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1、雅思口语怎么描述地点_雅思口语怎么说能高分关于地方的话题,该话题是雅思口语P2的一道经典题和难题,也是9-12月题库里的必考题。那么雅思口语怎么描述地点呢?今天我给大家分享一些方法,希望对您有所帮助! TPO2 Task 1 Choose a place you go to often that is important to you and explain why it is important. Please include specific details in your explanation. 选择一个你常常去且对你来说重要的地方,并解释为什么这个地方重要? 思路:去住处四周的公园,

2、因为那里可以1.锻炼身体 2.放松 First, it is an ideal place to work out. I love doing sports, because it keeps my body fit and healthy and makes me feel good and comfortable. Sitting in a place to study for a long period of time is very detrimental to my physical well being; therefore, I always go to the park to

3、stretch out my arms and legs in order to refresh my mind and boost my energy. And I can focus better afterward. Also, it is a quiet place without too much noise. So I can calm down and enjoy peace of mind for a while after a days work. Having time to relax for a bit is very important for me, because

4、 I can release my stress and get rid of the troubles and worries from my studies, which is good for our physical health. TPO 5 - Task1 Talk about a place you enjoyed going to or visiting when you were a child. Describe the place. 介绍一个你儿时喜爱去的地方。 思路:小时候喜爱去的地方是我家四周的公园,因为那里环境好可以1.健身 2.放松 Well,The place

5、I enjoyed going to when I was a child was the park near my apartment. First, it is an ideal place to do exercise. Ive always loved to do sports since my childhood, because sports keep my body fit and healthy and make me feel good and comfortable. Sitting in a place to study for a long period of time

6、 is very detrimental to my physical health; therefore, I always go to the park to stretch out my arms and legs in order to refresh my mind and boost my energy. And I can focus better afterward. Also, it is a quiet place without too much noise. So I can calm down and enjoy peace of mind for a while a

7、fter a days work. Having time to relax for a bit is very important for me, because I can release my stress and get rid of the troubles and worries from my studies, which is good for our physical health. TPO 7 - Task1 If friends from another country were going to spend time in your country, what city

8、 or place would you suggest they visit? Using details and examples, explain why. 如果外国朋友来你的国家,你会建议他们去哪个城市或去什么地方? 思路:理由同上, 但可稍作微调,如可以提议和朋友们在公园,因为在那里可以踢球、打球或体育运动,还可以放松。 Well, I would suggest my friends to go to the park near my home for the following reasons. First, the park has a stadium, an ideal pla

9、ce to do sports like playing soccer or basketball. I would ask them to play basketball with me, because we all love this game. Not only doing sports can make us feel happy and relaxed, but also provide a chance to strengthen our friendship. We rarely get together after graduation, and I am sure this

10、 will be a good memory for all of us. Also, it is a quiet place. So we can calm down and enjoy peace of mind. Having time to relax for a bit is very important for us, because we can release our stress and get rid of the troubles and worries from our works, which is good for our physical health TPO 1

11、3 - Task1 Talk about a game, sport or other group activity that is played in your country. Explain why you think the activity is enjoyable. 介绍一项你国家的体育运动,解释为什么这项运动令人愉悦? 思路:咱们国家比较大众化的体育运动应该是乒乓球。虽然打乒乓球不一定要在宁静的环境下进行,但至少可以愉悦、放松。 The sport that is popular in my country is table tennis. People love this ga

12、me because of the following two reasons. First, playing table tennis can keep body fit and healthy and make people feel good and comfortable. Sitting in a place to study or work for a long period of time is very detrimental to my physical health; therefore, a lot of people in China play table tennis

13、 refresh their mind when they have break time. Also, taking a break to play table tennis for a while is very important for those who work or study, because they can refresh their mind and set themselves free from the troubles and worries of their works for a bit, which is good for their physical hea

14、lth. TPO 23 - Task2 Some people enjoy spending their free time alone in activities such as reading, thinking, or writing. Others enjoy spending their free time in shared activities with other people. Which do you prefer and why? 有人喜爱读书、思索或写作,而有人喜爱参加集体活动,你偏好哪种? 思路:我喜爱和朋友们打篮球, 因为打篮球可以锻炼身体、还可以放松。 请参照下面

15、答案。 Well, I would love to play basketball with my friends in the park near my home. First, the park has a stadium, an ideal place to do group activities like soccer or basketball. My friends and I always enjoy spending our free time to play basketball, because not only shared activities can keep us

16、fit and healthy, but also provide us a chance to strengthen our friendship and make new friends. Also, playing basketball is a good way to have fun and relax. Having time to take a break for a bit is very important for us, because we can release our stress and get rid of the troubles and worries fro

17、m our works, which is good for our physical health. TPO 24 -Task1 Talk about a popular gathering place in your town where people like to go. Describe the place and explain why people enjoy going there. 介绍一个你所在城市人们最喜爱聚集的地方。 思路:go to park 应该无可厚非吧,在那里人们可以做体育运动,放松。 Well, a popular gathering place in my

18、town has always been parks. First, many parks in my town have the area where people can do sports activities. They enjoy doing sports because they want to keep their body fit and healthy. Students or people working in companies always need to stretch out their arms and legs in order to refresh their

19、 mind from a stressful day of work. And the park an ideal place to visit. Also, the park is very quiet with a lot of green area and fresh air. So people can calm down and enjoy peace of mind for a while after a days work. Having time to relax for a bit is very important for all of us, because we can

20、 release our stress and get rid of the troubles and worries from our studies or works, which is good for our physical health. TPO 29 -Task1 Some people like to study in public places where there are other people around. Others prefer to study in places where there are few or no people around. Which

21、kind of place do you prefer? Explain why. 有人喜爱热闹的地方,而有的人喜爱人少的地方,你喜爱哪里? 思路:a quiet place 既可以学习、也可以放松。 请参照下面的答案。 I would prefer to study a place where there are few people around. First, the park near my home is an ideal place to study, because it has a lot of green area and fresh air. I will be able

22、to calm down and focus better on my studies with a deep breath of the cold and fresh odor in the park. Without too much disturbance and noise, my work efficiency is improved, and I can get a lot of works done in the place. Also, after a long time study, I would get tired and need to take a break for

23、 a bit. And a quiet place without too many people around can allow me to enjoy peace of mind and set me free from the troubles and worries of my works. Being able to find a quiet place to rest is beneficial to my physical health. 3雅思索试中怎么说地道的口语 1、发音是标准的 英语为母语的人更易接受外国人对话里所犯语法的错误,而不易接受难懂、勉强能明白的糟糕发音。也就

24、是说,发音有问题便会严重影响正常交流。 反过来讲,如果你练就一口优美的英文发音,母语人士便将更乐意与你交流,他们听你能把自己的母语说得很美丽定会大加欣赏!这又进一步的加深你对这种语言的喜好,这是个良性的循环过程。 所以说,雅思口语学习中的发音是练好英文口语的基础。初学口语一定不要要求讲得是有多快、多流利,先把发音练好才是最根本的。 学习发音最好是从日常生活中的用语开始,如果学习同时能有老师帮助你改正发音、教你扩大词汇量便是最正确方式,就能事半功倍地提升口语的发音水平。 2、说话而并不是翻译 很多国人会有讲英文习惯之一,是先在肚子中打汉语草稿,再用翻译过来。这样为母语人士造成不好印象是:1、你反

25、应有点慢;2、你讲话有点呆板。造成这种现象根本的原因,在于你雅思口语学习不够,同时英文语言的输入也不够。中国有句老话:知识渊博才可能侃侃而谈,肚子里没墨水咋行?!同样,这话也可用于英语口语表达。 只有进行大量原版的英文阅读、新闻听力、英美剧浸泡、外企职场邮件或口语交流等英文环境的语言素材入浸,你才有地道的口语的脱口而出。 如果以后在外企工作,那么定要充分的利用好工作环境。上班时及时的把自己所学运用到商务邮件中、和国外同事的口头交流中,慢慢你同事或许会对你英文的水平刮目相看! 3、你说话要欧美人的习惯 同一句话,用不同表达便反映着你英文的功底;地道的表达,外国人听了便会把你当成自己人,拗口的表达

26、,外国人笑一笑仅把你当做有一定距离的国际友人。 4雅思口语考试怎么突破 首先,设立短期目标是雅思突破重点。在教学中常发现,漫无目的同学进步不会太大,而集中力量先突破某点至关重要。以口语为例,短期全面的提升口语便会有很大难度,甚至不同语体口语的要求也迥然不同,但假设短期目标仅是一场面试,一次演讲又或一场考试,则完全可能就有捷径可寻。 关于很多学员来讲,雅思索试准备的时间有限,这就必须速成,在较短的准备期内反复锤炼关于自己背景,经历与职业目标等常见的话题阐述,必要的话许记些模式化的词句,在口语考试时或许会收到不俗效果。 其次,有目的集中的训练是雅思突破手段。很多同学发现继续参加英语角活动,甚至经常

27、与外国朋友聊天但却仍没显著提升,这便提示我们必须重视训练方法与质量。与体育运动训练相同,每次口语的学习应在质与量上突破极限,且这种极限感觉同体育运动的感受异常相似:由于大脑缺氧而导致轻度头晕等。 刚开始学习用外语深入地讨论问题2小时左右便会产生这感觉,这时只有能保持下去才可提升口语水平。换句话说,每次学习时间应至少1小时以上,并且形式必须是深入探讨,内容也要事先准备。这样方式训练起来应付雅思口语部分自然不在话下。听力也一样,在泛听基础上精听,集中训练达定极限时便会有所收获。 最后,把解决自己盲点作为雅思突破核心。听力口语有个比语法词汇更难地方便是一个人很难找到自我的问题。于是有人干脆仅是学习,不去研究自己,也不发现问题并解决,但最后变为为学习而学习。其实除参照资料外,我们最应学会钻研,沉淀自己。自己平常的讲话用词,造句,逻辑,例证,甚至说口头禅都可通过录音又或是两人互相记录等方式搞清楚。 第 11 页 共 11 页

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