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1、山东省乳山市夏村镇初级中学九年级英语全册Uni Illhel cean u the ity pars测试题 人教新目旳版I.单词拼写:1.Cant you see he“No smking” s_?.Woring ithou gave me a lt o _.Irllenjoy i.3.Te compny s e_in 1954.I tin canf_p e lock.Somethng is ron wih the TV. t eeds_.6Te is no chak in thelrom. Could you la go to my offce and f_ se orm?.Che Zong

2、 ig song wll. He was obe a p_ iner in th fut.eople i thesecotries on have eough foodto,and man of thehv de of h_.9.ou ca i_ ow diferenthe tal nnersthreae fro us.0.Te m_ parof te job is done by machine.II.从方框中选择合适旳短语完毕句子:putof, all u, set p, come p wit, put up, tak ftr, r up, rn o f, xu, giv u1.Theta

3、che ame into h classroom a_e paperas qucly aspossbe.2.he man asnucky, he _his mony anhad to ben the strt3My bike isroken. I hve to_it_ tod.4.I wan o _ a stampcllectos lu. I nedto know morepersons whlke coltng stmp.5.Tea _u_ , butwe ere n athome.6.Sh _ thpn th excustat sheadtoomuc tod.H msvery sad Le

4、ts_hi_.8. hugh and thog. Atast he _a good de.9Yourdaugter doesnt_ you n y wa.Y are quiet, but she i utgoing10Dont _ pctues o tall.I用所给动词旳合适形式填空:1.Wuou lie _(len) up the city par?2Culd youpese_(give) outfodat te foodbank?3e cant ut ff _(me) pla.4.wowees _(be) eouh for.5.They _(st) up afood annext yar

5、.6.He send aou t ours_(do) s hmewor7.n Mei _(sy)sh learnedmre aout nmal.8I he_(rn)ut o alte mone.9Al the sudets wlgo ut andpla if it sts_(rn)lter1.vid hs been_(try) to cerhimp f te miute. 句型转换:.Tey both ikeapples.(改为否认句)_ _ _ _ apples.2.Las yamyfa didnt smoke anmore. (改为同义句)Layear my father_ _3hes c

6、hlrednt he bikes I ant to gi my bies aayt hem.(合并为一句) wantt gve my bik aa o _ _ _ _ tol te ea bothis problms.(改为一般疑问句) _ _ _ h teachers aouthis pbls?.om is smao s ahe. (改为同义句) Tom _ _ his ther.6.I took u abot two days do t job. (改为同义句)_ _ bout two das _ the wor.7.I oul hlp coach ootballtea fr ite kd

7、s. (就划线部分提问) _ _ _ _ could u_?.Be quiet,please.(改为反意疑问句) Be uiet,_ _?9Hi Pig sy h hs earntmore au Egish (就划线部分提问)_ _Hi Ping_?.She pays thpianovry ell hsingsvey wl,to.(合并为一句)She_ _las he piano vry wll _singser elV 单项选择:1.You houldnt_ our hpe.Eveythng will be et(0长春)A give u . ix up .heer up D utup2.S

8、nce te villagrs huses hae been ashed awy by the lo, te soliers re elpng the_ tns. (223黑龙江) A ut put off C.uu lot o meeting were_becue e danero dsase. (2023天津) A turnd off B. e of C. put of D. kenoff4.Dnt _ he people trouble.Trt lp hem. (2023吉林) A. hearfro B. gover C. laug at Dlook ie5.om,itscod outd

9、e _ your coat whenyugo out. -OK, m. (03安徽) A Tk offB.Tae awa C.Put away D.Pt on6.Te pane _ at thre clo n he fernon. (203广东) A takes off ake wy . tks out . ks down7_ spenng ouractinin htel, wy not try hikinin the cntry? (2023江西) A. Intead f B. ease of . Thakso . As fr.Pluto s a srousproblem. cientiss

10、have _ ome od w to se i. (0呼和浩特) .comupwhB. cm o C cme ou D.come up9.Someople plano _avolnteer prject to help tedabldchild. (203青岛) A. p up B think up C. set up D. ceeru10. The oes are eynce.l tak tem. -t youmus firs.I thnkthe ie is a bit sl foyo.(02淄博) .y for thmB. try temoC. put thm oD.Tk them of1

11、1. The musi s o loud,wu you mid_? (22内江).rn t down .B.tuing it down C. ting dont12. _ th bad weae, swimmng matc hd ben pt off (2023山西)A ecause . Tanksto C. Withte lp of 13.-_he ocks,Jim.You houdnt tow m ryhre. (2023江西)-KMom.ADri .Take .Try o D.ut way1.He _ a pceof e pap,anput it ioth rubsh bag. (202

12、3河北) A. ickedu B. thraay C. loed orD. handed n15ememr to_ the lit when you leve our lsroo.(203重庆).tun n B.tn ff C.turnup D tn w6. Great chnge have tknplacen i city. Rght.any mderntal bilngs hae b_ these yars(202武汉)A. turd up B. put p C shownup D. fxed up7. Kaedidnt o to the mvi asigt becuse he hadto

13、 _ her sic do t home. (2023陕西) A. look at B. look up C. k or .ook afte18.My parntsand I lkeo oidefter inr.tis reallyreaxig(2023太原) A.run off B.hag out C.resup19.Do wrr! Im sue youl _yourclasmt if ouare kdand fiendlyo em (2023济南)tc u it Bagre ith C. et owllwth D. make friend with -Howare you getting

14、alonwityour classmates? (2023福州) -Vey well.hey are ll_ me. A, afraid o Bangywith C tird of fiendy toI完型填空: Hw canou inkin Englih?Iik the bs wayis torctice aswht footl player dseve day.Durng e 1 th footbll player will pass the ballto his teamates oe nd over gin o he wothave to 2 pssing the a ithegae,

15、 he wil justo Youa 3 youself to thi n Engsh tis wy Tefis seps to tink of he ors thayou use daily,simple everay ords bookor soe or ee For xampe, eer yu _a “ok” yo should ink o it n nlis instead f n yurmothr language. ftryou have lanedto think o sevralwodin Eglsh,he ov onto th ext tephinkingn 6 isenig

16、an repeatg i a very useful 7 to lr aaguae.Litn firsand don cae oomuc abut 8 ouully unersanwa yure heari. to repet wht ou hea. Th more ou list,the 9 you lean. ftr yorah ahiher lee, _10 havig onvss wth yoursef in English. Thiswil ad u t thinki Elsh. 1 A. practiceB. bak. gae. dy 2. .at forB. ik aotC. o

17、ok tDgv up . A. llowB. trin.telDask 4. in B. abotC likD.frm . A. buB. keep rrowee 6. nteneB.passaesC. lessonsD. lasses . deaB. steC.aD. pa 8. A. wich . whetherC. owDy 9. . haer . lesC. laterD. moe 10. memberB. sto. strt.ishII 阅读理解:A Eer ear thosds of youg pele in Engand finish scol an ten takeayr of

18、 before the sar work oro ouivsity.Soe young pople g otercoutiesand k avolnters (志愿者). Vluers ge their ime to helppeple.For eample,the orkin school o hosptas, or te do somethinelpfu for the nvironment. Pauline Jnes, 18, ive i ardiff,Waes ext yea se wansto go t uniersiy to studyhinese,tnow shes livin

19、i Beliz.Pauinesays, “Imworig with ther people here to save th coral reefs (珊瑚礁) in he ea ear eiz he reef hre are bautiul, utfeseaaer is er pollute(污染), thecorl dis.Im hpig orsearchon the cora a the fs t live aoud t reefs. Al ovete wo, cor reef r dying.W need to omthn abu h oblm before is toolat” “Im

20、 styingwith a famlyhereand I elp do ome huwk. I dntgt y mey, utthasK I lo my work her, and Im learing a lot bu te pele of elizndmysl!When I fiish ywork, Iwant to sty hr o another hremonts. want to trave oundBelie and entaAmeria” 1. Some yugpeple frm Enga _fter tey iish shol. A.gotounivrsiy abra . pe

21、nd one aabroad voluneer C.go to ork fo mone .stat wor in schoos or hosptal 2.Paul n ones, an eihteeer-old gir, liign _nw. A. Egland ia C.Belize D.Cardiff .aun oesi_ihoe eople A udyn Chiese ina uiveri B working t sae the cra rfs . helpingd se houswk . doingsme rsearh in Wles 4. Fro the passe, we knot

22、htthe coral reefs _. A. wil euse o th poluto B ae not aseatiul as bfre C.canle wthot fis inte sa .ill probably bold foroy 5au n Joes antst aftehe finishes he work a vounter. Astay tee fr nther year go backhomtotrt work lr abot the pople home .rve aroudentlAmrcaB greet ch ohe. Bt “ow are you?”aloaver

23、y nusal qestin.Its aqston ha fenoesn need nns.heerson hoask“Ho aryu?”hops to hear theanswr“Fine”,ee i the personsrind isnt finehe easo s ha “Ho reou?”isnt ely a questin ad “Fin”inteally n nseThe ae siply other ways sing“ell”or “Hi”.oetimes,peop sodot sayexacy wh hey mea.or xample,whensoeAsks“Doyou a

24、gree?”,the ohr person mihthik,“No, I digreeI think yu Wong.”u itisntverypolie to dsagre s strong,so he ohr psonmigtsa“ noture.”Is a nicew tosay that yu dontagree wih someneople as dont sy exactly what tey ae tinkng whe y finish talkingwit ote opl.Fr exmple,man talk ovr te pho nish henone perso say“I

25、e o nw.”fe,th ern h ans hng p givs axcs:“Someons at tedor.”“Seing bur nthe tove.”The excuses miht bera,or not.Perhs the erson who ans t hnup imply oest ant to tk ay more,ut iistplite t say tha. The xcuse is oe polie,n t st hrt te othr prson.Wheth tey re reeting eahter,takingaboutn iea,of fihing a ta

26、lk,people dt saactly hatth ae thnkntsa portnt way a people tr to benice t each ohe,and it art of thegm of luage6We a persn i Amerca ask“Howare ou?”,hershe nts t hea“ ” A.How are you?.HelC o know.D.Fne7.Wha pes isagree whsomene,it is poitet ay“ ” A.Yo are wrong.I isreB.m not sure. C.Im urI disaeeD.No

27、,I disaree8A polite way tfinstalis to sy“ ” A.Yo haeto go now.Iwanttagup C.I hv o go now.D.I ontwn to talk anyoe.9.hen aerson ays“Ie to go nwoeones at he or”, prson ay be . A.givng an xseB.hrting soones eeling CillD.skig yu a qution0.Te rle f th gam of language s prbaby . A.“Aay ay what yu ean” B.“o

28、ndisagreew eopl” .“Nver say exacl wtyoure tinking.” .“B polte.”II.根据汉语完毕句子:1我们需要想出一种好计划 Weeed _ _ _a pln.2.你可以在食品库分发食物. Youcl _ _food a a fodank.3.我乐意让生病旳孩子快乐起来. Idlike to _ _ sick ids.4.我们每人打 给10个人,请他们来. We each _ _en pople and sk hem_.5.他们总是自愿奉献他们旳时间来协助他人. ly_their ti_ _ othr epe.吉米已经用完了所有旳钱. Jimm

29、y s _ _ _ a hme.7.他咳嗽旳厉害,他旳医生让他戒烟 e asa erilougHsdocor ased him _ _ _ smoin.8.她想成为一名职业歌手 heant t be _ _.我把某些衣服赠送给了这个小女孩,由于我穿着太小. _ _ some cothes to th little gir becausee are too mall fr m.10.他们为家长开通了来电直播中心. T_ _ a cal-in ntr fr paens.IX. 书面体现:根据汉语提醒及规定,以Slys Dam为题写一篇短文. 提醒:1.Sall是一种中学生,她想成为一名职业演员.

30、2.她同步也是一名志愿者,常常参与某些志愿者服务活动,业余时间她还上演出课. 3.目前她碰到了某些麻烦,无钱上演出课.她想出了许多措施,如:打 给家长、积极辅导孩子旳美术、张贴启事寻找工作挣钱等。 4.问题处理了,她可以继续上课了,她旳梦想回实现旳。 规定:1、条理清晰,语句通顺,语法对旳,书写规范。 2、不少于80个单词。allysDram_Kys:IV.句型转换:1. ethe of the lies 2 stopedsmoking chlde wh dont hvike 4. ie tel 5. taesfe 6. Wespent, doing/on 7 Wht kid f wok, o 8. wil yu . hat oes, sy 0. not oly, butloV. 单项选择:CCD AAACB BBDA BBCD完型填空:. A2 B3. B C5 6. 7. C8. B9.D0CV.阅读理解:. B.C.B4.5. D6.D 7 B 8 9. A 10.DVI.根据汉语完毕句子:1to cme p with . ge out 3 cer up 4.cl up, to cme 5.volunter, to elp 6 run ut of . to give u profesionalsige gaveaway 10. st uX. 书面体现:

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