或人),威胁【示例】This sign warned us that we were in danger. 这个指示牌警告我们有危险!94.devotedvot vt. 献身于,专心致力于,奉献【示例】They devote all their love to Christianity. 他们把所有的爱都献给了基督教。95.p

33、ossesspzes v. 拥有,占有,(鬼等)缠、附【示例】She possesses many pairs of shoes. 她有很多双鞋。96.desiredzar n. 渴望;欲望;愿望;要求; v. 渴望;向往;要求【示例】The cat is filled with the desire to eat the fish. 这只猫心里充满了吃掉这条鱼的渴望。97.habithbt n. 习惯,习性,脾性【示例】Make a habit of washing your hands after using the bathroom! 要养成上完厕所就洗手的习惯。98.effortefr

34、t n. 努力;成就【示例】She makes efforts to do exercise so that she can keep fit. 她努力健身以保持身材。99.impressmpres v. 使有印象,使铭记【示例】The magician impressed the audience with his amazing tricks. 这位魔术师用他惊人的伎俩给观众留下了深刻的印象。100.alternativeltrntv adj. 供选择的,两者择一的,非主流的; n. 二者择一,供替代的选择【示例】There are five alternative answers for each question. 每个问题有五个备选答案。

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