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1、2023年12月大学英语六级试题及答案Prt ritig (30 minuts)Ditions: Fr hisart, yaale 0 minues towria shor esay eniledShoudarets Send eir Kids o ArClasses? Y should rite at least 150 words lloing outlnegi lo.1.目前有不少家长送孩子参与多种艺术班2. 对这种做法有人表达支持,也有人并不赞成3. 我认为Par Readin Cprhsion (Skimng ad cnin) (15 mnus)Bose Say“Ye” to Hom

2、eWorisin costso office spce, te ltto sessfl mmuting, anda low recogntotht okers ave ves byod hoffiealar strng agumnts for etting staff wokrm ome.Fr the smal buness, here aditonal bnefitostaff are mr producie,ad happier,enblig fm to keep thir headcouts (员工数) anderrecritment cos to a mnmu. t cn also o

3、vde ompetitveadvantage, espeially hn mal businesswantto attrat newstff ut dthe the budget o ofeue alaiesWhilecompnymanas hvekown out the benefitsfor alog me,man hve on littleabout i, ketica owhher hey couldrushr eplyee tortoful caciy withoutsueon,r concere aout th additinl expenses torking poiesmigt

4、 incur saffstar chrgn ther home ponbills tothe business.Yet ti is now nig. When mmuncains provdrInerTel reeacdthe ue frmote wrkig sluionsamnalladmd-ied UKbsiness inApril is year, it foun that28% mor cmpanies laimed thaveinrodud fible wokng ractcs han a ya agoThe UK wrk of usess Lins confirms tht to

5、has sea groing interetn remote woring soutions from smal buinesses ekig itsdvice, and lais tat a ay s-7% o thebuessesh ome rgts doorsnoofe sfom f remoteoig sport toher workfore.Technology avcs, icludng the desea availability rdbnd, are king the trucion o remote woring piec ocake.“If system re set pp

6、operly, staf cn hav access to all the sues heyhae int fe werever hey have an internet connecti,” as Ad Polon, e-busiess dviora Buiness Link frBerkshr and iltshire. “There aeome eeiting dvlopments hic ave enabedths.”Oneis he vaillty ofbodbandeerywhere, wh no ovs lmost ll of th contry(BT aim at, y Jul

7、, 98 o ts enges willb boadbad eabled, with alterniv plas n plce or eenthemomot xange). “Thi iste eab,” Poulton aysYe hile boandhascm own nrceoo,thoeervce roidrs targeting the usiness mare arn agas cosumerrvices masueraing (伪装)as bsness-friendly boadband.“rodban s alalfora tla5 a moth, but many uiess

8、 fai to ppreciat the hie cotso uch a servce,”say eil Stehn, sales and maeing drector nyx Intret, intrnetservicprovider base i henorthst ofEgan.“Povidersoffeing broadand or roc-ottm pries areotorious orpor srvic,withreguar brekowns nd havily conest (拥堵旳) newoks I i lays advisbleorbusinesses t lookbeo

9、nd e price tag ad lok or usessonly ri tha n ofer moe rliability,with oodsupport.” uch vcs on cost too muql servie cab found for uprds of 30 amnhe bnfit of bradbn o the csionlhme orerrehat tey can ces ema inraltime, ad take ul advangofercs such as internet-based backupo ven interne-bse oneerviIntrnet

10、-bed telems, or VoIP (ice ve P) to ve it s tchnca tite,an intrsting ool o any bsness supog remte wng. t necsrily becaus of epoise o freeorreucd priceph calls (which eprt pntut is misleding or he aerage uies), ubecaus of th pistiatedvoice rcesthtcanbe exptedby theremote workeracilites such as voicemi

11、 ndcll foraring,whic provde cntinitof thecay ia for customers and busiess artnes.By law, cmpnes must“onir seriously” reqststo wok flxibly mad y aparnt with a child ud thea ofs, o adisblech under1. Itwas the need t acmmodat emplye with younghildren that motivated accontancy frmWrihtViar to bein prmot

12、in telewoking ecnty.The ompany, whichneeedtupgrad its Iistructue (基础设施) to provide cnncivity with a new, scond office, decided to intodueupt fr moe wking atthe sae tme.Mrkeing diretor Jac rn explins atth opy asarelivlyyung wokforce, mayof hom are paent: “One of trgers wa wn one of ouraxmgers returne

13、d rom manity leve. She as intenin o wrk attm,uoulonl mage one ay weeinthe fice du to chidcr. By ferig hrthe ability to wofom home, we ave double hecapacit sheworksad wekfom hoe, an a day inthe oice. Ths is great r her, an fr us as we retain soeon higlyqualife.”ForWgtVig,which hasowequipdallof it fee

14、earnrs tbe able to woramaximum prodctvty wh away ro theofces(wheherthasfmhme, or while o therod), thisstrtgy is not jus aou aing comut ime or cutin t ooefrom th of,bu enabing thm to work m flxib oursthattaound te home lif.OHern sa: “Althogh mst of or wor slien-baed and ut fit arundths, wecantseeany

15、rao wh ape cantbohd to de it soehng imortan hme, if they h the ablit cmletea prjc latrin the d.”pori tis ewwy f working camewitha price, tugh.thougthfir wa udatng is stems nyway,thecompny set101 ore per usr toequithem ih lapop aherthan C, andbot hesme tupade toa servettou ablremte stafftoonet to the

16、 compan netwok n ess atheiusul resocesAlthogh Wrht Vir hasn et qantified tuness bneit, t claims tat, n addtion to bingable o retin key stff with yungfamilies,it is able savefee-earnersa bsania ount of “ead” tie ineir workig days.ha staffcan ohi wihou needin a fixed telphone ln provides evn ore efici

17、ency svins. “thWi-Fi(fat, wieless inene conections) poppingu alver te pce, even on rins, urfee-erns cn e pductiv as ey trael, anbetwen etngs,nstead of haigtoill imathe sho,” he ad.he cony willalsob able to avid the exense of havin to reocate saffto temorarffies forsevera wees heni beginisuptivofie r

18、nvatis soon.Finacia reruitmnt eilit Lne Harrevs knseat how much herfir aaed by apinaeleworking srategy, whch hasinoved handing hrcpays data mment rtoa eot otn comny, Dtnt, soican be acessible by allth companys cnultants oer brdad intrt conections.It s nbled the compy tispensewih itsbuiness emises ao

19、ghr, lwig te elsaion thatit just dint neethm aymore.“he minmotivtneid adoptig hom workin was t nceae myown ductivity, a singl mu to an 1-yar-od,” s Hrgraes. “But soo realsedtat, s mof our busness i oe othe poe,aiand a fite eeings, we dd need our oices atal e now saving 6,00 a ea on ret, plus thost u

20、tiitie, not t mentio what wuldv bee en ncommuting.”.What thmin toi of this passge?) How usies mngers view hitech. B)lations bteenempoys adempleesC)ow ocut dow thecosof smallbusinesses. ) Befts ofthe aice f telewoking.2.rom the rsrccoduced y th comcato rovider Intr-Tel, w ln that .) moe empe ork t u

21、capacta homeB)epyes sw a growingintes in all businesseC) more businesesae adoptdrmotewokigoluions)titudes owadT tnolog hav chned3.What dvloment has made flxibe wg praticespssible acrdi to Andy Pouon?A) educed cot teecomuiaio.)poved reliabiliy ointernet servceC)aility o te VI servie. D) cess to braan

22、 erywhre4.Whais Nei Stephenons dvce o fims ntracting interet seice?A) They lo for relbl busne-onyvidrs. B) Tey cntact provides cte nerest tohem.C) Th caefull examn h ontrac. D) he contract thehepet povider.nteret-bsed teeoms faiitates remte working by _) ofri sophstictedvoice sices B)vin acessoemail

23、n inreal tm) helpng liens dicu uiness a e ) povidg callscoletely free of chrge6.Theacontancyfirm riht Vigar protedteorkinginitally iodero _A) pesenta stive iage o rospetiveutoersB) support t employeesh childen to e ca oC) tracyoung peplewith IT eprtise toworkfor itD) rduce opratonalxnes of a second

24、ffice.Accorin to arkeng dectr Jack OHrn, teleworking enblete ompany o _) ehance itsmaret ime B)redurecruent cotsC) keep highlyqulified staff D)minmieitsoffce sace8.Wriiars racticef alwi formore fleble orking ours t onbefts the coman bt helpimprove eoyees.9.ith fast, wreles intrt connectios, emplye c

25、antil_ whie travling.1.Sinle other Lynne Hargreesecid t work home manlo _.art ieiCoprehenin (5 mute)Setion A11.) Theywud atheravl arounthast a home.B) Thy prefr o cary cashwe raling ard.C) Theyusulycarr anthgs arond wih the.D)The dontlketo pnd much mony o trin.12.)he eleci process wa a itle unfir. B

26、) ad long dreamed of tedeansposion.C) Rod wasmnad in e selection procss ) R s ncharge of the admsosofice13)Aplaueencourgete snrB) Sereret paying oreconcrC) Almos eveyone lves popmsc.D) heconr isey impssive.1.) Theav konea oher ince tei schooldas. B) Th werbotchirersofteStuent n.C) T ha b ostuch by m

27、i. D) Thyreoin t hola rnon arty.15.A)ok te dnner. )Rs fo wl.) t their car fixed. D) Sop forthent.6.A) ewly-lauched pducts. ) osumer peferencs. )Surveyrslts. D) Srvey methods.17A) He would ratetewon didnt buy the bloue.) e wom needs bousesin the coorsof arainowC) Te infomationin thecatalog is nlaseli

28、abD) Hhinksthebue luseis bttthanhe one.18.) Th curs s pen o l e semeter. )Thenoice ma t reliabC) e woan hs ot told he tuth. D)He wil drop s curs i mrkeing.Quen o2 ar bado h coversainou hav justheard.9.A) A irectoof a sales deatment. B) age computer stoC) saleclerkat shpping ent. D) An ccounant of a

29、oputerfir.20.)Handling custome coplait. B) Recrtingnd trainingew sta.C) Dspathig ordered good tim.) evelpin computr ogrms.21.) She ls soethino cengn ) Seikes o be nearert er paent.) She w o have a bett-aid jb. ) Se wnts toewth hrhuand.22.) it way B) n two mth. C) arly net month. D) ole of ays.Questi

30、os 23t25arsdo he onvrsatin youhavejst hear.3A) t ill fae callnges unpreented n thistory.B) Its reluteadvoct ofthe ati-loa ovement.C)t is boundto regan is full gory of unded earagoD) twil b a major ecnomc pwer y teid-2t centr.24.) he lack ooverall rban paning. B) he hugeap bewe t hav ad heots.C)The i

31、nadeqate pply fwat a eleicty. D) The sote ofhi-tech psonnl.A) Thatgraiporance to eductin.B) e areabt rapgrowt oonite.C) Teyre goo at earng om ther tions D) Ty hvade ue ofadvancd tehnooes.Section Basge Oneestns 26 to 29 are ad on the passage yuave jut heard.26.A) Sh aghemistr and mcrboogy coursesin c

32、oleg.) She gae lecuson howt become ubli speake.C) Seheled amiliesmove away frm dutrial polltesD) Se engage ined rarc on vinmenl llio.27.A) Te jb restriced her from realing er finin.) h job osd potetiltrattoher healh.C) Se found h okincoditinfrutratn.D) She wa fed a etterjb in a minotycmunty.28.) Som

33、e gant ndrial plter have gone u ofbuses.B) Morenvironment ranizains hae apearedC) anytxc ses in merica have eeclaned up.D)More ranes of hercomay have bee t up2.A) H widepead fluene og members ofCongess.B) er ility to commuicate hrouh lc speaking.) er rigoroutriningndeliring eoqet pechesD)Her lfelng

34、commiment to domesicn goaissu.Psae woQuetin30t 32r based on thepassage ouhave just had.0.A) efece comptitioninthe market. B) h growinnecessty of taff tranng.)The aceleate pe of oliation D) The urgen nee f aiversworkfoe.31.A) Gain a dep undrdigof i ow uue.B) Ta couses f frgn languages nd cltus.C)Shar

35、e th experiecs f peop fom oher clure.D) articipat interntiona echnge progamme32.A) Rflecie hining seci crial.B)o mke istting gloliseC)Knowig a og languageissstial. D)Gobalztin wll iminate majobsPassag hreuestins 33 to 3arebased oth passge ou aeust hard33.A) e-aed wmen eeregare as mre reliablB) Brwn-

36、haed wmen were rated smor capab.C)olde-hied womenwre considr atrctive.D) lk-hired women werejugedo beintellint34A) he aresmartand elque.B) yaeambitus ndaront.C)Thy ae hrwd anddisne. D) The are ealhy an idstrious.35.)Teyoc peple t folw the ultural mnsem.B) h exaggerate the roles of certingroups of peple.) They mphasizdiveity t the expse of uniformity.D) They ier ourprcpti of inividual ifferences.Sectin Cheanciet Greeks deve

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