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1、ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work,further development of three to split.(A)fully grasp no unauthorised created.The township no unauthorised created the existing building one household,one document survey and file storage work must be unconditional and full coverage.Main corri

2、dor leading to the town(road,river)village,the Central built-up area of the town on both sides must be to create a no unauthorised village.According to five hundred villages created and shanty towns,villages,old houses,reconstruction of old plant,expand create,upgrading creates files,the real no una

3、uthorised village created into the benefit of the people of very good thing.(B)to strictly manage count as unauthorised controls.Promoting the new control work to move the center of gravity,management measures to the front,and earnestly pipes effectively.A strict new unauthorised network responsibil

4、ity.Sectors such as land,housing and basic stations(stations)and the Township of grid accountability mechanisms must be strictly in accordance with the new regulatory requirements,effective implementation of the area of responsibility of the new inspections,suppression,demolition work to ensure that

5、 the new zero tolerance.Second,public security,water,electricity,water,oceans and fisheries,tourism collaboration,market supervision departments should strictly enforce the illegal construction of disposal of relevant provisions of the regulations,effective fulfilment of responsibilities,particularl

6、y in electricity and water supply,and other units may not be new illegal buildings to supply water and electricity supply.While more regulation to prevent personal privacy violations.Illicit trading in illegal construction in the Ministry of public security sector to strictly from the blow.Three is

7、to create additional offence reporting system of incentives.According to building law and covers an area of nature,to report timely degree divided report grade,effective after the removal of certain incentives.(C)integrated implementation,building demolition,modification,use combination.Demolition i

8、s the means and purpose built is.To adhere to the building demolished,combination of construction and demolition waste,demolished with combined efforts to improve the scientific level of three to split;second,we must pay attention to three to split and five hundred and five water treatment,three of

9、the four sides,the shackDistrict transformation,and dangerous old room transformation and two road sides,series work organic combined up,active do River,and along demolition work,and manpower advance village in the,and old residential demolition work,to improved masses housing conditions and live en

10、vironment;three to put three modified a split as traditional low,and small,and bulk industry structure transformation upgrade of important initiatives to caught,speed up advance industry Park,effective optimization park environmentand improve idle land of utilization,real achieved environment improv

11、ed and productivity development mutual promoting total win.Five,firmly implement,promoting work ahead,to create highlights.Third deployment,implementation of seven,then it is imperative to strengthen responsibility and improve the mechanisms and implementation.All localities and departments must be

12、convinced that goals,going all out,mustering spirit,work together to ensure that this years objectives carry out tasks,at the forefront.First,we must strengthen the leadership to implement.Departments at all levels should always work and rural five water treatment,three to split in an important posi

13、tion,and carry the main responsibility,main leader personally,leaders arrested and layers of responsibility rank transmission pressure established hierarchical accountability,and work together to promote the work of the mechanism,a concerted effort pay attention to implementation.County nongban,floo

14、d,three to one down to further play a leading catch total,integrated and coordinated role of all kinds is long,Sheriff Inspector to effectively fulfill their responsibilities,formed the alignment on the fire line and management a lively situation.Second,we must strengthen the test implementation of

15、the Governor.Role play the Governor got the baton,for agricultural and rural focus and five water treatment,three to split work,refine improve assessment methods and evaluation system,accurate assessment.Combined with dare play,tree benchmark style building five major operations,carry on and gain fi

16、rsthand experience of supervision,in particular,to strengthen the focus on the long signs go left,names such as supervision,urged all levels longer on duty in place.Through the supervisory assessment,to promote habits,stimulating power.Third,we must strengthen implementation style.Departments at all

17、 levels to work in rural areas and five water treatment,three to split as training cadres for major platforms,compete against large examination room,inspection cadres work performance of the ring,water control and the Japanese pulled a workout,training,discovery and selection of cadres.Than good cat

18、ch up,first to excellence-oriented.Party members and cadres at all levels must adhere to the rural,water control and the Japanese pulled a grass-roots,put down the shelf,leaned pragmatic style,the spirit of play,become a benchmark model.Four,we must strengthen propaganda implementation.Comprehensive

19、 utilization of micro-credit,micro-blogging,new media,mining,summarizing,good publicity work in the countryside and five water treatment,three to split advanced models,point to gather positive energy for the community to see the results of our work in time,increase public awareness,participation rat

20、es,satisfaction and support.Play gongqingfu,a mass organization and grass-roots such as schools,communityThe role of施施 工工 技技 术术 交交 底底 记记 录录工程名称教学实训、大学生创业中心工程施工单位万通建设集团有限公司分项工程名称桩基础交底内容:预应力方桩(静压施工)、施工准备施工准备(一)(一)作业条件作业条件1 1、认真处理高空、地上和地下障碍物。2 2、对压桩周围 46m 以内的整个区域及桩机行驶线范围内的场地进行平整、夯实。在桩架移动路线上,地面坡度不得大于 1%

21、。3 3、压桩区域与道路近旁排水通畅。4 4、在压桩现场或附近设置水准点,用以检查桩的入土深度。5 5、按桩机组装说明由有资质的人员安装桩机与设备、拉通电源,并进行试机,然后移机至起点桩就位,桩架应垂直平稳。打桩机、电焊机、桩帽、运桩小车、索具、钢丝绳、钢垫板或槽钢以及木折尺等。(二)质量标准质量标准主控项目:1、桩体质量检验。包括桩完整性、裂缝、断桩等。对设计甲级或地质条件复杂,抽检数量不少于总桩数的30%,且不少于20根;其他桩应不少于20%,且不少于10根。对预制桩及地下水位以上的桩,检查总数量10%,且不少于10根。每个柱子承台不少于1根。2、桩位偏差。项目如下表,尺量检查,根据桩位放


23、记录。ocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work,further development of three to split.(A)fully grasp no unauthorised created.The township no unauthorised created the existing building one household,one document survey and file storage work must be unconditional and full coverage.Main co

24、rridor leading to the town(road,river)village,the Central built-up area of the town on both sides must be to create a no unauthorised village.According to five hundred villages created and shanty towns,villages,old houses,reconstruction of old plant,expand create,upgrading creates files,the real no

25、unauthorised village created into the benefit of the people of very good thing.(B)to strictly manage count as unauthorised controls.Promoting the new control work to move the center of gravity,management measures to the front,and earnestly pipes effectively.A strict new unauthorised network responsi

26、bility.Sectors such as land,housing and basic stations(stations)and the Township of grid accountability mechanisms must be strictly in accordance with the new regulatory requirements,effective implementation of the area of responsibility of the new inspections,suppression,demolition work to ensure t

27、hat the new zero tolerance.Second,public security,water,electricity,water,oceans and fisheries,tourism collaboration,market supervision departments should strictly enforce the illegal construction of disposal of relevant provisions of the regulations,effective fulfilment of responsibilities,particul

28、arly in electricity and water supply,and other units may not be new illegal buildings to supply water and electricity supply.While more regulation to prevent personal privacy violations.Illicit trading in illegal construction in the Ministry of public security sector to strictly from the blow.Three

29、is to create additional offence reporting system of incentives.According to building law and covers an area of nature,to report timely degree divided report grade,effective after the removal of certain incentives.(C)integrated implementation,building demolition,modification,use combination.Demolitio

30、n is the means and purpose built is.To adhere to the building demolished,combination of construction and demolition waste,demolished with combined efforts to improve the scientific level of three to split;second,we must pay attention to three to split and five hundred and five water treatment,three

31、of the four sides,the shackDistrict transformation,and dangerous old room transformation and two road sides,series work organic combined up,active do River,and along demolition work,and manpower advance village in the,and old residential demolition work,to improved masses housing conditions and live

32、 environment;three to put three modified a split as traditional low,and small,and bulk industry structure transformation upgrade of important initiatives to caught,speed up advance industry Park,effective optimization park environmentand improve idle land of utilization,real achieved environment imp

33、roved and productivity development mutual promoting total win.Five,firmly implement,promoting work ahead,to create highlights.Third deployment,implementation of seven,then it is imperative to strengthen responsibility and improve the mechanisms and implementation.All localities and departments must

34、be convinced that goals,going all out,mustering spirit,work together to ensure that this years objectives carry out tasks,at the forefront.First,we must strengthen the leadership to implement.Departments at all levels should always work and rural five water treatment,three to split in an important p

35、osition,and carry the main responsibility,main leader personally,leaders arrested and layers of responsibility rank transmission pressure established hierarchical accountability,and work together to promote the work of the mechanism,a concerted effort pay attention to implementation.County nongban,f

36、lood,three to one down to further play a leading catch total,integrated and coordinated role of all kinds is long,Sheriff Inspector to effectively fulfill their responsibilities,formed the alignment on the fire line and management a lively situation.Second,we must strengthen the test implementation

37、of the Governor.Role play the Governor got the baton,for agricultural and rural focus and five water treatment,three to split work,refine improve assessment methods and evaluation system,accurate assessment.Combined with dare play,tree benchmark style building five major operations,carry on and gain

38、 firsthand experience of supervision,in particular,to strengthen the focus on the long signs go left,names such as supervision,urged all levels longer on duty in place.Through the supervisory assessment,to promote habits,stimulating power.Third,we must strengthen implementation style.Departments at

39、all levels to work in rural areas and five water treatment,three to split as training cadres for major platforms,compete against large examination room,inspection cadres work performance of the ring,water control and the Japanese pulled a workout,training,discovery and selection of cadres.Than good

40、catch up,first to excellence-oriented.Party members and cadres at all levels must adhere to the rural,water control and the Japanese pulled a grass-roots,put down the shelf,leaned pragmatic style,the spirit of play,become a benchmark model.Four,we must strengthen propaganda implementation.Comprehens

41、ive utilization of micro-credit,micro-blogging,new media,mining,summarizing,good publicity work in the countryside and five water treatment,three to split advanced models,point to gather positive energy for the community to see the results of our work in time,increase public awareness,participation

42、rates,satisfaction and support.Play gongqingfu,a mass organization and grass-roots such as schools,communityThe role of施施 工工 技技 术术 交交 底底 记记 录录工程名称教学实训、大学生创业中心工程施工单位万通建设集团有限公司分项工程名称桩基础交底内容:预应力方桩(静压施工)桩在现场预制时,检查原材料、钢筋骨架(见表5.4.1)、混凝土强度;采用预制桩,检查桩的外观及尺寸。对长桩和总锤击数超过500击的桩。对其强度和邻期进行双控制。(并记录在施工记录表)施工中桩体垂直度、沉

43、桩情况、桩顶完整状况、接桩质量等进行检查,对电焊接桩,重要工程应做10%的焊缝探伤检查。施工结束后做承载力体质量检验。检查后形成施工记录或检验报告。检查施工记录和检验报告。混凝土预制桩工程质量检验标准项目序号检 查 项 目允许偏差或允许值(mm)检 查 方 法1桩体质量检验设计要求按基桩检测技术规范2桩位偏差第 513 条尺量检查主控项目3承载力设计要求按基桩检测技术规范1砂、石、水泥、钢材等材料(现场预制时)设计要求检查产品合格证及试验报告2混凝土配合比及强度(现场预制时)设计要求检查配合比单、计量记录、试验报告3成品桩外形表面平整,颜色均匀,掉角深度lOmm,蜂窝面积不于总面积 05观察检

44、查4成品桩裂缝(收缩裂缝或起吊、装运、堆放引起的裂缝)深度20mm宽度025mm横向裂缝不超过边长的一半用裂缝测定仪测量(此项地下水侵蚀地区,锤击数超过 500 击的长桩不适用)检查测定记录一般项目5成品桩尺寸:横载面边长(mm)桩顶对角线差(mm)桩尖中心线(mm)桩身弯曲矢高桩顶平整度(mm)mmmmmmmmmm5101011000L1.0101/1000L秒表测定尺量检查尺量检查(L 为两节桩长)7硫磺胶泥接桩:胶泥浇注时间浇注后停歇时间Minmin7秒表测定秒表测定8桩顶标高mm50水准仪9停锤标准设计要求现场实测或检查沉桩记录ocusing on ways and means of

45、improving and upgrading work,further development of three to split.(A)fully grasp no unauthorised created.The township no unauthorised created the existing building one household,one document survey and file storage work must be unconditional and full coverage.Main corridor leading to the town(road,

46、river)village,the Central built-up area of the town on both sides must be to create a no unauthorised village.According to five hundred villages created and shanty towns,villages,old houses,reconstruction of old plant,expand create,upgrading creates files,the real no unauthorised village created int

47、o the benefit of the people of very good thing.(B)to strictly manage count as unauthorised controls.Promoting the new control work to move the center of gravity,management measures to the front,and earnestly pipes effectively.A strict new unauthorised network responsibility.Sectors such as land,hous

48、ing and basic stations(stations)and the Township of grid accountability mechanisms must be strictly in accordance with the new regulatory requirements,effective implementation of the area of responsibility of the new inspections,suppression,demolition work to ensure that the new zero tolerance.Secon

49、d,public security,water,electricity,water,oceans and fisheries,tourism collaboration,market supervision departments should strictly enforce the illegal construction of disposal of relevant provisions of the regulations,effective fulfilment of responsibilities,particularly in electricity and water su

50、pply,and other units may not be new illegal buildings to supply water and electricity supply.While more regulation to prevent personal privacy violations.Illicit trading in illegal construction in the Ministry of public security sector to strictly from the blow.Three is to create additional offence

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