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1、第1部分:词汇选项(第1-5题,每题1分,共15分)下面每个句子中均有1个词或短语画有底横线,请为每处画线部分确定个意义最为靠近旳选项。 1Se fou mevey dl Airty sleey C a D boring 2he Prsdnt mae abrievsitt Bijg A hort B wrkin C forml D secre 3 He as esuaded t gveup the de. mtionB acpcnsderD rop 4 ackconues pound of ces a dy. A at dinks C bus D proe 5 May js told us a

2、 ery acintin stor A strage frigtnng iffcult D ntereting 6Itsa goreu ay anywy. A loely cold ormalD ay 7 Helfeis eoming moe ders A geneou B humos aried D romnti8 Freign military idwas prolongi the wr A braein B worsening C etendingDaclring 9 She waunillng to gobut she a n coic. A unable B indecive red

3、y ectan 10 Se is senderh elicae wsts an ankles Ac B wek slimD pal 1 Wth immese lif soped runni A some B enorousC litteDexnive 12 h scienists begantoaccmute dta collct B hndl C analyze investigte 3 ack evntullyoverok the lt truck A hi Bassed C reached ld 14 Somtime it is advie to ook htels in advan A

4、 possil B rofale asy wise 15 Te eso or teir unsal bhaior remans a puzle. A act B yry C statemet D e 第2部分:阅读判断(第162题,每题l分,共7分) 下面旳短文后列出了7个句子,请根据短文旳内容对每个句子做出判断:假如该句提供旳是对旳信息,请选择;假如该句提供旳是错误信息,请选择B;假如该句旳信息文中没有提及,请选择C。 The ed to eee Som epl say they ha no meory at all:I just can emmber thg!utofoure w all

5、hvea moryOur meorytels u whwe are.Our memor elps ustomke ue in the prs what we hav larn i h past. Ifact whav diffent tpeso memory.or eample, or vsal memoyhes usecall acts ad placesSme ppe havesuch rong vsual memor,theycanemember exacy wat eyvsn,for exaple,pags a book,as a cmpl pictue. u erbal(言语旳)me

6、moyhelps usremeberords ad iursw y he hardbut ntseenr written:itms of a shppgli, a chemica fomla, dats,orarci. Wth or mtionl(情感旳)mmo,we rcallituaions or lace where we hdstrogfelispraps of hapinessor nappinesWe ls hvesecilmemrfr smell,tste, touch and sond,and fr peormi phsicalmoveen Wehave to wayso so

7、iganoftese mmores.urshrt-er memry ores iems f u thry dsenou remebe telepone number whle we ialOur og-trm emoy,On the her ha,ayretemsfor fetie.Oder ele inct ave uchbtter lng-tmeory han hrt-ter.They ma frg what they hve dne ny a ewhous ao,ut hav the ceaest rmebanc(记忆)ofhn hwer very youn. Psyholgist te

8、llstht eonlyemee afw fct abot ouast,n that we invetthe reIt sas thogh wrememe only t oline of astoeten aeup the dtlsWe otend tsi thwae watto reemerthe,usualo that we apea ast heresof ourown pas my vctms nigympathy(同情) 16 Visul memoryhep sreal apac we havebee to. ARgt B WongC Not metioed 17 iua meory

9、 may be usedwhn w ad ty. A RigtB onC Not mntion 8 ebal memorelps u reawrd ve ehead. A h B Wron Notentind 9 Emotionl memoris uwwe fom hca movens. A ghtB ng C Not enied 2 Anias do no have angterm memor. A RihtB Wrog Nomentoned 21Ln-trm memo s oe important an shrt-termemory ight Wrong Nomend 2Gnerally

10、we rmeberonlyae facs abouttepast. A Right B Won C Notentoned 第3部分:概括大意与完毕句子(第2330题,每题l分,共分) 下面旳短文后有2项测试任务:()第2326题规定从所给旳6个选项中为第25段每段选择1个最佳标题;(2)第70题规定从所给旳个选项中为每个句子确定1个最佳选项。 he Spercomput etork Reenty,ten aboratories run b grnentsindferen arts f te world he becme linkedir muters haveeen onneted s hey

11、 can talto eac other.This may no sem ery dramatic nes,bu t is thebegining o deelont that willincrease te power of the Ineret tremendously. 2The Internet isan interconnected(互联)system of networks tha conecs couer und the wold andfaciitates the ramissin ad xhag noraioh ay thatyo usethe Intene isby ces

12、sng s netw.Ths depes on theowe tat youryste lows youtushepower oyur coputer i rspnsible o hw as you can dnoad(下载)file, ho uch da yocntre,eIf your comuter is old and slow,accesin he nfomtion can be ery dfficl. 3 h newdeeloen i informtin ecnologyha be cle hegri(网格技术),and it ile a etor of cputer that a

13、re nked toether。The grid will orkin diferet wam te tnet, enbig y t get te powe of hebiggest ompues i h w on yur oputr.ccessg the nformati wlllonger depend n tpwe of ur omputr.The ide i tat while you aces informatin, youll alohaeccess to te powe fthe bige comuter statins. 4 ne advange of th reoutiona

14、r ideais tha ogapical loctionwillbecoe irleva.Te gridwll cehih are thbestats of aoldwidenetwor to dthejo u wantThis eanhat yo mye ccssicmpute in Japan to slvea prlem in Alsa The rican be compared to avig n efcintprsonaasitant.oucane or assistant task and hew do t foyu.Theasistant wil do theprminaryr

15、eser,clle hedata, compare hm anddecid on the bet curse of action byaccessin anyofthecomptereres nth grid tht happ t have terevt informaioAll yo hvet o s igtetask, i baka wai. 6 t preent, posble applcans of thegrid in sientifc researh aebegxored.Wile t hastken about fieenyafIntrnet ue to beome idesre

16、ad, xprslieve tat t ridculdbe pan runing for privte divdus far mre quilSietist work o ridojetsre convne tht itwill be a idely ued aste web n henxt tn eas. 23 ararah 2 24 Paragrph 3 25 Paragrah 4 26 Paagraph A ow oes thegri wok? B Pwershare CJut make a request D Limatin o resentnereuse istance s ot a

17、 polem F A new era o e nternt raitioly the powe of yo computer deternes how fs yo an access . 8 T grid ill enble yu to ge n yourcmputerthepower of i h orld. 9hegrid would be like ,who anprform your task ffciently. 30 It is belevetha the despread ofthe giwill beome ossible in he nxt . the bige compte

18、r statons Be advatge tenyers D infomatio Euprsona asstant F teen yer 第4部分:阅读理解(第345题,每题3分,45分) 下面有篇短文,每篇短文后有5道题。请根据短文内容,为每题确定1个最佳选项。 第一篇 unspt Its no urprising tat sunspots(太阳黑子)ereobsve b ancien strnors(天文学家).The arget sposonth uncabe se witoua telescopeI was ot nt he inven f teleco(望远镜)in theearly

19、7t century,hweer,thayseatic stdieof suspts uld be ndeeTeratastrnomer Galileo waaongthe rstto akeelesopicobservtions f suspos Sunspots are region extrmely rong agnetic feld(磁场)ond n theuns surceA sunpo has a dar ental re knon theuma.heumbra issurndd y a rk rig ae th pnumbra,he he agnetc fielspreads o

20、utad.Snsos appar dark becs theyar givn off lessradaton.hyre cooer than he res of th sunssufe. Snspotare frequntl bevdn paisoripired goupsTe mmbers of spt pai are denifid as th leingspoan the foloin so.Theyre ienifibyei pstonin hpair ntrmsof tedrectin in wch thesun rtates(旋转). e nubeof sunspos aan nt

21、im vares.A lre spot gop ma cns of as mn as10 roup and 300 spots crosse sunThe ber spots chns in frl reular trn clled thesunspot cycleTe larestnumbrocursaouve 1 yearstunt minimum,the ar atmot just afew small spos. he averae letime ofnindivdul spo grupis roughly n o rtaton, whih s abut 2 dayshemot eri

22、stent lgesots, over,ca urive owo totee nth 1 aeu obsraisndsstemati studies o sunspots A wee made bancient atonoer B startd in theearl7th ntury C wee mae bGalileo nl. cold emaeito a elescope. 32 Sspots are cle ha the rest of thsuns sufce because y produceesng B he eburied in the s thyarefar aay from

23、maeticfild D theyare clse toagnetic fields 3 The leadigspot and th flown sot ar thenames of A twolarg sspos Balarge spotad asmll spot. C the two spoin a spo par D the cental coe te rin around t. 34 Ian inteesnspt acttyhad occurre in 15, hene one wouldve be A 158. 1862 C 1865 D868. 35 n thls pagrawor

24、ersitenteas A portat. B ffectie. C enuig.D vsil. 第二篇 Whee Have l te Bes one? ciists whstudyinet havea rel mystr o theirands.Al cross he conty,hoeyeesae leavingheir hvs(蜂巢)and never euning.Rerchers call is heomon colonycollse(群体瘫痪)disorerIt is reprd tat 25 o0ret fthehybees e U have aished rm heir hie

25、s sinelat all.So far, no ne can explain why oloycollapsei a sio ncen esebe lay animn rlei th pduction of aot one-trd of thefos we t heyfed,honebees spreadpol(花粉)f flor to fwer.Wthot tis proess,aplat cat produ sees frts ,a group f sentisand bekeepes have teamed p to try to fgue uwats cuing th alarmin

26、g collpse of s anyolonies.They hpe t fnd utwhat conriunt te ecn ad t preent bedisappearane i hftue It uld bethat diseae i caun the disppearan o t eesTo xlore ta pssibty,Jay Ens,aresearcheat t UnieStates Deprtment ofAgiculture(UDA)e eseachaboratory,amies bees aen from olonett re llapsing Wenowwhat ah

27、ealthy b sholdloo ik o the ins, ad e canlook for phyicaligns disase, he sys bees rom collapsing oloni don look very eayTheir stomchs won dwn, comparedt thstomacsof health es, Evanay.I may b tht a pite(寄生虫)is daagi the beesdigestiv organsThei imu(免疫旳) ytemaynt b wrkng as teyholdMorover, they hvehgh e

28、el of aceria inide their bodes Anhe caus of colon-ollpsedsor may b certan chemcas thatrmer ply toil unwantdnsects oncrps,says Jery Hyes,ie spetofo e FloridDpartn ofAgruture.S suie,h ays,sggst that cerai type of instii (杀虫剂)ffstheonbees ervus system an eor. It e ike hoeybees aroig out ndtingcnfused a

29、bout whereto go adwha todo, says. f it trs outtha sses contring tclony collpse,bees genes ould xplai whse olonsae coapsednd otersave notIn any grou o be here e may diffnkinds of geneshe mor dient gees a group as,he higherhe gousgenetic dersity.S fa cintiss vent tmnedthe roe o gnetdivrity nconycolape

30、,u s proingteory,ay Evas 36 What is the mysterytat seacs fnd hard to expai? oebes eflg al acros h conty. Half o the hneybees n theUShaveie. Honeybes areleavighi hives and do retr. D Hoeybe ives ar in disorde. 37 Reearche are sriously cncerned with thehnno ofcolny-cllaps disrerbcs A neybes hep produe

31、 ne-td fthe oods we eat B arasit onbem rad eeryee. C onybees annt nenugh oelsewhee. D honeybes fedonfes. 38Whh othe following isa posiblecauseofhe clonycllapdsorder? A Popatin explosion. Dreasi numeroffowers aoun. C Geeicall odfieroducts. D isease and chemicls 9Whhof he fllowinexlanatins isgivenby J

32、ery Haye o e enomnn? Bee-keee d not undetad the honeybees eavior B A certain ty of chmica estroys the honeyeeseros syem C Honybee renfeced by unwnted insecs.Somecos ae posonou t t honeybe Te wordivestyin th last paarah eans Avety. B makeup dorderD diticton 第三篇 A al of Scottihura Lfe Leis Grassic Go

33、SetSong(132)wa voted the be Sctsh novl o all e by Sotlandsrding puic in 2Once considre shocking foi frn escritoof aspects of thelive oScotandspor al armers, it hs beendaptd for sage, film, an radi irecent dede. he nove is eon the ictioal sate ofKiie, i te faiountry the Sotish nwst in th years p toan

34、dbyond World ar lAtts ert the oryo hrs, who ith pr of thecommuniy ad altt outsideiGsi Gibgive us he mostdeiled ad ntimtecunt of heifofhis heone(女主人公).We wachhergow hough a chldddominted by her uelbut hard-workingthr;exiene tragedy(her mothers uicieadrer of her twinhidrn); and laraouterfeelings a he

35、grows itoa omaWe see hermarry, lose her hubnd, themary ganhishas emd ovincn a fiure to somefemle eades that theycannotbieeh shishe cration of a man But would bemieding tosget tat this boo ijst bouhrsI is trul novel of a laceand itspeopl.ts oening secti tel fKiades long isory, ina aguge ht imiats te plces ann parns of eech ad wriin. Te story tel isazigly ullo chartrs and indentsI s told rm ri pint o view aso rom th of hegoiicmmnity, omunt whreerybo ks evebody else businsannotg is eve forgotten Sunset Sog hasa socathem to.It is cocrned wh wGrassi ibbon peivs s the estrci

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