1、203年12月大学英语六级考试真题(第套)Pr I riting(30 miutes)(请于正式开考后半小时内完毕该部分,之后将进行听力考试)iection:o this par,ou re alowed 30 mintes t t a essay onppins byeferringto thesyin“Hppiess is no t abenc of roblems,butth abilityto elwih thm.”You can te xmpleto srtyou point and then expain ho you a dvelp your abiiy to deal wtpo
2、ems an be hapy. shold witeat least 150 word bu no ehan 20wrs.PartIILiteigCprehnsion(30 minute)Setion ietins:In this secton, yo wl ha short onverstonand 2 log vratins theend f each convrsation, ono more qusions illb ased bot wtwa said. ot tconveatio nd e uestios wllbe poken onl ce. er acquestion tere
3、 wil b a pause.Durng the pase, ou ms read hefou cicesmarkedA), B), ) and D), a cdewhis the st answerThe mark t respndi ltteron nswr ht 1wh singll hough he tre.注意:此部分试题请在答题卡1 上作答。1. A) The rok band ed me hour o pactce.) Th rck bndisgong to lher for mnh.C) Teir ard wrk has resutedinbi sucss.D)He apeci
4、ates th womanshelp with th bnd. A)Go ndnouin Europe.C) Tvl versas on hisown.B) Add dollars to hibudet.D) Joina kae toto exic3. A) In cse omeproblem soldccur.C) T aidmorework later on. B) Sething unexpected hasppened.)T ma btrprtons4.A) Thewomaaskd f freepsstor ot the facilitiesB) T mns go trenwismem
5、rip na fitness cnter.C) he oman can gietmndiscount f h joins the club nowD)Th man can tr ot h aiiies efore e beomes member. A) He is not afraicallnge.B) He nt fit to tuysene.C) He isworri abot the test.) He i going to r t hysic cours6.A) ay fo artof the icnic foodC)Buy soething pecl for Gary.B) Init
6、e Grys fmil to diner.D) Take some od t thepicni.7. A)u driers working condiions.)Public transporation.B) Alabor ispue t a bus copany.) A rprate takeove.A) Thebak aent.) Thpament fr a rd.B) Tirsaes ovrseas.) Thche jst depsite.Quetos9to 1 are based o thenveatinyohv jut hard9.A)A hotelrcetnst.C) Asho a
7、sistnB) Arivaesecre.D) Asales anger.10. ) Voice.C) Appara.) IelligenD) Manes1 ) Arange oneore intrveC) eport t atter to theibs.B) Offerth ob toDvid Wlace.D) ieBarba Jnes onria bis.Quetis 12 to 5 re ased o the nversti you a sthard.12 ) e nventedte refrieator.C) He g a egr n Maetics) e paete hi ist ni
8、on.D) as adited tounivsit13 )He istiguishdimsef i lowertureycs.B) He felin lvewith Naasha Wiougy.) He eamerofessorof Mathemtis.)e trtd to ork n refrigeration.14. A) iding the uenature of btomc patils.)Thr work n very highfreqcy radio wavesC) Lang th fountion f mode mhematic.)hr dicovery f he law of
9、ause ad efect15. A) To ach ata uiversity.C) To spend hs rmaning yars.B) o patent i invntions.) To havea the-e olida.Sctio BDictins:In thissectio, ou il hea 3 shrt pasags.At t nd of each pasage, yo ill ear some questons oth the asge and he qestionswil he ske nyoc.Afe ou ear aqesti, youmus choosthe be
10、st answr om th for chcs mred A), B),) ad D). hemarkthecrrespondi eter oAnswe Shet1wh sinle lie rough thecntre.注意:此部分试题请在答题卡1上作答。Passae neQuestos 16 to r a on thepassge you havejust head.16 A) h haefalepreyowlves.B) Tey hae bece a urist attraction.) They hae cauedlot ofmage t crop.D) hey have come a
11、headcetothe community.1 A) To celebatethei vicory.C) scare th olves.B)Tce th hunrsD)To althe deer.18 A)Thoul ep o spread fatal disease.B) They woud oeat o te hildn.C)heyuld enager omestic mal)he ld eventuly ll of the dee.Passage woQuesons 1 to 22 ar basedon th pag u jst hed.9 A) Se i a interprer.)Se
12、 is domesic ervat.B) She ia turt gde.D)Ses fo the oyal faly. A) It wa se ythfamil t hold inner prtisB) I is situated at the foot of beutiful motain)twasrquently visitebyheads oftte.D) It is funihedlike oe in aroyal plae2 A) tiselaorately decrt.B) I ha srv ome 2,0yearsC) I s ve b, ih onlsix slmes.D)
13、It i aed ike an ancient Spniht22. A) Tey ae uncmortabe to sti orlong.B) They o match h oaltab ll.C) Teyhaveotsom their lgs.D)They interetingto lok atPasagThretions 23 t 25 arbased one pssage you hav ju eard.3) It n ncmmon nfcis diseae.) It sroy h paiens bilt to thn.) It i a disesvery ificult to diag
14、nos.D) It tebggst cripler of youngads.24. )earch for the bs cure.C) ite a k bout elifeB) urry up andlv lie.D) rise e an wrk hard.25.A) Aggrssi.) opistiatd.) dventuos.D) Sefted.Sect CDirctions:In hissecion, o willeara assg three times n thepasei re fortheirst time, youshouldlstn careuly or its eeral
15、ide. When epsage is readf the sco ime, ou r requied to il in tebankiththect wrds yuhae jut hear. Finly, hen t passage is adfor te third tm, houlcecat yo haveriten.注意:此部分试题请在答题卡1上作答。Its diult to estimt h nubr of yougsterinvolved n ome choon, here cdreare not sent to school and rcevethei formlecatinfo
16、 neor btrents (26)_a cort deiionshvmd egaly pssile inmoststforparn to edcethir ldre t hoe, nd eah yor po ake dvantae of tatoppnit. Smesates require arets orahome tutor t eet teer tificatin stand, and an rqe paent tocomletelga frs to rify that tir childrenae recivng (7) _ in state-aproed curriuluport
17、sf home eution laim that itslesexpnsive andfrre(28)_ thanmss pubicducan. Moreover, heit eerl avantags:allviation of scoo overrowding, rengtheed faiy relaioships, l(29) _ rates, te fa tht students are allowdto learnat theironae, iraed(3) _, higher stanadied test sore, ndrduce (1) _ problms.ti f hhome
18、 schooig moemen(3) _ that i cretes as man prblm as soves he acknledge tha, i a ew cases, hoschoolng ofers educainal opportuitsuperioro hosefound n ms picschoos, btfwpaet anprovide such ducatinl advantages. Some prents wh idaw teir cildre from the schools (3) _homescoolg have an idequate ecatioa bacg
19、ron nd suficient forl taining o proie a satisacory edcation r heir childrenTypiclly, aret hv fewetholoicl reses (3) _tn doshools Howeer,the relaiyinexpensvecompute technogyha is readiavailb oay cusng sme to chang te ntion tht homchooling s iay ay (35) _ more hy structud lassom educatoPart IIIRinmpre
20、hnso (40 mute)Sectioniectons:nthsction,r is a pasa with bnkYo requiredt select ord r ah blank r als ofhoices gvn in word bnk ollowingthepassg.Ra the psaethrugh creuly before making urchce. Eh hoce in th banis idntifed b aetter. Pleaemark th corrspondng ettr fo ach emon AnwerSeet 2 wih sle lne throuh
21、 the cenre. You may nt use an f the words in theak mo tan once.Qesions 36o4 ae ased o he followngasa.Some performanc evaluatins rqre sperors t ta cin. Emplyees who eceiv veryfvorabl evluton myeresm typofrecogniton o even prootion.If supervsor do nt acknoledge suh otstanding peormance,mplyees ay eite
22、r lose teir nd reuc thei effor or earch for a ew jb at a fim tt ill3 tem or high erformnc. Suervisorshouldcknodggh perormne so ththe emplye wil oineto perorwel in e fure.mploes ho rcieufvoraeltons mst lso be gven ttenton.Supervisorsmst 38 the asos fopor peformance Soerao, sch as a faily ilness,may a
23、 temporary adrs 9oerformace an can becorc. Oterreaos, suc as baattitude,may not be temporay. Wnupervisrvemployeean ufvrable vauaon, they must decie wheher to take ay4 ctin. Itheemloyee ereunaware f their n defciences, the nfavobe ealation canpinpnt(指出)the defcecies that emloyee mutcrrect.I hi case,
24、the upvor may implynetomonitor the empoes 1 nd nsure hat deficieeare corecte.If he empees wer read aware f their efcnciesbefre the evaation perod, however,te maybeunae or uillingto correct the. Tis itain i mor erous, and the pervormy need tae cion. Th ction sould be ih the fr uidelis anday nlde rsin
25、g thloeso new job, 4 th temporari,or iringtm. A superisors ctin twrd poorly perrmingwer ca44 he ttitdes of other mployees. I no5simosedo a empyee for oor peorne,her emploees may ract y i th productivityawel.注意:此部分题请在答题卡2上作答。)ditinalB) fectC)ptlD) ssimilaeH)crculatio)closlG) cnsnt) ethusasmI)ietyJ) p
26、ct)peltyL)rwar) smplifyinN) spendigO) vlnrabeection Brctios:n tis secion, you are gon toreaa pasage wh ttatements atached t it Ec statmnt cntains informtin givenin one o paagrahs. Idntif te aagraphfom chte ifomation is derivd. You mayc a pragrah more ha one.ach paragrah s rkd with aletr nerh qestion
27、s by mkng the orspninletter on AnserShee 2.he Collegessy: hy Tose50 Words Drives razyA) Meg is a lawyrom in subrba Wasigton,D.C., r lawermoms are thkon the gru. Her sonu isone o sevrandred thousand hih-scolnirs wohada pnl fall Te dedine fr plying this faritcleg wa N. 1,and by ear Ooerhha ye to fill
28、out teppiatin. More tot oint, he had yt o setleo ubect fr the snal esay acmanyig thcaton. Aing t college flkloe, well-turnd essa hastepower o seuce(诱惑) a admisios omiee. “H ante too onhing a a tim,” Meg ss,plining e on deay. “But really, yonis ahuge prorstnato (迟延者). Teessay is tearst hing to do, so
29、heput tof hlng.” riens and otherverans o the os hve arnedMeg tha theback and foth etweneing parent and wring studet cane aumai (痛苦旳).) Back in te ood l dayssay, two yea , henthelast f m chilen sufered erda (折磨)a igh-schoolstuent appigcollege ould procrasiae al the way to New es Dayofther seniorar, a
30、ssumig hey oul wihstand the paetl pesterg (烦扰).Buthinscang at in te naiting wod f olege amiins.The ecnt rend tordearly deciio ad ealy ction mongselectiecog d unerstis ha pushd h traditional dadline o January up to Nov. 1 o ear Decebfor ay unts.)If the ime fr he-daing s eensotne, the tre ourceofe anx
31、y d anic emainswhat it as alwa ee. Andits t the applction itself Aolle aplicinis relativly aigtfrwrd uetionnaie sking f h baics: am, adss,falyhstoy employmenthistry.I ul albe innoetenough20 miutes of us orexet itcmes attached toa eonl essay.) “Ther a good reans it cause uc axity,”ays Lis Ser, direct
32、or fcllege ounslng at th arnSchol inJakson Heght, N. “Itsnot t the calwtin. By owverythng else s alread set Ycos lad iss,your rdesare se, yor test score ae set. But hessy s ometing yu cn stll onol, and s opnnde So te emptatiois towt and write and ewrite.” Or sal nd stallan stal) The piio ssay, alon
33、withitsmythicl impotnce, is a recntnvntio nthe 193s,wh onl n i 10 Aercans ada degrefrm afou-ya clg,niionscomtee s cnet toask fo a mle fappcns shol pper to as ei riigablity. By h 1950s,ost schol requird a rief ersonal stamet othe student ha hoen to aply o ne sol over anoter.F) oday nearl 70 peent of
34、adatingseiors ff to ole, including twoer an four-ea intituios. Even aat frm the incasd compttion, th kds nter procesh has been uttrlytrafomd from thone ba bomernew Nearly al pplictin matealre sbmitted nline,nd the Common Aplctn rvides one-zfitr ccepteby more h 40 schls, ncling henatios mot seletive)
35、 Thoe schoolsuull reire essays of tirwn, but he lones esay, 50 os mamum, grally ttache o heCommoAplio.Stden oose one ixuesions Apliants are asked to scrbe an ethiclilemma heyve faed and itsmpact on the, or iscussa ubicissuofpeclcocer to m, or tell of a icnal chracte or crive work tat ha proulynlnced
36、 t. Anoter qesioninvitestemo wrie about the mtance (o them, agn)odiversiya wod that ha assumi pwe n mericn higher educaton e mst opularptio: wreon atopic o r chic.)“Boys in pticularookat theth qusios and sy,h, tstoomuhwork,” sayson Bosoven, a counelo n nn rbor, h., ublic scol. “They tinkf th d atpic of thir choic, “Ill ust go ge tht istory ap dd at ya on th Rom