1、教学单元教案设计授课周次授课时间计划学时数4教学单元Unit 2 Main Cross-Border E-Commerce Platforms授课方式J理论课口实验(实训)课口上机课 口其他教学目标Unit Objectives Learn how to introduce a cross-border e-commerce platform. Learn how to express the pros and cons of cross-border e-commerce platforms. Learn how to choose a suitable cross-border e-com
2、merce platform based on personal needs.教学重点 及难点Key points: Introductions of major cross-border e-commerce platforms The pros and cons of cross-border e-commerce platformsDifficult points: The difference and similarities between different platforms The selection of a suitable platform based on concre
3、te situations教学方法 与手段Teaching methods: TBLT method (TBLT: Task-based Language Teaching) Cooperative learning methodTeaching means: Multimedia is given priority to and supplemented by a small amount of blackboard teaching教学过程 Warming-upLearn the expressions related to cross-border e-commerce platform
4、s. ListeningListen to the sentences about cross-border e-commerce platforms. SpeakingGet to know about the main features of cross-border e-commerce platforms. ReadingKey points: 1) Amazon and eBay2) Alibaba and AliExpress3) Shopee and Lazada课外安排 Homework1) Read Supplementary Materials: Shopee Found
5、to Be the Most Popular E-Commerce Site for Indonesian Mothers and finish the exercises.2) Search for how to operate a CBEC store as the preparation for next unit.教学反思可围绕以下几个方面进行小结和反思:1、教学目标:是否到达预期的教学效果,学生对知识和技能的掌握是否到达了预期目标。2、教学内容:深度和范围对学生是否恰当;与教学目标的贴合度,两者是否相互适应;重 点、难点是否把握得当;如何对教材进行加工和取舍更加得当。3、教学过程:采
6、取的教学方法和手段是否得当,摸索出了哪些教学规律,有无改革与创新 的余地;对教学计划是否严格执行,假设有改变,那么改变计划的原因是什么,更改后的计划是否 更合理有效;课堂教学中临时应变得当的措施,师生思维碰撞产生的好方法、好思路;知识点 上有什么发现,组织教学方面有何新招,解决问题的误区有无突破,启迪是否得当,实训是否 到位,某些教学思想方法的渗透与应用的过程等等,将教学过程中的亮点和灵感记录下来,在 此基础上不断地改进、完善、推陈出新,供以后教学时参考使用。4、教学策略:对教学中存在问题有清醒的认识;对教学活动与倡导的理论、行为结果与期 望进行比拟,明确问题根源;重审教学思想,寻求新策略;检验新思想、新策略、新方案是否 更有效,形成新感知,发现新问题,开始新循环。5、再教设计:综合以上几个方面,作出小结,对本堂课的得失进行必要的归类与取舍,考 虑一下再讲这局部内容时应该如何做,扬长避短、精益求精,写出“再教设计”,逐步提高教学 水平。以上几方面,老师可根据实际情况从某个或几个角度填写。