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1、023年12月大学英语六级考试真题试题和答案解析 2023年12月大学英语六级考试真题 Part Wtin(30 intes)Drection: Fo thisar, yo r alwd30ites to write ashr esay etile My iwn Uiversity aking. You shold writeatlast 10ords folowingth outie gv below. . 目前高校排名相称盛行; 2. 对于这种做法人们见解不一; 3. 在我看来 My iewso Uivsit Ranking ar I Reading Compehesi (Skimming

2、 a Scaning) (15 inuts)Directions: In thispar,yu wi ve 1 miutes tg ver the ssage ickly an answer th qetions onAnswerShet . Fo questions 1-7, choose te estanswer fom hefur cicesmarkd A, C d D Fo qustis -10, cmplete te setencs wt he informationgven in th pas.Into heUnnw The world as neve seen opulation

3、 geingbeore. Can it coe? ntl heealy 1990snobodymuch thouht abouthole ppatonsgeingolder. The Nhad e forsg to convene “world assebl n ageing” bck i82, butt ame ad wet.y 94 th World Bank h notced tat methi b was hapening. In areport entitled “Avrting te ld Age rsis”, it argud tapnsion aragents imostoun

4、tris were unsusainable. Fr thnex ten ys a ucsn f boos, maily by Amrian, ounddthe aarm. They adttles like Yongs ld,GryDawn an The Comng Genratonal Storm, andtheirmagewsblunt: helth-caesys wre edg fo t ocs,pensiones e takng ung people to th cleaners, and sn therewoul binergenraional wfae. Sice te te d

5、ebat asbecomees emotonal,ot lst becau a lotor i knonauthe bjet. Books, nfernce d reerh pape he multplie.Internainal orgisatins sucha te OEC athE iue regular eprts.Populati aging isvry aga, fromG conomi confeencs to NAOsumts TheWold Eonomic ru lans o oe the futr ofpensio andhealtcre t is prestigiousD

6、vs coferenc earlnex ar. The media, icluding ti ewspaper, re gvinthesujec xtenivcovrage. Wher ll tha atentio has rlated ito ficien atio s anotherquesion. Gernmntsin ich countrie now aept tha her peson n helth-ce prmises willsoon becme unafodale,d may ofhm ve emarkeonrefors, bt sofar oy timly.at s no

7、srprsing: politanswianeye on te xt election will hardyrush tointrouc unopuar measueth mano bear fruit foryea, perhaps decadeThe otlin of the chages nedeiser. To aidfiscal (财政) meltdown, pblc ensi a healt-cae prosionl hato be ried back seerl adxes myaeo oup. By fa t mosetive ehod t restrainpesionsped

8、in i t g people the oppotunity to workloner,becaus it inrese axeveues n reducs spendng on pesns at the sme ime.It may even keep he alive loger. nRother, th APhafpolicy andstrategy, point o stuie showig at the thns eig qua, polewho rminat wrkave lwr dea rte than their eied pers ounger peoe tay molyac

9、ept that y will haveowor for longe adhat thir pesion wie less geerous. mpoyers ti need to bpesuaded th oekers ae wrtoldingnto. That my b because theyhave hd leny of uger one o chose frm, artyhnks t th pot-war babyboo andply bcause overth as fewdcades may more women enedthelabo force,icreaing emloyer

10、s cocut h reservoirof women ale nwlngtotake uppai workisrunnin ow, nd the bb-bomers are gong ge.In any conties imigrants have ben illin uch gapi the labou forc asve areay erge (nd remmr tat real shortistll andtenyrs f). Immigan in te devlpd worl i thehihestitas evr ben, an ii mkng a usef difrenc. I

11、sillertileArica it currntly cunt fr about 40%o talopulaiogrowth, ad in ast-ageingwese Erfo about90%. On the face of i, seems the erect solutionany deveopigcotris havlots f yug epie fjb;mny ic cuntis need heing nds hatwll boost tax revenues nd kee up conmc row But ve thenext w decaesbur orcs inrich c

12、ounrs are et osrin so mc atinflows ofimmgran wudvet increas enoously o opesate: o ettwic ter cuen si inetern urosmst yofu countries,and thre ies n he olderoes.aan woud ne lare mltple f he few immigrats it has at resnt. Pulc opinion poll howtht eople inmost rih ountisladyhinthat imiatn i t hih. Furth

13、eig incrseswould be poiticllufeail Tote thproblm f agei populaions at its oot, “old”ourieswou havet rejuvenat (使年轻) themseve by hvng moreof eir own chidren A nmberofm ave ried, soemre scsfull tanoters. But its ot implemater f offn inancialicentives or prvinmreild cre Modrn ubanlf i couresis nteldapd

14、 t lrge famis. omen fin i a o ombne faly nd career. The ofen omrmise yhvin just on cild.Andi ettyi ageincounries dos not pc u? It will notb theed o te world, tast not fr quite awhil yet,b the wo wl slwly becoe a diferent ac.Oderscieties maybe lessnnovativ nd moestroglydisnclined takeris ha yunge one

15、. By 025 a thelatest, o halfthe oes n Americ and most fts in esternEuropean countieswil e oer 5ndoer pel trn ut to vo in u graer nber thnyouge on. Acdmic stdes hve foundo vidence so far th oldvershv used ther power atth allot xto ushfor policiestha secifcall benefi hm, tough if in fuure thearemany o

16、r of tm they might sa dg so. Norstee ny gn f te inereeatonal arfarpredictd ithe1990s.Afte all, oldr pop teslve msl havefamlies. In a reent stuy oparents and go-uphidreni 11 Eurpean coun, Karsten nk f Mannheim Universityfondtat 85% of h idwihn 25k o the an themoiy of tem wer in ouchat least one a wee

17、k. E , hesif in tecente ofgravityto ode agegp i bund to av a rofound effect n socetis, notjust eonmialy andptically b in allsortsof othewas to. Ricrd Jannd Neil Hoe ofmrcs SIS, a thoutful book lled The Graying o the Grat oers,argue ha, amongother things, haginofte dvepedcountries wllhav a numbr of e

18、ius serity implcatons. For exale,te shotae ofoug adut isikely t makecountiesmore relucantto it te few they have t milty ervce. In he decae to200, Amca wll fnd tsel playngnever-inreasig rl in the deeloped wrldsdefen effort. Bease America ppultion illstllbe groig n that of most tr deeopd coutris isshr

19、inking, Aerica wil be t ly devoped conr tatsti matesgeoplitclly (地缘政治上) Askmein 023 T is litle tacan be oe to stop poulation ageng, so the wrldwill ave toie wih it. ut some ofthecosuences cnbe aleviated M prt nwblieve ha given the rght poliies,te ffecs,thugh gave, need nt be catstrophi. Mst cnts hav

20、recognised he need o do somthig and a eginningto ac. Bt een thethere is o urante hat theirefortsill wok.What happening no i hstoricly unpeceete. RonadLee, directorofteCen the Economcsnd emogaphy of Agig t the nversity of Calforn, Bere, puts it biefl ndlearly: “We nt rely knw wtoulaion aging ill beli

21、ke, ecause nobody ha doe it yt. “ 注意:此部分试题请在答题卡1上作答。 1. is 1994 rpor,th Wrl ak rud tt the crentpen ystem not cuntris cold _. A no ssined i helong trm ftheccerate tgig prcss Chrl ha the growth ofpulationlp tide vr th urren ageing crisi2.Wt essage is onyin bokslike Young vs Od? he neraiongas ound to n

22、rw. ntergenerationa coflicts wl innsify. C Thyungergeneation will atth l D ldeopl sodie way t h oun. . On reason hy pesoand healh care rorms re slow in coing s hat_. obdy iswln o crifice their wnitertt takle e prolm B moteoplare ganst meaus th will ot bear ruimediaely the proposedreforms il afet tmn

23、ypeopesineress Dpliticasarearaid oflosing vosint nxteleto. The authobees themosffective mehod t sve the pensio riis ito _. A llowpopl to wor ge C cu back on helthare provios B increas taxevenue Dsarefmsrght ay .Th reason why eploes e unlling to ee older workeris that_. y are generlly difficult to mn

24、ag B te longer the wk,te hgherher eson C ther ayis hgr tha thaof ounger onesD ye wrks ae realy avaiabl . To comeateforthe ftsrikigour or,pa wold need _.A treise its crren populio ontrol poicy B lare nmberof mrat fromoeeas t automateit anufturing and evic inustriesD oitial fasible poliycocernin pulat

25、in Wh do ay omen rch cuties omprse havin only one chld? mall famili are becmn re ashionale. Thyfind trd to balane career a family. It is too pnive t sppo a large fail. d care i toobiga proe for thm.8. Compared w ounerones, oldersocieties are es nclned to _ 9.The preicteintergeetioalwarfreis unlikely

26、 because mos of the oldereplthesve _. 1 Cunts that av a shortag ofyoung adults willbe ess willing to cmmt e t _. Pat III isteni Comprehn (35 mutes) ection A ireton: Iths secti, y llhear 8short ovesationsn2long covrsation Ate endof ech convesato, one or moe qstin il asedabot hat was sa. Bh hcoersatio

27、n nd the uestionsilb soken y once ftreach qestihere wll be aue. uring thepuse,you must read t ochoics marked A, B, d D, an decie which is the bstanswer. The mrk the cesponding leter on Answer Sheet 2wih a singe in tough he cet注意:此部分试题请在答题卡2上作答。 11. A Theman s te anage of the patent ulding.B The man

28、is very go t argaing. C Th womn il et the aptmen eurnished The mn is lokng fora apatment 1. How th ictur wilto. Wh themanhinks ofthe shots here the botical aden . Wy the piturar not redy.13. There is no relacet for he handle. There is no atc rthe suitcse.C The suitcase is not wort fxing. D T suicase

29、 cn be fixed itie. 14Ae need a vehicl to besed in shweahe. B Hs a fairlylare collctio of qlitytrucs. C He as had istrucadte o cold tmpeares. De oesroutin trck ntenance o wma.1. ASh cnnottand hebossbatempr. B She hasoftn ben ctzed by her bos C Sehasme u r id to sig. D Se vr rerets any dcisions shmaes

30、. 16 A Look for ahirt of a moe sible colr and sz.B Replacetesirt ih one of some othmaterl.CVisit dffern stoeora ilkor cttn shirt. Gea dicunt on ti he is in t buy17. At a“ostand Fund”. C At a tadefai.B At reepin dk.Dt anexhibiio. 1. A Repair it nd ove in. C Conver it intel. B Pss i onto hisgrason. D

31、S i good pi. ustions to21 re bdo th coveraion youhav us hard 19 Uniqu escriptiveskil. C Colouru rld xpriences. B Go noldge f reaers tastes. Dareul pongan clueng 20Apeacefueting C To b in the rightmod. B A pcs rom. To be entrey aloe.2 A Thyelyvy on their on gton. B The hexeriene smilar tothe haracter

32、. C Tey look at he orldin a etaheman D Tey are orwhlmed b thir own prejdics.Questions 2 tor basedo te converaio you hve justhar 2 A Good obad, ty re thrto sta ik n, yu have us hem. CBleveio not,thehav suried Gain orlo, hy shouldbeodrned23. ATe fquent trn delay Th food onthe trins.B Thehig trainiket

33、fas. D The moply o Biis lways. 24.A The w ficinc of their operion. B omptition rothermoes of transpt Contant cmpits from passeners. D e sing oft netranspor t. 25.A They wll be de-ationlsed They ar fast disaearig. B The povde wose rvice D Tey lse a l of mney ection BDicions: In t scton, you will her

34、sht pasgs. Atthen of echpasage, yo wil har soe questins Bth thepassage and the quesionswill bepoken ononce.After yu hear uestio,youmustse thebest answer fmefurchoce markedA, B, C ad D Tn mark e orrespondi eter n Awe het2wt asingeliethrogh te cee.注意: 此部分试题请在答题卡2上作答。assge ne Qestion 26 to 2 are base h

35、e asag you have usterd. 26. A The who Antrctic region il be ubmergd. B ome por aima wil soon bece tic. Mny oastal ctieswillbe coveredwih water DTheearth ll experenceexreme wethes. Ho uas re coe wih globa warming.BHwunstbl th West Atarctic ie et is.C Hw vulneralth oastal citiesae. D o olar ice mpacs

36、global weathr8.A t ollaseda last centh pas 1.3 milio years. B I sis fimy onsod ockahe otto of eoean. C Itmeteda tempeaturs t hger thn thos oftody. It will hav litlemact on sa leel w t reas u. 29.ATe West Antacic eion was ocean open ocean. B TeWetAtaric ice seet was bout7,000feet tk. C e Wes ntarctic ie shewa

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