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1、编号:时间:2021年x月x日书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟页码:第18页 共18页Chapter 1 Logistics and competitive strategyn Highlights the principles of competitive strategy and the pursuit of differentiation through the development of productivity and value advantage.n 强调竞争策略的原则,说明应通过发展生产力和价值优势来追求产品差异化。The definition of Logistics man

2、agement(物流管理定义)n Logistics is the process of strategically managing the procurement, movement and storage of materials, parts and finished inventory (and the related information flows) through the organization and its marketing channels in such a way that current and future profitability are maximiz

3、ed through the cost-effective fulfillment of orders.物流是一个过程,它对企业及其所有营销渠道,从战略的角度管理原材料、零部件和最终库存品(包括相关信息流)的采购、流通和存储,以低成本完成订单,从而实现当前和未来的收益最大化2.Competitive advantageWhats the basic successful factors in the marketplace? (成功三要素)n it is the “Three CS” :n The Companyn Its Customersn Its CompetitorsWhats the

4、 source of competitive advantage?( 竞争优势) The source of competitive advantage is found firstly in the ability of the organization to differentiate itself, in the eyes of the customers, from its competition and secondly by operating at a lower cost and hence at greater profit.竞争优势首先源于企业标新立异的能力,企业只有自身与

5、众不同,才能在客户眼中脱颖而出;其次,竞争优势源于比竞争对手更低的运营成本及因此获得的高利润。Two vectors of competitive advantage(两大优势)n 1. Productivity advantage In many industries there will typically be one competitor who will be the low cost producer and, that competitor will have the greatest sales volume in the sector.任何行业中都有制造成本低廉的竞争者,这些

6、竞争者通常也在该领域有着最大销量。当提到成本优势时就会提到“规模2 Value advantagen An axiom: Customers dont buy products, they buy benefits. 消费者不是购买产品,而是购买利益。p It means: The product is purchased not for itself but for the promise of what it will deliver. 产品被购买不是因为产品本身,而是因为它所提供的利益By tradition viewpoint, how to gain coat reduction?

7、(降低成本)Traditionally, it has been suggested that the main route to cost reduction was by gaining greater sales volume and there can be no doubt about the close linkage between relative market share and relative costs. However it must also be recognized that Logistics management can provide a multitud

8、e of ways to increase efficiency and productivity and hence contribute significantly to reduced unit costs 在提高效益和生产力、降低单位成本上,物流管理能够提供更多的方法。Why do companies seek to add additional values?(附加价值)n Unless the product or service can be distinguished in some way from its competitors there is a strong like

9、lihood that the marketplace will view it as a commodity and so the sale will tend to go to the cheapest supplier. So companies must seek to add additional values to their offering to mark it out from the competition. Adding value through differentiation is a powerful means of achieving a defensible

10、advantage in the market.要想在市场中成功获得对手无法轻松赶超的优势,就得考虑通过差异性提高价值。How to achieve a cost advantage?(如何获得成本优势)n An increasingly powerful route to achieving a cost advantage comes not to necessarily through volume and the economies of scale but instead through logistics management依靠销量和经济规模来取得成本优势变得越发无效,取而代之的

11、是依靠物流管理。3.Gaining competitive advantage through logisticsn Logistics management has the potential to assist the organization in the achievement of both a cost/productivity advantage and a value advantage (see figure 1.6 ).物流管理能帮助企业在成本和价值两方面同时取得优势。The underlying philosophy behind the logistics concep

12、t is that of planning and co-ordinating the materials flow from source to user as an integrated system rather than, as was so often the case in the past, managing the goods flow as a series of independent activities(物流概念中有这样一个内在的原理):应该把从原料到客户的物料流通,作为一体化的系统进行计划和协调,而不要像过去那样将管理物料流通作为 一系列独立的活动。n Thus un

13、der a logistics management regime the goal is to link the marketplace, the distribution network, the manufacturing process and the procurement activity in such a way that customers are serviced at a higher level and yet at a lower cost.n In other words to achieve the goal of competitive advantage th

14、rough both cost reduction and service enhancement.加强营销、网络系统配送、制造过程、采购活动的联系,以更低的成本实现更优质的服务。4.The mission of logistics managementThe mission of logistics management is to plan and co-ordinate all activities necessary to achieve desired levels of delivered service and quality at lowest possible cost.物流

15、管理的使命是计划和协调所有必要活动,以便在达到期望的服务水平和产品质量的同时,尽可能降低成本n 在传统企业中,营销和制造活动的关系如何?应如何改善(P13)?Marketing recognitionn Marketing as a concept and philosophy of customer orientation now enjoys a wider acceptance than ever in the western world.n It is now generally accepted that the need to understand and meet custome

16、r requirement is a prerequisite for survival. Manufacturing recognitionn At the same time, in the search for improved cost competitiveness, manufacturing management has been the subject of a massive renaissance.n New ideas FMS and new inventory approaches such as, JIT, MRP have been introduced.Procu

17、rement recognitionEqually there has been a growing recognition of the critical role that procurement plays in creating and sustaining competitive advantage as part of an integrated logistics process.作为一体化物流的一部分,在创造和维持竞争优势上,采购扮演着日趋重要的角色n In this scheme of things, logistics is therefore essentially an

18、 integrative concept that seeks to develop a system-wide view of the firm.因此,从本质上讲,物流管理就是一体化的概念,这一概念要求从系统的角度审视企业。5. The supply chain and competitive performance(供应链定义)The supply chain is the network of organizations that are involved,through upstream and downstream linkages,in the different processe

19、s and activities that produce value in the form of products and services in the hands of the ultimate consumer.供应链是相互关联的企业形成的网络,要求位于上下游的企业间相互联系,在不同进程和活动中以产品或服务的形式创造对客户有用的价值。n Logistics is essentially a planning orientation and framework that seeks to create a single plan for the flow of product and

20、information through a business.n Supply chain management builds upon the framework and seeks to achieve linkage and co-ordination between processes of other entities in the pipeline, i.e. suppliers and customers, and the organization itself.供应链管理给出这个框架,并在整个链条的各环节之间实现无缝连接与合作,如在供应商、客户及组织自身之间。The defin

21、ition of SCM(SCM定义)n The management of upstream and downstream relationships with suppliers and customers to deliver superior customer value at less cost to the supply chain as a whole.供应链管理是从供应链整体出发,管理上游供应商和下游客户,以更低的成本传递给客户更多的价值。n Thus the focus of supply chain management is upon the management or

22、relationships in order to achieve a more profitable outcome for all parties in the chain.The extending definition of SCM(扩展的SCM定义)n A network of connected and interdependent organizations mutually and co-operatively working together to control, manage and improve the flow of materials and informatio

23、n from suppliers to end users.供应链是个由相互联系、相互依靠的组织构成的网络,这些组织相互合作、共同经营,控制、管理并改进从供应商到客户的物料流和信息流6.The changing logistics environmentn Time compression One of the most visible features of recent years has been the way in which time has become a critical issue in management. A new and fundamentally differe

24、nt approach to the management of logistics lead times is required.n Globalization of industry(全球化企业)A global company is more than a multinational company. In the global business materials and components are sourced worldwide, manufactured offshore and sold in many different countries perhaps with lo

25、cal customization.全球化企业不仅仅是跨国公司,它在全球范围内购买原材料和组件,在沿海制造产品,在不同的国家销售,可能也要考虑地方用户特色。n One capability that is now regarded by many companies as fundamental to success in the marketplace is the management of inbound and outbound logistics.有一种能力现已被大多数公司视为市场中获胜的基础,那就是对企业进向和去向物流的管理。The three key issues of mana

26、ging logistics(物流管理三个问题)n ResponsivenessIn todays markets,the supplier has to be able to meet the precise needs of customers in less time than ever before.The key word in this changed environment is agility.可靠性只能依靠重新设计那些影响操作的过程来获得。提高物流可靠性的要点之一是提高供应链可视性。n Relationships More and more companies are dis

27、covering the advantages that can be gained by seeking mutually beneficial,long-term relationships with suppliers. Relationship is one that will have to prevail in the future as supply chain competition becomes the norm.越来越多的企业发现,竞争优势可以来自一种双赢的模式,即同供应商建立长期合作的良好关系。相互依存是一种未来必将盛行的模式,尤其是当供应链竞争成为了标准的竞争模式时。

28、Chapter 2 The customer service dimension1.The marketing and logistics interface市场营销和物流相互关联What are the two factors which contributed most to the growing importance of customer servicen Two factors to the growing importance of customer service: 1.The continual development of customer expectations. 2.

29、The slow but inexorable transition towards commodity type markets.持续上涨的客户期望。向“无差异商品”市场的过渡,这是一个缓慢却不可避免的过程 2.What is customer service?客户服务可以从三个方面来检查:n LaLonde and Zinszer suggested that customer service could be examined under three headings:1.Pre-transaction elements交易前要素2.Transaction elements交易中要素3.

30、Post-transaction elements交易后要素 Why is it essential for any business to have a clearly identified policy towards customer service?It is because of the multivariate nature Of customer service and because of The widely differing requirements of Specific markets.正是因为客户服务的多样性,以及具体市场上宽泛并且变化多端的需求,使得拥有一套明确的

31、客户服务策略对每个企业的意义不言而喻。3.Customer service and customer retentionLifetime valueThe importance of customer retention is underlined by the concept of the lifetime value of a customer.Lifetime value= Average transaction value yearly frequency of purchase customer life expectancy 客户保持的重要性可以通过客户“终身价值”的概念体现出来。

32、n How to measure customer retention? A simple measure of customer retention is to ask the question :how many of the customers that we had 12 months ago do we still have today? 4.Service-driven logistics systemsn The role of logistics can be seen as the development of systems and the supporting co-or

33、dination process to ensure that customer service goals are met.This is the idea of the service-driven logistics system a system that is designed to meet defined service goals. Identifying customer service needs1. Identify the key components of customer service as seen by customers themselves.2. Esta

34、blish the relative importance of those service components to customers.3. Identify clusters of customers according to similarity of service preferences.找出在客户眼中关键的客户服务因素。设定客户服务要素的相对重要性。根据服务需求相似性,划分客户群。 The whole purpose of logistics strategy is to provide customers with the lever and quality of servi

35、ce that they require and to do so at less cost to the total supply chain.供应链及物流管理的全部目的在于,保证供应链总成本增幅较小的同时,按客户要求提供服务。One frequently encountered measure of the perfect order: On-time:90% In-full:80% Error-free:70% The actual prefect order achievement: 90% 80% 70%=50.4%n The challenge to customer servic

36、e management?(P53)5.Setting customer service priorities设定客户服务优先级Since not all our customers are equally profitable nor are our products equally profitable, should not the highest service be given to key customers and key products? 既然并非所有客户都带来高利润率,不同产品对利润的贡献程度也截然不同,难道不应对核心客户和核心产品设定最高的服务优先级?Customer s

37、ervice and the 80/20 rule6.Setting service standards Customer service is a multi-faceted concept. It is increasingly important as a means of gaining and maintaining differentiation in the market-place. Equally, since no two customers are alike it must be recognized that Service must be tailored to m

38、eet the needs of different customers.客户服务是一个复杂的概念。有必要为不同的客户群量身定制服务策略。Logistics management can play a key role in enhancing customer lifetime value through increasing customer satisfaction and thus customer retention. to achieve this will require the development of a market-driven logistics strategy

39、and the redefinition of service objectives based upon customers specific requirements. Perfect order achievement should form the basis for the measurement of service performance and the creation of service standards.在延长客户终身价值上,物流管理扮演了重要的角色,它可以提高客户满意度、巩固客户保留价值。“完美订单”应作为衡量服务绩效和制定服务标准的基础。Chapter 3 Meas

40、uring Logistics Cost and Performancen Explain the rationale behind Total Cost Analysis, a systematic logistics-oriented cost accounting system and the principle requirements for an effective logistics costing system.n 指出总成本分析的基本原理,以物流为导向的系统的成本核算体系及其合理运作应具备的条件。n Outlines the many ways in which logist

41、ics management can impact on overall return on investment and ultimately, shareholder value.n 简述物流管理如何影响投资总回报及最终影响股东价值。n Emphasize the importance of customer profitability analysis based upon an understanding of the cost-to-serve.n 强调基于对“服务成本”的认知而进行客户收益分析的重要性。n Introduces the concept of Direct Produ

42、ct Profitability and underlines the need to understand the customers logistics costs.n 介绍直接生产收益的概念,阐述熟悉客户物流成本的必要性。Highlights the need to identify the cost drivers in the logistics pipeline and to replace traditional forms of cost allocation with more appropriate methods.n 指出有必要确定物流链中的成本驱动因素,强调应用更适宜的

43、方法取代传统的成本分摊形式。Because logistics management is a flow-oriented concept (P71) 物流管理是一种过程导向的概念,其目标是整合从供应商到最终客户整条供应链的资源2.The concept of total cost analysis总成本分析概述What problems are there in traditional logistics cost accounting system ?n All the impacts of specific decisions, both direct and indirect, are

44、 not taken into account throughout the corporation system;n Decisions taken in one area can lead to unforeseen results in other areas. The nature of logistics decides it.n Conventional accounting systems do not usually assist in the identification of company-wide impacts. n 整个企业都未考虑特定决策带来的直接或间接影响。n

45、在一个区域内改变决策会在其他区域产生难以预料的后果。n 传统的核算体系通常无法确认物流对整个企业造成的影响。n A further feature of logistics decisions which contributes to the complexity of generating appropriate cost information is that they are usually taken against the benchmark of an existing system. n Cost must therefore be viewed in incremental t

46、erms- the change in total costs caused by the change to the system.物流决策造成了正确成本信息在生成时的复杂性,其中的原因在于物流决策通常不适合现有系统。因此,必须在一个递进的过程中进行成本核算,这是由于系统的改变而导致总成本的改变。4. Principles of logistics costing 物流成本计算原理Principle 1 The system should mirror the materials flow. It should be capable of identifying the costs that

47、 result from providing customer service in the marketplace. 核算体系应当如实地反映产品的流动。核算体现应当能够计算出在市场中用于提供客户服务的开支。Principle 2 The system should be capable of enabling separate cost and revenue analyses to be made by customer type and by market segment or distribution channel. 核算体系应当根据不同客户种类、不同细分市场、不同配送渠道进行单独的成本与收益分析。How to operate the principlesn To operationalize these principles requires an output orientation to costing.具体实施这些原则需要一个以产出量为导向的成本计算方法。n How to define missions?A set o

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