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1、雅思口语描述一个人的外貌当我们看到Part 2人物类的话题时,免不了要去说一个人的外貌。但往往100个考生里会有80个人告诉我,描述一个人的长相是一件多么难的事。下面是雅思口语描述一个人的外貌,跟我一起来了解下吧: Id like to talk about my cousin Kay. She is a really nice girl weve known each otherfor many years. We grew up together and we are like sisters. She is a very popular person in our family and

2、also at school. First she is really well-mannered.she doesnt give others a hard time and respects everyone. Whats more, she is very good looking. She has a nice body and a beautiful face. She always works out and keeps in shape. She has self-disciplinethats why she has such a nice body. She is smart

3、, so she knows how to get along with people. When we are together she will give me wonderful suggestions and teache me many things. She likes to look at things from the bright sideand always comforts mewhen Im sad. I enjoy being around her because I feel that she has a positive influence on me and s

4、he is someone that I look up to. People are affected by the environment around them so Im glad I have a cousin like her to be a good inspiration in my life. 高分词组: Weve known each other for many years熟悉好多年 well-mannered有礼貌 give others a hard time 刁难别人 good looking 好看 self-discipline 自觉 get along with

5、 people 和别人相处的好 look at things from the bright side 乐观看待事物 comfort me 安慰我 look up to 崇拜 a good inspiration 启发 English Lessons with 英语霸星 , Bristol graduate, Teaching lifelong success, 2雅思口语如何描述人物 1. 个人基本信息(身份,名字,年龄) 2. 外貌 3. 性格 4. 相关的故事或经历 例子: An old man An old man Id like to talk about is my next do

6、or neighbor who is at his 60s. I dont know exactly about his real name, but because he likes smiling, we call him Mr. Smile. 本部分完成了基本信息的描述,让考官很清楚的了解这个人的背景,他才有兴趣持续听下去。 Mr. Smile is a man of medium build with short, silver hair and healthy complexion. Whats special about him is that he has a pair of p

7、retty big ears which make him look very funny. 本段完成对描述能力的展示。尽量少用big, small 等稀松平常的词汇,那只会让考官怀疑你的词汇量和语言能力,真正好的描述是要找出人物外表的特点,以此达到传神的目的,这也是语言的较高境界。 As an easy-going and optimistic old man, Mr. Smile usually impresses others a lot by his hearty laughter. To some young people, his words are always motivati

8、ng as well as convincing. 本部分是对性格的展现。另外,同学们习惯使用的 kind nice happy等词和一些单纯的并列句真的已经太俗了。请参照上文的用词和句式。 Mr. Smile used to study in Japan for 7 years. He came back to China when he was 26. Because of the living in Tokyo, he is really good at cooking Japanese food, especially sushi. I was invited to share his

9、 cooking before, and I was shocked by his sushi that was so fresh and delicate. I even doubt the authentic flavor can win some restaurant chefs. 最后这部分内容是讲了一个关于老人的故事,展现了考生的叙事能力。故事可以奇特也可以一般,但一定要带着感情讲出来,目的是能够感染考官。以此思路,关于人物的卡片就迎刃而解了。 3雅思口语人物类话题怎么作答 一、 积存词汇是根本 词汇是攻克话题的根本,所以多做积存是十分关键的。下面为大家带来一些具体的人物特征词汇描述

10、,如:外表衣着、面部描述以及衣服款式等等,相信这些词汇的描述会让你的文章更具体化。 外表衣着:gender性别, bald/balding秃头, hair color头发颜色, brown棕色, 面部描述:angular 棱角分明的,scar 疤痕,beard落腮胡子,moustache/mustache 上唇上的小胡子,wearing glasses戴眼镜, 衣服款式:top上衣,pullover套头毛衣,be in red/green/dark身着红/绿/黑色衣服,suit(男)西服/(女)套装更多人物类词汇可参照雅思口语描述人物的有用词汇。 二、 熟悉常见话题是关键 在人物类话题中,常考

11、的问题有: 1. Describe a friend you know who is a good leader 2. Describe a family member you want to work with 3. Describe a person who is good at cooking 4. Describe a famous person that you know 5. Describe a person you wanted to be similar to when you were growing up. 6. Describe a singer or a band 这

12、里只为大家罗列了部分话题,更多话题点击查看part 2人物类话题1、part2人物类话题2。通过以上话题我们不难发现,人物类话题就是上述的两大类:亲近关系的人和名人。更多雅思口语高频话题 三、 了解具体答题点 1, 外貌的描述 ( physical appearance)。首先我们可以从大体上来描述一个人的外貌,比如 年龄 young/old, 身高 average/medium height, 着装 casually dressed/formally dressed, 头发 blonde/short hair/slightly wavy, 脸型 round/ heart-shaped/squ

13、are/oval 等,除此之外还可以加一些关于面部表情的描述。 2, 关于人物性格的描述 (personality)。即 kind-hearted, warm-hearted; 内向的,外向的 introverted, extroverted; 聪慧的 intelligent; 努力工作的 hard-working/ industrious; 喜爱交际的 sociable;可依靠的 reliable, someone you can depend upon 3. 人物关于你的影响或和你的关系。一般我们在考到名人或老人的时候更多的使用的是他们对我们的影响是什么。比如老人我们即可从很多角度作答,例

14、如 1)社会经验,知识积存;在谈到朋友时,1) 关系,2)朋友对你的影响。 4. 结合具体题目。例如在描述 describe a person who has an important job时,除了关于人物的描述外还必须要重点描述 why the job is important. 结合今年考到的这些题目,例如考到 describe a polite person的时候,要结合一个关于礼貌的说法,结合具体的实例来进行阐述,会更加的直观。具体的答题方法指导可以参照雅思口语part2人物类答题方法介绍。 四、 使用万能模板 这一点之所以放在最后是因为并不建议考生一开始就使用模板。万能模板建议备考

15、周期极短或者有一定基础想要在模板基础上突破的考生。模板的使用是利弊均在的,所以考生一定要合理使用。 关于人物类万能模板,首先,应该说清楚这个人是谁,做简单概括,所以只必须要记住他的特点即可,如果是一位名人,那么就应该对这个名人比较熟悉。其次,也是这个话题最重要的部分,这个人做了什么事让你印象深入,并解释原因。最后,只必须要简单概括总结即可。这就是一个完整的话题回答了,其实话题的回答思路并不难,而是要知道该如何去表达这些话,关于口语基础好的烤鸭自然不必担心,但是假设是基础有那么些欠缺的烤鸭就必须要注意啦。模板使用详情尽在雅思口语Part2人物类万能模板。 4雅思口语中怎样描述一个人 Descri

16、be a Family Member Describe a family member that you are very close to. Your should say: Who this person is. What this person is like. How you are like and unlike this person. And explain why you are close to this person. 而且在第二部分的描述中,对人物的描述是考试的主流话题之一。人物描述出现的概率相当高,几乎在每个月的考试里面都能碰到。一般来讲,人物描述的体现方式有以下几种:

17、 a famous person/a child/an old person/a favorite teacher/a close family member/a close friend 而且现在又出现了一些新的表现方式,如:an interesting person/a happiest person 等。不管是怎样的表现形式,万变不离其宗,关于考生来说,只要掌握方法,都能逐一破解、举一反三。一些考生或许会有疑惑,如果只是回答卡片上的几个问题,似乎很难达到2分钟的时间长度。那么,卡片上没有没到的方面,大家也是可以描述的。但是前提是,这些虽然不是卡片问题的内容,但也必须是和该卡片主体息息相关

18、的信息。 关于该人物的描述,考生必须要注意以下几个方面: 1、对卡片上的问题进行回答。 以上卡片包涵着4个问题,在笔记过程中应当以词语为基础来进行分解: Who this person is. (人物,e.g. my mother) What this person is like. (描述性词语,e.g. looks, personality, hobbies) How you are like and unlike this person. (比较和对比,similarities looks hobbies; differences - personality) Why you are c

19、lose to this person. (该家庭成员对自己的影响.) 2、对卡片上没有提到信息进行描述。 在准备的1分钟里面,考生可以将一些问题的答案关键词纪录在纸张上,即以上括号里面的一些内容,以起到提醒的作用。然后结合自己的状况进行相关的描述。 Sample Answer (with key words underlined): The person I am very close to in my family is my mother. My mother is medium height who always wears a friendly smile on her face.

20、Blue is her favorite color as she thinks it symbols peace and emotion. I think is has a lot to do with her personality. As a music teacher, she is always very patient and kind to her students. There are quite a few similarities between us. People all say that I look like my mother more than my fathe

21、r. We both like listening to the music and watching movies. On weekends, we often go shopping in the supermarkets or department stores. But we are also different in many ways. My mother is a good gardener. Our veranda is lined with all her gardening masterpieces, such as chrysanthemum and Chinese ro

22、ses. I am not so patient in taking care of the plants. Besides, my mother can cook many delicious dishes, while I cant at all. I have learned how to treat people and how to deal with problems on my own from her. She is the one I am close to as she really influences me a lot. 有的考生在未结束描述前,可能被考官打断(Sorry. I am gonna stop you there.)如果碰到这样的状况,是因为考官必须要掌握和掌控考试的节奏和时间,打断并非是由于认为考生讲得不好,所以考生不必紧张,只必须要依据考官的指令持续考试即可。这个是对考生们心理的考验,相信大家经过那么多大大小小的考试,心理素养是没有问题的。 第 10 页 共 10 页

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