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1、GMDSS英语阅读500题单项选择题一第三部份英语阅读单项选择题1. IMO has decided that all ships over 300TGt must be fitted with a NAVTEX receiver _ .A. by 01 Feb 1992 B. by 01 Aug 1993C. between 01 Feb 1992 and 01 Feb 1999 D. before 01 Feb 19922. GMDSS is to provide _ with reliable communication .A. all large passenger vessels B

2、. freighters of more than 300gt in coastal waters C. all passenger ships and cargo ships engaged in international-voyages D. all passenger ships and cargo ships of 300gt upwards in open sea3. The complying vessels can transmit ship-to-shore distress alerts by at least _ .A. One means, whether satell

3、ite or terrestrial techniques B. Two means, whether satellite or terrestrial techniques C. Two separate and independent means, each using different radio communication services D. Two means, such as MF DSC and HF DSC4. The quality of the message can be affected by _ .A. climate B. sunshine C. human

4、beings D. both a and b 5. Within the polar areas it is _ to see a satellite in geo-stationary orbit .A. impossible B. possible C. easy D. difficult6. The Inmarsat system is open for use by _ countries on a non-discriminatory basis .A. some B. lots of C. many D. all7. With the help of GMDSS _ can be

5、alerted to a distress incident as soon as possible .A. all ships in a large sea area B. only the sea authorities ashoreC. the SAR units ashore and at sea D. the port radios and the coast stations8. In areas covered by Inmarsat HF can be used as an _ to satellite communications.A. alternation B. alte

6、rnate C. alter D. alternative9. When receiving a distress alert, the SAR authorities ashore and the ships in the vicinity of the ship in distress will _ in a coordinated search and rescue operation with the minimum delay .A. assist B. send a rescue vessel C. search the distress area D. reach the dis

7、tress position at once 10. In which year was the COSPAS-SARSAT system established ?A. 1980 B. 1981 C. 1979 D. 198211. It is quite _ for an SES operator to send a distress alert .A. easy and expensive B. simple and certain C. dangerous and stable D. difficult and compulsory12. Any ships fitted with S

8、ES can _ and _ through the satellite system when sending a distress alert .A. enter the system / contact an RCC B. access to INMARSAT / establish contact with a CES C. have absolute priority to enter the system / make contact with a CES D. enter the system gradually / wait for rescue 13. Whats the a

9、dvantage when using the satellites ?A. The message can be directed to the desired location B. The message can follow the earths curvature C. The quality of message can not be affected by climatic D. The range of the message extend and the quality of reception is improved14. The DSC frequency for dis

10、tress alerting in Area A2 is _ .A. 2182KHZ B. 2174.5KHZ C. 2192KHZ D. 2187.5KHZ15. What channel is general communication used ?A. any appropriate channel except public communication B. any appropriate channel except for public communications C. any appropriate channel besides public communication D.

11、 any appropriate channel beside public communication16. why do some stations keep silence ?A. Because they are not engaged in the distress traffic B. they will affect the transmission of the distress traffic C. The powers of these stations are very weak D. They are not in charge of search and rescue

12、17. General radio communications in the global system are those between _ concerning the management and operation of the ships and may have impact on their safety .A. SAR party and the ship in distress B. SAR authorities and the ship in distress and survival craft C. A ship station and any coast sta

13、tion D. Ship stations and shore-based communication network18. It is required that ships proceeding at sea should keep continuous watch on _ .A. VHF channels 16 and 13 B. Appropriate DSC distress and safety frequencies C. INMARSAT TDM message channel D. VHF channel 70 and channel 819. The ARQ mode s

14、hould be applied _ .A. when two stations communicate with each other B. in any radio system and at any time C. when one ship sends a message to another station D. for communication among some stations20. What information will a distress alert contain ?A. nature of distress B. type of assistance requ

15、ired C. course and speed and time at which the information was recorded D. A, B, C are all right21. A radio determination system based on the comparison of reference signals with radio signals reflected , or retransmitted from the position to be determined, is _ . A. DF B. Radar System C. DSC System

16、 D. COSPAS-SARSAT22. With the help of modern technology, ships are able to receive automated broadcast of safety messages _. A. by day or at night B. almost round the clock C. somewhat and sometime D. from sunrise and sunset23. The WWNWS is a coordinated global service for the broadcast by radio of

17、vital information on _ to marine navigation. A. ships movement B. safety C. ships management D. hazards24. distress alerts will be relayed on the _ when the RCC considers it necessary . A. dedicated system B. MSI broadcasts C. 518KHZ D. channel 1625. The frequency 518KHZ will be used to transmit _ a

18、nd _ wanings in NAVTEX . A. navigational / typhoon B. traffic / meteorological C. marine / hurricane D. navigational / meteorological 26. It is possible for ships to receive safety message transmitted by Navtex station _ . A. in any INMARSAT regions B. in each NAVTEX area C. at any distance D. in Ar

19、eas A3 and A427. A Navtex station in each NAVAREA is usually allowed to have _ for transmission . A. 10 minutes every 4 hours B. half an hour every other hour C. irregular period of time D. 5 minutes every two hours28. The difference between international and national Navtex Service is limited to _

20、. A. frequency allocated B. both language and frequency C. language used D. transmission power and time29. Navtex transmitter identification character _ is used to identify the broadcasts which are to be accepted by the receiver and those are to be rejected . A. B2 B. B1 C. MAR D. NNN30. The receivi

21、ng stations can use the B2 character to _ different, classes of messages . A. identify B. Correct C. Reject D. Print out31. If EGC receiver shares a same antenna with Inmarsat SES, it means that it can receive MSI _ . A. from any Inmarsat satellite B. from any appropriate Navtex and EGC station C. v

22、ia the satellite the SES is tracking D. from any RCC and coast station32. Why should the SES operators be very careful when the ship enters the area where three ocean regions overlap ? Because _ .A. the weather is always terrible B. the condition there is complicated C. the signals are too strong D.

23、 their SES may receive the signals from unwanted satellite33. The establishment of INMARSAT as an independent organization marked a great step forward for maritime radio communications . What does “marked a great step” mean in the sentence ? A. To run faster than ever B. To go forward C. To march wi

24、thout stopping D. A significant symbol of a great improvement in maritime communication .34. In addition to meeting the requirement of Sea area A1, every ship engaged on voyage in Sea area A2 shall be provided with _ . A. MF radio installation with DSC B. SES C. MF/HF radio telephone installation D.

25、 2187.5KHZ watch receiver35. _ is a space system using one or more artificial earth satellites . A. satellite network B. Satellite Link C. INMARSAT D. Satellite System36. The satellites over the major ocean regions cover the globe _ .二A. besides the polar regions B. including the North Pole and the

26、South Pole C. above 70N and below 70S D. as far north and south 7037. There are some back-up satellites in the event of failure. If the operational satellite is out of work, _ . A. communications in the whole system will stop B. the global system will be damaged C. the back-up one will take its plac

27、e D. the whole system will not work38. The position if the IOR satellite in the INMARSAT system is _ above the equator . A. 64.5E B. 178E C. 15.5W D. 54W39. The GMDSS defines four sea area based on the _ . A. location and capacity of the facilities located on board ships B. Position and type of a si

28、ncere sintion C. Capacity and location of shore based communication facilities D. Position and capacity of mobile communication stations.40. The NCS of INMARSAT-A system in the IOR is in _ . A. Goonhilly, UK B. Yamaguchi, JapanC. Perth, Australia D. Southbury, USA41. The Network Coordination station

29、 for the INMARSAT-A coast stations in the Pacific ocean region is in _ . A. Yamaguchi, Japan B. Beijing, China C. Nakhodka, Russia D. Perth, Australia42. Any ship with SES can _ and _ through the Inmarsat satellites when sending a distress alert . A. enter the system rapidly / wait for rescue B. hav

30、e an absolute priority to enter the system / contact with a CES C. establish contact with the RCC / enter the port D. enter the system gradually / get the rescue 43. A mobile earth station in the maritime mobile-satellite service, which is located on board ship, is called _ . A. an LES B. an SES C.

31、a ship station D. a Land Mobile Station44. After successful commissioning , the _ will permit the SES access to system. A. INMARSAT B. IMO C. MSC D. CES45. In general, there are two parts in an SES, One of these is antenna eqipment also referred to as _ . A. BDE B. UDE C. AEP D. ADE46. To establish

32、a communication channel for the telex service in the INMARSAT-A terminal, you should first _ .A. establish a communication channel from the CES, via the International Telex Network to the final destination B. set up a communication channel from your SES, via a satellite, to a CES within your ocean r

33、egion C. set up a channel directly to the addressee at the destination D. establish a channel from your terminal , via the International Telex Network to a CES within your ocean region47. The maritime access code for the AOR-E is _ in INMARSAT-A Telex Service . A. 581 B. 582 C. 583 D. 58448. When yo

34、u have received GA+ from the CES for the INMARSAT-A telex communication, you should immediately select _ and _ you required . A. an CES / telex mode B. an SES telex service C. the service /the subscriber D. a satellite /an ocean region49. Every ship must be fitted with SART, and two-way VHF radio te

35、lephone . A. 1, 2 B. 2, 3 C. 2, 1 D. 3, 2 50. The maritime access code of telephone mode in INMARSAT-A terminal for the IOR is _. A. 871 B.872 C.873 D. 87451. _ are operated as a secondary method of alerting in the GMDSS . A. satellite EPIRBs B. Non-satellite EPIRBs C. SES and DSC D. a+b52. Which In

36、marsat system applies store-and-forward messaging ? A. Inmarsat-A B. Inmarsat-C C. Inmarsat-B D. Inmarsat-M53. Distress signal are always stored in the memory so as to start _ . A. local-mode coverage B. SAR operationsC. data process D. continuous broadcast54. EGC is a _ part of INMARSAT-C . A. comp

37、onent B. supportable C. combined D. complimentary55 An area within the coverage of at least one VHF shore station in which continuous DSC distress alerting is available is _ . A. sea area A1 B. sea area A2 C. distress area D. GMDSS areas 56. An area within the coverage of at least one MF shore stati

38、on in which continuous DSC distress alerting is available is _ .A. Sea area A1 B. Sea area A2 C. Distress area D. GMDSS areas57. In area A2, the DSC frequency for distress alerting is _ . A. 2182KHz B. 2174.5KHz C. 2191KHz D. 2187.5KHz58. If a DSC distress relay is transmitted from coast station , i

39、t will _ . A. indicate the ship in distress that the alert has been received B. alert ships in the area of a distress incident that a distress has occurred C. inform other coast station of distress incident D. repeat the distress alert in 5 minutes 59. Ship-to-ship distress alerting should be conduc

40、ted by _ . A. Inmarsat SES B. VHF/DSC or MF/DSC C. SART and VHF/DSC D. Satellite EPIRB and VHF/DSC60. If the DSC controller is configured for MF/HF operation, the distress will be sent on _. A. double frequencies B. single frequency C. dedicated frequency D. multiple frequencies 61. Maritime Safety

41、Information _ International SafetyNet Service and NAVTEX Service . A. consists of B. can be received C. is transmitted by D. Are made on 62. IMO has decided that all ships over 300TGT must be fitted with a NAVTEX receiver. A. by 01 Feb 1992 B. 01 Aug 1993C. between 01 Feb 1992 and 01 Feb 1999 D. bef

42、ore 01 Feb 199263. Ships sailing in _ are able to receive and print out EGC messages. A. a fixed area or Navarea in any ocean region B. a Navarea or weather forecast area C. the designated area or given geographic position D. anywhere of the world 64. Ships sailing in _ are able to receive and print out EGC messages . A. a fixed area or Navarea in any ocean region B. a Navarea or weather forecast area C. the designated area or given geographic position D. anywhere of t

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