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1、XXX 学 院 毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译 学 院: 计算机与软件工程学院 专 业: 计算机科学技术(软件工程方向) 姓 名: 学 号: 外文出处: Goy Kakus.THE RESEARCH OFCUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT STRATEGY J. International Journal of Management Research & Review, , 1(9): 624-635. 附 件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。 指导教师评语: 署名: 年 2 月 26 日 注:请将该封面与附件装订成册。 附件1:外文资料翻译译文 客户关系管理

2、战略研究 摘要 客户关系管理处理方案,经过为你提供客户业务数据来帮助你提供客户想要服务或产品,提供愈加好客户服务、交叉销售和更有效销售,达成交易,保留现有客户并愈加好地了解你客户是谁。本文探讨了客户关系管理模型在取得、保持与发展策略方面优势。然而,我们对其定义和意义还存在一些迷惑。本文经过考查关系营销和其余学科方面相关文件,解释了客户关系管理概念基础,从而对客户关系管理知识作出了贡献。 关键词:客户关系管理模型, 客户关系管理博弈改变者与关键策略 引言 CRM 是客户关系管理简称。它特征在于企业与客户沟通,不论是销售还是服务相关。客户关系管理这一术语经惯用来解释企业客户关系,客户关系管理系统也

3、以一样方式被用来处理商业联络, 赢得客户,达成协议和赢得销售。 客户关系管理通常被考虑作为一个业务策略,从而使企业能够: *了解客户 *经过愈加好客户体验留住客户 *吸引新客户 *赢得新客户和达成协议 *提升盈利 *降低客户管理成本 *经过服务台等工具软件,电子邮件组织者和不一样类型企业应用程序,企业业务经常寻求个性化在线体验。 设计精良客户关系管理包含以下特征: 1客户关系管理是一个以用户为中心并以客户投入为基础服务响应,一对一处理客户必需品, 买家和卖家服务中心直接在线互动,帮助客户处理他们疑问。 2销售能力自动化这个工作能够应用于商品促销分析,自动跟踪客户账户历史频繁销售或销售前景,并协

4、调销售、营销、客户服务中心零售商店为了解销售能力自动化。 3使用技术其特征是依照技术趋势和技能价值传递,使用技术来提供“即时”客户数据。应用数据仓库技术,以聚合交易信息,融合客户关系管理处理方案信息,并提供关键性能指标。 4机会管理该功效有利于企业管理能力提升,并经过实施好预测模型整合销售历史以取得而预测销售。 文件综述 客户关系管理是 1990 年席卷商业界宏伟概念之一,希望永远改变企业与他们客户商业方式。然而,就短期来看,因种种原因,它被证实是一个不适用方法,其理论上要好于实践。首先,在跟踪和保持高容量统计中需要不停精准化和更新,这看来是如此困难。 然而,在过去几年里,更新软件系统和高级跟

5、踪功效大大提升了客户关系管理能力,客户关系管理真正承诺已成为现实。因为不停更新价格,更多可定制网络处理方案冲击了市场;竞争造成价格下降,所以,即使是规模相对较小企业,也从客户关系管理项目得到了一些益处。 一开始 1980 年出现数据库营销,仅仅在口头上要求建立客户服务组织,单独与一个企业全部客户进行沟通。 在大多数情况下,关键客户端是一个有价值工具,能保持沟通渠道通畅和定制服务客户需求。然而,对于小客户来说,它倾向于提供重复、近似调查信息,凌乱信息数据库,并没有提供任何看法。伴随企业开始追踪数据库信息, 他们意识到需要在大多数情况下考虑,他们经常买什么,他们花费什么,他们做了什么。 1990

6、年推进 1990 年,企业开始改进客户关系管理。这已不是简单地搜集数据供自己使用,他们开始回馈用户,不但依据显著改进客户服务目标,而且以激励、礼品和其余津贴方式取得客户忠诚度。 由当前熟悉传单计划开始,包含信用卡消费积分,以及以客户关系管理中跟踪客户活动和消费模式为基础其余资源。客户关系管理现在被用来增加被动销售以及主动改进客户服务。 最近几年 年,甲骨文企业公布了他们 90 天计划客户关系管理处理方案,经过企业办公室快速实施客户关系管理。方案提供是设置关键业务需求。 一样在 年(客户关系管理飞速发展一年),美国服务访问点开始使用“中间设备”中心,它能连接服务访问点系统外部前台和后台系统,实施

7、统一操作,联络合作搭档、员工,及闭关步骤中程序和技术。 西贝尔基于连续业务主要是企业规模交易,愿意在客户关系管理系统中投资数百万, 年投资达 21 亿。然而,在 年和 收入出现下跌,几家规模较小客户关系管理企业作为 ASP(应用服务提供商) 也加入了战局。这些企业,包含 UpShot、网速企业和SalesNet,提供企业客户关系管理跟踪和数据管理而没有传统高成本客户关系管理在 年 10 月出现,西贝尔与国际商业机器企业合作推出客户关系管理。他们开始托管每个月客户关系管理处理方案。每个月应用服务供给商号令,他人看来是西贝尔日益混乱品牌标识和市场份额损失。西贝尔建立 UpShot 企业几个月后,他

8、们开始平滑过渡到应用服务供给商市场。这是一个成功举动。 竞争者微软, 告诉我们结果是什么还为时过早,但似乎他们可 能得到一些小企业份额,并倾向于收购基于熟悉和可用性企业。应用服务供给商受欢迎程度将继续增加,尤其是在中型企业中,所以一些企业如网速企业、SalesNet 和西贝尔企业需求越来越大。互联网上客户关系管理进入了一个新时代! 市场营销学者正在研究客户关系管理性质和范围,买家和卖家之间合作价值和过程也逐步概念化。许多学者对营销几个分支学科感兴趣,如渠道、服务营销、企业对企业营销、广告学等等,也正主动地参加研究和探索管理用户关系概念基础中去。他们乐于研究客户分类和选择性策略和流程;调和与个别

9、客户关系,大客户管理和客户业务开发流程; 频繁行销、忠诚度计划、交叉销售和向上销售机会;以及同客户合作各种形式,包含联合品牌、联合营销,企业发展和其余形式战略联盟(帕维提亚,舍特, 年)。其余学科学者,尤其是那些对信息系统和决议技术领域感兴趣学者,也探索新方法和技术,创建有效前线信息系统(FIS,有效地管理与用户关系。一些软件工具和技术声称引入商) 业应用程序处理各个方面客户关系管理方案。大多数工具承诺经过提供主要信息个性化与客户之间关系。技术,如协同过滤、基于规则教授系统、人工智能和关系数据库也越来越多被应用于开发企业级处理方案来管理客户之间信息相互交流。本文目标是评定这些应用程序工具和技术

10、。我们目标是在概念上提供了解客户关系管理领域基础。为此,我们开发了一个框架,以了解客户关系管理战略和实施各个方面。 客户关系管理五个关键策略 但到底客户关系管理可能带来好处是什么呢?即使今天市场上信仰方法有很多,但企业使用这五种策略才能在非决定性经济条件下生存和繁荣: 1. 关注现有客户 2最大化收入机会 3用较少资源做更多事 4降低运行成本 5优化现有信息技术资产 在商业界,维护现有客户比取得新客户显著更廉价是共同常识。经过向员工提供即时访问能取得可操作客户数据,组织能够愈加好识别恰当用户,提升他们忠诚度,最大程度地发挥其盈利能力。 客户关系管理好处 大多数企业意识到最大好处是,移动客户关系

11、管理系统直接来自全部业务数据存放并从单一位置进行访问。接触客户关系管理系统之前,客户数据分散在办公文件、电子邮件系统、移动电话数据甚至纸笔记卡和名片盒中。各部门在中央位置存放全部数据(比如销售、营销、客户服务和人力资源)给了管理层和员工立取得最新数据机会。部门能够与客户关系管理系统轻松协作,它能帮助组织培养高效自动化流程以改进业务流程。 其余好处包含能 360 度了解全部客户信息,了解客户和普通市场想要与集成现有应用程序以整合全部业务信息。 结论 伴随经济情况继续波动,许多组织都在问自己寻求什么策略能够带来实实在在商业利益。在经济增加过程中,企业努力扩大其客户基础,花大力刺激经济增加点。然而当

12、资金担心时,现有客户关系发展主要性越来越显现出来,作为组织寻求具备成本效益方式以取得业务扩张。即使没有特效药或者灵丹妙药, 客户关系管理(CRM)处理方案能够为可连续发展提供基础,使组织在不确定时期生存和繁荣。经过投资运行效率,组织能够节约开支,在环境情况有所改进时愈加好取得定位。经过专注于他们客户,他们能够继续培养业务,巩固关键关系, 愈加好利用收益机会。 附件2:外文原文(复印件) 文 献 出 处 : Goy Kakus. THE RESEARCH OFCUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT STRATEGY J. International Journal of

13、 Management Research & Review, , 1(9): 624-635. THE RESEARCH OFCUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT STRATEGY Goy Kakus ABSTRACT Customer relationship management solutions provide you with the customer business data to help you provide services or products that your customers want, provide better custome

14、r service, cross-sell and up sell more effectively, close deals, retain current customers and better understand who your customer are. This paper explores the advantage of the model of CRM in getting, keeping &growing strategy. However, there is a tremendous amount of confusion regarding its domain

15、and meaning. This paper also explains the conceptual foundations of CRM by examining the literature on relationship marketing and other disciplines that contribute to t knowledge of CRM. Keywords: CRM Model, Game changer& key strategies with CRM. INTRODUCTION CRM is the short form for Customer Relat

16、ionship Management. It entails all characteristic of communication that a corporation has with its client, whether it sales or service-related. While the term customer relationship management is most frequently used to explain a business-customer relationship, CRM system is used in the same way to h

17、andle business links, clients, contract wins and sales leads. Customer Relationship Management is often consideration of as a business policy that enables businesses to: * know the customer * Retain customers through better customer experience * Magnetize new customer * Win new clients and contracts

18、 * Boost profitably * Reduce customer management costs * Business frequently looking for ways to personalize online experience through tools such as help-desk software, email organizers and dissimilar types of enterprise applications. Well-designed CRM includes the following characteristics: 1. Cust

19、omer Relationship Management is a customer-oriented aspect with service response based on client input, one-to-one solutions to customers necessities, direct online interactions with buyer and customer service centers thafacilitate customers solve their query. 2. Sales force automation- This job can

20、 apply sales promotion analysis, automate tracking of a clients account history for frequent sales or prospect sales, and also coordinate sales, marketing, call centers, and retail outlets in order to understand sales force automation. 3. Use of technology- This feature is about following the techno

21、logy trend and skills of value delivering using technology to make up-to-the-second customer data available. It applies data warehouse technology in order to aggregate transaction information, to merge the information with CRM solutions, and to provide Key Performance Indicators. 4. Opportunity mana

22、gement - This feature helps the company to manage impulsive growth and demand and implement a good forecasting model to integrate sales history with sales projections. LITERATURE REVIEW CRM is one of those magnificent concepts that swept the business world in the 1990s with the promise of forever ch

23、anging the way businesses small and large interacted with their customer bases. In the short term, however, it proved to be an unwieldy process that was better in theory than in practice for a variety of reason First among these was that it was simply so difficult and expensive to track and keethe h

24、igh volume of records needed accurately and constantly update them. In the last several years, however, newer software systems and advanced tracking features have vastly improved CRM capabilities and the real promise of CRM is becoming a reality. As the price of newer, more customizable Internet sol

25、utions have hit the marketplace; competition has driven the prices down so that even relatively small businesses are reaping the benefits of some custom CRM programs. In the beginning. The 1980s saw the emergence of database marketing, which was simply a catch phrase to define the practice of settin

26、g up customer service groups to speak individually to all of a companys customers. In the case of larger, key clients it valuable tool for keeping the lines of communication open and tailoring service to the clients needs. In the case of smaller clients, however, it tended to provide repetitive, sur

27、vey-like information that cluttered databases and didnt provide much insight. As companies began tracking database information, they realized thatthe bare bones were all that was needed in most cases: what they buy regularly, what they spend, what they do. Advances in the 1990s In the 1990s companie

28、s began to improve on Customer Relationship Management by making it more of a two-way street. Instead of simply gathering data for their own use, they began giving back to their customers not only in terms of th obvious goal of improved customer service, but in incentives, gifts and other perksfor c

29、ustomer loyalty. This was the beginning of the now familiar frequent flier programs, bonus points on credit cards and a host of other resources that are based on CRM tracking of customer activity and spending patterns. CRM was now being used as a way to increase sales passively as well as through ac

30、tive improvement of customer service. The last few years. In , Oracle released their Global CRM in 90 Days package that promised quick implementation of CRM throughout company offices. Offered with the package was a set fee service for-up and training for core business needs. .set Also in (a stellar

31、 year for CRM), SAP Americas meySAP began using a middleware hub that was capable of connecting SAP systems to externals and front and back office systems for a unified operation that links partners, employees, process and technologies in a closed-loop function. Siebel consistently based its busines

32、s primarily on enterprise size businesses willing to invest millions in CRM systems, which worked for them to the tune of $2.1 billion in . However, in and revenues slipped as several smaller CRM firms joined the fray as ASPs (Application Service Providers). These companies, including UpShot, NetSui

33、te and SalesNet, offered businesses-style tracking and CRM data management without the high cost of traditional CRM start-up in October of , Siebel launched CRM on demand in collaboration with IBM. Their entry into the hosted, monthly CRM solution niche hit the marketplace with gale force. To some o

34、f the monthly ASPs it was a call to arms, to others it was a sign of Siebels increconfusion over brand identity and increasing loss of market share. In a stroke of genius, Siebel acquired UpShot a few months later to get them started and smooth their transition into the ASP market. It was a successf

35、ul move. With Microsoft now in the game, its too soon to tell what the results will be, buit seems likely that they may get some share of small businesses that tend to buy based on familiarity and usability. ASPs will continue to grow in popularity as weespecially with mid-sized businesses, so compa

36、nies like NetSuite, SalesNet and Siebels On Demand will thrive. CRM on the web has come of age! Marketing scholars are studying the nature and scope of CRM and are developing conceptualizations regarding the value and process of cooperative and collaborative relationships between buyers and sellers.

37、 Many scholars with interests in several subdisciplines of marketing, such as channels, services marketing, business-to-business marketing, advertising, and so forth, are actively engaged in studying and exploring the conceptual foundations of managing relationships with customers. They are interest

38、ed in strategies and processes for customer classificatio and selectivity; one-tone relationships with individual customers; key account management and customer business development processes; frequency marketing, loyalty programs, cross-selling and up-selling opportunities; and various forms of par

39、tnering with customers including co-branding, joint-marketing, co development, and other forms of strategic alliances (Parvatiyar &Sheth, ). Scholars from othe academic disciplines, particularly those interested in the area of information system and decision technologies, are also exploring new meth

40、odologies and techniques that create efficient frontline information systems (FIS) to effectively manage relationships with customers. Several software tools and technologies claiming solutions for various aspects of CRM have recently been introduced for commercial application. The majority of these

41、 tools promise to individualize and personalize relationships with customers by providing vital information at every point in the interface with the customer. Techniques such as collaborative filtering, rule-based expert systems, artificial intelligence, and relational databases are increasingly b a

42、pplied to develop enterprise level solutions for managing information on customer interactions. The purpose of this paper is not to evaluate these application tools a technologies. Those aspects are considered elsewhere by the authors as well as by several commercial research organizations, such as

43、Forrester Research and the Gartner Group. Our objective is to provide a conceptual foundation for understanding the domain of customer relationship management. To do so, we develop a framework for understanding the various aspects of CRM strategy and implementation. CRM SOFTWARE Selecting a Customer

44、 Relationship Management program means finding the software that fits the companys needs. CRM software comes with many features and tools, and despite the fact that many of CRM products offer alike feature sets there are some unique tools in each one. Programs can be divided into categories by the f

45、ollowing criteria: Features mean how well it integrates with other application (ex. Outlook, Gmail, iCall etc.) and how available information is. It covers everyth from calendar alerts and to-do lists to mobile access and synchronization capabilities. Contact information ranking outlines the program

46、s ability to store specific information for each contact. Business world is a fast-paced so managers are needs to be able to access customers information quickly. Sales and marketing tools designed to help and sustain current clients and gain new ones. Important that this tools help find campaigns w

47、ith positive ROI and those that are not performed. Ease of use is about apps design. Programs are checked on clean, quick navigation and easy-to-locate of the most important items. Help and support is about what support Customer Relationship Management software producer provides for their product RESEARCH METHODOLOGY This research paper is based on the secondary sources of data collected from Books, Journals, various research papers, different reports published by Govt. &other agencies, newspaper &internet. Five Key Strategies with CRM But what exactly does CR

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