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1、初中英语探究性学习设计方案云县民族中学 姚艳娟主题:Unit 10 Can you play the guitar?适用年级:七年级 上册所属学科:英语 Go for it!情境|任务成果资源|评估情境: Go for it! 以英语课程标准为依据,以培养学生综合语言运用能力为目标.每个单元围绕一个话题,让学生在完成各项任务的同时学会语言,真正体现learning by doing, learning by using这一教学原则。但是Go for it! 这套教材每个单元只有一个总体的教学内容安排,既没有具体的课时数安排,也没有分课时的教学内容安排.对老师而言,要为学生量身定做学习方案。因此

2、,针对学生的实际水平,恰当地调整取舍课本提供的材料是合理的,有利于个性化教学的开展。本单元的教学重点是新词汇和句型的教学,难点是情态动词的用法.根据本课实际,我采用的教学情境是:1、Guessing games;2、Group work;3、Pair work;4、Role playing;5、Survey。任务: Task 1 Words learning Look at the pictures and with a parter discuss the verbs of activities and names of musical intruments.目的:前任务阶段为目标语进展做准

3、备.Task 2 I can do it Follow the teachers practicing speaking “I can ” using the key words in task 1.目的:在真实的语境中呈现目的语,并做口头练习。Task 3 Listening in Listen to a short passage and match the names with the activities。 Listen and number the conversation(13)of step 1b。目的:接受型任务(听)的输入并为以下的任务输出提供材料依据。Task 4 Enjo

4、y the sound of music Listen and guess what kind of instrument it is.目的:在情景中复习、巩固中心词。Task 5 Choose my club One or two students mime an activity and the other students guess what he or she can do,using rarget language 。 Imagine a club in which wanted some musicians,singers or football players. Intervi

5、ew the three other students around what club he wants go join.目的:通过Learning by doing 强化目标语言。成果: 通过布置家庭作业:在家庭成员中做一次调查,并将结果做书面表达.如:My father can play chess. He wants to join the chess club, My brother can swim。 He wants to join the swimming club.通过作业的方式,来展示学习成果。资源: 本课用到的资源主要是:Pictures, blackboard, cas

6、sett player。板书:Unit 10 Can you play the guitar?1。 Key words: dance, swim, sing, play chess, speak English, play the guitar/drums/piano/trumpet/violin, art, music。2。 Target Language:(1)-Can you paint? Yes, I can。 Can you swim? No, I cant.(2)What club do you want to join? I want to join the music club.(3)-What can you do? I can dance, but I cant sing.评估: 学生对任务完成的评价(100分制)。对应下表:自己进行课前预习、学习,明确任务,交流时积极发言,能提出自己的意见,语音、语调基本正确,读说流利,对问题能及时回答,总分85以上为优,60以上为良,60以下为差。形式:由各学习小组的组长对组员的活动成果做出评判。评价表: 姓 名 任务内容(60)语音语调(15)流利程度(15)文化意识(10)

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