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1、Book-4-Unit-1新视野第三版4教案大学英语三(读写)教案授课教师授课班级授课地点 教 材新视野大学英语读写教程4. 郑树棠. 2015. 外语教学与研究出版社.授课内容Unit 1Section A: Love and logic: The story of a fallacySection B: Why do smart people do dumb things?学时 6 periods教学目的1.To talk about love and logic;2.To master the narrative essay writing skill;3.To apply the re

2、ading skill - skimming;4. To apply the phrases and patterns.教学重点与难点Teaching emphasis: To study passage A and understand the main idea of the text;Teaching difficulties: To understand the structure of the text and the devices for developing it.教学方法与手段Teaching method: Communicative language teachingTe

3、aching aids: Multi-media and blackboard教学参考书新视野大学英语读写教程4 教师用书.郑树棠. 2015. 外语教学与研究出版社.教 学 进 程ITeaching Plan (6 periods) 1st-2nd period: Pre-reading activities ( theme-related questions for warming up);While-reading activities (useful words and expressions; text study; language appreciation ).3rd-4thpe

4、riod: While-reading activities (text structure; main ideas);Post-reading activities (comprehension questions; exercises).5th-6thperiod: Presentation of the reading skill and practice of the reading skill (Previewing);Teacher checks on students previewing by asking questions based on the passage; Tea

5、cher explains some difficult sentence patterns to students.IITeaching Steps1. Pre-reading ActivitiesStep 1. Lead-in and preparation for readingTeacher greets students and asks them to discuss the following questions:1. What do you know about logic?2. Do you think it is possible to deal with life in

6、a completely rational and logical way?3. What is a fallacy? And how is it used?Step 2. Fast readingAsk the Students to read the passage as quickly as they can and then answer the questions on the screen. Let them get the main idea of each paragraph and be clear about the text structure.Text structur

7、e: (structured writing) The passage can be divided into 3 parts.Part I (Paras.1-2) The author sets the scene of the story by providing information about the four “wh-” words: who, where, what, and why. “Who” refers to the narrator, his roommate Rob, and the beautiful girl Polly. “Where” refers to a

8、college campus. “What” and “why” refer to what to do and why to do it: The narrator decides to make Polly “well-spoken” because as a promisingly brilliant lawyer, he wants to have a girlfriend who is not only beautiful but also intelligent.Part II (Paras.4-25) The narrator tries to help Polly become

9、 smarter by giving her lessons in logic. Altogether he spends five nights teaching Polly four logical fallacies, namely, Dicto Simpliciter, Hasty Generalization , Ad Misericordiam, False Analogy .Part III(Paras.26-43) When asked to be the narrators girlfriend, Polly refutes his arguments with the ex

10、act logical fallacies taught by him and refuses by making full disclosure that she is dating the narrator simply because it is a trick she and Rob have decided to play on him in order to get his leather jacket.Step 3. Preparation for details of the textStudents are required to look at the Words and

11、Phrases on the screen and Teacher gives a brief presentation in class.Words and Phrases: 1) Elite a. of or relating to the best or most skillful people in a group 精英的;精锐的 n. a group of people who have a lot of power and influence because they have money, knowledge, or special skills (社会) 精英;上层人士 Aft

12、er attending Stanford University, he considered himself to be one of the elite. 就读斯坦福大学后,他觉得自己是精英分子中的一员了。 2) radiant a. 1) full of happiness and love, in a way that shows in your face and makes you look attractive 容光焕发的;喜悦的 2) very bright 灿烂的;明亮的 I still remember the radiant faces of my parents when

13、 my elder sister got married 10 years ago. 我仍然记得十年前我姐姐结婚时我父母那满怀喜悦的脸。3) distort vt. 1) change sth. such as information so that it is no longer true or accurate 歪曲;曲解 2) change the way sth. looks, sounds, or behaves so that it becomes strange or difficult to recognize 使变 形;使失真;使反常 A painter may exagge

14、rate or distort shapes and forms.画家可能会夸大或扭曲形状与形式。4) appeal to 1) try to get sb. to do or accept sth. by making them think it is a sensible or fair thing to do 诉诸;唤起 2)have a character that makes a particular person interested; attract 吸引;感染 Though there was no pension, the job appealed to her becaus

15、e it provided health benefits. 虽然没有退休金,但这份工作仍然吸引了她,因为有医疗福利。5) make sth. out of sb. / sth. change a person or thing into sth. 使变成 With five nights of diligent work, I actually made a logician out of Polly. 经过五个夜晚的辛勤努力,我竟然真的将波莉打造成了一个逻辑行家。6) surpass v. be even better or greater than sb. or sth. else 超过

16、;胜过In the first several years, the cost level of Euro Disney surpassed the revenue level although attendancelevel had been high. 在最初几年,虽然参观率很高,但欧洲迪斯尼乐园的财政支出超过了收益。7) discern v. notice sth. especially after thinking about it carefully or studying it(尤指仔细思考或研究之 后)看出,觉察出,辨明 We should learn to discern an

17、d analyze the essential of complicated questions. 我们应该学会认识和分析复杂问题的本质。8) crumble v. 1) stop existing or being effective 崩溃;瓦解;消失 2) break sth. into very small pieces, or be broken into very small pieces 弄碎;(使)成碎屑 Crumble the biscuits over the fruit mixture. 把饼干弄碎撒在水果拼盘上。9) give sb. the axe end a rela

18、tionship abruptly 抛弃(恋人等);和某人一刀两断 Her boyfriend did not want to stop smoking, so she gave him the axe. 她男朋友不肯戒烟,所以她和他断了关系。10) ingenious a. good at inventing things and solving problems in new ways (人)有独创性的 They are attacking the honest and ingenious scientist because his ideas are new. 他们攻击这位诚实并富有独创

19、能力的科学家,是因为他的观点新颖。2 .While-reading ActivitiesStep 4. Intensive readingStudents are asked to read the passage carefully again and answer some detailed questions on the screen. During the reading, there is an explanation for the following points:Language Points: 1. That year every guy on campus had a l

20、eather jacket, and Rob couldnt stand the idea of being the only football player who didnt, so he made a pact that hed give me his girl in exchange for my jacket. (Para.1)Meaning: That year every young man in the college wore a leather jacket. Rob was the only one in the football team who didnt have

21、one. He felt frustrated whenever he thought about it, so he made an agreement with me that if I gave him my leather jacket, he would, as an exchange, give me his girlfriend.make a pact: 达成协议 in exchange for: 作为(对. 的)交换2. If I could show the elite law firms I applied to that I had a radiant, well-spo

22、ken counterpart by my side, I just might edge past the competition. (Para. 2)Meaning: When looking for a job, if I could show the top law companies that I had a partner who was notonly beautiful but also intelligent and polite, I might well be able to gain an advantage over my competitors and succes

23、sfully get a job offer.3. “Radiant” she was already. I could dispense her enough pearls of wisdom to make her “well-spoken”. (Para. 3)Meaning: She was already very beautiful. And I could teach her to speak intelligently so that she wouldsound very pleasant and smart when she speaks.Meaning beyond wo

24、rds: The word “dispense”, which means “give sth. to people”, shows that the narratorregards himself far superior to the girl. He is again boasting and praising himself. The word shows hisarrogance and conceit.4. After a banner day out, I drove until we were situated under a big old oak tree on a hil

25、l off the expressway. (Para.4)Meaning: After spending an excellent day out with her, I drove my car to a hill by the highway. I stoppedwhen we were under a big old oak tree.banner a. 极好的;非常成功的 n. 横幅;横幅标语5. She seemed to have a good time. I could safely say my plan was underway. I took her home and s

26、et a date for another conversation. (Para. 15)Meaning: It seemed that she had enjoyed my logic lesson very much. I was pretty sure that my plan was going on smoothly. I drove her home and decided on a date for our next meeting.underway 在进行中 set a date for 为.定日期 e.g. They will set a date for the wedd

27、ing.6. “The situations are altogether different. You cant make an analogy between them”. (Para.24)Meaning: The situations are totally different. You cant make a comparison between them.Make/ draw an analogy between: 在.之间作类比 E.g. It is difficult to make an analogy between cars and airplanes. 把汽车和飞机进行

28、类比是很难的。7. I leaped to my feet, my temper flaring up. (Para.38)Meaning: I jumped up immediately, losing control of my temper.flare up. 突然发怒;突然爆发 e.g. Since the crisis flared up last year, unemployment has remained high and economic growth weak. 自从去年经济危机加剧后,失业率一直居高不下,经济增长疲软无力。 8. “Im more interested i

29、n a different petitioner-Rob and I are back together.” (Para.41)Meaning: I am more interested in another person who made the same request to me: Rob and I are now back together.petitioner n. 请愿人;请求者 9. Look at me, an ingenious student, a tremendous intellectual, a man with an assured future. Look at

30、 Rob, a muscular idiot, a guy wholl never know where his next meal is coming from. (Para.42)Meaning: Look at me: a student full of novel ideas, a person with rich knowledge, a man with a promising future. Look at Rob: a stupid person with big muscles, a guy who will never earn enough money to buy hi

31、s own food.10. “Wow, what presumption! Ill put it in a way someone as brilliant as you can understand,” retorted Polly, her voice dripping with sarcasm. (Para. 7)Meaning: “Wow, what an arrogant assumption it is! Let me explain it in a way a person as clever as you can understand,” Polly replied angr

32、ily, with her voice carrying an extremely unpleasant and mocking tone.retort 反驳;回嘴 e.g. Though private schools are popular, she retorted that she could get a fine education in the public school. 虽然私立学校很受欢迎,但她反驳说她能在公立学校受到良好的教育。be dripping with sth. 满是.;充满.Step 5: Typical patterns:1. If sb. could do ,

33、 sb. just might do 用于表达“假设”e.g. If you could make the best of what you have instead of dreaming of what you dont have, you just might have already achieved great success. 如果你能好好利用现有的一切而不是幻想你所没有的,你很可能已经取得巨大的成功了。2. Sb. never/seldom do . Instead, sb. do 用于表达“强调” e.g: Some of our public servants never s

34、erve the people, instead they take advantage of their privileges and authorities to seek personal interests to the maximum extent. 一些人民公仆从不为人民服务,而只是利用手中的特权、职权最大程度地为自己谋取私利。3. Look at , look at . Can you do ? 用于表达“对比”e.g. Look at us, living in tall buildings, wearing Nike and Adidas, eating McDonalds

35、and KFCs, drinking Pepsis and Colas. Look at the refugees in the war stricken areas, sheltering in poor straw sheds, having almost nothing to wear, to eat and to drink. How can we complain about our lives? 看看我们,住着高楼大厦,穿着耐克、阿迪,吃着麦当劳、肯德基,喝着百事和可乐。再看看那些战乱地区的难民们,躲在破烂不堪的草棚里,没穿、没吃、没喝。我们怎么还能抱怨我们的生活呢?3. Post

36、-reading ActivitiesStep 6. ConsolidationRetell the story by using the texts structure and expressions.You can follow the outline given below.Part I. Introduction 1. The narrator and Rob make a deal: the exchange of a leather jacket for Polly.2. Why does the narrator want to have Polly as his girlfri

37、end?3. Polly needs to be made more intelligent.Part II. Body 1. The narrator begins to teach Polly logic in order to make her intelligent.2. The first logical fallacy taught to Polly: Dicto Simpliciter.3. The second logical fallacy taught to Polly: Hasty Generalization.4. The third logical fallacy t

38、aught to Polly: Ad Misericordianm.5. The fourth logical fallacy taught to Polly: False Analogy. Part III. Conclusion 1. Polly refutes the narrators first argument as Hasty Generalization. 2. Polly refutes the narrators second argument as False Analogy. 3. Polly refutes the narrators third argument a

39、s Dicto Smipliciter. 4. Polly makes the final disclosure and refuses to be the narrators girlfriend. Step 7. Discussion Show a movie clip about love and logic- A Beautiful Mind and ask the Students the following question: What truly is logic in our life?Step 8. AssignmentsReview the key points of Se

40、ction A;Finish the exercises after class;Preview Section B.Section B Why do smart people do dumb things?Step 1. Reading Skills-SkimmingSkimming is a method of rapidly moving the eyes over a text with the purpose of getting the main idea or a general overview of its content. For example, many people

41、skim read a newspaper article just to get a quick overview, or a text to see whether its worth reading in detail. The key word for skimming is “general”. Some steps to help you to skim an article.a) Read the titleit is the shortest possible summary of the content of the article.b) Read the introduct

42、ion or lead-in paragraph(s).c) Read any sub-headings, and identify the relationships between them. d) Read the first sentence of each remaining paragraph; the main idea of most paragraphs appears in the first sentence. e) Alternately read and “float” over the body of the article, looking for the fol

43、lowing: Clues about who, what, when, where, how many, how much Connective words and phrases such as furthermore, also, however and on the contrary f) Read the concluding paragraph(s) completely.Students practice the skill by doing the exercise on page 17.Step 2. Passage Reading (Why do smart people

44、do dumb things?)1. Lead-in and preparation for readingIf you have lost a lot of money in gambling, will you continue spending money in it or just stop? Why will you do that?2. Comprehension QuestionsRead the passage as quickly as they can and ask the students to find the key idea of the passage and

45、answer the questions on the screen:1. What is the traditional view about smart people according to Paragraph 1? (Para. 1) 2. What is the most typical characteristic of the fundamental attribution error? (Para.3)3. What will you be affected if you are only interested in evidence that is in agreement

46、with your own belief? (Para.5) 4. When does the overconfidence bias usually occur? (Para.7) 5. Why does the availability bias leads to strange and inaccurate conclusions? (Para.8)6. Why dont people want to leave a bad investment situation and commit the sunk cost fallacy? (Para.11)7. What is the pur

47、pose of this text? 3. Difficult Sentences1. Orthodox views prize intelligence and intellectual rigor highly in the modern realm of universities and tech industry jobs. (Para. 1) Meaning: Intelligence and the ability to think logically have long been regarded as important qualities in modern universities and in jobs related to the technology industry. orthodox: 传统的;公认的 realm: 领域;王国

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