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1、1。Good afternoon, distinguished judges, ladies and gentlemen,boys and girls!2。尊敬的各位领导,3。各位来宾,4。亲爱的老师同学们,齐:大家下午好!1. Welcome to the contest of Middle School English Speaking Contest。 Its our great honor to be here!2。 欢迎大家来到离石廷亮中学首届英语口语大赛比赛现场.今天能够邀请到这么多的评委和嘉宾到场 我们感到非常的荣幸!3。 Thats right!Well, we have su

2、cceeded in inviting so many excellent judges and guests。 And now, lets meet our honorable judges and guests。4. 首先,请允许我介绍今天到场的嘉宾及评委,他们分别是:1. Im glad to see you,a lot of you all came a long way to take part in the competition. I really appreciate it。 Thank you for being here!2。 由衷的感谢所有的嘉宾和评委 从百忙之中抽时间出

3、席本次的大赛.让我们再次以热烈的掌声欢迎他们的到来.3。 Ladies and gentlemen, now I declare that the English speaking contest start。4. 现在我宣布中学英语口语大赛正式开始。1。 Ladies and gentlemen, we have 6 parts for this contest. The first part is Talent Show。 The second part is Challenge Your Listening . The third part is Walking Dictionary 。

4、 The fourth part is Making a Passage . The fifth part is English for Fun the last part is Magic Voice .2.下面我来介绍一下今晚的比赛环节.今晚的比赛分为6个环节第一环节:Talent Show 秀出我风采 30分 第二环节 Challenge Your Listening 挑战听力10分(主持宣布分数)第三环节Walking Dictionary 行走的字典10分,每题2分,共5题(主持人宣布分数)第四环节Making a Passage 妙语连珠第五环节 English for Fun 等

5、你来挑战10分(主持宣布分数)第六环节 Magic Voice 百变魔音秀4。我们的评委将会以“公平, 公正,公开”为原则,为今天的所有参赛选手进行评分。本次大赛组委会将会对所有选手进行公正的评比!比赛总分为100分. 首先进行第一环节初一组的比赛。我们交给这两位主持。第一环节1. Ok, lets ask all our contestants to come up on the stage! Lets come to part 1, talent show。 2。下面我们进入第一环节,首先简单了解本环节答题规则和评分标准:1. Ok, now lets welcome contestant

6、 NO。1, his/her talent show iscontestant NO.2, please get ready2.好,那么下面我们就以热烈的掌声请出今晚的1号选手,他给我们带来的才艺展示是请第2号选手做好准备。1. Thank you for your wonderful performance,welcome contestant No.2, his/her talent show iscontestant NO。3, please get ready2。感谢1号选手精彩的表演,有请2号选手上台,,他给我们带来的才艺展示是请3号选手做好准备!(第22号选手比赛结束)3. Ok,

7、 now lets go on with the first part. Welcome contestant NO.23, his/her talent show iscontestant NO。24, please get ready4。感谢初一组的选手,下面由初二组的选手进行第一环节.有请23号选手上台,他给我们带来的才艺展示是请24号选手做好准备!第二环节1。 All the contestants have finished their prepared talent show, and next lets come to part 2.2。 40位选手已表演完毕,让我们一起进入第二

8、环节,行走的词典 下面让我们简单的了解下本环节答题规则和评分标准:1. Ok, now lets welcome contestant NO。1, contestant NO.2, please get ready2. 好,那么下面我们请1号选手作答,请2号选手做好准备。1. Thank you, welcome contestant No。2, contestant NO.3, please get ready2。谢谢,有请2号选手,请3号选手做好准备。(第22号选手比赛结束)2。谢谢初一组的选手,初二组的选手准备,接下来我们交给这两位主持。2. Ok, lets go on part 2,

9、 now lets welcome contestant NO.23, contestant NO。24, please get ready4.好,我们继续第二环节初二组的比赛,有请23号选手,24号选手做好准备.(第二环节结束)第二环节初一初二组比赛到此结束。(3,4下,1,2上)第三环节1. Now let me announce the players score in the first part.2.现在由我来宣布参赛选手在第一环节的得分.1号选手得分2号选手得分1. Congratulations2.祝贺你们1. Next we will conduct the third par

10、t, listening2。现在我们进入第三环节,挑战听力.下面让我们简单的了解下本环节答题规则和评分标准:1. Ok, now lets welcome contestant NO.1, contestant NO。2, please get ready2。好,那么下面我们请1号选手作答,请第2号选手做好准备.1。 Thank you, welcome contestant No.2, contestant NO。3, please get ready2。谢谢,有请2号选手,请3号选手做好准备。(第22号选手比赛结束)2.谢谢初一组的选手,初二组的选手准备第三环节,有请另外两位主持.3. O

11、k, lets go on part 3, now lets welcome contestant NO。23, contestant NO。24, please get ready4.好,我们继续第三环节初二组的比赛,有请23号选手,24号选手做好准备(第三环节结束后)第四环节1. Now let me announce the players score in the second part.2.现在由我来宣布参赛选手在第二环节的得分.1号选手得分2号选手得分1。 Congratulations2.祝贺你们1. Ok, we will come to the fourth part, ma

12、king sentences. 2。现在我们进入第四环节,图片描述。下面让我们简单的了解下本环节答题规则和评分标准:1. Now lets welcome contestant NO.1, contestant NO。2, please get ready2.好,那么下面我们请1号选手作答,请2号选手做好准备.1。 Thank you, welcome contestant No。2, contestant NO.3, please get ready2。谢谢,有请2号选手,请3号选手做好准备.(第22号选手比赛结束)2。谢谢初一组的选手,初二组的选手准备第四环节,接下来有请另外两位主持。3.

13、 Ok, lets go on part 4, now lets welcome contestant NO。23, contestant NO.24, please get ready4.好,我们继续第四环节初二组的比赛,有请23号选手,24号选手做准备。(第四环节结束后)第五环节1。 All the contestants have finished this part, lets see their score in part 3。2.第四环节已经结束,我们一起看一下选手在第三环节的得分情况。1号选手得分2号选手得分1. Congratulations2。祝贺你们1。 Next we w

14、ill go in the fifth part, ask answer.2.下面我们进入第五环节,现场问答。我们一起看一下本环节的答题规则和评分标准。1. Now lets welcome contestant NO.1, contestant NO。2, please get ready2。好,那么下面我们请1号选手作答,请2号选手做好准备。1. Thank you, welcome contestant No.2, contestant NO。3, please get ready2。谢谢,有请2号选手,请3号选手做好准备。(第22号选手比赛结束)2。谢谢初一组的选手,初二组的选手准备第

15、四环节,有请另外两位主持。3. Ok, lets go on part 5, now lets welcome contestant NO。23, contestant NO.24, please get ready4。好,我们继续第五环节初二组的比赛,有请23号选手,24号选手做好准备。第六环节1. Thanks for the contestants, lets see their score in part 4.2。感谢各位选手,我们一起看一下选手在第四环节的得分情况。1号选手得分2号选手得分1。 Congratulations2。祝贺你们1。 Next we will go in th

16、e last part, dubbing.2。下面我们进入最后一个环节,配音表演.我们一起看一下本环节的答题规则和评分标准.(第22号选手比赛结束)2。谢谢初一组的选手,初二组的选手准备第六环节,有请另外两位主持.3。 Ok, lets go on part 6, now lets welcome contestant NO.23, contestant NO.24, please get ready4.好,我们继续第六环节初二组的比赛,有请23号选手,24号选手做好准备。1. Now lets see their score in part 5.2。现在我们看一下选手在第五环节的得分情况,1

17、号选手得分2号选手得分1.All the contestants have finished their contest, our judges are counting their final score, so lets have a relaxing time , lets enjoy a song from。2.谢谢选手们精彩的配音,评委们正在统计选手最后的得分,接下来有请 给我们带来一首 掌声有请!3。 Thank you. Let me announce the contestants score in the sixth part。4谢谢精彩的演唱,现在由我来宣布选手在第六环节的

18、得分。1号选手第六环节得分接下来有请给我们带来2.非常感谢1. Now I will announce the final score。2现在我宣布各位选手最后的得分3. Congratulations4.祝贺你们1。 Now the most exciting moment is coming. Its time to give awards。2。现在,最振奋人心的时刻到了。我们将对获奖的选手进行颁奖。3。 The third award goes to lets welcome.。.。.。.to give them awards。4。获得三等奖的选手是 让我们有请.。.。.。.。.。.。.

19、。.。.。.。给为我们颁奖!1。 And the second award goes to ,lets welcome。.。.。.。.。.。.to give them wards.2。获得二等奖的选手是.。.。有请。.。.。.为她们颁奖。3。 And the champion is.。.。.。.。.,lets welcome.。.。.。.。.。.。 to give them awards.4.获得一等奖的选手是。.。.有请。.。.。.为他们颁奖3. Congratulations to all the contestants.4。.恭喜每位选手.1.On behalf of all the members,thanks for all the judges and guests. The final competition of the first Tingliang Middle School English speaking contest has come to the end, thank you for coming! Thank you!2。最后,让我在这里代表全体成员感谢今晚到场嘉宾,评委及观众。我宣布廷亮中学首届英语口语大赛初赛到此圆满结束。齐:感谢你们的到来。

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