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1、高中英语讲义-名词性从句(主从、表从、宾从,同从)1,陈述句做名从用连词 that+SV,that 表主句肯定从句完整,不做成分。主从可用it 做形式主语,宾从第一个 that 可省略。You study hard.主从:That you study hard is known to us.=It is known to us that you study hard.表从:My opinion is that you study hard.宾从:I think(that)you study hard.and that(不能省略).同从:My opinion that you study har

2、d is known to us.*比较同从和主从!一般抽象名词后对其进行解释和说明的完整句子就是其同位语从句,不完整就是定语从句。I appreciate your idea that we have an exam every week.(that 后完整同从)I appreciate your idea that you came up with last time.(that 后不完整-定从)2,一般问句做名从用连词whether(是否)+SV,whether 表主句不肯定从句完整,宾从中可用if(介词后或宾从后有 or not 时只用 whether)。Does your frien

3、d like English?主从:Whether your friend likes English isnt clear.=It isnt clear whether your friend likes English.表从:My question is whether your friend likes English.宾从:I dont know whether/if your friend likes English.同从:My question whether your friend likes English isnt clear.3,特殊问句做名从用疑问词(连词)+SV,疑问词

4、做主语时直接+谓语。连接代词(what/which/who/whose)表主句不肯定从句不完整,连接副词(when/where/why/how)表主句不肯定从句完整。Where did you go just now?主从:Where you went just now isnt clear.=It isnt clear where you went just now.表从:My question is where you went just now.宾从:I wonder where you went just now.同从:My question where you went just n

5、ow isnt clear.当主句为现在时态从句时态不受影响,当主句为过去时态从句就应该变成过去的某种时态,但客观真理总用一般现在时,有固定过去时间总用过去时。高频考点 1,当主从句都缺成分时指物用 what/whatever/whichever(有范围),指人用 whoever/whomever(做宾语).The buildings have built in _what_ was farmland._What_ you need is courage.The prize will be awarded to _whoever_ has won the game.You can choose

6、 _what/whatever/whomever_ you like.Of all,you can choose _whichever_ you like.2,No matter+疑问词,只能引导让步状语从句(主从句逗号分开),疑问词+ever 既可引导让步状从,又可引导名从(从句在主句中做成分)。_No matter who/whoever-has broken the law,hell be punished._Whoever_ has broken the law will be punished.13,抽象名词(fact,news/word,hope,desire,thought,su

7、ggestion,idea,problem,possibility/chance,rumor,concept)后常用 that 引导同从。News/word came that you hadpassedthe exam.There is no possibility/chance that hell come.练习 11.If you swim in a river or lake,be sure to investigate _ is below the water surface.Often there are rocks orbranches hidden in the water.2

8、.I truly believe _ beauty comes from within.3._ we understand things has a lot to do with what we feel.4._ Li Bai,a great Chinese poet,was born is known to the public,but some won t accept it.5.We must find out _ Karl is coming,so we can book a room for him.6.A ship in harbor is safe,but thats not _

9、 ships are built for.7.-I wonder _ Mary has kept her figure after all these years.-By working out every day.8.You have to know _ youre going if you are to plan the best way of getting there.9.Reading her biography,I was lost in admiration for _ Doris Lessing had achieved in literature.10.The exhibit

10、ion tells us _ we should do something to stop air pollution.11.“Every time you eat a sweet,drink green tea.”This is _ my mother used to tell me.12.I think _ impresses me about his painting is the colors he uses.13.It is difficult for us to imagine _ life was like for slaves in the ancient world.14.-

11、Is it true that Mike refused an offer from Yale University yesterday?-Yeah,but I have no idea _ he did it;that s one of his favorite universities.15.Pick yourself up.Courage is doing _ youre afraid to do.16.Exactly _ the potato was introduced into Europe is uncertain,but it was probably around 1565.

12、17.-What a mess!You are always so lazy!-Im not to blame,Mum.I am _ you have made me.18.As John Lennon once said,life is _ happens to you while you are busy making other plans.19.Grandma pointed to the hospital and said,“Thats _ I was born.”20.The only way to succeed at the highest level is to have t

13、otal belief _you are better than anyone else on thesports field.21.Experts believe _ people can waste less food by shopping only when it is necessary.22._ I want to tell you is the deep love and respect I have for my parents.23._ struck me most in the movie was the fathers deep love for his son.224.

14、_ makes the book so extraordinary is the creative imagination of the writer.25.Do not let any failures discourage you,for you can never tell _ close you may be to victory.26.From space,the earth looks blue.This is _ about seventy-one percent of its surface is covered by water.27._ one of you breaks

15、the window will have to pay for it.28.It remains to be seen _ the newly formed committees policy can be out into practice.29._ you said at the meeting describes a bright future for the company.30.It is by no means clear _ the president can do to end the strike.练习 21.The Beatles were in many ways pio

16、neers for _ was to come,like holding concerts in sports stadiums.2.Blind people have their own ways to tell the shape of an object and _ it is day or night.3.-Do you enjoy the latest movies?-Yeah,I will go for _ is on.4.When you are reading,make a note of _ you think is of great importance.5.His wri

17、ting is so confusing that its difficult to make out _ it is that he is trying to express.6.If you are going to kill the snake,you have to get close to _ the head is and cut it off.7.The Peony Pavilion,a play written by Tang Xianzu,is _ many people regard as the most romantic story inChinese literatu

18、re.8.There is no doubt _ the famous professor will come to give us a lecture.9.How grateful I am to my grandfather for his advice _ whatever trouble I come across,being calm is a must.10.A warm thought suddenly came to me _ I might buy some flowers for my friend s mothers 60th birthday.11.That compa

19、ny wants to reduce prices to increase its market share,and this is _ we differ from it.12.Dozens of people were waiting with a camera for _ seemed like hours,hoping to catch a glimpse of the USFirst Lady,Michelle Obama.13.We have learned from the story that _ is most valuable is not what we have in

20、our lives but _ we havein our lives.14._ he considered a great proposal was turned down by the boss at the meeting.15.Choosing the right dictionary depends on _ you want to use it for.16.With many cities in China dreadfully blanketed by thick haze,the environment problem is _ Chinese peopleconcern m

21、ost nowadays.17.What is concerning us greatly is _ the workers held up in that area yesterday will be set free.18.Steve Jobs success in digital field proved _ it took to be a best CEO.19.The problem is _ we can improve our reading skills in such a short time.20.-Its my treat today.Is there anything

22、particular you would like to have?3-_ you choose is fine with me.21.The practical suggestion came from the representatives _ the new rule be adopted.练习 3It was reported _1_ there was an accident at a corner of the Roman Street this morning.No one saw _2_on earth happened then.A car ran into a truck

23、but fortunately,nobody got injured._3_ will be responsible for theaccident is still under investigation.The police were uncertain about _4_ the driver was guilty._5_ the police shoulddo now is _6_ they must find out what led to the accident.They said it was difficult for them to judge because _7_the

24、 accident happened is not clear.Perhaps the reason was _8_ the driver was too tired to stop the car in time.Thedriver didnt admit the fact _9_ he was over-speed driving at the turning.The police doubted _10_ what he said wastrue and decided to make a further investigation.参考答案练习 11.what 句意:如果你在河里或湖里

25、游泳,一定要查明水下的状况。经常会有岩石或树枝隐藏在水中。宾语从句,作 investigate的宾语,从句缺主语且表示事物,故用what。42.that 句意:我确信美丽源自内在。宾语从句,从句结构完整,故用that。3.How 句意:我们理解事物的方式与我们的认知有很大关系。主语从句,从句缺少方式状语,故用How。4.Where 句意:李白,中国伟大的诗人,出生的地方人人皆知,但是有些人对此并不接受。主语从句,缺少地点状语,故用 where。5.when 句意:我们必须弄清楚卡尔什么时候来,以便我们可以为他预订房间。宾语从句,作find out 的宾语,从句缺少时间状语,故用when。6.w

26、hat 句意:在港口的船是安全的,但是那并不是船被建造的目的。表语从句,从句缺少宾语且指事物,故用what。7.how 句意:我想知道这么些年来玛丽究竟是如何保持体型的。通过每天锻炼身体。宾语从句,从句缺少方式状语,故用 how。8.where 句意:如果你要计划到那里的喜好路线,你就得知道你将要往哪儿走。宾语从句,从句缺少地点状语,故用 where。9.what 句意:读着 Doris Lessing 的自传,我沉浸在对她在文学上获得的成就的崇拜之中。宾语从句,从句缺少宾语且指事物,故用 what。10.why 句意:这个展览告诉我们为什么我们应该做一些事情来阻止空气污染。宾语从句,从句缺原

27、因状语,故用 why。11.what 句意:“每次你吃糖果的时候,喝点绿茶。”这就是我妈妈过去常常告诉我的。表语从句,引导词在从句中作宾语且表示事物,故用what。12.what 句意:我认为他的画使我印象深刻的是他对色彩的使用。主语从句从句缺主语且指事物,故用what。13.what 句意:我们很难想象古代奴隶们的生活是什么样子的。宾语从句缺宾语且指事物,故用what。14.why 句意:迈克昨天拒绝了耶鲁大学给他的录取机会,这是真的吗?是的,但是我不知道他为什么会这样做,那可是他最喜欢的大学之一。同位语从句,根据句意填why。15.what 句意:振作起来,勇气就是去做你不敢去做的事情。宾

28、语从句,从句缺作宾语的连接词,故填what。16.when 句意:土豆被引入欧洲的确切时间不能确定,但很可能是在1565 年左右。主语从句,缺时间状语,故用 when。17.what 句意:真是太乱了!你总是这么懒惰!妈妈,别责怪我。你使我成了现在这个样子的。表语从句缺宾补,故用 what。18.what 句意:正如约翰列侬曾经所说的那样:当你正在为生活疲于奔波时,生活已离你远去。表语从句缺主语,故用 what。19.where 句意:奶奶指着那家医院说:“那就是我出生的地方。”表语从句,缺地点状语,故用where。20.that 句意:在最高水平上取得成功的唯一方法就是要完全相信在运动场上你

29、比其他任何人都优秀。同位语从句,从句结构和意义完整,故用that。21.that 句意:专家认为,人们可以通过只有在必要时才购物这一方法来减少食物的浪费。宾语从句,从句结构5和意义完整,故用 that。22.What 句意:我想告诉你的是我对父母深深的爱和敬重。主语从句,从句缺宾语且指事物,故用what。23.What 句意:影片中最打动我的是那位父亲对他儿子深厚的爱。主语从句,从句缺主语且指事物,故用what。24.What 句意:让这本书如此不同寻常的是作者创造性的想象力。主语从句,从句缺主语且指事物,故用what。25.how 句意:不要因失败而泄气,因为你永远也不会知道成功可能离你有多

30、近。宾语从句,空后 close 为形容词,故填 how。26.because 句意:从太空看,地球是蓝色的。这是因为地球表面大约 71%都被水覆盖着。根据句意应该用 because引导表语从句。27.Whichever 句意:你们之中不管是谁打破了窗户,都要赔偿。主语从句,引导词限定后面的one,且表示在限定范围(you)中的任何一个,故用whichever。28.whether 句意:新组成的委员会制定的政策是否能实施还有待观察。题干中 It 是形式主语,空格处引导主语从句,故用 whether。29.What 句意:你在会上的讲话为公司描述了一个光明的未来。主语从句,从句缺宾语,故用wha

31、t。30.what 句意:总统可能采取什么措施来结束罢工一点都不清楚。It 为形式主语,空格处引导的从句为真正的主语。从句中 do 后缺少宾语,故由 what 引导该主语从句。练习 21.what 句意:披头士乐队在很多方面都是开拓者,比如在运动场开演唱会。此处所缺的词作介词for 的宾语,同时在句子中作主语,表示“后来的事情”,故用 what。2.whether 句意:盲人有他们自己辨别物体的形状以及是白天还是夜晚的方法。宾语从句,根据题干中的 or night,故填 whether。3.whatever 句意:你喜欢最新的电影吗?喜欢。无论什么在上映我都会去看。宾语从句,作介词 for的宾

32、语,设空处应用 whatever,相当于 anything that4.what 句意:当你读书时,要把你认为重要的东西记下来。宾语从句,从句缺主语且指事物,故用what。5.what 句意:他写得很乱以至于很难弄清他到底要表达什么意思。宾语从句,从句缺少宾语且指事物,故用what。6.where 句意:如果你想杀死蛇,你得接近蛇头并将其砍断。宾语从句,从句缺少表示地点的表语,故用 where。7.what 句意:汤显祖所写的牡丹亭是很多中国人认为的汉语文学中最浪漫的故事。表语从句,从句缺少宾语且指事物,故用 what。8.that 句意:毫无疑问,那位著名的教授将会来给我们作一场演讲。同为与

33、从句,从句意思、结构完整,故用that。9.that 句意:我感激我爷爷的建议,即无论我遇到什么麻烦,保持镇静是必要的。同位语从句,从句不缺任何成分,故用 that。10.that 句意:我突然有了一个很温馨的想法,那就是我可以为我朋友妈妈的六十大寿买鞋鲜花。同位语从句,6从句不缺任何成分,故用that。11.where 句意:那家公司想要通过降低价格来增加市场份额,这就是我们和它不同的地方。表语从句,从句缺地点状语,故用 where。12.what 句意:很多人拿着相机等了好像有几个小时了,希望能够看到美国第一夫人米歇尔奥巴马的真容。宾语从句,从句缺主语,且表示事物,故用what。13.wh

34、at;who 句意:从这个故事中我们知道了最有价值的不是我们在生活中有什么东西而是生活中的人。第一空:主语从句,从句缺主语且表示事物,故填what。第二空:表语从句,从句缺少宾语且指人,故用who。14.What 句意:他那个自认为很不错的提议被老板在会上否决了。主语从句,从句缺宾语且指事物,故填what。15.what 句意:选择对的词典取决于你想用它来做什么。宾语从句,从句缺少宾语,且指事物,故填what。16.what 句意:随着中国许多城市被厚厚的雾霾所笼罩,环境问题成了当今中国人最为关注的问题。表语从句,从句缺少宾语且指事物,故用what。17.when/how/whether 句意

35、:我们非常关心的是昨天被拦劫在那个地区的工人们什么时候/会怎样/是否会被释放。表语从句,从句不缺任何成分,故填when,how 或者 whether。18.what 句意:Steve Jobs 在数字领域的成功证明了要想成为最好的CEO 所需要的条件。名词性从句,从句缺宾语,故用 what。19.how/whether 句意:问题是我们如何/是否能在这么短的时间内提升阅读技能。表语从句,根据句意填how/whether。20.Whatever 句意:今天我请客,你有什么特别想吃的吗?无论你选择什么对我来说都可以。主语从句。21.that 句意:来自代表们的切实可行的建议是:这项新规定应该被采纳

36、。同位语从句,从句意思完整,故用 that。练习 31.that 句意:据报道,今天早上在罗马大街的拐角处发生了一起交通事故。it 为形式主语,that 从句是真正的主语。2.what 句意:没人知道当时究竟发生了什么。宾语从句,从句缺主语且表示事物,故用what。3.Who 句意:谁应对这一事故负责仍然在调查中。主语从句,从句缺主语且表示人,故用who。4.whether 句意:警察不能确定司机是否有罪。根据题干中的uncertain 可知设空处表示“是否”,介词后不能用if 引导宾语从句,故用 whether。5.What 句意:现在警察应做的就说他们必须弄清楚事故的起因。what 引导主语从句。6.that 表语从句,从句结构、意思完整,故用that。7.how 句意:他们说他们很难下结论,因为事故是如何发生的还不清楚。根据句意可知该处应填how。8.that 句意:也许是因为司机疲劳驾驶没能及时刹住车。The reasons was that为固定句式。9.that 句意:司机不承认他在拐角处超速驾驶。That 引导同位语从句。10.whether 句意:警察怀疑他所说的话的真实性,决定作进一步的调查。doubted(肯定式)后面的宾语从句常用 whether 引导。78

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