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1、明晰报告中医药随机对照试验中中药的毒副作用【摘要】 中药虽取诸天然,但亦可含对人体有害的物质,因此,近年来中药的毒副作用越来越受到关注。中药毒副作用可以分为不可预期类、使用不当类、中药“污染”类、品种混乱类和中西药物相互作用类等。使用不当类包括处方不遵从中医药理论、过量使用、炮制及制剂方法不当和配伍不当等;中药“污染”类包括重金属、农药残留及中药产品被化学药物成分“污染”。中药的毒副作用,必须明晰报告。过高或过低估计中药的毒副作用,都会误导临床医生及患者。我们建议在中医药随机对照试验报告规范中,报告副作用时,应包括以下方面:研究药物毒副作用的背景资料、针对副作用的特异性结局评估指标;毒副作用的

2、详细内容及其诠释。【关键词】 中医学 中药 临床研究 随机对照试验 循证医学 1 Introduction It is generally accepted that all health interventions, including traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), should be as safe as possible prior to adopting them in clinical practice. There is a common misconception that herbal materials - including tho

3、se used in TCM, known as Chinese materia medica (CMM) are harmless to humans because they come from natural sources 1. In fact, TCM may cause serious adverse effects (AEs) when adulterated or used incorrectly. Although the potential toxicity of specific CMM interventions has attracted more attention

4、 worldwide as the use of herbal interventions increases 2, 3, most researches on TCM continue to focus almost exclusively on establishing efficacy and effectiveness. Our previous study reported that only 30% of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of TCM reported AEs, and most of them were too vague

5、on this topic for readers to appropriately determine the safety of the TCM interventions studied. Better reporting on AEs in RCTs of TCM is therefore required. The Draft Consolidated Standards for Reporting Trials of Traditional Chinese Medicine (CONSORT for TCM) were published in Chinese and Englis

6、h in 2007 4, 5 to solicit feedback from experts in different specialties. In that draft, one checklist item addressed the reporting of safety of TCM interventions. Upon further consideration, it became apparent that a single checklist item to address the issue of safety was not enough. The extension

7、 of the CONSORT statement on reporting of harm 6 has addressed how to illustrate the AEs in RCT of Western pharmaceuticals. Since it is essential to transparently illustrate the AEs of RCTs for all interventions, including those used in TCM, this article aims to enhance awareness of safety issues fo

8、r TCM interventions by promoting improved reporting by 1) summarizing the types of AEs reported with TCM; 2) examining the impact of AEs on RCTs with TCM; and 3) formulating the reporting structure. The corresponding revisions of the draft CONSORT for TCM are also recommended. 2 Types of AEs CMM pro

9、ducts used in TCM can refer to materials of herbal, animal or mineral origin. Normally, AEs associated with CMM products used in TCM could be divided into five types as follows. Unpredictable AEs Theoretically, TCM interventions are prescribed by clinical practitioners according to the golden princi

10、ple of treatment based on syndrome differentiation. Even if this principle is followed, AEs cannot be entirely avoided, and toxicity (acute or chronic) or allergic reactions may occur. For example, Caulis Aristolochia manshuriensis (Guanmutong) is a commonly used Chinese herb in clinical practice, a

11、nd has attracted attention for its significant nephrological toxicity in the last two decades 79. The major compound inmanshuriensis, aristolochic acid, induces acute tubular necrosis in the kidney, thus resulting in significant toxicity. But based on the Chinese medicine theories, it cannot be pred

12、icted. Allergy is another AE associated with the usage of TCM interventions 10 including allergic shock, allergic asthma and allergic purpura. Although a previous history of allergy to herbs can remind the practitioner to be careful, this knowledge is of little value for patients who have not previo

13、usly been exposed to these allergens.AEs arising from improper use TCM drug must be used according to TCM principles, and improper usage may result in AEs. Typically, improper usage involves 1) prescription without following the TCM therapeutic principles; 2) overdosage; 3) improper processing and p

14、reparation methods; 4) improper formulas. Firstly, prescriptions should be based on the TCM treatment principles. If these principles are not obeyed, potentially efficacious interventions may produce AEs. For example, Rhizoma Coptidis (Huanglian) is very cold in nature and bitter in taste. Used prop

15、erly, it can clear heat, dry dampness, drain fire and expel toxicity. Used improperly, it may damage the spleen and stomach resulting in nausea, vomiting, stomachache and loss of appetite in the short term; over the long term, improper usage may result in spleen qi deficiency. If the TCM theories ar

16、e strictly followed, these AEs could be avoided. Secondly, overdosage is another common reason for AEs with TCM intervention. For example, most AEs related to the root of Herba Asari (Xixin) are because of high dosages. Traditionally, the limitation of daily dosage of H. Asari is less than 3 grams,

17、although debate exists on this topic 11. Another typical case of overdosage is Herba Ephedra (Mahuang). Although there is no clinical evidence from any RCT to support the effect of H. Ephedra on weight loss, it continues to be used for this indication at doses much higher than the traditional dosage

18、, which has resulted in AEs 12. Thirdly, the processing and/or preparation method should be selected based on reducing the potential toxicity of herbs and formulas, since improper processing and/or preparation can increase the possibility of AEs. For example, Radix Aconiti (Wutou) should only be use

19、d in its processed form and should be boiled separately for at least 45 minutes before boiling together with other components in a formula to reduce the possibility of aconite poisoning, which may lead to toxicity in patients 13. Furthermore, failure to follow basic TCM principles during the formula

20、tion of TCM formula may result in AEs as it is well known that some CMMs are incompatible with others and should not be combined in formulations. The most important guidelines are the eighteen incompatible herbs and the nineteen antagonistic herbs. At the same time, an appropriate combination of CMM

21、s can enhance therapeutic effects and reduce harmful side effects. AEs arising from contamination Heavy metal and pesticide contamination in TCM interventions are major concerns and can result in AEs. The growing conditions as well as the processing procedures and preparation process may contribute

22、to these contaminations 14. They are known to have caused serious AEs, and will continue to be a serious concern. For example, mercury contamination can cause neurological disorders and nephrotoxicity 15. It may also result in depression, irritability, forgetfulness, confusion, tremor, sensory distu

23、rbances, visual deficits, hearing loss, movement disorders and cognitive disturbances, etc 16. Contamination with mercury in herbs can cause serious AEs 17. In addition, contamination from nonTCM pharmaceutical products in TCM intervention is another potential source of serious AEs. For example, a c

24、linical trial found that PCSPES, which is a proprietary formulation containing eight herbs that was marketed by Botanic Lab (Brea, CA) from 1966 to 2002, has side effects including reduced libido, hot flashes, diarrhoea, dyspepsia, leg cramps, nipple tenderness, and gynaecomastia, pulmonary emboli d

25、eep vein thrombosis, a transient severe bleeding diathesis 18. These side effects were due to product contamination with diethylstilbestrol and warfarin and caused the withdrawal of this formula from the market in 2002 19.AEs arising from misidentification of CMMs There are many cases of confusion i

26、n species of CMM, and there are many reasons for the various types of confusion. A particular herb used in TCM may have different subspecies, each with a different use. For example, Radix Glycyrrhizae is used in Zemaphyte for atopic dermatitis 15. Sometimes, the incorrect species could take the plac

27、e of the intended species, thus leading to AEs. The first reported toxicity case involving aristolochic acid in Hong Kong was caused by mistaken use of Aristolochia mollissima Hance (Xungufeng) instead of the aristolochic acidfree CMM Solanum lyratum Thunb (Baiying), and this misuse resulted in rena

28、l failure and malignant urothelial changes 20.AEs arising from drugherb interaction Potential herbdrug interactions continue to attract more and more attention due to possible AEs 2123. Although it is believed that TCM could perhaps play an auxiliary role when combined with Western pharmaceuticals i

29、n the management of some diseases, including certain forms of cancer, there is generally insufficient evidence to support the efficacy and safety of such combination therapies. Herbal products may interfere with the metabolic process of pharmaceuticals ( pharmacokinetic interference), thus leading t

30、o AEs. For example, Ginseng, one of the most widely used dietary supplements, is well known to interact with warfarin. And also, ginsengosides exert a hypoglycaemic effect, which may enhance the actions of oral hypoglycaemic drugs and insulin 2. Therefore, when these herbs and drugs are used togethe

31、r, possible negative drugherb interaction could happen. 3 The need to concisely report AEs of RCT with TCM drug intervention AEs associated with the use of TCM should be properly reported as overestimation or underestimation will constitute misinformation for both patients and healthcare providers.

32、In this area, evidence speaks volumes. Where does evidence come from? It comes from clinical practice, especially from clinical trials such as RCTs. It is well known that RCT is an effective tool to determine the efficacy of an intervention on a welldefined disease or a series of symptoms, and also

33、provides valuable evidence regarding safety by identifying the potential risks and AEs associated with an intervention. Therefore, RCTs of TCM should transparently report not only efficacy, but all related AEs in the trial. Failure to report AEs will invite unjustified confidence in the safety of TC

34、M. Sufficient details about AEs should be provided to enable readers to fully understand the safety of the herbs used. In addition, reports of AEs should be interpreted in relation to therapeutic efficacy, method of assessment, and underlying causality on the basis of both TCM theory and conventiona

35、l medicine, to help readers assess the safety of specific TCM interventions. 4 Structure for reporting AEs In order to give readers a comprehensive understanding about the safety of TCM interventions, background information on known or suspected side effects of each CMM constituent in the study inte

36、rvention, as well as specific outcome assessment on AEs, details of reported AEs, and the interpretation of the AEs should be included in a report of AEs in RCTs of TCM. Background information on AEs Before a TCM intervention enters into an RCT, initial analysis and review of the safety of the inter

37、vention is necessary. The safety background information of the TCM drug should be briefly summarized. The data may come from literature review or preclinical pharmacology/toxicology testing.Specific outcome assessment Outcome measures specific to safety surveillance should be addressed, as well as d

38、etails regarding other assessments related to treatment efficacy. Selection rationale, concrete assessment method, and reference standards should also be defined and explained. If the occurrence of specific AEs is to be used as one of the terminal evaluation criteria, its underlying rationale should

39、 also be determined and described.Details of reported AEs All AEs discovered in treatment and control groups, regardless of severity, must be transparently reported. The details should include clear definition of each AE, time of occurrence, frequency in each group, degree of severity, and number of

40、 cases who withdrew or reduced their dose due to AEs. If no AEs were reported, authors should declare that no AEs were reported, instead of not mentioning AEs at all in the RCT report.Interpretation All AEs reported should be interpreted, in terms of both TCM theory and conventional medicine, if app

41、licable, including a discussion of the potential underlying causality. 5 Recommendations for revision of CONSORT for TCM To better reveal the safety issues of CMM intervention, further modifications to the draft of CONSORT for TCM, with the addition of the following descriptive text to the item numb

42、ers were indicated and summarized in Table 1. Table 1 Recommendations for revision of CONSORT for TCM TopicItemAdditional descriptionBackground2State the AEs of each CMM in the study intervention and explain with the theories of TCM and conventional medicine, asthe trial addresses both efficacy and

43、safety, the objectives should statelist the method to minimize the toxicity of the intervention ( special preparation, prolonged boiling process, etc), ifany available information on safety assessment ( acute toxicity test, chronic toxicity, and quality control on contamination, etc).Outcome6List th

44、e outcomes specific on safety issue with definition, concrete assessment method ( how, when, and by whom, etc) and standardthe principles of study termination on safety issue, if applicable. Statistical method12Describe the methods used to present and determine the safety issue. Participant flow13Id

45、entify the number of withdrawals or those reducing dosages due to adverse effects in eachand estimation17Describe the results with regard to safety for each group and the estimated effect size and its precision ( 95% confidence interval).Ancillary analysis18Describe any subgroup analysis and explora

46、tory analysis on safetyevent19Report all AEs of each group in detail ( name with clear definition in terms of TCM and/or Western medical terms, nature, time of occurrence, frequency, any recurrence, and degree of severity). If there are no adverse events to report, explicitly declare no AEs should b

47、e reported.Interpretation20Interpret the adverse effects in terms of TCM theory and conventional medicine, and identify the potential underlying causes and any interaction with comedication, ifadvance study as appropriate. 6 Conclusion The safety of an intervention is as important as its efficacy. A

48、Es are a significant aspect of drug safety. In order to provide a clear profile of the safety of TCM intervention(s) in an RCT report, reporters should 1) present and discuss any information with regard to safety based on literature review or preclinical studies; 2) concisely describe the assessment

49、 protocol; 3) completely list any and all AEs that occurred in their trials; and 4) discuss possible causes. We wish these guidelines can help researchers improve their reporting of AEs and thereby improve the quality of their studies, and also help readers critically evaluate the safety profile of tested interventions. 【参考文献】 1 Ernst E. Herbal medicines: balancing benefits and risks. Novartis Found Symp. 2007; 282: 154167. 2 Corns CM. H

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