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1、托福口语考试常考话题有些托福口语话题,在考试中常常出现。因此同学在备考的过程中,也要注意这些话题的学习。下面是我为您整理的关于托福口语考试常考话题,希望对你有所帮助。 1. 描述人物 1) What are the characteristics of a good friend? Use reasons and examples to support your responses. 答题要点:重要的是描述出 2-3 个优点,并加上举例。 类似题目: *What are the characteristics of a good neighbor/ parent/ teacher/ class

2、mate/ roommate? * Describe the characteristics that make a person successful 2) Which person has helped you the most to get where you are today, and how has he or she helped you? 答题要点:重要的是描述出 2-3 件事情,越具体越好。 类似题目: * What person who is alive today would you most like to meet? * Describe a person you a

3、dmire most and explain why you admire this person? * What famous person would you like to visit for one hour and why? * Describe a person who has influenced you in an important way. Explain why this person has had an effect on your life. 2. 描述地点 Describe a place where you go for rest and relaxation.

4、 Explain why it is a good place for you to relax. 答题要点:描述出 3 点左右的理由,如 beautiful scenery, shopping facilities, employment opportunities, easy transportation 类似题目: * If you could live anywhere, where would you live? * Which place in your hometown would you like to take visitors to see and why? * Choos

5、e a place you go to often that is important to you and explain why it is important. * What foreign country would you like to visit? Choose a country and explain why you would like to go there. * Describe one thing you would like to improve about your hometown. 3. 描述节日 What is your favorite holiday?

6、Use reasons and details to support your response. 答题要点:描述出喜爱的理由,如 relax, travel, family reunion, get-together 类似题目: * What is your favorite day of the year? * Describe an event such as a holiday or other occasion that you enjoy celebrating and explain why the event is significant to you. 4. 描述工作 If

7、you can have any job in the world, what would it be? 答题要点:从几条类似理由中找出容易的描述点,如: Challenging job, decent salary, social status, good reputation, chances for promotions, travel 类似题目: What would be your dream job? 5. 描述事件 What event in your life made you very happy? 答题要点:通过具体例子描述出这件事情的重要性,可选择描述大学录取,获得重要奖

8、励,难忘旅行等,同时要合计如果题目让你描述不好的事情时怎么说。 类似题目: * Describe the most impressive event in your life. * What important lesson have you learned in your life? 2托福口语提分的四个方面 题型和解题技巧没有熟悉就匆忙上阵 考托福口语,就像和敌人打仗。你不知道敌人怎么出招,你也就不知道你自己应该出什么招。这样,你打败仗就是必定的。 建议:熟悉题型。 缺乏迅速组织好答案的能力 考生在托福口语考试中,面临两点压力: 1、时间紧、任务重。托福口语的答案准备时间只有15-30秒,

9、答题只有45/60秒。如果没有接受过正规的训练,考生在考场上必将不知所措、语无伦次。 2、要迅速浮现完整的答案,这也就要求考生的答案浓缩精华。没接受过答案构思训练,浓缩精华也是难以做到的。 考场上表现得不够自信和大方 原因有二: 1、缺乏口语学习,导致考生在答题时表现得不自信。 2、性格过于内敛,导致考生在答题时表现得不够张扬。考场上表现得不够自信和大方不是形式上的问题,而是本质问题,因为这样,考生答题的音量就会小,发音就会模糊,分数也就不可能高。 建议: 1、信心来自实力,实力来自学习。 2、不管你在平常的性格如何,在考场内答题时,你必须表现得开朗、自信、大方。 口语答案的语言缺乏表现力 总

10、体来讲:英语语音不准确、语调无起伏、语言不流利、结结巴巴。 建议: 1、了解语音语调方面的知识(适当了解,而不要花太多精力在这方面),提前发现并改正自己的语音语调错误。 2、天天保持大声、清楚、准确地朗诵一段80-120字的英文段子。 那么我们又该如何提升托福口语呢? 提升技巧一:严格控制时间 托福口语考试的答题时间是相当短的,最长在60秒,通常状况下的答题时间只有45秒。针对这部分时间,大家一定要把握好。到了考试时有很多考生只注意时间,觉得时间凑满了,就一定会拿高分。其实,为了凑时间而出现的重复答案,并不会给你加分,反之清楚地表达出所要表达的内容最后才可以获得高分。 在此还有一种状况是你所说

11、的答案逻辑十分清楚,有理有据,就算是在规按时间里没有答完,如此同样不会影响你获得高分的。这一点大家一定要注意了。 提升技巧二:要重视口语发音 托福口语能力提升的第一步,是尽可能快速的把一口标准、纯正的语音掌握。有的考生对语音一点也不重视,以为差不多即可,这是错误的。不规范的语音通常会造成你说的英语别人听不懂,别人说纯正的英语你同样不能听明白。想要消除这种状况,大家要的是将发音练得准确无误。 可能有的考生针对托福口语的发音不是太重视。事实上口语发音是托福口语的一个十分重要的评分标准。答案语音清楚的,得分就会相对高很多。 提升技巧三:说英语的语言环境 很多人有这样的疑问:学了这么多年英语,口语为什

12、么不见得有提升呢?其实,口语是人与人之间的交流方式,并未有人找你用英语聊天,你自然就不可以获得口语的锻炼,是不是?说得专业一点,英语口语不见提升的根源就是英语环境的缺失。英语母语人士的口语学习方法是浸泡在英语环境中,而我们缺少这样的英语环境。为了解决这个问题,我们只能自己创造英语环境,然后浸泡其中! 提升技巧四:日常学习要施行 针对托福口语备考而言,平常的口语学习才是最重要的。这一点,考生们可以在平常找朋友一起学习,大家可以和朋友大胆地用英语交流。考试时将考试当做和朋友在一起聊天就好,这样既消除了恐惧,同时也能得到一个不错的分数。 3如何把握托福口语题干 在托福口语备考的过程中,人机对话的方式

13、造成时间的紧张。所以,关于我们来说,想要成功应对托福口语的答题,把握好问题的主干是非常必要的。那么,关于托福考试口语来说题干又该如何去准确把握呢? 实例1 The speakers discuss two possible solutions to the womans problem. Describe the problemand the two solutions. Then explain what you think the woman should do and why. Sample answer1 Mary has cancelled the three days trip.

14、And she thought she would have no chance, so shepromised Professor Clark to help the museum exhibition. And nowadays there is a chance forMary to enter the trip. She must choose one place to go, the museum or the trip? I think Maryshould help Professor Clark for the museum exhibition at first. Becau

15、se she promised theprofessor and this is her job now. If she couldnt finish the job until Wednesday, she shouldgive up the trip because she must perform. her promise. 解析 (1) 从上面的陈述中我们不难看出这位托友并没有很清楚地且很正确地把握题目要求,这是一个致命的缺点,这样就使题干没有发挥它应有的指标性纲领的使用价值。就这道题的题干而言,它很明确地告诉大家答题顺序,具体分为三个步骤:1,Describe the problem

16、 and the two solutions; 2,explain what you thinkthe woman should do;3,why.因为托友没有按照题目建议的答题顺序作答,所以整体听起来没有层次。 (2) 重要信息遗漏,造成题目回答走偏或者可以说是跑题的问题。Listening Materials中很清楚地说明Mary面临两个选择:First, short trip; Second, to help Professor Clark to set up the museumexhibition.同样她有两个solutions: First, to finish the task before Wednesday; Second, She findssomeone else to replace her to help Professor Clark to set up the museum exhibition.按照材料中所透露的信息,我想听后大家100%会选择第一个方案,因为它两全其美!这样Mary在既遵守诺言的同时还可以去参加短期旅行,一举两得!而很显然遗漏了其中一个solution,所以致使其偏离了主题! 第 9 页 共 9 页

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