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1、本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑软件工程师个人简历英文版 软件工程师个人简历英文版 软件工程师应当怎么制作一份英文简历呢?以下是站为大家预备的:软件工程师个人简历英文版,欢送大家参考! 以下?word个人简历模板下载?、?个人简历表格下载word?简历模板大全个人简历表格免费下载毕业简历模板一页word下载实习生空白简历下载高校就业个人简历模板彩色独特简历模板最新个人简历范文模板下载空白word简历下载应届生个人空白简历模板下载word格式简洁有用的个人简历下载高校生简历模板word格式免费下载应届生求职简历空白下载最新毕业生空白个人简历模板下载word格式应届生个人简历模板下载最新应届毕

2、业生个人简历模板下载 软件工程师个人简历-英文版 RESUME(TRANSLATOR) My name is henry li; Im a native Chinese,Im an experienced senior software engineer and a senior English-Chinese or Chinese-English translator(include traditional and simplify Chinese), located in the city of KUNMING, China, I have a good English to Chines

3、e and Chinese to English translation ability, and I have many times translation experience in working before. I have band six of CET(national English test in China) certificate which equals TOEFL scores of 600 , and TOEFL scores of 597 ,I have the enough capability to translate Chinese document to E

4、nglish or English document to Chinese. My translation experience in working before: 1,I have translate part content of a Chinese Website to English in 1999 which have about 100000 words. 2,When I was a senior software engineer worked in shenzhen(a city in south China),there is many Chinese document

5、need to translate to English. 3,In my work now, there are many chances to write articles in English to communication with foreign client,or do translation. Dear clients, I am a software engineer and a English-Chinese translator,so I think I am good at these kind of project, that is IT fields transla

6、tion. My cost rate: 100 us$ per 2000 words My payment method: through paypal; My contact info: My name:henry.li Telephone: 86-0871-5101282 Mobile phone: 86-13012342264 Emailaddress: henrylipravate ICQ number: 215805346 RESUME(Software Engineer) Chinese Name: Li ziqiang. English name: Henry Li Gender

7、: male. Age: 33 Nationality: Han Health: good. 1.Study career: (from now to the remote) University and Major: Yunnan University, computer science faculty, software major in Kumming city, Yunnan province,PR.China (1990-1994). High middle school: No3 middle school in Kumming city, Yunnan province,PR.C

8、hina (1988-1990). Middle school: No1 middle school in Wenshan county ,Yunnan province,PR.China (1985-1988). Primary school: No2 primary school in Wenshan county,Yunnan province,PR.China (1979-1985). English level: Band 6 of CET (Chinese English Test) 2.The description of my professional career: 4. O

9、ccupation Suitable: CTO(Chief of Technology Officer),System Analyst, Analyst Programmer, Senior Software Engineer. Occupation type: Contract, Freelance, parttime; 5. salary requirement: 3500-5000US$ 6. contacting method: Telephone:86-13114211867(My own number,Kunming,China) 86-0871-5101282(Home,Kunm

10、ing) MSN Messager: Henry_Li_2022 EMAIL: HenryLiPravate Address: Xuefu Road, No.135 I was employed by Shanhai Shongjian electronic equipment factory as software engineer in October 1994 after graduated from university, took software designing work of big style fire alarming system equipped in buildin

11、gs higher then ten floors. This system adopted 8031 IC in MCS-51 sets as CPU, EPROM as program memory chip, added many extended IC, for example, RS-232, several types of triggers, digital enlarging circuit etc, forms different electronic circuit boards in different functions, and at last be made up

12、to the whole system. The systems function is through tens to hundreds temperature inductor placed in every parts of building, transferred signal to the center machine, the center machine control different equipments, for example, sound annunciator, water spray, wrapped door, etc. to complete the fun

13、ctions of holding fire and get rid of fire. The operator can make program to control the whole system. The works I took was the system software programs designing and part of the systems adjusting works, using 8086 compiling language, I had designed the programs in several types machine, accumulated

14、 rich experience. I had taken this work for two and half years. I had entered Kunming Huate information query Ltd. co as project manager in 1997 for two years. In the early time, the company took static websites designing, and step to step to developed to design the E-Commerce website, and develop t

15、he application software under LAN in the platform of B/S. Using Windows-NT as web server, using SQL-SERVER and SYBASE as datebase server, ASP, VISUAL-BASIC as develop tools. since I entered the company, I came through the beginning period of companys development, accumulated much of experience of we

16、bsite development and application software development, now I am listing the project I had developed and its characteristic: 1. In the early time, completed the static websites design of various companies and enterprises. 2. Completed the design of YUNNAN Resource Website(. ynht. com), this website

17、was developed by HTML,DHTML as a big style comprehensive website, the user can browse resource, exchange information, This website inluded about more then 6000 pages at that time. 3. Completed the design of GUIZHOU YIBA Pharmacy factory comprehensive management system, it used B/S structure under LA

18、N, ASP,VBSCRIPT as develop tools. the function included production management, stockpile management, selling management, finance management, human resource management, and system management. I left HUATE company in 1999 and entered ShenZhen James data technology Ltd. co, as senior software engineer,

19、 this company mainly took the work of data operation. It developed the big style data operation software Jamse Data Operation System, using C,VC and VB, included from scanning, recognizing, correcting, typeset, constituting and etc. a whole of automatic dealing course. I took part in the work as the

20、 softwares later parts producing, modifying and maintenance. The systems difficulty located at the images division and recognizing. Besides it, I also developed two middle style application software independently , one is Fushang Jail computer touching screen query system, this system, related to co

21、mplexed image treating and coordinate locating problem. Use part of Windows API and produced some of COM component. Another one is JINHU Hotel menu system, in this system, I adjusted VB control very well and design the higher efficiency database structure, make the system having a high efficiency re

22、al time dealing capability. These two system both adopt ACCESS as database, WINDOWS-NT as web server, VB as develop tool. I entered ShenZhen Ziqiang information technology development ltd. co (the information center of ShenZhen disabled persons federation ), as web senior engineer in 2022 to now, to

23、ok the development of software used in disabled persons federation system, to now, made two big style application software system under web, one is the disabled persons remote rehabilitation system, another one is ShenZhen disabled persons federation electronic administration system. Both two system

24、s adopted SQL-SERVER AS database server, ASP,VBSCRIPT,JAVASCRIPT as page producing tools, joined to the ShenZhen Disabled Persons website to serve to people. The disabled persons remote rehabilitation system provide the patient the remote expert diagnosing service in real time and the experts can ge

25、t the real time photograph of patient, this system adopt complicated templet data structure. ShenZhen disabled persons federation electronic administration system mainly include these functions: file transfer system in ShenZhen disabled persons federation, mail system, archive system and system mana

26、gement. The characteristic of this system is that its much complicated, the security requirement is higher. It successfully operated became a symbol of arriving the goal of ShenZhen disabled persons federations electronic disable federation. 3. The software development sphere and tools I am familiar

27、 with. I am familiar with many develop tools under the platform of B/S and C/S, for example, VB,VC , DELPHI under C/S; ASP,VBSCRIPT under B/S, the most familiar is VB ,VC and ASP. I also had a knowledge to the . NET frameworks, had the capability to use VB. NET,ASP. NET,ADO. NET to make programme. I

28、 am familiar with many database system, for example, SQL-SERVER,ORACLE, SYBASE, the most familiar is SQL-SERVER. The operating system I am familiar with mainly is WINDOWS-98,WINDOWS-NT,WINDOWS-2000,etc. My whole developing system mainly built under the Microsoft soil. I have taken the job as applica

29、tion software engineer for ten years, in the field of enterprise management, for example, the system of buying, selling and stock in trade, the system of finance, and to the meaning and function of the whole ERP system, I also have a deep comprehension, for the different subsystems constructed to it

30、, for example, the buying system, the selling system,the producing system,the stockpile system, the system of finance ,CRM system, HR system, SCM system, etc. I have all made the study and analysis, either just to the function and realization of the single system or to the function and realization o

31、f the integrity of the whole system, I have also made the necessary study and analysis; besides it, to the sphere of conjunction of ERP and EC,I also made some researching works; To the Implementation of ERP, from the beginning of a excellent and executable plan to every step of strict operating, I

32、also took a thinking and had a comprehension, to the popular problems emerged in every step, I all gave a analysis to it. This direction will be my future job direction. Besides it, in the field of OA of government department, through the successfully completion of electronic administration system,

33、I had gained a understanding of it. To other fields of specific application software development, for I have completed many project of this field, so I have the enough confidence to the needs of study ability and adjusting ability and advantage of technology. I have much experience in being as a sof

34、tware system analysis engineer, I have had about two years time to being as a software system analysis engineer, Either based on the traditional analysis method of Software Life Period or the object method ,I also had the knowledge and experience; To the management of developing teams, how to encour

35、age the member of a team, how to successfully complete your task in a high quality in time, I have got a set of methods to arrive the goal; To the tools of analysis, I am much familiar to UML and Rational Rose, partnered with other traditional tools, I had used it to completed several modeling tasks. I have built some system models to varies of software development sphere being interested to me. 第 9 页 共 9 页

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