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1、专题20阅读理解议论文类方法与技巧题型介绍:议论文是英语中的重要文体,在每年的高考阅读理解中占有一定的比例。相对于其它文体,议论文阅读要难一些,因此要多加重视。议论文就是说理性的文章,一般由论点、论据和论证过程组成。议论文都要提出论题、观点、提供充分的证据,使用一定的逻辑方法证明观点或得出结论。命题形式:从近几年观的高考英语试题来看,议论文类阅读理解的命题类型主要有:1. 主旨题考查考生对于议论文基本观点的理解,是主旨题设题的目的。做这种类型的题目要弄清作者想说什么,即作者写此文章的目的。2. 推理判断题这种题型的特点是以事实为依据,但其结果有绝不是事实本身。它主要测试考生的逻辑思维能力,侧重

2、于推理。3. 细节题细节题也是议论文试题的主要题型。这种题要求考生理解文中的具体观点和具体事实。三、议论文阅读理解题解题技巧第一,抓论点、寻论据阅读议论文我们要抓住论题,即作者提出的观点、给出的例证及最后得出的结论。抓住了论题,我们就把我了中心。第二,注重文章结构,理清文章脉络。把握文章结构,有利于对文章大意的理解。从论证方法上讲,常见的议论文结构有以下两类:1. Put forward a question Analyze the question Solve the question这就是“提出问题、分析问题、解决问题”的过程。2. Argument/Idea Evidence Concl

3、usion/Restating the idea这就是“由论点到论据到结论或者强调论点”的过程。第三,体会文章语言特点,把握作者写作态度,准确进行推理判断。能否正确把握作者的观点和态度是体现阅读能力的重要方面。一般来说,对作者的总的态度和倾向,必须在通读全文,掌握了论点和论据后,方能做出判断。在判断作者观点态度时,我们应注意,有时候作者的观点和态度并不是明确地表达出来的,需要我们认真体察。做推理判断时,一定要遵循逻辑规律,以事实为依据进行合理的推理。解题技巧:解答此类试题,可以从以下几个方面着手考虑:作者在开始叙述一个现象,然后对现象进行解释。这类文章的主题是文中最重要的解释或作者所强调的解释

4、,阅读时要注意作者给出的原因,所以又被称为原因结果(Cause & Effect)型。还有一种比较常见的是问题答案型,作者在一开始或一段末以问句提出一个问题(相当于一个现象),然后给出该问题的答案(相当于解释)。针对文中问题给出的主要答案就是这种文章的中心。这里强调一点:答题时优先考虑正面答题(直接从文章内容得出答案) ,然后从中心、态度或利用解的特征等其他角度对选项进行检验;如果从文章内容中直接无法解决,则从中心和态度方面考虑;次之从解的特征方面考虑。考生往往最怕此类体裁。山穷水尽时,记住:首先从整体上把握文章中心和作者所持的态度,靠近中心的就是答案体验高考2014安徽卷 DShould w

5、e allow modern buildings to be built next to older buildings in a historic area of a city? In order to answer this question, we must first examine whether people really want to preserve the historic feel of an area. Not all historical buildings are attractive. However, there may be other reasonsfor

6、example, economic(经济的) reasonswhy they should be preserved. So, let us assume that historical buildings are both attractive and important to the majority of people. What should we do then if a new building is needed?In my view, new architectural styles can exist perfectly well alongside an older sty

7、le. Indeed, there are many examples in my own hometown of Tours where modern designs have been placed very successfully next to old buildings. As long as the building in question is pleasing and does not dominate(影响) its surroundings too much, it often improves the attractiveness of the area.It is t

8、rue that there are examples of new buildings which have spoilt(破坏) the area they are in, but the same can be said of some old buildings too. Yet people still speak against new buildings in historic areas. I think this is simply because people are naturally conservative(保守的) and do not like change.Al

9、though we have to respect peoples feelings as fellow users of the buildings, I believe that it is the duty of the architect and planner to move_things_forward. If we always reproduced what was there before, we would all still be living in caves. Thus, I would argue against copying previous architect

10、ural styles and choose something fresh and different, even though that might be the more risky choice.68What does the author say about historical buildings in the first paragraph?ASome of them are not attractive.BMost of them are too expensive to preserve.CThey are more pleasing than modern building

11、s.DThey have nothing to do with the historic feel of an area.69Which of the following is TRUE according to the author?AWe should reproduce the same old buildings.BBuildings should not dominate their surroundings.CSome old buildings have spoilt the area they are in.DNo one understands why people spea

12、k against new buildings.70By “move things forward” in the last paragraph, the author probably means “_”Adestroy old buildingsBput things in a different placeCchoose new architectural styleDrespect peoples feelings for historical buildings71What is the main purpose of the passage?ATo explain why peop

13、le dislike change.BTo warn that we could end up living in caves.CTo admit how new buildings have ruined their surroundings.DTo argue that modern buildings can be built in historic areas.【要点综述】 本文为一篇议论文。保护古建筑与城市的发展是相互矛盾的,作者就如何解决这个矛盾谈了自己的看法。68. A细节理解题。根据第一段第三句“Not all historical buildings are attracti

14、ve.”可知选A。69. C细节理解题。根据第三段首句可知,作者认为有些古建筑破坏了其所在的地区。故选C。70. C词义猜测题。move things forward意为“将事情向前推进”。接下来的两句对此进行了阐释:作者宁愿冒险选择一些新的建筑风格而不愿复制以前的建筑风格。故C项正确。71. D写作意图题。本文为议论文,作者就热门话题古建筑保护与新建筑的建设是否矛盾发表了自己的看法。作者在第二段提出自己的观点“In my view, new architectural styles can exist perfectly well alongside an older style.” 接下来

15、就此进行了论证。故选D。2014福建卷 EAs has been all too apparent in recent days at Balcombe, few issues cause greater concern than energy policy. Many village communities feel their countryside is being ruined by the powerproducing machines of wind farms; yet they never take “direct action”, even though the planni

16、ng laws put them at a severe disadvantage. And the generous subsidies(财政补贴), which encourage the expansion of wind power, are not favourable to the village communities and set landowners in conflict with other residents(居民)Those who disagree with the rapid expansion of wind farms state that the dama

17、ge they cause is out of proportion(比例) to the benefits they bring, because their energy output cannot match that of the carbonbased power stations they are supposed to replace. Supporters insist that wind must be part of a mix of renewables, nuclear and carbon, and that the country is committed to m

18、eeting EU (European Union) targets for noncarbon energy generation. Against this background, the fact that there is an argument within the government over whether to publish an official report on wind farms impact on the countryside becomes even more extraordinary. The two parties in the coalition(联

19、合) government are in disagreement over what it should say.We have some advice for the two parties: publish the report, and let the country be the judge. Even if it contains evidence that wind farms are harmful, it will hardly be a pleasant surprise to people who do not like them. Equally, supporters

20、 must argue their case by acknowledging the concerns and explaining why they are either misplaced or worthy of much attention.The suggestion that further negotiations are to take place to produce an “acceptable” report suggests that the politics of coalition government are doing the country harm in

21、a certain way. Given the sensitivities involved, all the information should be available so that people can reach their own conclusions, rather than being left with the suspicion(猜疑) that facts are being replaced by political beliefs.72We can learn from the first paragraph that_Aenergy policy catche

22、s much attention of the publicBthe residents are in favour of the expansion of wind farmsCmany village communities are satisfied with the subsidiesDthe planning laws offer great benefits to the residents73Supporters think that the expansion of wind power _Ais more rapid than that of carbonbased powe

23、rBguarantees an increase in energy outputCis expected to be much better than that of nuclear powerDagrees with EU targets for noncarbon energy generation74It can be inferred from the passage that_Aan official report will settle the energy problemBthe two parties are divided over the issue of wind fa

24、rmsCthe two parties have agreed on a further negotiationDpolitical beliefs concerning energy issue go against facts75Which of the following reflects the authors opinion?AIncrease political impact on energy policy.BRelease a statement of supporters on wind farms.CLet the nation judge the facts about

25、wind power.DLeave the two parties to reach their own conclusions.【要点综述】 本文是一篇社会生活类文章。文章介绍了人们特别关心能源政策,尤其是风力发电站引起了多方的关注和不同观点的探讨。72A细节理解题。根据文章第一段中的“few issues cause greater concern than energy policy.”可知能源政策引起了公众更多的注意,因此A项正确。74B推理判断题。根据第三段最后一句可知B项正确。 75C推理判断题。根据第四段,尤其是其中的“and let the country be the jud

26、ge.”可知C项正确。2014湖北卷 EFor most city people, the elevator is an unremarkable machine that inspires none of the enthusiasm or interest that Americans afford trains, jets, and even bicycles. Dr Christopher Wilk is a member of a small group of elevator experts who consider this a misunderstanding. Without

27、 the elevator, they point out, there could be no downtown skyscrapers or tall buildings, and city life as we know it would be impossible. In that sense, they argue, the elevators role in American history has been no less significant than that of cars. In fact, according to Wilk, the car and the elev

28、ator have been locked in a “secret war” for over a century, with cars making it possible for people to spread horizontally(水平地), and elevators pushing them towards life in close groups of towering vertical(垂直的) columns.If we tend to ignore the significance of elevators, it might be because riding in

29、 them tends to be such a brief, boring, and even awkward experienceone that can involve unexpectedly meeting people with whom we have nothing in common, and an unpleasant awareness of the fact that were hanging from a cable in a long passage.In a new book, Lifted, German journalist and cultural stud

30、ies professor Andreas Bernard directed all his attention to this experience, studying the origins of elevator and its relationship to humankind and finding that riding in an elevator has never been a totally comfortable experience. “After 150 years, we are still not used to it,” Bernard said. “We st

31、ill have not exactly learnt to cope with the mixture of closeness and displeasure.” That mixture, according to Bernard, sets the elevator ride apart from just about every other situation we find ourselves in as we go about our lives.Today, as the worlds urban population explodes, and cities become m

32、ore crowded, taller, and more crowded, Americas total number of elevators900,000 at last count, according to Elevator World magazines “2012 Vertical Transportation Industry”are a force thats becoming more important than ever. And for the people who really, really love them, it seems like high time t

33、hat we looked seriously at just what kind of force they are. 67. What does the underlined word “this” in Paragraph 1 refer to?A. The general view of elevators.B. The particular interests of experts.C. The desire for a remarkable machine.D. The enthusiasm for transport vehicles.68. The authors purpos

34、e in mentioning cars is _A. to contrast their functions with elevatorsB. to emphasize the importance of elevatorsC. to reveal their secret war against elevatorsD. to explain peoples preference for elevators69. According to Prof Bernard, what has made the elevator ride different from other life exper

35、iences?A. Vertical direction.B. Lack of excitement.C. Little physical space.D. Uncomfortable conditions.70. The author urges readers to consider _A. the exact number of elevator loversB. the serious future situation of elevatorsC. the role of elevators in city developmentD. the relationship between

36、cars and elevators【要点概述】 本文是一篇议论文。文章告诉我们,电梯在美国人的生活中是非常重要的,它使人们向垂直方向发展。随着城市规模的扩大,电梯的使用越来越多,人们要更加关注电梯的作用。68. B推理判断题。作者在第一段中提到汽车,提到了它的作用“with cars making it possible for people to spread horizontally(水平地)”,然后提到电梯的作用“elevators pushing them towards life in close groups of towering vertical(垂直的) columns.”

37、,其目的是用汽车的作用说明电梯的作用及它的重要性。 所以B项正确。70. C推理判断题。根据文章最后一段第一句“Today, as the worlds urban population explodes, and cities become more crowded, taller, and more crowded, Americas total number of elevators900,000 at last count, according to Elevator World magazines 2012 Vertical Transportation Industryare a

38、force thats becoming more important than ever.”可知,随着城市规模的扩大,电梯的使用越来越多,它起的作用比以往更重要了,所以人们要更加关注电梯的作用。所以C项正确。2014新课标全国卷 CA typical lion tamer(驯兽师) in peoples mind is an entertainer holding a whip(鞭) and a chair. The whip gets all of the attention, but its mostly for show. In reality, its the chair that

39、does the important work. When a lion tamer holds a chair in front of the lions face, the lion tries to focus on all four legs of the chair at the same time. With its focus divided, the lion becomes confused and is unsure about what to do next. When faced with so many options, the lion chooses to fre

40、eze and wait instead of attacking the man holding the chair.How often do you find yourself in the same position as the lion? How often do you have something you want to achieve (e.g. lose weight, start a business, travel more)only to end up confused by all of the options in front of you and never ma

41、ke progress?This upsets me to no end because while all the experts are busy debating about which option is best, the people who want to improve their lives are left confused by all of the conflicting information. The end result is that we feel like we cant focus or that were focused on the wrong thi

42、ngs, and so we take less action, make less progress, and stay the same when we could be improving.It doesnt have to be that way. Anytime you find the world waving a chair in your face, remember this: all you need to do is focus on one thing. You just need to get started. Starting before you feel rea

43、dy is one of the habits of successful people. If you have somewhere you want to go, something you want to accomplish, someone you want to becometake immediate action. If youre clear about where you want to go, the rest of the world will either help you get there or get out of the way.28. Why does th

44、e lion tamer use a chair? A. To trick the lion. B. To show off his skills.C. To get ready for a fight.D. To entertain the audience.29. In what sense are people similar to a lion facing a chair?A. They feel puzzled over choices. B. They hold on to the wrong things.C. They find it hard to make changes

45、. D. They have to do something for show.30. What is the authors attitude towards the experts mentioned in Paragraph 3?A. Tolerant. B. Doubtful.C. Respectful. D. Supportive.31. When the world is “waving a chair in your face”, youre advised to _A. wait for a better chanceB. break your old habitsC. mak

46、e a quick decisionD. ask for clear guidance【要点综述】 本文是一篇议论文。本文作者利用驯兽师对待狮子的例子说明了人们在面临多种选择感到困惑时该如何做。当我们面对多种选择时,我们常常不知该选哪一种,因此进展较少,或保持原样。实际上,我们应该专注于一件事,然后下决心做下去。28. A细节理解题。根据首段中的“When a lion tamer holds a chair in front of the lions face, the lion tries to focus on all four legs of the chair at the same

47、 time.”可知,当驯兽师拿着椅子在狮子面前时,狮子会关注椅子的四条腿,故可知椅子用是用来戏耍狮子的。故选A。29. A推理判断题。根据首段中的“With its focus divided, the lion becomes confused and is unsure about what to do next.”可知,当关注的东西很分散时,狮子开始变得困惑,人们与狮子相似,在面临很多选择时也会感到困惑,不知道该怎么做。故选A。31. C推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“Anytime you find the world waving a chair in your face, remem

48、ber this: all you need to do is focus on one thing. You just need to get started.”可知,当世界在你面前挥舞着一把椅子时,你要集中精力做一件事。故选C。2014天津卷 DPeople arent walking any moreif they can figure out a way to avoid it.I felt superior about this matter until the other day I took my car to mail a small parcel. The journey is a matter of 281 steps. But I used the car. And I wasnt in any hurry, either. I had mer

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