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1、分类号 密 级 U D C 编 号 1 0 5 2 0 博士学位论文转型背景下专利制度与社会分层的法社会学研究研究生姓名:潘萍指导教师姓名、职称:陈景良 教授学科门类:法学专业名称:法律史研究方向:知识产权历史入学时间:二九年九月2015年5月20日转型背景下专利制度与社会分层的法社会学研究潘萍A Law-sociological Study on the Patent System and Social Stratification in the Context of Social TransformationPanping2015年5月20日中南财经政法大学学位论文独创性声明和使用授权声明

2、学位论文独创性声明本人所呈交的学位论文,是在导师的指导下,独立进行研究所取得的成果。除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文不含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写的作品。对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中标明。本声明的法律后果由本人承担。论文作者(签名): 年 月 日学位论文使用授权书本论文作者完全了解学校关于保存、使用学位论文的管理办法及规定,即学校有权保留并向国家有关部门或机构送交论文的复印件和电子版,允许论文被查阅和借阅。本人授权中南财经政法大学可以将本学位论文的全部或部分内容编入学校有关数据库和收录到中国博士学位论文全文数据库进行信息服务,也可以采用影印、缩印或扫描等复制手段保存

3、或汇编本学位论文。注:保密学位论文,在解密后适用于本授权书。作者签名: 年 月 日 摘 要近代中国半封建半殖民地的屈辱历史在甲午年被再次回顾与反思,技术差距、制度缺失虽然并非落后挨打的唯一根源,但是在今天备受关注;尽管“以市场换技术”的政策被证实是失败的,国人对在新的世纪成为创新型国家满怀期待。数据显示的是较为尴尬的背景,即在制造业的国际产业链上,我国在绝大多数技术领域的国际专利布局相当有限,数量有限,质量堪忧。专利作为衡量一国科技实力的指标,也在一定层面上反映了国家和国民财富的质量和可持续发展程度。由此推演至主权国家内部,专利制度如何影响以及在何种程度上影响到社会分层和社会福利,如何寻求激励










13、分企业有一段时间在我国大量申请垃圾专利,即利用了我国当时专利法采用混合新颖性标准和专利审查能力不强的缺陷,将国外公知技术拿到我国申请专利,获批后发动大量专利侵权诉讼;或者利用参与国家或者行业标准制定的机会,将自身专利写入标准,待标准生效后对利用标准的企业发动专利诉讼袭击;或者利用国家或者地方政府鼓励企业申请专利的补贴政策,就同一技术方案或者设计反复申请专利,骗取政府补贴,导致了个人利益和社会公共利益的失衡。在新一轮的专利制度改革过程中,需要充分考虑到专利制度的运行可能带来的社会分化问题,以便更好地发挥专利制度激励创新的积极作用。关键词:专利制度;社会分层;社会福利 AbstractModern

14、 ignominy of semi-feudal and semi-colonial history in China was reviewed again in 2014. Its regarded that the technology gap or system deficiency is not the only radical reason why we lag behind other nations, but it does draw our attention today; despite the policy market for technology proved to b

15、e a failure, people still wish a innovation-oriented country in the new century with great expectations. All data show an embarrassing backdrop in our country that international industrial chain of international patent portfolio in most manufacturing technical fields is confined, such as limited qua

16、ntity and poor quality. As indicators to measure a countrys scientific and technological strength, patents also reflect the quality of possessing wealth for a country and the individual, and the present level of the sustainable development in some extent. Thus we can deduce in a sovereign state, how

17、 and to what extent the patent system affects the social stratification and social welfare system and helps to make a balance between encouraging innovation and social stratification, therefore, to think outside a box instead of qualitative thinking ways of internal investigation is completely neede

18、d. This paper combines the multi-dimensional perspective of law and sociology, then analyzes and researches the applicability issues of patent system in the context of the rapid change of social structure on macro-level legislative and judicial practice of patent system. Those conclusions can provid

19、e a theoretical basis and guidance for patent law formulation, patent system designing, patent policy implement and patent tool application in a certain theoretical and practical sense.As we all know, the concept and design of patent regime, the formulation and implementation of patent policy, or th

20、e application and effectiveness of the patent tools, is inseparable from economic, political, social and cultural circumstance. The patent system is supposed to make its own adjustments according to large system environment, so that it has more compatibility to achieve positive interaction. This pap

21、er focus on the influence social factors make to the rheological patent system. Besides, it mainly studies the impact of functioning patent system on social stratification and social welfare, and also explores ways and factors of these effects. As to research methods, the paper uses the method of le

22、gal positivism, value analysis, systems analysis and social empirical research, to tease out the compatible, adaptive and initiative problems between patent regime and social system, social structure and social psychology under the social background of transition period. In the process, the task is

23、to find out those regular connections and strive to make clear the connotation and essence of patent system, revealing other social motivations of its origin, development and change other than economic, political and cultural motivation. In this way, we can study the effects which social factors bri

24、ng to the rheological patent system and the acting ways and extent of the patent system on social resource allocation, thereby proposing the relationship among patent regime, the allocation of resources and social stratification, and dissecting causality and interaction among all three.Existing rese

25、arches mainly focus on the legal aspects of how the patent regime functioning, which includes efficiency and cost of patent applications, crackdown infringements, the protection of patentee over transfer and other transaction. Thus, considerable researchers concentrate on the relationship between th

26、e patent regime and technological innovation, in other words, regarding patent protection as incentives for innovations. There are some scholars considering the external impacts mainly on the balance between economic benefits and economic costs of patent regime from two sides of this system. From th

27、e academic point of view, generally, it is believed that patent is an invention and patent right is equivalent to property right. In this sense, the patent system is a legal norm what a sovereignty state protecting rights of patentee and exercising rights of legal division. Patent system identify pa

28、tent as a legal monopoly and also give legal protection to it. The purpose of it is stimulating innovations, promoting the industrialization of technology, and finally resulting in technological progress and social development. From a sociological point of view, patent system relevant much and play

29、a large or small, overtly or covertly, or contraction or expansion role on economic, political, social and cultural systems of the whole country though some medium. It is because that patent is a property right, sociologically speaking, it can be deemed as a kind of property benefits distribution sy

30、stem. Due to the ability differences between patent possession and use of society resources, different patentees act in diversity during the course patent right marketization, which affect R & D investment recovery and a new round of technological innovation. Intangible value generated by intangible

31、 property intellectual will lead to a redistribution of wealth, directly inflecting the social welfare, and thus affecting the social stratification. Both of patent System and the Industrial Revolution began in England. And Industrial Revolution divided the world into the East and the West. Economic

32、ally, the East has become the main sources of raw materials and commodities markets to the Western countries; politically, the East became the colonial and semi-colonial countries to the Western countries, and the independent sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Eastern counties have been vi

33、olated; culturally, Western culture along with the growing military and economic aggression dominated in the whole world, which seriously damaging innovation capability, the legal system and speaking right of Eastern countries. Eventually, stratification of the international community began. To a de

34、eper sense, technological innovation triggered system innovation with changes in the distribution model of social wealth. And the countrys foreign policy adjustment provided domestic law support to the remaining products in the international market expanding, which creating a social and cultural env

35、ironment for early conversion to industrial entities to. Early introduction of international patent treaties laid a system prototype for unifying international patent protection. From the perspective of the development history of Chinas patent system, introduction of patent system is a phenomenon of

36、 legal transplant, which got through the stage of Western Learning, the Enlightenment and the international preparatory process of social stratification. Even at the birthplace of the patent system, patent system also experienced the evolution from royal concession rights to legal civil rights. As a

37、 result, the processes are becoming more and more scientific; the organization has improved steadily and the efficiency of review bettered gradually. Moreover, the catalytic effect of patent for accumulation of social wealth becoming increasingly clear that social stratification growing.Some scholar

38、s have proposed the concept of patent length, patent breadth and patent height, and all three are respectively related to how to clarify the requirements of novelty and originality of the patent, the period and scope of patent protection, which directly affect the technology spillover effect and hav

39、e impact on social welfare. The reason is that the period of patent legal protection involves many aspects, such as economic efficiency, social welfare, innovation incentive, complete law degree, the extent of patent protection, national and regional balance, which is filled with contest and game. S

40、econdly, the more comprehensive patent protection the state gives, the higher the cost to infringe interests of the patent owner, in this way, the benefits of patent owner would have been well protected, thus making patent owner gain more profit. Finally, the degree of difference between patents and

41、 the prior art indicates the quality and level of invention, in other words, a patents height determines the size of the social benefits and the contribution rate.Make technology patented and marketization helps to improve a companys competitiveness, and hasten the differentiation between enterprise

42、s, the income differentiation between the layers of management and employees, then attract more capital and talents to the industry and enterprise which hold patent right and have good patent operations. The above is the reflection of the law of value. For instance, patenting computer flash memory t

43、echnology supports the Netac Companys growth, and directly spawned a new industry of mobile storage products. Many foreign countries are no exception. For example, both the computer software industry leaded by Microsoft and the chip industry created by Intel are consequences of technology patenting

44、and marketization, creating a new class of wealth in society. These companies which hold patented technologies have a ripple effect on obtaining monopoly profits and aggravate market competition through patent pools, patented technology standardization and so on, sparking the adjustment and remodeli

45、ng of industry interests chain within industry once again.The important motive of changes in social phenomenon is the variation in the economic structure and interests. And the monopoly of the patent system makes stakeholder and ways of profit-sharing more diverse, and also creates incentive and res

46、train mechanisms of social stratification to accelerate the flow of all kinds of talents, thereby promoting the change of social stratification mechanisms. The advent of new financing methods such as patent pledge change the traditional pattern of patent R & D, promotion, application and income dist

47、ribution, and also connect technology with economy, connect knowledge with capital, and connect scientists with investors , managers and operators more widely and closely, to prompt the constant change of identities and roles of scientific and technical personnel .The social stratification in the pr

48、ocess of social change, to some extent, can be described as a representation of the social and economic restructuring. In addition, such as the identity system dismemberment, the income gap, the industrial structure changes, system conversion, gains and losses of rights, the configuration of elite, circulation and swaps, those variables are underlying reasons of social stratification. But fundamentally, in most countries over the world today, administrative monopoly and patent protection are significant causes of wealth distribution and social

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