1、海上保险单的分类按保险期限划分:航次保险单、定期保险单、混合保险单、预约保险单按保险价值划分:定值保险单、不定值保险单S.G.保险单S.G.保单是劳爱德 S.G.标准保单的简称,1779年开始使用。它是 1906 年英国议会通过的海上保险法的第一附件,成为英国法定的海上标准保险单。由于英国长期以来在海上保险业的主导地位,使得 S.G.保单对全世界保险业有着非同寻常的影响。但是由于该保险单拟定时是将船、货一起作为保险标的承保的,与现代航运业的现状完全背离,所以已于 1983 年 4 月 1 日起被废止。The S.G.Form of Marine Insurance policy(As prin
2、ted in the First Schedule of the Marine Insurance Act,1906)STANDARD S.G.pOLICYBe it known that(In the name of God,Amen,which was the words used in 1779 standard S.G.policy)as well in own Name,as for and in the Name and Names of all and every other person or persons to whom the same doth may,or shall
3、 appertain,in part or in all,doth make Assurance,and cause and them,and every of them,to be insured,lost or not lost,at and from Upon any kinds of goods and Merchandise and also the Body,tackle.Apparel,Ordance,Munition,Artillery,Boat and other Furniture,of and in the good Ship or Vessel called the w
4、hereof is Master under God,for this present Voyage,or whosoever else shall go for Master in the said Ship,or by whatsoever other Name or Names the same Ship,or the Master thereof,is or shall be named or called;beginning the Adventure upon the said Goods and Merchandise from the loading thereof aboar
5、d the said Ship,upon the said Ship etc.,andshall so continue and endure during her Abode there,upon the said Ship,etc.;and further,until the said Ship.With all her Ordnance,Tackle,Apparel,etc,and Goods and Merchandises whatsoever,shall be arrived at upon the said Ship,etc,until she hath moored at An
6、chor Twenty four Hours in good Safety;and upon the Goods and Merchandises until the same be there discharged and safely landed;and it shall be lawful for the said Ship,etc.,in this Voyage to proceed and sail to and touch and stay at any ports or places whatsoever without prejudice to the Insurance.T
7、he said Ship.Etc.,Goods and Merchandises,etc.,for so much as concerns the Assured by Agreement between the Assured and Assurers in this policy,are and shall be valued at Touching the Adventures and perils which we the Assurers are contented to bear and do take upon us in this Voyage,they are,of the
8、Seas,Men-of War,Fire,Enemies,pirates,Rovers.Thieves,Jettisions,Letters of Mart and Countermart,Surprisals,Takings at Sea,Arrrest,Restraints and Detainments of all Kings,princes and people,of what Nation,Condition or Quality soever,Barratry of the Master and Mariners,and of all other perils,Losses an
9、d Misfortunes that have or shall come to the Hurt,Detriment or Damage of the said Goods and Merchandise and Ship,etc.,or any part thereof;and in case of any Loss or Misfortune.It shall be lawful to the Assured,their Factors.Servants,and Assigns,to sue,labour,and travel for,in and about the Defence,S
10、afeguard and Recovery of the said Goods and Merchandises and Ship,etc.,or any part thereof.Without prejudice to this Insurance;to the Charges whereof we,the Assurers,will contribute,each one according to the Rate and Quantity of his Sum herein assured.And it is especially declared and agreed that no
11、 acts of the Insurer or Insured in recovering saving,or preserving the property insured,shall be considered as a waiver or acceptance of abandonment.And it is agreed by us,the Insurers,that this Writing or policy of Assurance heretofore made in Lombard Street,or in the Royal Exchange,or elsewhere in
12、 London.And so we,the Assurers,are contented,and do hereby promise and bind ourselves each one for his own part,our Heirs,Executors,and Goods,to the Assured,their Excutors,Administrators,and Assigns,for the true performance of the premises,confessing ourselves paid the Consideration due unto us for
13、this Assurance by the Assured,at and after the Rate of IN WITNESS whereof we,the Assurers,have subscribed our Names and Sums assured in LONDON.N.B.-Corn,Fish,Salt,Fruit,Flour and Seed are warranted free from Average,unless general,or the Ship be stranded Sugar,Tobacco,Hemp,Flax,Hides,and Skins are w
14、arranted free from Average under Five pounds per cent;and all other Goods,also the Ship and Freight,are warranted free from Average under Three pounds per cent,unless general,or the Ship be stranded.ITC 保单伦敦保险人协会于 1983 年 10 月 1 日正式使用的船舶定期险保险单,ICC 保单与 ITC 保单一起取代了早先的 S.G.保单。伦敦保险人协会于 1982 年 1 月 1 日制定 1
15、983 年 3 月 31 日开始实行的海上货物运输保险单。ICC 保单The Institute of London UnderwritersCompanies Marine policyWE,THE COMpANIES,hereby agree,in consideration of the payment to us by or on behalf of the Assured of the premium specified in the Schedule,to insure against loss damage liability or expense in the proporti
16、ons and manner hereinafter provided Each Company shall be liable only for his own respective proportion.In Witness whereof the General Manager and Secretary of The Institute of London Underwriters has subscribed his Name on behalf of each Company.General Manager and SecretaryThe Institute of London
17、UnderwritersThis policy is not valid unless it bears the embossment of the policy Department of The Institute of London Underwriters.This insurance is subject to English jurisdiction.SHEDULEpolicy NumberVesselVoyage or period of insuranceSubject-matter insuredAgreed value(if any)Amount insured hereu
18、nderpremiumClauses,endorsements,special conditions and warranties 我国主要的海上保险单人保太保平安保险保险单据保险单insurance policy保险凭证insurance certificate批单endorsement暂保单cover note,binder经保险人签章的投保单application form signed by the insurer保险凭证小保单是保险凭证的简称,又称保险条。保险凭证是保险人签发给投保人的,表明其已接受其投保的证明文件,是一种简化的保险单。保险凭证上不载明保单背面保险条款,其余内容与大保