1、Lesson 83. How to Detect the Meanings of the Following with the Help of the Context Clues1) loose-leaf: with leaves that can be easily put in and taken out2) script: style of writing, handwriting3) rifled: searched through and stole everything valuable out of4) array: an orderly set of 5) started of
2、f: began to move6) taking up the chase: continuing to follow the thief7) was gaining on him: was reducing the distance between him and robber8) alien: inhabited by other people9) tumbled to his knees: fell suddenly to his knees10) clenched: tightly grasped11) thwack: a hard blow or strike12) just sh
3、ort of: near, not far away fromIV. Key to Multiple-Choice QuestionsC D B CV. Suggested Versions of Translation Exercise1. 责任感驱使科林和琼与卡车运输上下班时间的拥堵不达标住房以及猖獗的卖淫活动作斗争。受同样的责任感驱使,他们逐渐领导起一场针对犯罪的斗争。2一场细雨使得路面上结了一层滑溜溜的冰,但是科林站稳了脚跟,飞快地缩短拉下的路程。3从门廊下把“强击手那分量很重的筒形头捡回来之后,他跑上人行道,差点儿撞上两个衣着光鲜,正准备到镇上去过夜生活的黑人。4像他的许多邻居那样气势汹汹地说:“这些狗娘养的,要是让我逮着了是一回事,真的做起来又是另外一回事了。