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1、1.重点单词拼写1)A large mof people have never traveled outside China.2)Sarah sinto the room and carefully shut the door.3)What was his rwhen you told him you were leaving?4)He was one of the 200 afor the teaching post.【答案】majority【答案】slipped【答案】reaction【答案】applicants5)Now it is not easy to go into the US.

2、There are strict controls on i into the country.6)Research Ithat men find it easier to give up smoking than women.7)In that country,bicycles are a very important mof transport.8)We ha car for a week when we were in Italy.【答案】immigration【答案】indicates【答案】means【答案】hired 2.选词填空,作必要词形变化apparentreactimmig

3、rationmeansmixapplicantswap indicate nationalityavailable3)The childrens poor health was from their physical appearance.1)He regarded his marriage merely as ato an end:he just wanted his wifes wealth.【答案】means【答案】available【答案】apparent4)Sugar,whenwith water,dissolves quickly.【答案】mixed2)Tickets areat

4、the box office.5)into the US became difficult after the September 11.【答案】Immigration【答案】indicated6)To our surprise,there were 4,000for the job.【答案】applicants7)Hethat he was turning right,but then he turned left!8)After dinner,they sat aroundstories about their travels.【答案】swapping9)People canbadly t

5、o certain food addictives(添加剂).【答案】react10)There are as many as 56 differentin China.【答案】nationalities返回单元菜单1.短语积累take in包含;收留;领会;欺骗take after sb(长相或举止)像(长辈)take sth/sb off 脱掉;模仿(人);休假take off(飞机)起飞;迅速走红take sth over(from sb)接管take on 雇用;承担;呈现(面貌)take sth up开始从事/学习;占用(时间或空间);接受(建议或挑战);继续(谈论或处理)occur

6、 to sb.(想法或主意)被想到occur to sb 某人想到it occurs to sb to do sth 某人想到it occurs to sb that.某人想到2.用方框中短语的正确形式填空take intake aftertake offtake ontake uptake over1)It took me a long time towhat the teacher was saying.【答案】take in2)Mary reallyher mother;she has the same eyes,nose and hair.【答案】takes after3)ImFrid

7、aybecause Im moving house.【答案】taking;off4)My doctor says Im too tired and has advised me not toany more work.【答案】take on5)These boxes of yours aretoo much space.【答案】taking up6)Im feeling too tired to drive any longer.Will you?【答案】take over返回单元菜单1.Exactly when the first people arrived in what we now

8、know as California,no one really knows.(P2)这是一外多重复合句,主句no one really knows带了一个以exactly when引导的宾语从句(因为太长被前置),而宾语多句中介词in也带了一个以what引导的宾语从句what we now know as California.when和what在这里引导的都是名词性从句,其中,what相当于thething that或everything that,表示“所之事”。know.as.将称为;认为;认定This area is known as Little Hong Kong.这一地区被称为

9、“小香港”。即时强化练习:翻译下面句子我将尽我所能来帮助你。【答案】Ill do what I can(do)to help you.2.It is believed that before long the mix of nationalities will be so great that there will be no major racial or cultural groups,but simply a mixture of many races and cultures.(P3)It is believed that.据信It is said that.据说It is repor

10、ted that.据报道It is known that.众所周知即时强化练习:翻译下面句子人们普遍认为这种病毒最初来自猴子。【答案】It is widely believed that the virus originally came from the monkeys.3.No one is known to have escaped.(P8)be known to do=It is known that.众所周知本句相当于It is(well-)known that no one(has)escaped.They are known to have spoken to the Presi

11、dent about it.众所周知,他们已向总统提过此事。She is known to be interested in rap music.=It is known that she is interested in rap music.她喜欢说唱乐是人所共知的。这种结构中的动词不定式用完成式表示该动作是过去的或已经发生的行为。试比较:He is believed to be living in Pakistan.据信现在他任在巴基斯坦。即时强化练习:翻译下面句子三个人失踪了,人们普遍认为他已被杀/死亡。4.Although some boys in his situation migh

12、t have turned to crime to get money for food and clothing,Louis never did.介词短语in his situation在这里相当于一个虚拟条件句if they(=some boys)had been as poor as Louis,表示与过去事实相反的假设,所以后面的主句谓语动词也用了虚拟语气might have turned to crime.turn to sb/sth 转向;求助于There is nobody she can turn to.她求助无门。He turned to drugs/drinks when

13、his wife left him.妻子离开他之后,他开始吸毒/酗酒。【答案】A third man is missing and is believed to have been killed/and is believed to be dead.即时强化练习:翻译下面句子如果是另一种情况的话,我可能就拒绝了。【答案】In different circumstances I would have said no返回单元菜单1.It didnt occur to me there had be a big festival on at the same time as my holiday.(

14、P8)occur vi.想起,想到;发生,出现 Just at that moment an idea occurred to me.就在那时,我突然想起了一个主意。It suddenly occurred to me that we could use a computer to do the job.我突然想到我们可以用计算机来做这项工作。2.Scientists believe that these first settlers crossed the Bering Strait from Asia to Alaska by means of a land bridge which ex

15、isted in prehistoric time.(P2)means n.(单复数同形)方法,手段,工具 This plan must be put into practice by all means.必须尽一切办法实施这个计划。All the possible means have been used to solve the medical problem.为了解决这个医疗问题,所有可能方法都尝试了。【词汇网络】by all means 尽一切办法;一定;务必;当然可以 by any means 无论如何 by means of 用;依靠 by no means 决不;并没有 by t

16、his means 用这种方法3.Notice how the listener reacts.(P9)react v.反应 reaction n 反应 How did your head teacher react after you destroyed the window of the classroom?你的班主任对你损坏了班上的窗户有什么反应?What was your brothers reaction to the news?你的兄弟对这个消息有什么反应?【词汇网络】react to 对作出反应 react on/upon 对有影响 react against 反对;反抗;作出反

17、抗的反应4.Why is it important in a telephone conversation to indicate that you are paying attention to what the other person is saying?(P7)indicate vt.指出,指示;表明,象征 The circle on the map indicates where the accident happened.图上的圆圈表明事故发生的地点。A red sky at night indicates that the following day will be fine.晚

18、上天边红预示明朝天气好。5.He is from an immigrant family originally from South America and speaks excellent Spanish.(P4)immigrate vi.移民入境,移居 immigrant n.移民 Many Asians have immigrated to European countries.很多亚洲人移居到欧洲国家。There are many immigrants from America in Australia.澳大利亚有很多美洲移民。6.The famous prison on the is

19、land is kept up well.(P8)在岛上的著名的监狱被保存得很好。keep up 维持,保持,保养;使不下降 It costs a lot of money to keep up a car.要保养一部车子需要很多的钱。How much does it cost you to keep your large house and garden?管理你的大房子和花园需要多少花费?【词汇网络】keep away(from)不接近 keep back 阻止,抑制,不能接近 keep.from 阻止做某事 keep off 远离 keep up with 跟上 keep an eye o

20、n 留心,关照 keep hold of 抓住 keep a record of 记载 keep in touch with 与保持联系7.I teamed up with a couple from my hotel and hired a car.(P8)team up with 相称,合伙;合作,协作 The two factories have teamed up to make the new products.两家工厂联手制造那些新产品。The new tie teams up nicely with your black suit.这条新领带与你的黑西装很相称。【词汇网络】tea

21、m spirit 团队精神 team-work 协力工作8.I am exhausted and dont feel like doing anything else.(P9)feel like doing sth.想要做某事He feels like going out for a walk after supper.Dont you feel like swimming in winter?【词汇网络】would like to do sth.想要做某事 would prefer to do sth 宁愿做某事 prefer doing A to doing B 宁愿做A事而不愿做B事 p

22、refer to do.rather than do.宁愿干而不愿干 would rather do sth.宁愿做 would rather sb.did sth.宁愿某人做返回模块菜单返回单元菜单1.重点单词拼写1)Whats the pfor renewing your car insurance(保险)?2)She ufull responsibility for the failure of the project(计 划).3)The only oto hiring him is that he cant drive.4)Further information can be ofr

23、om our head office in Beijing.【答案】procedure【答案】undertook【答案】objection【答案】obtained5)It is rto suppose that house prices will come down soon.【答案】reasonable6)Muslim women are fto go out without a veil(面纱)【答案】forbidden【答案】bother【答案】accumulated【答案】bound7)He didnt want to bher with his financial problems

24、during their honeymoon(蜜月)8)He aa lot of material for writing a good composition.9)Dont lie to her.She is bto find out about it.10)They had to operate on his eyes to rhis sight(视力)【答案】restore.2.选词填空commercialregulationdecorationshortlyresistassumptionargumentdisturbingaltogethermerely1)Jim failed to

25、 see thevalue of his discovery.【答案】commercial【答案】disturbing3)How much do I owe you?【答案】altogether4)Theof our new house had taken months and cost nearly 1 million 2)There is aincreasing on the crime rate in the city.【答案】decoration 5)Believing that I was charged too much,I got into anwith the dtaxi dr

26、iver.【答案】argument6)A balanced diet will increase your ability to infection(感染)【答案】resist7)Im not trying to criticize(批评)you,Imtrying to find out how the accident happened.【答案】merely8)Many people make thethat poverty(贫困)only exists in the Third World.【答案】assumption9)The accident happenedafter school

27、was over.【答案】shortly10)There are strictabout the use of chemicals in food.【答案】regulations返回单元菜单1.短语积累in favor of 支持;赞同;有利于be bound to 一定会;有义务from time to time有时;间或=at times/now and again/now and then/every now and thenpay off 还清;成功;得到回报cast down 使沮丧;失望的cast away(因般失事而)使漂流2.用方框中短语的正确形式填空in favor ofca

28、st downobject topay offcast awayfrom time to time1)Two hundred workers have.【答案】been paid off(被付清工资解雇了)2)Impeople going out and enjoying themselves as long as they dont disturb other people.【答案】in favor of(赞成;支持)3)I still come and see heralthough Ive moved to another city.【答案】from time to time(偶尔)4)

29、I being spoken to like that.【答案】object to(反对;反感)5)Michael seems quite.What has happened to him?【答案】cast down(沮丧)6)If you wereon a desert island,what would you miss most?【答案】cast away(因沉船而)流落返回单元菜单1.But at last the determination and patience of the scientists was rewarded in 1996 with a breakthrough.

30、the cloning of Dolly the Sheep(P11).Altogether Dolly lived for six years,half the length of the life of the original sheep.(P12)上述两句中,the cloning of Dolly the Sheep 和half the length of the life of the original sheep分别是a breakthrough和six years的同位语。一个名词(个别时候也可以是代词)后面可以接一个单词、短语或从句,对前者作进一步的解释,说明它指的是谁或是什

31、么,这就是同位语。如:The defendant,a woman of 35,denies kicking the policeman.那位被告,一位35岁的妇女,否认踢了警察。同位语从句一般用that引导,不作任何成分,但不能省略.2.Cloning has always been with us and is here to stay.(P11)克隆一直与我们同在,而如今它还要持续下去。be here to stay/have come to stay:某事物持续下去;某事物被普遍接受;某事物成为生活的一部分Do you think high unemployment is here to

32、 stay?你认为高失业率会一直持续下去吗?3.On the other hand,Dollys appearance raised a storm of objections and had a great impact on the media and public imagination.(P12)另一方面,多莉的出生引起了一阵强烈的反对,对媒体和公众的想象力也产生了巨大的影响。a storm of 一阵(感情的爆发)The decision was greeted with a storm of applause/cheers/abuse/booing.这一决定引来了暴风雨般的掌声/欢

33、呼声/招来了一阵怒骂/一阵嘘声(喝倒彩的声音)。raise在这里表示“唤起;引起;发出”The men raised a loud cheer as the president appeared.总统一出现,人们就发出热烈的欢呼声。4.Diversity in a group means having animals with their genes arranged in different ways.(P15)群体的多样性是指这群动物的基因要以不同的方式排列。with their genes arranged in different way是一由with引导复合的结构,常用来作后置定语或

34、时间、原因、伴随等状语,如:He stood there,with his back towards his father.他站在那里,背对着他父亲。With so much work on hand/to do,Im afraid I cant go with you.有那么多工作要做,恐怕我不能跟你一起去。With John working abroad and Mary traveling most of the time,the house seems empty.由于约翰在国外工作,而玛丽大部分时间都在旅行,所以他们的房子显得空荡荡的。5.Based on what we know

35、now,you can not clone animals that have been extinct longer than 10,000 years.(P16)就我们现在所知,你不可能克隆那些已经绝种了一万年以上的动物。be based on 以为基础base sth on sth 以为基础The film was based on a true story.这部电影是以一个真实的故事为基础改编的。They based their estimate on the figures for the last three years.他们以过去三年的数字为依据进行估算。本句中based on

36、what we know now是一个过去分词作状语,表示条件。又如:Based on a study of consumer spending,their marketing strategy was very successful.他们的销售策略是根据消费者花钱的情况所做的研究而制定的,所以很成功。6.So the chances of dinosaurs ever returning to the earth is merely a dream.(P16)所以说恐龙回归地球的可能性仅仅是个梦想罢了!chance在本句中表示“可能性”,后面常跟of结构和that引导的同位语从句:a/no

37、chance of stha/no chance of(sb)doing stha/no chance thatThe chance of rain is less than 20%下雨的可有性不到20%。There is no chance of him getting a ticket,I think.我认为他没有可能弄到票。7.With the help of special cloning techniques,such people can be restored to perfect health and be able to live a normal life again.在一

38、些特殊克隆技术的帮助下,这些人可以完全恢复健康并重新过上正常的生活。with the help of 在的帮助下With the help of the teacher,she has made rapid progress in English.在老师的帮助下,她的英语取得了很快的进步。restore vt.恢复(原状/健康);修复The army was called in to restore law and order.部队被召来恢复法治。live/lead a.life 过着生活I just want to be able to lead a normal life.我只想能过正常的

39、生活。即时强化练习:根据所给汉语完成句子1)His chances(得到这个工作)are slim since he doesnt have a masters degree.【答案】of getting the job2)Have you seen the film(以为根据)the story of Heller Keller?【答案】based on(或which is based on)3)The news(她不得不辞职)is spreading.【答案】that she has to resign4)(从远处看),the snow covered mountains are myst

40、erious.【答案】Seen from the distance5)He sat there,(翘起二郎腿)。【答案】with his legs crossed6)She looked out of the window,(陷入沉思)【答案】lost in thought7)(随着经济的发展),we are living a better life.【答案】With the economy developing(或As the economy develops)返回单元菜单1.Then came the disturbing news that Dolly became seriously

41、ill.(P12)然后传来了多莉得了重病的令人烦恼的消息。disturb v.搅乱;打扰;使人烦恼或不安 disturbing 令人烦恼的,disturbed 烦恼的,受打扰的 disturbance n.烦恼,打扰,纷乱 He entered the room quietly so as not to disturb the sleeping child.他悄悄地进入房间以便不打扰睡着的孩子。Its very disturbing that we havent heard from her.没有收到她的来信令人我们感到不安。【词语辨析】disturb/interrupt disturb 扰乱

42、,妨碍,打乱,一般用作打扰别人正常的心理或生 活,打乱原来的状况。interrupt 一般指“打乱,阻断”之意,也可指“插嘴”2.Why do some people object to human cloning?(P14)object反对;不赞成;对表示反感 objection n.All of us objected that he was too young to take the high position.我们所有人都反对他就任高职因为他太年轻。I feel a strong objection to going to work early.我强烈反对早上班。【词汇网络】objec

43、t to sth./doing sth.反对raise/voice an objection 提出反对意见have an objection to(doing)sth.反对干某事3.Cloning plants is straightforward but the cloning of animals is more complicated.(P11)straightforward adj.简单的;易懂的;正直的;老实的;坦率的 I would like you to give me a straightforward answer.我希望你给一个简单的回答。At least he was q

44、uite straightforward about it;you cant say he was trying to deceive you.他起码在那件事上是相当坦率的,你不能说他试图欺骗你。【词语辨析】frank/open/plain/honest/sincere/straightforward frank 强调毫无保留地畅所欲言,不受任何约束。open 指不隐瞒自己的秘密,愿意向他人表露自己或公开暴露自己的缺点。plain 指直言,毫不做作或故弄玄虚。honest 指遵守一定的道德准则。sincere 侧重指一个人出自内心地对某人某事表示一种诚意。straightforward 多用于

45、答复、叙述等场合,指直截了当,不回避。4.What problems may arise when humans are cloned?(P10)arise vi.出现;发生;造成 A new problem about the project arose in the meeting.在会议上出现了关于那工程的新问题。The traffic accidents always arise from carelessness.交通事故往往是由粗心造成的。【词语辨析】arise/rise/raise/lift arise vi.指“上升,出现,发生”是一种庄严的用语。rise vi.指“升高,耸立

46、,上升”之意,表示事物本身由低处移到高处,可引申为“起床,起立”。raise vt.“抬起,举起,升起”,表示把某物从低处移到高处;有时指“提高价值、名誉、地位”等,又可作“扶养,饲养”解。Lift vt.&vi“举起,抬起,提高,升起”,强调用人力或机械把重物 提高到较高的位置。5.Dollys death,like her birth,was bound to raise worries.(P14)be bound to 注定;有义务做 The weather is bound to get better tomorrow.明天的天气肯定会更好。Parents feel bound to

47、tell their children how to act politely.父母有责任告诉孩子怎样做到举止有礼。【词汇网络】be bound up in 忙于;专注于 be bound up with 牵涉;和有密切关系6.From time to time people suggest that the animals that have disappeared from the earth,like dinosaurs,can possibly be brought back to life through cloning.(P15)人们时常设想从地球上消失的动物,例如恐龙,有可能通过

48、克隆技 术使他们复活。from time to time 有时,偶尔 The clothes manufacturers changed the clothes styles from time to time.bring back to life 使复活 I cant bring your late husband back to life no matter how much money you are willing to pay me.不管你愿意给我多少钱,我都不能让你的亡夫起死回生。7.Others will survive and pass on the ability to re

49、sist that disease to their children.其它动物会生存下来并将抵抗疾病的能力传给下一代。pass on.to.将传给;He caught a serious disease and passed it to his wife.他得了重病并传给了他的妻子。Please read the note quickly and then pass it on to the next one.请迅速阅读那张纸条并传给下一个。【词汇网络】pass down 使世代相传,流传(一般用于被动语态)pass away 去世pass sb./by 忽视,不注意pass through

50、 经过,经历pass as/for(错误地)被看作返回模块菜单返回单元菜单1.重点单词拼写1)A few twith a hammer and it was fixed.2)The twins are so much alike that it is difficult to done from the other.3)Demand for psuch as coal and steel is increasing.4)Your return ticket will be vfor three months.【答案】taps【答案】distinguish【答案】products【答案】vali

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