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1、The Importance of DistancingOne of the most important principles un-derlying theconduct of war has to be pro-activeness.This is aptly captured by the following saying by Sun Tzi:In the conduct of war, one must not rely on the enemysfailure to come, but on ones readiness to engage him;One must not re

2、ly on the enemys failure to attack, but onones ability to build an in-vincible defence.In war, as appropriately pointed out by Sun Tzi, onecannot rely on the failure of the enemy to attack us.Instead, one must be ever ready to take on the enemy. Inaddi-tion, the defence must be so strong that the en

3、emywould not even dare to contemplate an attack. Thisproactiveness is thus not on-ly in defence, but in offenceas well. This is a principle that is well understood by anymilitary commander. By being proactive, he is able not onlyto gain the initiative, but will also have ample time andopportunity to

4、 deal with the enemy. On the other hand, ifhe is placed on the defensive, he is unlikely to come upwith effective strategies. In fact, he will be under severepressure, resulting in tension and even disunity within hisrank-and-file.While proactiveness is well understood in militarywarfare, it tends t

5、o be easily over-looked in the context ofbusiness. More of-ten than not, many companies tend toadopt a follower strategy. To begin with, they hope thatby following, they can reduce the risks involved. At thesame time, they can copy the successful strategy of theleader and avoid his mistakes. There i

6、s nothing wrong withadopting a follower strategy, provided one chooses the rightleader!The significance of the above quotation by Sun Tzi wouldbe better understood in terms of its applications. Let meillustrate by posing a question. When you are num-ber twoor three in your line of business (whether

7、it is in terms ofmarket share, profitability, quality standing, etc.), whatwould you like to be? I am sure many readers would havevery little problem answering the question - we all want tobe number one!Now, if you are now ranked number one, what would be yourgoal or objective? This is where I often

8、 get veryinteresting answers. Typically, I would get the follo-winganswers from executives around the world:1. Defend the number one position.2. Protect the number one position (whe-ther this is interms of profits, market share or some other criteria).3. Guard against the competitors.4. Maintain the

9、 leadership position.5. Sustain the number one position.6. Try to remain as number one.7. Stay number one.Now if you happen to hold one of the above responses, letme say that you are only half-right. By saying half-right,I mean you are half wrong! This is because all the aboveanswers are passive, de

10、fensive and reactive responses! Inactual fact, being number one, you are effectively theleader. As a leader, your main role is to lead.Un-fortunately, if you have a passive, defensive andreactive mindset, you are likely to end up followinginstead. This effectively vio-lates the principle ofproactive

11、ness as advo-cated by Sun Tzi.What then should the appropriate answer be? Of course, inwar, we can destroy our enemies. In business, however, wedo not go about destroying our competitors. This wouldproject the company as very ruthless and without moralprinciples. However, while we do not go about de

12、stroyingour business competitors, it does not mean that they do notwish that we are out-of-business. Without doubt, manycompanies wish that there are fewer and weaker com-petitorsaround. In this way, they would not have to work so hardfor their market shares and profits!A more appropriate stance wou

13、ld be for the leader todistance itself from the com-petitors. Note that the keyphrase is to dis-tance from ones competitors, not fromones own followers! By distancing itself from the rest ofthe field, it would be harder and harder for the competitorsto catch up. In fact, if the gap becomes too big,

14、thecom-petitors may even give up chasing! More importantly,the concept of distancing can be applied to a company whichis not in the number one position. For example, if thecompany is in the number two position, its goal would be tocatch up and overtake the leader. However, it is equallyimportant tha

15、t it distances itself from the rest of thecompetitors. In this way, it is assured of the runner-upposition while going for the champion!Interestingly, there are several reasons why it is soimportant to distance oneself from the rest. Let meillustrate through the game of basketball. When the scoreis

16、62 to 60, 64 to 62, 66 to 64, and so on (that is, thedifference between the two teams is only two points apart),what would your answers be to the following questions:1. Which team do you think will be under greater stress?2. Which team is more willing to take risks?3. Which team will be afraid of ma

17、king mistakes?4. Which team is likely to be more innovative andcreative?Think of the answers carefully. Not sur-prisingly, manyof you will say that the team that is behind by only twopoints is likely to be more willing to take risks and toinno-vate. Conversely, the team that is margi-nally aheadis m

18、ore afraid to make mistakes, is less willing to takerisks, and is under more stress and tension! The logic isvery simple! The guy behind is too close for comfort! As aresult, the team that is lea-ding is forced to take a moreconservative posture to defend its position.This is where the irony lies. T

19、o be alea-der, there is aneed to continue to innovate and be creative. This impliesthe necessity to take risks and the ability to toleratemis-takes. Only then can the people in the orga-nisation bewilling to experiment, develop new ideas and concepts. Allthese can flou-rish much better if the organi

20、sation hasenough capital and buffer to do so. This is wheredistancing becomes so crucial. It allows the leadingcompany to have suffi-cient breathing space to develop newideas and innovations, and accomplish them with minimaltension and stress. It is such a very simple, yet powerfulconcept that only

21、the enlightened companies are able topractise it.(The writer is Professor of Business Policy; Dean, Facultyof Business Administration; Director, Graduate School ofBusiness National University of Singapore & a resourcepanellist of SPHs Chinese Newspapers.)拉开距离的重要性打仗最重要的一条原则,是先发制人,防患于未然。孙子以下的话,便道出了个中道






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