1、新课程背景下的高中英语阅读课教学【摘 要】新的课程标准提出,根据高中学生认知能力发展的特点和学业发展的要求,高中英语课程应强调在进一步发展学生综合语言运用能力的基础上,着重提高学生用英语获取信息、处理信息、分析问题和解决问题的能力,特别要提高学生用英语进行思维和表达的能力;形成跨文化交际的意识和基本的跨文化交际能力。进一步拓展国际视野,增强爱国主义精神和民族使命感,形成健全的情感、态度和价值观,为未来发展和终身学习奠定良好的基础。新的课程标准同时也指出阅读教学的主要目的是培养阅读策略,培养语感;特别强调培养学生在阅读过程中获取信息和处理信息的能力。阅读的基本技能包括:略读;查读;预测下文;理解
2、大意;分清文章中的事实和观点;猜测词义;推理判断;了解重点细节;理解文章结构;理解图表信息;理解指代关系;理解逻辑关系;理解作者意图;评价阅读内容。文章对此进行了分析。【关键词】新课程 高中英语 阅读教学人民教育出版社2003年修订的教材是根据全日制普通高级中学英语教学大纲的要求和全日制义务教育普通高级中学英语课程标准的精神改编而成的,它对学生的阅读能力提出了更高的要求。虽然新教材具有许多优点,但学生认知水平的发展有其规律性。教师只有充分认识和掌握这种规律,并结合教学实际,为学生设计符合其认知规律的教学模式,才能达到教学效果的最优化。一、阅读教学中存在的问题回顾自己近年来的教学实践,又认真观摩
4、生其他语言能力的培养呢?为了探求解决以上问题的途径,笔者结合自己所教班级学生的实际设计了一节阅读课。该课的教学内容是Life in the future。1.话题:这堂阅读课是围绕整个单元的中心话题“Life in the future”而展开的。2.内容:阅读材料采用“总分总”的写作手法,大小标题形象地展示了本文的结构和内容。3.目标:理解课文内容,理清文章的组织脉络;引导学生充分利用标题这一有效的阅读技巧把握文章主旨,了解作者的意图,并深入地培养他们猜测词义、理解语句、归纳段落大意等能力。扫清课文中新词汇的障碍,并注意课文中出现的语言现象。引导学生结合现实生活,发挥想象,畅谈未来,让他们意
5、识到只有用自己的智慧和双手才能改造社会,为人类造福,从而达到综合运用英语进行交际的目的。三、教学实践Step 1 Leading-in教学设计:Free talk:read a poem.LifeLife can be good ,Life can be bad,Life is mostly cheerful,But sometimes sad .Life can be dreams,Life can be great thoughts;Life can mean a person,Sitting in court.Life can be dirty,Life can even be pain
6、ful;But life is what you make it,So try to make it beautiful.设计思路:以Life这首诗为切入口,直接引入阅读话题。使导入部分具有“切入口小,切入主题快”的效果。教学过程:Show a poem to the students,get them to read it withask them:what is life for you ?S1:Life is a mixture thing ,sometime it is sweet,sometime bitter.S2:Life is my present in my life .S3
7、:For me ,life is eating ,sleeping and studying.设计思路:生活对于他们来说既复杂又简单。我在这里通过利用学生们的答案,逐步将教学内容引导到transportation,entertainment,shopping等一些与我们日常生活密切相关的事情上来。之后,又进一步提出一个问题What is necessity for us?进一步明确了本单元是从衣食住行这些方面来谈未来的生活。Step 2 Pre-readingDiscussion:激活背景知识。will people shop in the future?will people travel
8、in the future ?will schools be like in the future?will the future be like in general?设计思路:这部分的设计是为了激发学生们对主题的兴趣,通过读前提问、预测等方式来解读标题、图片和课文,并训练他们的快速略读的阅读技能。Step 3 ReadingreadingWhat are the current trends of transportation?How will people mainly do business in the future?What development is expected in h
9、ealth in the future?How are the schools in the future different from ours now?设计思路:通过训练学生快速阅读以便抓住主题句或关键词来了解课文的大意。&Scanning:Listen to the tape ,and then tell us whether the following statements are true or false.It is not easy to predict the life future .Fast as a new maglev train travels,it may do h
10、arm to the environment.It is the Internet that makes it easier four companies to keep in touch with customers.In the future people will pay for purchase with credit cards,so they dont need any cash.New discoveries in genetics and biochemistry may change the way people make medicines and diseases.In
11、the future students will have no homework any longer.The high-pace life style and highly-developed society requires people in the future to become lifelong learners.We are not sure whether our dreams will come true so we dont need to make efforts to improve the world.(Keys:T,F,T,F,T,F,T,F)设计思路:听和读都是
12、学生获取信息的有效途径,通过让学生边听边读可以培养其快速阅读的能力。通过有目的地听和读,让学生在了解课文大意地同时把握课文中一些细节性地内容。教师要求学生判断其正误,并能纠正错误的句子,然后针对学生的回答适当穿插对课文内容的讲解。reading:Get the students to read the text again and try to find the key words and key points for each part.Outline of the whole text设计思路:让学生继续逐段阅读,并围绕着每段的主题找出相应的几个方面的细节描写。完成之后的表格会将本文的结构
13、清楚完整地展现在学生的面前,使文章地脉络一目了然。让学生完成这一任务的主要目的是要学生认识文章整体结构的同时,分清哪些是主旨观点,哪些是细节描写事实,并使学生体会到细节描写是为了烘托主题的。这不仅提高了学生对材料的分析能力,而且有助于学生写作能力的提高。今后遇到类似的文章他们将知道从哪几个方面去分析,从哪几个方面去写。Step4 Cultivate vocabularyPredict ,glimpse,indicate,remain,cure,forecast,trend,ensure,necessity,regularly.predicted that our team would win
14、tomorrow.caught a glimpse of her face as she ran past.dog indicates its feelings by barking or wagging its tail.the teacher asked him severalremained silent.medicine shouldcure you of your cold.weather forecast said it would be fine tomorrow.women are always interested in the trends of fashion.cant
15、ensure that Tom will take the first place in the exam.that is needed is a continuous supply of the basic necessities of life.设计思路:通过提供具体的语境来让学生猜测、理解进而选择所给的生词。Step 5 Post-reading:Get the students to further understand the text by debating and thinking.Discussion:advantages and disadvantagesOne possib
16、le resultStep 6 Impossible mission:a pair of Korean Hip-hop shoes in two minutes.the English class of BeijingHigh School at home.all the interesting places in Xian in a day.设计思路:有趣的话题能极大地激发学生地好奇心,能充分发散学生的思维和发挥其想象力、创造力。Step7 评价学习效果1=Not comfortable2=Need more practice3=Comfortable4=Very comfortableFi
17、nding and predicting information in the reading(1)I know how to skim and scan to find information.(2)I know how to use heading and subtitles to find information.(3)I can predict what information will and will not be in the reading .Understanding the reading(1)I can show how parts of the reading rela
18、ted to each other.(2)I understand how the main ideas in the text are connected to each other.(3)I can connect my own ideas to the ideas in the reading.(4)I can think of other situations related to the ideas expressed in the reading.Responding to the reading(1)I can tell others what I think about the
19、 ideas expressed in the reading about life in the future.(2)I can write a short paragraph about one or more of the ideas expressed in the text.(3)I can use the ideas expressed in the reading in other similar situations.(4) I can compare and contrast the ideas expressed in the reading with other read
20、ings.四、实践后的反思1.本节课的成功之处在于一首英文诗的引入。学习英语不仅要重视语言基本技能的提高,而且要学习英语语言的文学和文化,以有利于文学意识和情操的培养。2.比赛是学生比较喜欢的学习方式。以竞赛形式贯穿整个教学活动是True or False该部分教学设计的亮点。在比赛过程中,学生反应积极,讨论热烈,思维活跃,竞争激烈,教学效果佳。3.教学活动的设计应符合学生的实际水平,做到难易适中。如果活动内容过于浅显,则不利于调动学生参与活动的热情和兴趣;如果活动内容或形式过于复杂,则会使学生产生畏难情绪。本课以 pair work和group work的形式让学生讨论所熟悉的事情,学生在讨