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1、 本科毕业论文(设计)外文翻译题 目 某企业绩效管理问题研究 学 院 商学院 专 业 人力资源管理 班 级 人力11 学 号 20105211115 学生姓名 田倩倩 指导教师 蒋懿 外文题目 Cn Performce anagement Fose Inteligen ehvior? 外文出处 People& Stratey 外文作者 apa, Gyan 8原文一:Can forane anageet oster tellgent Bevor?jarte BgsesThe rld as cangd, ot jus iniresingly fat-chging an unredcta ys, b

2、ut so te opence an epections of peoplin or organzations.nftunately, to fewseem to undrstan r aceptthat thedeelopment callfo radicalew d ifferent ys of eadig nd manan。 Traditionl mnageentractces o ot mak us teagie organizts we need t be。The probm satswi the labe,rformane Mnagemnt” plying, ”If Iot ana

3、gyou,there wll be n ermne。”We nedaw ist,onthat i ess bout mangng rfonce ad mor aout creatigcoditins fo gre performancet ocr。Wenedselfreguati models, rqiring es maagemnt,but mre eadersip rom ryon.Thk bou trai, where we wt g performae and a saod fow。Traffi authoiehae diffrenway of makg this happen。 Th

4、 traff lhti a opular oie,bt hose maagighe rocess(rogammers) arenot inhe sitaton; nformion ued intheir proes s no frsh, hic scleras youwat in fontofthatredliht。he runabu i ary iferent alternatve。 Those managing are the drvers teelves.heiformiusedis rel tie, cmin rom wn oservatios. Whle that informaon

5、so avilablein frt of th fi ligh,drivers dnot ave the authoriyoact onit.By eway, e zipper” oreery scond cr through” nt arue, but a guidngriniple。e roudboutnoally ioeicien than t traffilit, beca oo signicat diferenes n h dciionmaki process,infrmaio nd hrty. A hid eemen is as equrd for the rndautto be

6、moreefficien: whil the ffc ih is a simlerues baed ytm, eroundabouis aluesbase。 Avlueset based o,”M firt, Idnt care abo therest,”is ot a bi a pobem in frntthe red lght, ut is a rioupole in a rudabut. Hee, a positivecmn purpse wnting sfe an ood flow i criicl. Divers mst be more nsdrae, ope abot on ine

7、nionswhiletring to understand thintntionof pe.Iseadof maagn perfomanc, traffic authrie hae reatd cnditions orselmange pfomane occur.ha odthe imlcaios be r the loathedpeorn ei? Th principls and praties escibe t ReturPt asnsibedintrstng。 I lie the onet ofhoronta commimets toard per, stea rticalmmitenh

8、igmanagemnt. At th ae tim, wene to broadenur dfiitino erformancen tradional erfonce, ommimn to ofteaout ”htng the mer.” his istoo narow e ned to sk queions suc a,hoae we doin cpardto peers?Ho are w sig KIs trflec o prfmance,or uing hisigh ad mnagemtassessment to vifyrelts?Dd we really moe oward orlo

9、-term ambtins? How uanbl re teresus? ast bt nt leas, terehas to beomfor vauesif pformance sems are foser itelligentehaior; we eedto ak, how her thoseresltscieve?t Statoil urintegraedpefrance mnagement appoachinks abitons to acton。 O target rflect a road s famitions,ncludingpople, eal,sey, eironment,

10、 operationsand inancialerormance.admor abo u naemenmoen ho we apply a olistic ad valebsed appoach to tibroader perorane agna。Thewods f Dee Hk,frmr GEO of ia,sho gude the deig of or magmt processes, iclding urerformarevws:”Simpe, lar puoeandprncils giv rise to complx, intelligent behavor。Compex ules

11、adreguations gie rise tmpl, stud havio。While researhi y book。 Taen cnomics, Iintervewed emplees abut what elly mtivate tods woroe discoveed a dsconnecbtwee t peforance suport my itervewees anted veu w ages rcouted thercontributio totee onversation。Ohe last 2yers, he eye mindsehs evolve far than has

12、the art and cenc ofmaagemen。 Nowhr is this takr than in the are f performance manageme patics,particulary hannua view。 Inboththdeopeda eelopig worl, mployes report tt this end-of-e ctivity reds tress, nxiet ndmsr。 H ironic tat a roces aimed mproving oganizatioalperfmace, itself nererfrin!s tmeto ebo

13、ot” ou eormancemanaeperatngsytem, installig two cific sstm updates:l。e ”eocry” updte。 As uch a we trytomae h prformanc appraislatwo wa diage, e caot run ay rom the factha t is core, thenvrsati tday is ften a todn review. My research shows that may 2st centur employees are rejecting cnversationsth ar

14、eonewa:n hot job metstoda,mager mus raliz”whois praising whm。” Wit oerffers reiyavailable, manyeloyees ent a perfrmance diogue prvatl onseig f thirager swoh anotr year of their carer。 Te prformancemnaemntconversation now reflcs acoaysmploe Vle Propostin, much as lern i he lead Prspetive.TDemocracy u

15、pdatmeas that manaerson gin th righ to give feedback when teyir geuinel seek the sameonteio perfrmae aleades. Not jst hough 360degree eiews, ut also throgh athentc neraon asin, How am performigasur manager? and”Hwca Ihlp youscced?” Onl thn cnh coneratinshftt, ”Howou an impve? d Ths iwht you shuld fc

16、n。2。 he Scss modul。 Graer emloyee atonmynd mprmnt so changs th mi of anagemn. We have goerom a superisof taskan utces” to”elerfpeformane, inoative inkinan ollective uccss.” T a thsshift, w ust give uphe jugrobes fortheoacs unifm。 Ifmployeesontscceed, maagers re onhehok, o。Thiss priulrl eev whe cohng

17、 atea tsuces。Pop rdiferen skil to ateama ho wel they orkoetr rally matter f team review wor bttertoachie goa, s be t. The Reurn Pahtoy llusrtes hw revie processes can be desine ad exeuted around w maters ot, anwhere even dons theuiforms o playeradoah。 if, insead of akingthe hat f a prformance coneat

18、ion th valatio, t becama eicle to imrovecces of t invidul,th team and thebusiness?hat if performance fdack was pired with alogubout tranforinhe busness, he rodct cutoe pence? This gnunely rebots andupds performanc manaemnto ocs on idivdual ad organzatioal scces.It i ideed teto uradeperomance managem

19、etprctces: e can n lonermnag a 21st century employee using 0thcenuy mindset.Peope& Sre. 2013, ol。 36 Issue 2,13. 2p。译文一: 绩效管理能促进自我管理行为吗?Bjre Bgsnes世界随着时间的推移而变化莫测,连那些与时变化而不可预测的通道也随之改变,与此同时组织人员的能力和期望也顺应时代潮流。不可想象的是,那些关于基于新的与众不同的领导和管理的方式的开发,似乎很少被人们理解或接受。传统的管理方法已经无法满足当前所要求的灵活管理的组织。就像如“绩效管理的一些标语所揭示的“如果我不进

20、行管理,就不会有绩效的存在.”我们需要一个新的理念, 来表述那种创造更多优秀绩效的产生却很少涉及绩效管理的新思路同时需要一种自我调节的模型, 即每一个人员在被管理的时候,要求尽量少的管理行为和尽量多的领导关系.思考下那些我们经常关注的良好安全的交通流通问题。引起交通事故发生的原因有很多。虽然交通指示灯很管用,但却不被列入交通事故管理程序(即程序管理)中。就像当你在十字路口等待红绿灯时,看到它作为交通管理,会觉得没有什么好在意的。车行绕道是一个与众不同的驾驶选择。这由司机自己通常驾驶方式所决定,也就是说使用实时的信息,来自于自己日常观察所累积的经验。当过十字路口的时候,有些行驶的方式是被禁止的.

21、顺便说一下,“三叉路口”或“每秒钟汽车通行量”所表示的并不是一个规则,而是一种通行指导。一般车行绕道通常都比常规过红绿灯更有效率,这是因为两种行使方式的差别在于决策、信息和权威的行使过程.必要而有效的车行绕道的第三个影响因素:当交通灯是基于一个简单的规则的系统,则车行绕道通行是一种基于价值选择的方式。一个基于设置“第一,我不在乎休息” 的价值观,尽管过红灯前不是大的问题,但相对于绕道通行就是一个严肃的问题。在这里,对于想要有一个安全良好的车辆流通,有一个积极共同的目标是至关重要的。当试图了解同行的规则时候,司机必须发散思想并考虑更多车行流通的例子为自我管理的绩效方式进行了深入解说,贬低了管理绩





26、引导一个团队绩效工作成功,将带来一个特别重大的意义。一个团队人员带来各自不同的技能,他们将相互学习,把好的工作行为渗透到工作中.如果团队评估工作的成果能达到任务的目标,那就随他去吧。返回上面的故事再说明下,评估过程根据最佳绩效成果和同等角色做同等事物的比较,来进行设计和执行。假设认为绩效评价的核心理念是一个提高个人、团队和业务成功的工具,它将是怎么样的?如果绩效反馈与有关业务的转变、产品或客户体验相关联,它又是怎样的?专注于个人和组织的成功就是真正的重新启动和升级绩效管理。绩效管理实践需及时更新:我们不应该以20世纪管理思想去管理21世纪员工。People & Stratgy。 201, Vo

27、l。36 Issu2, p1213.2p。8 本科毕业论文(设计)外文翻译题 目 某企业绩效管理问题研究 学 院 商学院 专 业 人力资源管理 班 级 人力101 学 号 10521115 学生姓名 田倩倩 指导教师 蒋懿 外文题目 Perfomance anagemt: Rcociling Competig Proriies外文出处 Peple &tratey 外文作者 Zisn, Ian 原文二 :PermceManagment: Reconli Cmpeting PrioitiIanZiskinour HR hoght lades fo acdemia-JonBoua ofth USC

28、Cenerfor Effective Organizato, Chis Cllns ofteCorel Cenefor Adaced HSudies, at Wrightofhe Moore Coleg of usinss athe Univrsity ofSouth Calina, and Dve Ulrich f nirsitof ichigan the RBLGrou enge n disussins onerformaneMngeme it Ian iskin, Prient, Xec EelroupLLC andBar meber, H Pople & Srate。 Ia skedJ

29、ohn,Chr,Pat, nd Da o sar ther espevon topis nuding:Wat Prfomance Manaement i? Whatae thebies differenc o effective vs.inffctiv Peformnc anaement?What the biggtsource f date a iagreme ve ben egarding romance Maaement vert ers, a wheherw have madanpress inresovig hese ssue? Iftey wee oing o fx ri anyt

30、hng aoutPerformance Mnagemnt, at it ould b and wh?Whatbg mlictins there ae fo uture reqired chanes to Performance Mneminligt f ftur work, workforeand wkpace ten?Ziin: Thee isa loof talk i ogaizatins abou hether eromnce Managment i orkin fetivel oreer hs。 Wha o ouhk PerfoaneMnagmti? Collins: This my

31、e the qto o e yr. Prfmace anemet has ecomeeerything ad tefoe nothig。 It sv so manyurposes cmpensatn,feeback, tlent devopmn, uccesin,c. hati y not e a prpose very wel。Bdrau: Its ongingreltionshp toalanc t ned to valuteeplewiththe nto devlop thm。 It ot abut bmides,om, cres,tools or systems。 Wight: efo

32、rmnce Maneen s about ligning beavir i a way tat crease rganiatinalfectvenes。Ulrch: thinwe netolookt rformance anemen frmthree levels: cultual, sstems peronal。 At tculturlvel, isabout hthrtheorgiation peopbasedn mritocrcy (result), hieay (power) o ltionships (cections). Atthe ystems leel, tbout dteni

33、n whethe poe mee omiss ojecties。 Athe prsonallevel, itsaboutassessigt indidlsdedcatinto delivr bt fnacil and soil ultsZisi:Given yu poin o vew atPerformace Manament,what maethe gg difference t whether it is fftie s. inffeti? Colins:It startswit aving culre of opns,honesty and real feack and ten holi

34、people accounbe。 This pocessegin aned wihgoleders, an all ofou ony shoud be inst in deveping leaders t lead, rahrha spenng money on e Perfmn nagment ste and toBourea: fecieness ressin t silan motations f thpeople inlved, no the Perforaceaagemen syste tef.It paticarly mportant to crate a shared ramek

35、 andproritis tween mnagerad thiremloe. Ulrich: hefour gric se of Prfone Manaemen have remaned elativelstabl oerti: st tndards, asses agan hse tadard,allocaecosequences ndpidfek. Iprovemes in the ffectvenes of rfomance anagement ve ofom ebin etern stkehlrs o ovideinpt ontadar nd erfrmace, aking thepf

36、rmance scussionmoe abot th utur an the pat,using technogy to simplf he pocss, ailorig th consequenes to better reflecdal emloyee contitions andvalue, an acommodting both m s well s indiviual eback。 ight: Bad tols,bad evaluations, bd eedbk and bad link o ewrd systms adt a PerformanceManemnt。 Ziskin:

37、I yol bakoverthe years ofdbate about efrmace Mangemnt, wht one r to tigs tadou yourind a hebigs cs of dbe and disareeent?Bodeau:e biggest ebe has been aut wt ar we tyinto aeve? Itsaays en abutdevelope ofpeole vs。 ealatioof teierfrmane, dwether these twoifferent prioriiscnbe ecncled。 Collin: Do yu ep erformnceeedac frm cmpenstion, and howoyo bt? e als ned la t serate tedsusonau curre erformanefom thefuturefuureols

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