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3、种方法的处理结果图片的对比,基于遗传算法的最大类间方差法分割后图像与直方图双峰法分割后的图像像比,效果更明显,且无须事先测量图像的灰度直方图,更加灵活,更加精确。其相关试验结论列于下表基于遗传算法的图象分割实验结论总表:分割方法自动化程度阈值灰度直方图计算时间分割结果灰度直方图法无法自动完成基于遗传算法的Ostu法高阈值自动指定,阈值M=162,短于普通Ostu法普通Ostu法高阈值自动指定偏长参见参考文章25参 考 文 献1张兆礼,赵春晖,梅晓丹.现代图像处理技术及MAThAB实现.北京:人民邮电出版社,陈传波,金先级.数字图像处理M.北京:机械工业出版社,2004.夏德深,傅德胜等.现代图


5、112王博等.图像平滑与边缘检测的模糊向量描述,小型微型计算机统,Vol. 20(3), 199913吴谨,李娟,刘成云,基于最大熵的灰度阈值选取方法,武汉科技大学学报(自然科学版),Vol. 27, No. 1, Mar, 200414李鉴庆,左坤隆,图像阈值选取的一种快速算法.计算机与现代化,2001年第6期15魏宝刚,鲁东明,潘云鹤等.多颜色空间上的互式图像分割J.计算机学报,2001, 24 (7):770-77516杜亚勤,基于模糊集的图像边缘检测技术研究:硕士学位论文.西安:西安工业学院,2004年4月17王保平,基于模糊技术的图像处理方法研究博士学位论文,西安:西安电子科技大学,

6、2004, 918杜亚娟,潘泉,周德龙等,图像多级灰度非线性模糊增强算法研究,数据采集与处19Russ J C, The image processing handbook. New York:CRC Press,199420L ASetsJ.Information and Contro1,1965, (8):338-35321Lotfi ,A fuzzy-set-theoretic interpretation of linguistic hedges, Journal of Cybernetic, 1972, 64(2):4-3422S. K. Pal, R. A. King. Image

7、 Enhancement Using Fuzzy Sets. Electron. Let t.,1980 16 (9):376-378.23S. K. PaI, R. :A. King, On Edge Detection of R-Ray Images Using Fuzzy Sets. IEEEAnal and ,PAMI-5 (1):69-77.24Otsu N. A Threshold Selection Method From Gray Level Histograms. IEEE Trans on Syst Man Cybernet, 1979, SMC-9:62-66附 录 附录

8、 一灰度直方图双峰法分割源代码clear, close allB=imread(); %读入原始jpg格式图像figure(1);imshow(B),title(原始jpg格式图像);I1=rgb2gray(B); %将原图像转化为灰度图象figure(2);imshow(I1),title(灰度格式图像);I1,map1=gray2ind(I1,255); %将灰度图像转化为索引图像figure(3), imhist(I1) %画出灰度直方图,以判断域值I1=double(I1); %将unit8数组转化为double型数组Z=I1 %将double型数组I1转存到Z中m, n=size(Z

9、);for i=1:m for j=1:n if Z(i,j)240 %灰度值大于域值时是白色 Z(i,j)=256; end end endfigure(4) %画出分割后目标图像image(Z),title(分割后图像);colormap(map1);图像I图像格式转化及灰度直方图双峰法分割源代码clear, close allB=imread(); %读入原始jpg格式图像shefigure(1);imshow(B),title(原始jpg格式图像);I1=rgb2gray(B); %将原图像转化为灰度图象figure(2);imshow(I1),title(灰度格式图像);I1,map

10、1=gray2ind(I1,255); %将灰度图像转化为索引图像figure(3), imhist(I1) %画出灰度直方图,以判断域值I1=double(I1); %将unit8数组转化为double型数组Z=I1 %将double型数组I1转存到Z中m, n=size(Z);for i=1:m for j=1:n if Z(i,j)240 %灰度值大于域值时是白色 Z(i,j)=256; end end endfigure(4) %画出分割后目标图像image(Z),title(分割后图像);colormap(map1);图像II图像格式转化及灰度直方图双峰法分割源代码clear, cl

11、ose allB=imread(); %读入原始jpg格式图像月亮figure(1);imshow(B),title(原始jpg格式图像);I1=rgb2gray(B); %将原图像转化为灰度图象figure(2);imshow(I1),title(灰度格式图像);I1,map1=gray2ind(I1,255); %将灰度图像转化为索引图像figure(3), imhist(I1) %画出灰度直方图,以判断域值I1=double(I1); %将unit8数组转化为double型数组Z=I1 %将double型数组I1转存到Z中m, n=size(Z);for i=1:m for j=1:n

12、if Z(i,j)240 %灰度值大于域值时是白色 Z(i,j)=256; end end endfigure(4) %画出分割后目标图像image(Z),title(分割后图像);colormap(map1);附录 二Crtbp 函数源代码:%- Create an initial population% This function creates a binary population of given size and structure.% Syntax: Chrom Lind BaseV = crtbp(Nind, Lind, Base)% Input Parameters:% Ni

13、nd - Either a scalar containing the number of individuals% in the new population or a row vector of length two% containing the number of individuals and their length.% Lind - A scalar containing the length of the individual% chromosomes.% Base - A scalar containing the base of the chromosome% elemen

14、ts or a row vector containing the base(s)% of the loci of the chromosomes.% Output Parameters:% Chrom - A matrix containing the random valued chromosomes% row wise.% Lind - A scalar containing the length of the chromosome.% BaseV - A row vector containing the base of the% chromosome loci.% Author: A

15、ndrew Chipperfield% Date: 19-Jan-94function Chrom, Lind, BaseV = crtbp(Nind, Lind, Base)nargs = nargin ;% Check parameter consistencyif nargs = 1, mN, nN = size(Nind) ; endif nargs = 2, mL, nL = size(Lind) ; endif nargs = 3, mB, nB = size(Base) ; endif nN = 2 if (nargs = 1) Lind = Nind(2) ; Nind = N

16、ind(1) ; BaseV = crtbase(Lind) ; elseif (nargs = 2 & nL = 1) BaseV = crtbase(Nind(2),Lind) ; Lind = Nind(2) ; Nind = Nind(1) ; elseif (nargs = 2 & nL1) if Lind = length(Lind), error(Lind and Base disagree); end BaseV = Lind ; Lind = Nind(2) ; Nind = Nind(1) ; end elseif nN = 1 if nargs = 2 if nL = 1

17、, BaseV = crtbase(Lind) ; else, BaseV = Lind ; Lind = nL ; end elseif nargs = 3 if nB = 1, BaseV = crtbase(Lind,Base) ; elseif nB = Lind, error(Lind and Base disagree) ; else BaseV = Base ; end end else error(Input parameters inconsistent) ; end% Create a structure of random chromosomes in row wise

18、order, dimensions% Nind by Lind. The base of each chromosomes loci is given by the value% of the corresponding element of the row vector base.Chrom = floor(rand(Nind,Lind).*BaseV(ones(Nind,1),:) ;% End of file附录 三Bs2rv函数源代码:%- Binary string to real vector% This function decodes binary chromosomes in

19、to vectors of reals. The% chromosomes are seen as the concatenation of binary strings of given% length, and decoded into real numbers in a specified interval using% either standard binary or Gray decoding.% Syntax: Phen = bs2rv(Chrom,FieldD)% Input parameters:% Chrom - Matrix containing the chromoso

20、mes of the current% population. Each line corresponds to one% individuals concatenated binary string% representation. Leftmost bits are MSb and% rightmost are LSb.% FieldD - Matrix describing the length and how to decode% each substring in the chromosome. It has the% following structure:% len; (num)

21、% lb; (num)% ub; (num)% code; (0=binary | 1=gray)% scale; (0=arithmetic | 1=logarithmic)% lbin; (0=excluded | 1=included)% ubin; (0=excluded | 1=included)% where% len - row vector containing the length of% each substring in Chrom. sum(len)% should equal the individual length.% lb,% ub - Lower and up

22、per bounds for each% variable.% code - binary row vector indicating how each% substring is to be decoded.% scale - binary row vector indicating where to% use arithmetic and/or logarithmic% scaling.% lbin,% ubin - binary row vectors indicating whether% or not to include each bound in the% representat

23、ion range% Output parameter:% Phen - Real matrix containing the population phenotypes.% Author: Carlos Fonseca, Updated: Andrew Chipperfield% Date: 08/06/93, Date: 26-Jan-94function Phen = bs2rv(Chrom,FieldD)% Identify the population size (Nind)% and the chromosome length (Lind)Nind,Lind = size(Chro

24、m);% Identify the number of decision variables (Nvar)seven,Nvar = size(FieldD);if seven = 7 error(FieldD must have 7 rows.); end% Get substring propertieslen = FieldD(1,:);lb = FieldD(2,:);ub = FieldD(3,:);code = (FieldD(4,:);scale = (FieldD(5,:);lin = (FieldD(6,:);uin = (FieldD(7,:);% Check substri

25、ng properties for consistencyif sum(len) = Lind, error(Data in FieldD must agree with chromosome length); endif all(lb(scale).*ub(scale)0) error(Log-scaled variables must not include 0 in their range); end% Decode chromosomesPhen = zeros(Nind,Nvar);lf = cumsum(len);li = cumsum(1 len);Prec = .5 . len

26、;logsgn = sign(lb(scale);lb(scale) = log( abs(lb(scale) );ub(scale) = log( abs(ub(scale) );delta = ub - lb;Prec = .5 . len;num = (lin) .* Prec;den = (lin + uin - 1) .* Prec;for i = 1:Nvar, idx = li(i):lf(i); if code(i) % Gray decoding Chrom(:,idx)=rem(cumsum(Chrom(:,idx),2); end Phen(:,i) = Chrom(:,

27、idx) * (.5).(1:len(i) ; Phen(:,i) = lb(i) + delta(i) * (Phen(:,i) + num(i) ./ (1 - den(i); endexpand = ones(Nind,1);if any(scale) Phen(:,scale) = logsgn(expand,:) .* exp(Phen(:,scale); end附录 四适应度函数target源代码function f=target(T,M) %适应度函数,T为待处理图像,M为域值序列U, V=size(T);W=, , length(M);f=zeros(W,1);for k=1:

28、W I=0;s1=0;J=0;s2=0; %统计目标图像和背景图像的像素数及像素之和 for i=1:U for j=1:V if T(i,j)=M(k) s1=s1+T(i,j);I=I+1; end if T(i,j)M(k) s2=s2+T(i,j);J=J+1; end end end if I=0, p1=0; else p1=s1/I; end if J=0, p2=0; else p2=s2/J; end f(k)=I*J*(p1-p2)*(p1-p2)/(256*256); end附录 五选择函数Select源代码:%(universal SELECTion)% This fu

29、nction performs universal selection. The function handles% multiple populations and calls the low level selection function% for the actual selection process.% Syntax: SelCh = select(SEL_F, Chrom, FitnV, GGAP, SUBPOP)% Input parameters:% SEL_F - Name of the selection function% Chrom - Matrix containi

30、ng the individuals (parents) of the current% population. Each row corresponds to one individual.% FitnV - Column vector containing the fitness values of the% individuals in the population.% GGAP - (optional) Rate of individuals to be selected% if omittedis assumed% SUBPOP - (optional) Number of subp

31、opulations% if omitted 1 subpopulation is assumed% Output parameters:% SelCh - Matrix containing the selected individuals.% Author: Hartmut Pohlheim% History:file createdfunction SelCh = select(SEL_F, Chrom, FitnV, GGAP, SUBPOP);% Check parameter consistency if nargin3, error(Not enough input parame

32、ter); end % Identify the population size (Nind) NindCh,Nvar = size(Chrom); NindF,VarF = size(FitnV); if NindCh = NindF, error(Chrom and FitnV disagree); end if VarF = 1, error(FitnV must be a column vector); end if nargin5, SUBPOP = 1; end if nargin4, if isempty(SUBPOP), SUBPOP = 1; elseif isnan(SUB

33、POP), SUBPOP = 1; elseif length(SUBPOP) = 1, error(SUBPOP must be a scalar); end end if (NindCh/SUBPOP) = fix(NindCh/SUBPOP), error(Chrom and SUBPOP disagree); end Nind = NindCh/SUBPOP; % Compute number of individuals per subpopulation if nargin4, GGAP = 1; end if nargin3, if isempty(GGAP), GGAP = 1

34、; elseif isnan(GGAP), GGAP = 1; elseif length(GGAP) = 1, error(GGAP must be a scalar); elseif (GGAP0), error(GGAP must be a scalar bigger than 0); end end % Compute number of new individuals (to select) NSel=max(floor(Nind*GGAP+.5),2); % Select individuals from population SelCh = ; for irun = 1:SUBP

35、OP, FitnVSub = FitnV(irun-1)*Nind+1:irun*Nind); ChrIx=feval(SEL_F, FitnVSub, NSel)+(irun-1)*Nind; SelCh=SelCh; Chrom(ChrIx,:); end % End of function附录 六交叉函数recombin的源代码:%(RECOMBINation high-level function)% This function performs recombination between pairs of individuals% and returns the new indivi

36、duals after mating. The function handles% multiple populations and calls the low-level recombination function% for the actual recombination process.% Syntax: NewChrom = recombin(REC_F, OldChrom, RecOpt, SUBPOP)% Input parameters:% REC_F - String containing the name of the recombination or% crossover

37、 function% Chrom - Matrix containing the chromosomes of the old% population. Each line corresponds to one individual% RecOpt - (optional) Scalar containing the probability of% recombination/crossover occurring between pairs% of individuals.% if omitted or NaN, 1 is assumed% SUBPOP - (optional) Numbe

38、r of subpopulations% if omitted or NaN, 1 subpopulation is assumed% Output parameter:% NewChrom - Matrix containing the chromosomes of the population% after recombination in the same format as OldChrom.% Author: Hartmut Pohlheim% History:file createdfunction NewChrom = recombin(REC_F, Chrom, RecOpt,

39、 SUBPOP);% Check parameter consistency if nargin2, error(Not enough input parameter); end % Identify the population size (Nind) Nind,Nvar = size(Chrom); if nargin4, SUBPOP = 1; end if nargin3, if isempty(SUBPOP), SUBPOP = 1; elseif isnan(SUBPOP), SUBPOP = 1; elseif length(SUBPOP) = 1, error(SUBPOP m

40、ust be a scalar); end end if (Nind/SUBPOP) = fix(Nind/SUBPOP), error(Chrom and SUBPOP disagree); end Nind = Nind/SUBPOP; % Compute number of individuals per subpopulation if nargin3, RecOpt = ; end if nargin2, if isempty(RecOpt), RecOpt = ; elseif isnan(RecOpt), RecOpt = ; elseif length(RecOpt) = 1,

41、 error(RecOpt must be a scalar); elseif (RecOpt0 | RecOpt1), error(RecOpt must be a scalar in 0, 1); end end % Select individuals of one subpopulation and call low level function NewChrom = ; for irun = 1:SUBPOP, ChromSub = Chrom(irun-1)*Nind+1:irun*Nind,:); NewChromSub = feval(REC_F, ChromSub, RecO

42、pt); NewChrom=NewChrom; NewChromSub; end % End of function附录 七变异函数mut源代码 :% This function takes the representation of the current population,% mutates each element with given probability and returns the resulting% population.% Syntax: NewChrom = mut(OldChrom,Pm,BaseV)% Input parameters:% OldChrom -

43、A matrix containing the chromosomes of the% current population. Each row corresponds to% an individuals string representation.% Pm - Mutation probability (scalar). Default value% of Pm = /Lind, where Lind is the chromosome% length is assumed if omitted.% BaseV - Optional row vector of the same lengt

44、h as the% chromosome structure defining the base of the% individual elements of the chromosome. Binary% representation is assumed if omitted.% Output parameter:% NewChrom - A Matrix containing a mutated version of% OldChrom.% Author: Andrew Chipperfield% Date: 25-Jan-94function NewChrom = mut(OldChr

45、om,Pm,BaseV)% get population size (Nind) and chromosome length (Lind)Nind, Lind = size(OldChrom) ;% check input parametersif nargin2, Pm = /Lind ; endif isnan(Pm), Pm = /Lind; endif (nargin3), BaseV = crtbase(Lind); endif (isnan(BaseV), BaseV = crtbase(Lind); endif (isempty(BaseV), BaseV = crtbase(Lind); endif (nargin = 3) & (Lind = length(BaseV) error(OldChrom and BaseV are

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