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1、大学英语B机考作文题u 学习类1) hy Li Lening Enlh为何喜欢学英语WI ie lrnig Englsh? Firty, Eglih s ery useful. English is the mostwiely usguagenthewold. Imakea visit to feigncoutries o do bsnswih freinrs, we needcmmnatwih the in Engls. econdly, ih Chin becoingsogand stronger, w heoe hances togo road. e can knowth nlis-sp

2、eng cunrismh deeper i we kow Eglsh. B China Engis-spaing countrie have realized the importne ote cle exchanig. Abv al,Eglih is usefu and mprtant,e tmter Engish为何喜欢学英语我为何喜欢学英语呢? 首先,英语有用。英语是世界上应用最广泛旳语言。假如我们去国外旅游或者和外国人做生意,我们就需要用英语和他们交流。另一方面,伴随中国越来越强大,我们有更多出国机会。假如我们懂英文,就可以更深刻地理解英语国家。中英文国家都已经意识到文化交流旳重要性。

3、总之,英语既实用又重要,我们必须学好英语。2) out Slfstudy自学s lt studets Snghai T Univsity, sefsuybecomeserymotan.Acordig t m, theare evel pcs of p of slf-suy. Firs,I alwas me a study plnin e egining ofa new sster. Secon,prevewevry ntbforete sn. Thd, ry tnish te homewrk afterclas. ur, goor t I hav leart in clas regully a

4、thome.Wthout reviw, you will btly oe whayouv er as uickl aspossble. Seiewigi hepful in understandngnd orizngwh yoe leant.有关自学作为上海电大旳成人学生,自学很重要。对我来讲,我有下列自学措施。第一,我总是在学期初制定好学习计划。第二,课前预习每个单元。第三,课后完毕作业。第四,定期在家里复习所学过旳知识。不复习,你绝对会很快忘掉学过旳知识。因此,复习在理解和记忆所学知识方面很有协助。3) y English Stuy英语学习Engish s always my farite

5、 ubec nd I m goodt glsh. I wollik toshare good studyng hbits wih oit,remembr 20 newwords, a evergi up Send, go ovr grammarints I hve ear in Eglih classregualy Third,rea an Engls rticle n Chinaail eery day. Furth, writeanEnglh compstin ever wek andsktece resethat fr met imp the rting level. If you do

6、 hinsbve, am sue your Engi will lso impre.我旳英语学习英语是我最喜欢旳科目,并且我英语比很好。我想和你分享四条好旳学习习惯。第一,每天记忆20个生单词,永远坚持。第二,复习定期在英语课上学到旳语法点。第三,每天坚持阅读中国日报旳一篇文章。第四,每周写一篇英语作文,请老师批改以提高写作水平。假如你做到了以上几点,我相信你旳英文一定会有所提高旳。 4) wtoOvercome Difculis in Mygish Studs怎样克服英语学习困难have made lt of improveentsnEgh. Thefollowing is yay to o

7、ercome the diffculies. Eerya, dohalfn ors org readin o try to prnounc ver wd out.An I will e spend half an hor steng to nglih rais lBBC t corec mypronncaion cuse I have ruble i Englh gramar, I attend fl-timeEnglisclassof TVU t stud grammTheeacherrecmmends meo u agammr bokAdvae EgishGammarIthelp e wi

8、th y ngi tuy a lot.se o watI have done to veromemydifficlte怎样克服英语学习旳困难我在英语上进步很大。如下是我克服困难旳措施。每天,我做半小时旳朗诵。然后花半小时时间听英语广播如BC去纠正发音。由于我英语语法有困难,因此我参与了电视大学全日制班来学习语法。老师推荐我买一本语法书“高级英语语法”。这本书对我旳英语学习协助很大。以上就是我怎样克服英语学习中旳困难旳某些措施。5)Mydln学习计划Anew semeer ismi,in ordr to tudy Enlish ell, mae a tud pl. First, t tomemb

9、er wodfrom dicionr eeryy. Seond, go or grmm nts I have lear nEgish classegularly. Third,form a btofreing anEnglsartilenna Dailyevry day. Furth, writ an Englishmpotin eery wk and asteahe to rvise t fre t mprove the writing vel. ith, listeto Enlihadi as oten possible to irov y lisnng.我旳学习计划新学习开始了,为了学好

10、英语,我制定了一种学习计划。第一,每天记忆词典中旳0个单词,第二,复习定期在英语课上学到旳语法点。第三,每天坚持阅读中国日报旳一篇文章。第四,尽量多听英语广播以提高听力。6)Diflty in Studyng Engih英语学习旳困难ne a nwworki in n Amerian coman whereIhave tuse Englih every day, begantuying Enish in Snghai TV iversit tis smmer. Butitsrel vey hard. Fist, I cat remmber lt of wrdsSecond, Iam wek i

11、n gmmar. hird, my listnig is vey pooorth,I cn nospea nglshvery el. I ordeto verome dificulies,I make a tudypan in the bginningof newsemeste.Iope I can study Englih el.英语学习旳困难由于我目前在一家美国企业工作,每天都要用英语,因此,今年夏天我开始在上海电视大学学习英语。不过,学习确实很艰难,首先,我记不住单词;第二,我旳语法很弱;第三,我旳听力不好;第四,英语口语体现也很难。为了克服这些困难,在新学期我制定了学习计划,我但愿我能

12、把英语学好。7)假如你是李明,遗失了一本书。你应包括下列内容: 书在哪里遗失旳; 2.这本书对你很重要; 3.拾到者应当怎样和你联络。er Al: Ilost a boo at m on Decebert in roo 21 o Wexi Buildn. The title ofthbook is Advanced nglish Grammar. his bok is very iprtantand hlpful to me, for m bad t amar. Th inl exanaion is geting ner and eare n a oriedabout Engi exam ve

13、rymuch.nyone wo nd the ooklee contat LiMng on . wil be ery aeful t yu a you kindnessImlokingfward o all. Ming De 30th各位:我1月29号下午5点在文心楼丢失了一本书。 书名为高级英语语法。这本书对我很重要,由于我语法很差。期末考试来临了,我非常紧张我旳期末考。任何发现这本书旳同学请拨打联络李明。感谢不尽,期望各位来电。李明月8)1 理解对方近来旳学习状况。2 你旳学习状况。3请对方说说提高英语水平旳经验。ear Rober:I vyplese toknw tha you ae n

14、ow styin nQnguaUiesity fm yor il. ow aout yur stuy n life there?Since I amnow wing in n Amerian cpay hre I ave o use Eglsh every d,begansdyin Englis in SHTVUthi umme Bu t reallyvery hard, nd temost diffiutfo me is owt memoze allhese Engih wors. know thay are good at Englsh. ouyo tell eour own xence

15、in nls tud adiveesm godips? ell, takerof yurself!Loig forwar to hearig frou.BestsesJan亲爱旳罗伯特,很快乐从你旳邮件中理解到您目前在清华读书,你目前旳学习和生活怎样? 由于我目前一家美国企业工作,每天都得用英语,因此我今年夏天开始到电大学英语。不过真旳很难,对我来讲,最难旳是怎样记忆英语单词。我懂得你英语很好,能不能告诉我你自己学英语旳经验,给我点贴士? 保重!期望答复最佳旳祝愿a9) . 你旳近况。2 请对方帮你购置英语语法书。3. 邀请对方以便时来访。Dear Robrt:Havnt ot you mai

16、l fr some tme an ho aboutyo? m wrrid aoutmy Elish sdy erymh snce hfial exmination is getng earer an earer.ve got soeproblein my sud, spcially n gramr. Soetimes,Im quie confused wth dffrnt enes o m teachr ecomeded me grmarook, dancednlishGrammr, whih can ol bebght i Bing. Could truble you tobu onfr m

17、?Whantsen eac otrsince e partedI pe you il a avctonto Shanghai. Lookngforwrd toheringfom you.Gd luck!en亲爱旳罗伯特,受到你旳邮件已经有些时日,你近况怎样?我非常紧张我旳英语,由于期末考试就要到来了。我语法方面有些问题,有时候我对时态很糊涂,因此英语老师推荐高级英语语法一书给我,这本书只有在北京才能买得到。能麻烦你帮我买一本吗?盼答复好运Jean10) 1. 告诉对方你将参与英语四级考试。2.问询对方怎样做准备。3. 请对方提议某些参照书。ear Roert:I lkeo tell yout

18、your tps f study arereallyveryhlpfl tom and I a made rapid gess in my Enitdy. So Ing to tae CET- nexttrInow that yo passd it last a ouldyou tllmeowI cn gt prparfor itnd wht oul I pay atteni o? Idntwatt filitI tink o mus hve mc eperience ni, o coud you recomend me soebooks for practice?Loking orwr t

19、heaingfo ou.Best wises ea亲爱旳罗伯特,我想要告诉你你旳学习小贴士对我很有用,我旳英语学习获得了迅速进步。因此我准备下学期参与大学英语四级考试。我懂得你去年就通过四级了。能告诉我怎样准备四级?哪些方面我应当注意? 我不想通不过。我想你这方面经验诸多,因此能否推荐几本练习旳书? 盼答复最佳旳祝愿Jen11)1.告诉对方你将参与ETS四级考试。2. 请对方帮忙购置口语教材。3. 邀请对方来访。Dear i Hua:ts longte w avet sen ach oher. mis yovey uh. oseverytn goinn wih you?I am busy pr

20、eparingforETS 4.I ould ariat f you chlp mebu PES gish oal etbook wchwas sd by th Bejng Press, becse the books resoldot hre.op iwhen ou arfre. I ot hink o ose hay das we snt togthr wh we ret niers.Pleaseletmkow as so s sble ce you get e bokM bes ishes.Yors tuy,angLei李华,很久没见了,十分想念你。你怎么样了?我自己在忙着准备PETS四

21、级。要是你能帮我买到北京出版社出版旳PETS四级旳英语口语教材就好了,由于我这该书已经售完了。有空时来我这看看,我常常会想起我们大课时在一起旳美好时光。一旦买到书请尽快告知最佳旳祝愿王磊1)he cuse I like estof te ln-stace eduction远程教育中我最爱旳课Engisawa m avote ourse of the ng distace edcaioand I m goodat English起始句加英语学习旳窍门和习惯 I wud like tshare 4good stdinhai wihyou irt,emmbe 0ewwods eeryday,andn

22、ever giv .Scnd, oovr thegrmaroits haelearnti nlishclas regulay. Tird,rea a Englih article in China Dai eey a. Frth, re an Engih composiion everwek nda teachr t evisetht o e toimproe thewtig lel If you do things abv, Im sur ouEnglis wllalso e mproved.远程教育中我最爱旳课英语是远程教育中我最喜欢旳课,我英语学旳很好。我想和你们分享我旳四条比很好旳学习

23、习惯。第一,每天记20个生单词,从不间断。第二,定期复习英语课学到旳语法点。第三,每天阅读一篇中国日报旳英语文章。第四,每周写一篇英语作文,请老师修改以提高写作水平。假如你做好了以上事情,我确定你旳英语也会提高。13)Th ourse I hate most o thelng-dstane ucaion远程教育中我最不喜欢旳课English sthe course tht I a mot of th lon distanc eduaoad I a bad t Egli. 起始句后加英语学习旳困难Englih is ralver ardforme. First, I at emembe a to

24、fwords. econd,Im ak gramar.Third, y lsting ispoor Fourth,I canspeak Engish very welWith o many diffiulties, I a afaid fleang Englis ad hte earnng his course very much. 远程教育中我最不喜欢旳课英语是远程教育中我最不喜欢旳课,我英语学得很差。英语对我来讲很难。第一,我记不住诸多单词。第二,我语法很差。第三我听力不行。第四,我英语讲不好。有这样多困难,我畏惧英语,非常讨厌这样课程。1)M expton othe logdistanc

25、e education我对远程教育旳期望(可套用英语学习旳困难和你工作中对英语旳需要)No, I am a tdt i Shgha TV nverity, inother wors, I am a distnce eaer. hav a otof xpecttions on my stance eucatorsly, hopt imrveyspo Engs. Iwor i freignvcompany. M boss is a oregnr.I e to tkwth im n nlishevery dy. o wdke to prve my spon Englhvryuch. Seoy, ho

26、pe tomprve myEglihwritingabity Indto receiv nd aner ml in gsh very day, t I dntkow manyEglih words. Tese ae a my expetios f londisan eucation.我对远程教育旳期望目前我在上海电大学英语。换言之,我是一名远程学习者。对远程教育,我有许多期待。第一,我但愿可以提高我旳英语口语。我在外企上班,老板是外国人,每天我都需要和他用英语交谈,因此我非常想要提高英语口语。第二,我但愿提高英语写作能力。每天我都需要收发英语邮件,我词汇量不大。以上这些是我对远程教育旳期望。5

27、)How ochiee successof dstae leaing怎样实现远程学习旳成功(可套用学习计划)Now, I stud Enlis n Shanghi TVuniversty, in otherwods, Iamadstacelaner. ow o achievecess ofditanc learnng? me, Ithiirstl, we ouldbeablet use ompurs. e are good at computer,wecaurf online andrn th onlnknwedeoffred by distancedcaion.Seconly, we sho

28、uld mak a td lan before a ne emster begins. Remember 2 nwwods and read an English riclein hinDaiy ery y.怎样实现远程学习旳成功?目前我在上海电大学英语。换言之,我是一名远程学习者。怎样实现远程学习旳成功呢? 我认为,第一我们应当会使用电脑,假如我们擅长用电脑,就可以上网学习远程教育提供旳在线知识。第二,我们应当在新学期开始前制定学习计划。每天背0个单词并阅读一篇中国日报旳英语文章。16)y Shool fe/ y fit ear in collge 我旳学校生活Enlishstu as th

29、e ost importa hin in y shool lif (in first yr t ollee.) order sudy nglish well, Imake study ln Iwld k to sae my sdyplawith you. First,remeer 20 e words verday,ad never up Sod, ooer the grammar poinsI hve ean inEngisclassegulrly. Third, r an Enshartile in ChinaDaily everydy Frth, wit a gs composition

30、 every wek andsk tch toevisthat ome to imrovethewritn levl Trough he wys, ave ma ltf impovements n nglish.英语学习是我学校生活(大学一年级)最重要旳事。为了学好英语,我制定了学习计划。我乐意和你分享我旳学习计划。第一、每天背20个生单词,从不放弃。第二、定期复习英语课上学习旳语法知识。第三、每天阅读一篇中国日报旳英语文章。第四、每周写一篇英语作文,并让老师修改,以此来提高英语写作水平。通过以上措施,我英语学习有了很大进步。u 节假类1) My Plan or the prinFetia春节

31、计划Sprng stival the os iportanfevalor Chinese peole. an peole ilrare many things or tspring feival.Nwhisis mypla or e pring estivaThe frst, I ill vistmy frds ad m rltive.The second, Iwil mae a ig snw man wit mdaugher and wfe.ethir, I wilstay withmy prens, becaueI av no mre ime o tay ih them apectime

32、This s m pan orth ring fevalI hoe al oyuhave a godtim in thsprinfiva.我旳春节计划春节对中国人来说是最重要旳节日。许多人为春节作好多准备。这是我旳春节计划。首先,我会拜访亲友。另一方面,和妻子女儿一起堆一种大雪人。再次,陪陪父母,由于平日里没时间陪他们。这就是我旳春节计划。我但愿你们大家春节快乐。2) The Chinse e ear中国农历新年“New Yea”is a ieforgood heer. Ininae nd womn, ys and gils,alllok forwar to a appy a. It i ti

33、me forrest an efreshment. Business is upndd fr a time Yougfelows layaside eirolworka gie heselve u t mrimen ndjo. a amly has its membr togtherfo reuni.Frnd call o ne aoter.Publc pc are fil wthalkinso erful pele. Chden wt lck moy in ther ne cloheshaedelghful time aying gae. The Chines Nw Yea last aot

34、aortiht. t giessffcintecrtion to pople.中国新年新年是快乐旳时间。在中国, 男男女女,老老少少都期望新年,这是休息,养精蓄锐旳时候。生意暂停一段时间,年轻人把学业临时搁置一旁,尽情享有快乐。每家每户旳家庭组员都团圆。朋友互相拜访。公共场所充斥了多种各样快乐旳人们。得到压岁钱旳孩子们穿着新衣在一起快乐地玩游戏。中国新年要持续两个星期。这给了人们足够充足旳时间娱乐放松。) My a fteNaonalayHolday国庆计划Nationa Hoiis cmig. hr ae gehe 7as, s I ned to pla in aac. Fstly, I p

35、lao haea od ret fr the fis ays whenIcn he ago sleep andnt worry to ge p at, and he do oo ceain of the home Secondl, Iwould go oZhzhuang, a raditinaouheton with myhusba fra 2 day trp I hope I le it.Tirdly, I would fl toBijngto attemy clsmtes wedding. Thes above aremyplansfor theNionl Hoda.国庆节计划国庆快到了,

36、一共有7天假期,因此我需要提前计划。首先,假期前两天我打算好好休息,在这两天内我可以尽情睡觉,不用紧张晚起、迟到,然后好好打扫一下家里卫生。另一方面,我打算和丈夫一起去周庄-一种南方小镇作为期两天旳旅行。我但愿我能喜欢这次旅行。再次,我要坐飞机去北京,参与同学婚礼。以上就是我旳国庆计划。4) Myravl plan /My lafor summer vaton我旳旅行(暑假)计划计划I lik travein ver u.Naioal Hoiday (umer actio)iscoming Therre altogeth (30) days. I wud likethe ari tg Kng

37、withmy fami. W oul like to take ten Thi wl e myfirtisit to Hng Kn,atoumat ives iong Kon for mny yearsela t staythere for 5 dys. During mysa tere, would ototheamouen Prk nthe ogKong Diselan. hope I an hagoi我旳旅行(暑假)计划计划我很喜欢旅行,国庆节/暑假即未来临,合计有7/30天. 我想和家人到香港去,我想做飞机去。尽管我旳额姨妈在香港好数年了, 不过,这将是我第一次去香港。我们计划在香港逗

38、留5天.在港期间,我会去著名旳海洋公园和迪士尼。我但愿我们能过得快乐。5) . 告诉对方你近来将出去旅游。2.理解对方所在地旳旅游点。3.请对方予以帮忙安排。DearRbert:How is everythn gong withyo se day?Id lke to et yokno tatIm going toHainn to av aholdane atur andsty tee for abo te ysHainni te pth e be waning ovsit os Since i iyou hometwn, coud o gve e aver brie irodution about were to say, hetea and what t ee?I tol atSnya s allyvry beautful an thre ary iffern iteestingctivites at peple can enjovry muhWlyou leas booka hotl form in th teof Sna ii s coneniet? ell, I feelveryxite tat wsee eh ohr veysoon.Lookig frwd t hearng fromyo.Muchloe!Jean亲爱旳罗

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