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1、鲁教七年级(下)英语教学案 118 鲁教七年级(下)英语教学案 Unit 1 Can you come to my party?课题:Unit 1 课型:新授 执笔人:审核人:period 1 【学习目标】1、能够熟练运用本课时的单词和短语。2、学会用 can/can t发出、接收、拒绝邀请。3、掌握情态动词 have to 的用法。【教学重点】用 can/can t发出、接收、拒绝邀请;情态动词 have to 的用法。【教学难点】用 can/can t发出、接收、拒绝邀请【学法指导】课前仔细阅读课本,把单词和词组熟记。听说练习及小组合作【学习过程】【课前准备】一、语法链接 词句解读(一)、

2、Can you come to my party on Saturday afternoon?你参加我周六下午的晚会吗?1、can是客气的提出邀请。接受邀请通常用 I would love to./Thanks a lot./Certainly.来应答。如果有事不能接受邀请,则说 I m sorry,but I can t.2、注意区分几个表示时间的介词。in 后加非具体时间(某年、某月、上午、下午、晚上等):in 2001;in May;in the morning;at 后加具体时间点:at six o clock.for 后加时间段:for two hours.on 后加具体的某一天(星

3、期几、几号):on Sunday;on Monday afternoon;on May 1st;(二)、How about you,Ted?你呢,特德?How about=What about 后面可加名词、代词和动名词。表示-怎么样?如:How about/What about the book?这本书怎么样?How about/What about going shopping?去购物怎么样?(三)、I have to help my parents.我得帮助我父母。help sb.(to)do sth.帮助某人做某事。Can you help me(to)clean the room?你

4、能帮我打扫房间吗?(四)、have a piano lesson 上钢琴课 “have+课程”表示“上-课”。如:I like having math.我喜欢上数学课。试做几道题吧!I.单项选择:1、When does he usually get up _ the morning?A.in B./C.on D.at 2、The class begins _8:00 in the evening.A.in B./C.on D.at 3、It s raining hard,so we _ stay at home to watch TV.A.must B.can C.have to D.can

5、t 4、Can you _ my house this evening?A.come over to B.come up to C.come up with D.come into 鲁教七年级(下)英语教学案 118 5、_ going fishing?Good idea!A.Shall we B.Let s C.Why not D.How about II.用情态动词 can,should,和 have to 填空 1.What _I do for you?I want some apples.2._ I read your magazines?3.My father _ride a bik

6、e,but he can t drive a car.4.Linda has a sore throat.She_ drink more water.5.-May I use your phone?-No,you _.6.I live far from school,so I _get up early every morning.7.You are ill,Tom.You_ see the doctor.8.You _come with us if you want to.9.I_ think about my parents ideas for this thing in that sit

7、uation.10.You _borrow the book after I give it back to Joe.二、词汇预习 应掌握词汇 把本课时出现的单词大声朗读三遍,把已经遗忘的的单词重新记忆,采取家长听写的办法。_ _ _家长签字:_ _月_日 三、短语预习(1)大声熟读 Section A(1a-1c),并完成 1a。(2)将下列短语译成英语:1、为考试准备_2、看医生_3、拜访我的姑姑_ 4、参加我的晚会_ 5、在周六下午_ 6、上钢琴课_(3)你认为还有哪些短语比较重要?需补充的有:_ 四、翻译句子:1、星期六晚上你能来参加我的12岁生日聚会吗?_ 当然,我很乐意。_ 对不起

8、,我不能。我必须上钢琴课。_ 我也很抱歉。我必须去看医生。_ 2、你呢,Ted?你能来我的聚会吗?_ 抱歉,我不能。我必须帮助我的父母。_ 五、背诵 section A 中的小对话,并仿照此对话编一组不少于 6 句的新对话;_ 通过预习,你还有哪些方面存在疑问?_【课堂活动】一、导入并出示学习目标;二、预习情况检查:鲁教七年级(下)英语教学案 118 在组内讨论交流预习中遇到的困难或存在的问题。(老师点拨,师生互问探讨)三、听写【课前准备】中的短语和句子,并进行评价。四、听力训练:1)引入听力内容 2)听录音并完成听力练习 1b.3)写出并背诵听力内容 五、学习成果展示:根据听力内容编对话。找

9、三组学生展示。六、当堂反馈练习:(一)、单项选择:1、Can you play basketball with me?Sorry,I have a violin _ A.book B.museum C.lesson D.teacher 2、How many classes do you have _Friday afternoon?A.in B.on C.at D.to 3、-Would you like to come to my birthday party this evening?-_ Thank you for inviting me.A.Sure,I d love to.B.Yes

10、,please.C.You re welcome.D.I don t know.4、He has _work to do every day,so he often feels tired.A.too many B.many too C.too much D.much too 5、We have a great party at school today.Come and _us.A.join B.help C.see D.visit 6、I have to study _my math test _weekends.A for;in B.for;on C.in;on D.in;on 7、-W

11、hat are you doing on Sunday?-I am _my little brother at home.A.babysitting B.telling C.watching D.visiting 8、I am too busy today.Maybe _time is OK.A.other B.the other C.another D.another one 9、-What s today?-Oh,I m not sure.Let s see the _.A.phone B.homework C.photo D.calendar 10、_did Mrs Green invi

12、te to her party?A.Where B.When C.Whom D.How(二)、交际练习 选答语 I II()1.What time is the basketball match?A:Sure,I d love to.()2.Have a good time!B:That s great.()3.Can you help your mother with the lunch?C:Thank you.()4.When are you having a party?D:At 4pm.()5.I d love to come to the party.E:Next Saturday.

13、七、当堂反馈小结:1、本节课学完后,你认为邀请某人做某事的句子有什么特点?(仅限于本节课所学内容)_ 2、你怎样回答别人的邀请?(肯定的)_ (否定的)_ 鲁教七年级(下)英语教学案 118 你还学会了哪些?还有哪些疑问?_ Period 2 【学习目标】1、通过说、写能熟练运用所学句型;2、通过对听力内容的理解,能顺利完成相应练习;3、能根据主要句型和听力内容编演对话。【教学重点】进一步学习情态动词 can的用法,复习情态动词 have to 的用法。【教学难点】能根据主要句型和听力内容编演对话。【学法指导】听说练习及小组合作【学习过程】【课前准备】一、语法链接 词句解读 (一)、I m g

14、oing to the movies.我要去看电影。这是一个含有一般将来时的句子。可以说此句中省略了 going to 之后的 go to,也可以说该句中直接运用了 go 的 ing分词来表示将来的动作。英语中可以用现在进行时来表示将来的动作。例如:I m visiting my sister tomorrow.明天我要去看望我姐姐。He s going there right now.他马上就去。Wait a minute,I m coming.稍等,我就来。The birds are flying to the south soon.这些鸟很快就要飞到南方去了。Mr.Smith is le

15、aving for Beijing tomorrow.史密斯先生明天要去北京。(二)、辨析 another 与 the other another意为“再一个、另一个、又一个”,通常指三者以上或不确定数量中的一个,如果只有两者则不能用 another;the other则仅限于两者之间,强调“(两者中的)另一个”。如:Please give me another cup of water.请再给我一杯水。This bottle is full.Give me another.这个瓶子满了,请再给我一个。That old man has two sons.One is a worker and

16、the other is a doctor.那个老人有两个儿子,一个是工人,另一个是医生。One of the twins is a girl,and the other is a boy.双胞胎中一个是女孩,另一个是男孩。试做几道题吧!I.现在进行时表示“计划、安排”根据汉语提示完成句子。1.今天下午你要做什么?What _ you _ this afternoon?2.星期三我们要开会。We _ _ a meeting on Wednesday.3.玛丽晚饭后要去散步。Mary _ _ for a walk after dinner.4.星期天她要回家。She _ _ _ on Sunda

17、y.5.下个月我要去青岛。I _ _ for Qingdao next month.II.选用 another,other,the other,others 或 the others填空。1.There are 45 students in our class.25 of us are boys,and _ are girls.2.There are many people in the park.Some are walking,and _ are boating.3.I have many _ things to do.4.This glass is dirty.Please give m

18、e _.鲁教七年级(下)英语教学案 118 5.Here are two postcards for you.One is from Mary and _ is from Jack.二、看课本第二页,合上书翻译下列短语和句子。1、上吉他课_ 2、看电影_ 3、太多作业_ 4、参加 party_ 5、本周我有很多作业要做。_ 6、非常感谢你邀请我。_ 7、抱歉。我必须帮我妈妈。_ 8、我将要去看电影。_ 9、Mary 不能来参加聚会。_ 10、抱歉。我必须拜访我的姑姑。_ 11、他们能来参加音乐会吗?_ 不,他们不能。他们打算去参加聚会。_ 12、太糟糕了。也许下次。_ 三、背诵 2c中的小对话

19、,并仿照此对话编一组不少于 6 句的新对话;_ 通过预习,你还有哪些方面存在疑问?【课堂活动】一、导入并出示学习目标;二、预习情况检查:1)听写预习【课前准备】中的短语、句子若干,进行评价。2)在组内讨论交流预习中遇到的困难或存在的问题。(老师点拨,师生互问探讨)三、听力训练:1)引入听力内容 2)听录音并完成听力练习 2a,2b.3)写出并背诵听力内容 四、学习成果展示:1)根据听力内容编对话。找三组学生展示。2)Pairwork,完成 2c.找两组学生展示。五、当堂反馈练习:(一)、单项选择:1.He with his mother _ shopping every Sunday.A.is

20、 going B.go C.goes D.is going to 2.Can you come to my party _ Monday _ 8:00?A.in;on B.on;at C.on;in D.on;of 3.I don t like the three computer games.Would you show me _?A.other B.the other C.another D.others 4.I m afraid I can t come tomorrow,maybe _.A.the other time B.other times C.another time D.th

21、e other time 5.Why not _ boating with us?It s wonderful.鲁教七年级(下)英语教学案 118 A.going B.to go C.go D.goes 6.What do you often do _ Saturday evening?A.in B./C.on D.at 7.The old man died _ a cold morning.A.in B./C.on D.at 8.I have to study _ a test.A.of B.with C.at D.for 9._ you go to the music lesson?Sor

22、ry,I can t.A.Do you B.Can C.Must D.May 10.Is he going to Shanghai next week?A.visit B.visit to C.visits D.visits to (二)、句型转换 1.He can t come because he has to do the cooking.(就划线部分提问)_ _ he come?2.Sometimes he plays soccer with us.(用 tomorrow改写)He _ _ _ _ soccer with us tomorrow.3.She has to study f

23、or the test.(改为否定句)She _ _ _ study for the test.4.His sister can speak English in class.(改为一般疑问句)_ his sister _ English in class?5.My little brother can ride a bike now.(改为否定句)My little brother _ _ a bike now.六、当堂反馈小结:1、本节课学完后你会用英语来邀请、接受、拒绝吗?2、本节课所学的交际用语,重点句子是:_.你还学会了哪些?还有哪些疑问?_ Period 3【学习目标】1、学会发出

24、、接受和拒绝邀请;2、学会书写邀请函;3、能根据日程表合理安排自己的时间。【教学重点】学会发出、接受和拒绝邀请【教学难点】学会书写邀请函【学法指导】读写练习及小组合作【学习过程】【课前准备】一、看课本第三页,合上书翻译下列短语和句子。1、生日聚会_ 2、加入我们_ 3、足球训练_ 4、为数学测试学习_ 5、苏珊的聚会_ 6、(在)这周_ 鲁教七年级(下)英语教学案 118 7、去商场_ 8、伊莱扎的日程表_ 9、太好了!我很乐意。_ 10、周四下午,你打算做什么?_ 二、读第三页的 3a 邀请函,完成右面对话。五遍达到熟读理解。三、3a邀请函,回答问题:Who is the invitatio

25、n for?_ Who is the invitation from?_ What kind of parties is it?_ When is the party?_ 四、认真思考,试填写 3b,邀请同学参加运动项目。五、针对第三页 4,结合第 65 页,根据日程表试,编写出对话邀请同学去商场,确定时间。对话不能少于 10 句,写下用于课堂展示。_ _ _ _ _ _ 通过预习,你还有哪些方面存在疑问?【课堂活动】一、导入并出示学习目标;二、预习情况检查:1).听写预习【课前准备】中的句子若干,进行评价。2).在组内讨论交流预习中遇到的困难或存在的问题。(老师点拨,师生互问探讨)问:你会发

26、邀请函来邀请同学了吗?三、综合技能的训练(Task 1)1).看课本第三页左面邀请函,检测或展示答案 3a。2).熟读并背诵。小组检测,个别展示。3)练习对话填写表格完成 3b.(课件出示另一些邀请函)四、综合技能的训练(Task 2)Game:Invite a friend 角色编演对话。找三组学生展示。五、当堂反馈练习:(一)、下面是 Tom 制作的邀请函,请根据内容完成对话。It is a welcome party.For whom:Mr Smith Time:Sunday,February 4th,at two-thirty Place:Mr Smith s house Come a

27、nd have fun Tom:Hi,Lindon.(1)_you come to Mr Smith s(2)_?Linda:Really?(3)_is it?Tom:It s(4)_at(5)_.鲁教七年级(下)英语教学案 118 Linda:Where do they have it?Tom:At(6)_.Linda:Great!I d love to.(二)、阅读理解:INVITATION TO A GOING AWAY PARTY Friday,22nd March Dear Michael and Lisa,You re invited to a farewell(临别的)party

28、 for the“Liu Family s visit to Australia”.Departure(离开)date:May 4th We know going to Australia is the best part of our big adventure when we come face-to-face with crocodiles(鳄鱼),dolphins,kangaroos and other Australian wildlife.We are always ready to do this.Party given by:Mr.and Mrs.Liu,Liu Mei and

29、 Liu Tang Date:Saturday,April 6th Time:7:00p.m.till 10:00p.m.Place:Electrical Workers Building Reply(答复)by:Tuesday,April 2nd Phone:528-090 There are drinks and food at the party.Perth This party is not to be missed!We hope to see you there!阅读以上材料,选择正确答案 1.This invitation was sent to _.A.Liu Mei B.Li

30、u Tang C.Mr.and Mrs.Liu D.Michael and Lisa 2.The guests need to reply to the invitation before _ A.March 22nd B.April 2nd C.May 4th D.April 6th 3.When is the Liu family going to leave?A.May 3rd B.May 4th C.April 6th D.April 2nd 4.The underlined words“come face-to-face with”probably means“_”A.see dir

31、ectly(直接地)B.learn about C.travel with D.hear of 5.From the invitation we know that _ A.only Mr.and Mrs.Liu will travel to Australia B.the Liu family will not return from Australia C.the Liu family love wild animals very much D.the Liu family will travel to Canada 六、当堂反馈小结:1、本节课学完后你会制作邀请函了吗?_.2、本节课所学

32、的句子中,重点交际用语是:_.你还学会了哪些?还有哪些疑问?_ Period 4【学习目标】1、掌握本课时重点单词;2、进行听力训练并熟读听力材料;鲁教七年级(下)英语教学案 118 3、熟练运用重点句型来发出,接受和拒绝邀请。【教学重点】1.掌握本课时重点单词;2 进行听力训练并熟读听力材料;【教学难点】熟练运用重点句型来发出,接受和拒绝邀请【学法指导】听说练习及小组合作【学习过程】【课前准备】一、语法链接 词句解读 1.What s today?今天星期几?What s today?=What day is it today?可用于对一星期中某一天进行提问。如:What day is it

33、 tomorrow?明天是星期几?It s Sunday tomorrow.明天是星期几。如果对日期进行提问,可使用句型 What s the date?意为“今天是几号?”如:What s the date today?今天是几号?It s February 3rd.今天是二月三号。二、请读 1a中的星期日星期六各三遍,并在日程表中填上你喜欢的连续的日期。三、翻译 1b 中五个时间,写到这些词的旁边。然后把这五个时间写到 1a的表格内。四、汉译英 1、后天_ 2、照顾他的妹妹_ 3、踢足球_ 4、去看病 _ 5、为考试而学习_ 6、上钢琴课_ 7、和我一起打网球_ 通过预习,你还有哪些方面存

34、在疑问?【课堂活动】一、导入并出示学习目标;二、预习情况检查:1)听写预习【课前准备】中的句子相同或类似 5 个,进行评价。2)在组内讨论交流预习中遇到的困难或存在的问题。(老师点拨,师生互问探讨)问:你会用星期、日期、时刻吗?句型各是什么?_ _ 三、新授知识的学习 1)检查 1a填表情况(中等学生回答)。2)看表格,利用句型问答练习:What is today?或 What was yesterday?What day is it today?Whats the date today?等 老师做 model 后,两人小组练习。先星期后日期 3)三组学生展示,完成 1b 的 Pairwork

35、.四、听力训练:1)引入听力内容 2)听录音 2-3遍,并完成听力表格 2a、2b.3)写出并背诵听力内容 五、学习成果展示:鲁教七年级(下)英语教学案 118 完成 2c的 Pairwork,.根据听力内容编对话。找两组学生展示。六、当堂反馈练习:(一)、根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。1.W_ is the invitation from?2.Are you going to the c_.3.What is Ted doing now He is b_ his little sister.His parents are very busy now.4.It is too hot.How a

36、bout d_ some juice?5.My father usually buys a new c_ when the New Year is coming.6.Thank you for your i_.7.There will be a football m_ in our school this afternoon.8.We are studying L_ Five.9.The girls love music and they want to go to the c_.10.If I m f_,I will go to the party.(二)、根据情景补全对话,每空一词。Eli

37、za:Hi,Edward!Edward:Hi,Eliza!Eliza:What a nice day!Edward:Yes,it s beautiful.You know next Sunday is my birthday.I hope you can come(1)_my birthday(2)_.Eliza:Oh,that s great!Thank you fro(3)_me.What time will it(4)_ Edward:At half past five.Don t forget to bring your brother Tim.I hope he can(5)_,to

38、o.Eliza:Ok.I am(6)_he would like to come.Edward:Great!Goodbye.Eliza:Bye.七、当堂反馈小结:本节课学了哪些时间表示:_.你还学会了哪些?还有哪些疑问?_ Period 5【学习目标】1.掌握本课时重点短语及句型;2.学会用委婉的方式拒绝邀请;3.学会以电子邮件的形式描述一周的安排。【学习重点】学会用委婉的方式拒绝邀请;以电子邮件的形式描述一周的安排。【学习难点】用本课时重点短语及句型复述短文;【学法指导】读写练习及小组合作【学习过程】【课前准备】一、语法链接 词句解读 1.Thanks a lot for the invit

39、ation.非常感谢你的邀请。Invitation 是动词 invite 的名词,意为“邀请,请帖”等。如:鲁教七年级(下)英语教学案 118 I ve received your invitation.我收到你的邀请函了。He came without invitation.他未被邀请却来了。2.Please call me after the vacation.假期后请给我打电话。在该句中 call 为动词“打电话”。打电话有以下几种说法:call sb./ring sb./give sb.a call/give sb.a ring/phone sb./etc.做几道题,试一试 根据句意及

40、首字母提示补全所缺单词 1)There is a c_ this evening.I can listen to lots of great music.2)Look at my c_.I m too busy the whole week.3)The animals in cages(笼子)can t be happy.They should be f_.4)Would you please c_ over to my house to help me with my English?5)Tom has football t_ with his classmates.6)Thank you

41、for i_ me to your house,but I m sorry I can t go.7)There were a lot of terrific soccer m_ in World Cup in 2006.8)Sonia has to s_ for her English test on Friday.9)-What are you d_ on Sunday afternoon?-I m playing computer games.10)I m going to my cousin s birthday p_.二、翻译下列短语和句子:1、为化学测试而学习_ 2、在校队进行网球

42、训练_ 3、来和我们一起看电影_ 5、谢谢你的邀请!_ 6、你能和我一起打网球吗?_ 7、我的确很忙,今天晚上我将要参加我表亲的生日晚会。_ 8、星期三我要和校队训练网球。_ 9、周五晚上我不得不为化学考试做准备。_ 10、度假后请给我打电话。_ 二、阅读第五页 3a,并回答:1)Is Sonia busy?_ 2)What time does Sonia have tennis training?_ 三、信息归纳,读 3a完成左面的表格:四、试填 3b。通过预习,你还有哪些方面存在疑问?【课堂活动】一、导入并出示学习目标;二、预习情况检查:1)听写【课前准备】中的短语和句子,进行评价。2)在

43、组内讨论交流预习中遇到的困难或存在的问题。(老师点拨,师生互问探讨)问:3a短文中含有哪些语言点?_ _ 三、阅读策略培养:鲁教七年级(下)英语教学案 118 1)整体感知:看第五页 3a左面表格,校对答案后 老师做 model 后,两人小组进行问答练习。2)看 3a左面表格,复述或背诵 3a短文。3)听录音,填空。Hi Henry,_ _ _ your invitation.Im _ I can t _ _ this week.I am _ busy.This evening Im _ _ my cousins birthday _.And tomorrow,I_ _ go to the d

44、entist.On Wednesday,I have _ _ with the school team.And I have to _ for my chemistry _ on Thursday.On Friday evening,Im _ _ the movies with some _.Can you _ _ the movies with _ on Friday?_ _ Sonia 四、完成 3b 短文填空 五、学习成果展示:完成 3c 的 Groupwork,写出(65 页)下周你必须做的每一件事,并选择一天或某个时候举行聚会,邀请同学。找两组学生展示。六、当堂反馈练习:(一)、阅读

45、理解 Read Miss Gao s Calendar of the next week carefully,and then answer the following question.Weekdays Activities Monday Two lessons in the morning and a meeting at 4:00p.m.Tuesday Two lessons in the morning and meeting two students parents in the afternoon.Wednesday Two lessons in the morning and t

46、alking about something with a student from 1:30p.m.2:00p.m.Thursday Two lessons in the morning and going to the English corner at 4:00.Friday Two lessons in the morning.Saturday Staying at home and going to the music corner in the evening.Sunday Going out with friends and going back home at about 5:

47、00.1.How many lessons will Miss Gao have next week?A.2 B.8 C.5 D.10 2.When will Miss Gao meet two students parents?A.On Monday afternoon B.On Tuesday C.On Wednesday morning D.On Tuesday afternoon 3.What will she do on Thursday afternoon?A.She will have a talk with a girl.B.She will go to the English

48、 corner.C.She will go to the music corner.D.She will have two lessons.4.On Friday afternoon,what will she do?A.Go to visit her friends B.Go to the movies C.Go out with friends D.We don t know.5.Which is right?A.She will stay at home on Saturday morning.B.She will have lessons on Wednesday afternoon.

49、C.She will be back home at 2:00p.m.on Sunday.鲁教七年级(下)英语教学案 118 D.She will have a meeting on Thursday afternoon.(二)、写 作 假设你的朋友 Jim 发给你一封 E-mail邀请函,请你这周去他那游玩,请根据下表中你这周的安排给他回一封 E-mail。Day Activity Sunday go to the dentist at 9:00 am Monday go to a violin lesson Tuesday finish the chemistry report Wedne

50、sday go to the art club Thursday be free Friday be free Saturday be free _ _ _ _ _ 七、当堂反馈小结:1、本节课学完后,你会写 e-mail来拒绝朋友的邀请吗?_ 2、本节课学习了哪些重点短语和句子用于 e-mail:短语:_ 句子:_ _ _ _ 你还学会了哪些?还有哪些疑问?_ 附录:1、周六你将做什么?2、直到晚上 10 点我才有空。3、这个假期我的美国朋友将会来看望我。4、桌子上的这只钢笔也许是 Tom 的。5、制订学习地理计划 6、一整天和爷爷钓鱼 鲁教七年级(下)英语教学案 118 Unit 2 Im

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