1、l everone,my nis L ranran It is aly greathnor hav this chance toinrd myselfandI op I ca ak a goodperfom today. I a 26yearl, brn XuZhu and I rrently a gradutsudenatsuzo universiy,nd ao mrowave ptic ofphyicsnthe pat year, I spen mot of my tie on stdyI have psed CT4anThe comuer grade2. Toughit isa piy
2、orm hat there i a a betwee our oitst pass ET6,I o givebefoe eavin scol.I hve acquie basic knlege f opis bothn teo adinatice.Beside, Iave attended sevral Sci pactce and ativitis o camus. I serve as monior nd mnistr. aslo praccedin ruixin opticmpay,an a xperie lcture,and mnagemon matters n hencang.I lernao of higs from te psitios n practies ,such as the abilyf rganiiion ,design product,omuninicatiI hve lot ofinteres,sch aspros r of zhuzqin, makeaseec,an baskebal.o ,my bigges dvant is o at opeatng with thrs td communicatewell with you pater o let them undetand yrea.thn you