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1、一年级下重点句型及单词内容单元重点句型字母单词韵文Unit 1 L11. Glad/ Nice to see you again.很高兴再次见到你。2. Glad/ Nice to see you, too. 见到你也很高兴。AaBbcat applebanana ballA for apple, B for bananaRed is the apple, yellow is the banana.L21. This is our classroom. 这是我们的教室2. Its nice. 它很漂亮。3. Yes, I like it. 是的,我喜欢它。4. Hello, this is m

2、y mum.你好,这位是我妈妈。5. Nice to meet you, Auntie.阿姨,见到您很高兴。CcDdcap cowdesk duckC for cow, D for duck.Cows and ducks,Live on farms.L31. I like the blackboard. Its big.我喜欢这块黑板。它很大。2. I like the eraser. Its cute.我喜欢这个板擦。它很可爱。3. Look, Mum! This is my desk.妈妈,你看,这是我的书桌。EeEgg elephantEggs, eggs, eggs,The eleph

3、ant is picking up eggs.Unit 2L51. What do you do in the morning?早上你做什么?2. I go to school. I like school.我去上学。我喜欢学校。3. Good boy. 好男孩。4. I go to the park. I like the park.我去公园。我喜欢公园。F fGgflag foxgift grapesF for fox, G for grapes.The fox says sour grapes.L61. What do you do in the afternoon?下午你做什么?2.

4、I have PE. 我上体育课。3. I go fishing.我去钓鱼。H hhair headH for head, H for hair.He has black hair.L71. What do you do in the evening?晚上(傍晚)你做什么?2. I watch cartoons. 我看卡通片。3. I play games.我做游戏。I IJ jice ice creamjam juiceI for ice cream,J for juice.Ice cream is sweet, So is juice.Unit 3 L 91. What colour is

5、 your ball / bag?你的球/包是什么颜色的?2. Its white / yellow. 它是白色的/黄色的。K kL lkitten kinglion leafL for lion, K for king.They call me the Lion King.L101. Do you like this umbrella 你喜欢这把伞吗?2. Oh! Its orange. I like it.噢,是橙色的。我喜欢它。3. Do you like that car? Its blue.你喜欢那辆小汽车吗? 它是蓝色的。4. No. I like this black car.

6、不。我喜欢这个黑色的小汽车。M mN nmonkey mapnet nose M for monkey,N for net.The monkey is fishing with a net.L111. Do you like my yo-yo?你喜欢我的悠悠球吗?2. Its green. I like it.它是绿色的。 我喜欢。3. Guess! What colour is my kite?猜!我的风筝是什么颜色的?4. Its red. 它是红色的。5. Yes, youre right.是的,你是对的。Oooil orangeOil, oil, orange,Orange, oran

7、ge, oil.You see an orange Beside the oil.Unit 4 L131. How many apples / potatoes do you have?你有多少个苹果/土豆?2. I have three apples. / four potatoes.我有3个苹果/4 个土豆。3. Let me count. 让我数一数。PpQqpanda peachqueenP for peach,Q for queen.A peach for each,And one for the queen.L141. How many birds can you see?你能看到

8、多少只鸟?2. I can see six birds .我能看到6只鸟。3. How many stars can you see?你能看到多少颗星星?4. I can see seven stars!我能看到7颗星星。RrSsrabbit riversnake shipR for river,S for snake.Near the river, You see a snake.L151. How many cows do you have?你有多少头奶牛?2. I have eight cows.我有8头奶牛。3. How many ducks can you see?你能看到多少只鸭子

9、?4. I can see ten duck.我能看到10只鸭子。Tttiger tireT for tiger,T for tire.The tiger is playing with a tire.Unit 5 L 171. Whos this man?这位男士是谁?2. Hes my uncle. 他是我的叔叔。3. How many uncles do you have? 你有多少位叔叔?4. I have two uncles. I like them. 我有2位叔叔。 我喜欢他们。5. Whos that boy? 那个男孩是谁?6. Hes Victor, my friend.

10、他是维克托,我的朋友。7. How many friends do you have? 你有多少个朋友?8. I have many friends. 我有很多朋友。UuVvUniform UFOvan vestU for uniform,V for van.You see a manDriving a van.L 181. Whos that woman?那位妇人是谁?2. Shes my grandma. I love her. 她是我奶奶。我爱她。3. Whos this girl? 这个女孩是谁?4. Shes my little sister. 她是我的小妹妹。WwXxwindow

11、wallbox oxW for window, w for wall.You see a window in the wall.X for ox, x for box.The ox is carrying a box.L191. Happy Childrens Day!儿童节快乐!2. Whos he? 他是谁?3. Hes my cousin. 他是我的表哥。4. Whos she? 她是谁?5. Shes my aunt,Yana. 她是我的阿姨,雅娜。YyZzyogurt yardzebra zooY for yogurt,Z for zoo.You see the zebra in t

12、he zoo.Unit 6L211. Look! We are late. 看!我们迟到了。2. Yes, I know. 是的, 我知道。3. Sorry we are late. 抱歉, 我们迟到了。3. Its OK. 没关系。Thats all right. It doesnt matter. Aa Bb Cc DdEe FfGgapple box cowdesk elephant flag giftFish is my name.Duck is your name.We are not the same.L221. Whos not here today?今天谁没来?2. Maoma

13、o is not here. 毛毛没来。3. May I come in? 我能进来吗?4. Come in, please. 请进。5. Maomao is late today. 今天毛毛迟到了。Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll MmNn OoPphead ice juiceking leaf monkeynet orange pandaI see a lion at the zoo,You see an elephant at the zoo,We see monkeys at the zoo,Boys and girls like the zooL23 1. Whos not here?

14、谁没到?2. Lingling is not here. 玲玲还没到。3. Im sorry Im late. 很抱歉,我迟到了。4. Its OK. Dont be late again. 没关系。别再迟到了。5. Thank you. 谢谢您。Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu VvWw XxYy Zz queen river suntiger UFO vanwindow oxyogurt zebra ABCDEFG, HIGKLMN,OPQRST, UVWXYZ,I can say my ABC.I can sing my ABC.我们是朋友(含有相同的因素)Aa Hh Jj KkBb Cc

15、Dd Ee Gg Pp Tt Vv ZzFf Ll Mm Nn Ss Xx ZzIi Yy/ju:/ Qq Ww其他Oo Rr 这些数字你要认识哦one two three four five six seven eight nine ten 课堂用语总汇L41. Please turn to page 6. 请翻到第六页。2. Lets read the words. 让我们来读这些单词。L83. Who can answer this question? 谁能回答这个问题?4. Let me try. 让我试试。5. Louder, please! 请大点声。L126. Who is on

16、 duty today? 今天谁值日? 7. I am. 是我。8. Who can tell me the answer? 谁能告诉我答 9. I can! 我能!L1610. Please pass me the book. 请递给我那本书。 11. Here you are. 给您。12. Thank you. 谢谢。 13. You are welcome. 不客气。14. Pass me the cards, please. 请递给我这些卡片。L2015. Turn off the lights, please. 请把灯打开。16. Please bring your markers tomorrow. 明天请把马克笔带来。L 2417. Please do it yourself. 请你自己做。18. Work in pairs, please. 请两个人合作。19. Work in groups, please! 请以小组来做!

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