1、问题答疑:meton(家乡)My hometownis ya,a youg and etiful i inHennrovince Thcyes in the nothes of the HePovince,the north sore o the lowr heso te Yell Rer, manyeleritieswere orn ee,for intane, l Buwi, qi, Canjie,Sangang, engban, and so on. You no,there is a aying tha “Thereatess a ma lends glry to place”. It
2、hin thcity realesves it. It i like a aicin the Northeast Pla Yu Parl,wh itsauiul envronnt, rch resouce, nique vanag for dveoent, goodcnditio r netme by the wolds atntion.S I beive hat,ith the jointefors of evy prson, ette fuurof Puyang s coming. Ths is y bloved oetown :考研原因Ihaen deeplympssedb thecde
3、miaosphre we I onnetngtohe webie you scool.In my opinio,s oneof the most famous sholin ur cntry, ovidespeopleithenughroom tget further nrn. n the most mpon, itis my great hoorto open my ears o yureachin Ths s te fst reasn.e second oneis m long ordingse rsarch i Prjct Maagemetthrougouty fe. Itsa pesu
4、re to bewith frit subjct f lifetim Thiy, durig th past our yeas, have lerned oepessnlknwege andpactcalsklls.Hoevr,I not ai satied with suc superficilknowlde, tink furt study is stillurgent fo me toralize sefvae. Li is precious. t is necssar to eie ay hance fosel-dvelopme, espcilly n his cmpeiie modr
5、n wold.In od, am ling fwardtoknaid funaonfortur profonaftetw years sudy hrTh s y sipen leasos whyI oothe ndegraduate exams.:我旳大学My univsty s xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxnd cvers aea ferxxx u The blding ara ixx thousand square eer t evelops ino a comprhensvuiversity wih efforts f genertins, especill after
6、e reform and opening up It is fmos fo itso sience an Egineing. Theareteahng esearcexperimntl bses,or emple,th oputer center, alyzng-test cnter,odrn eduationehnca center and s on。Although i isno well knw, I sillpprecate it, becue itoffee ane to eelop my abilitis. rng m coegeyears,I maderpidandgrat po
7、gress many ars, a stuet, Iork veard,nd tainsoarsip many time, a a montor, I work earnstly, s aingood comment from eachers nd cmates, In a word, I leand a lo inmy ollege ife:我旳家庭 I myfamily, here arur membrs, m farter, mmthe, m be ad I. y paents ar amer, my father orks very ard, he iawys uly occpid,
8、o ost heorkis done by my moter,oourse, whle I at ho, oud help hr. I le myparents nd they loe me, o.When ake a sccess, they are more excitdhan me, ansurt me to do btter. Evnthoh faild, isteaof blming, thy awas she soro ith e, nd ncurag mnot to give up.Dringmyprearatio fr gaduae exmnatin, the supor fr
9、omy family islwys m momentum. Paens love is unselis, I a deeplyaffected, o willdo llwhat nto epaye:硕士期间旳计划(plans n the pstaduatestu)Iflukil got he chnceo lar Manageent scencand Enginring nChonqig Urt, I wilonetrate onte stuy anrse in th i. irst, wlhrd o learn hetheoicl koledge, contutng a slidbs for
10、 myfuture rk; Scond, I oulike to do sm practica wrkomy mjor wit th help f the suprvisor, clssmae ad uto trouh this, I can et somethig thatant beuird fro th etbok. A what imore, xpec o conuemytudf doctratedree,if it is pssible.n awr, I am lokingorar to making p a soid fondaton r ftre rofessin ich s b
11、ased onhreeyear f stuy hre6:爱好 ou hve ny hbbies?I y pare tm, I ike ainboo,layntab tenan bdminto,commuicatingith rns, nd s onI als lik Enish very muc,I m do wahing glsh ims and istening toEngih ons, psed CET4/6ith ease Id blieve thereisstil lon ayfr m to larn Engish wl enh, hoever,I wll ot shrnk ack,
12、becuseIreaztatEglish isa ridg coetedor cuntry with the utside wrd earning nglis i thos dect and ailabl metod for intercourse amon coutrie nd als useful for u t g advcedowledeandehnologyfrom ther nations.:hydo yo choseto stdy in ourdeartmet?Iamdeplyimresdbyth mic atospere wen concting t the wbst f ur
13、 eartmet. In aitin,m atcted b the Managemensciec andngieerng,nd wnt to do something for Maeent scince an Enneering Ash roerb sayrcesishe actviy of toda and the assuace of toorrow. Furtheroe,tht is mydem of dong soething ihEginerin prct magee. f I go achace totudy here,I woud ikt contiue oaccept prfs
14、sionaltinig, n ordr get ready for oking nhutue. Iho I can cieve y gal son.8:未来乐意从事旳方向The aor that I ho ur for my futhereducato s ProjManagemet. I wanto become a enior poet manaemnt perone. BecausIind Project anagenispaying a moren re mortn role inou modern societ Proectmngetproessoalpoentareas invol
15、vedin contructio, nineerng contrtion nd manageet, eal estte nfinance, htels,ta an indtrsector aageent.Whai ore, seirroct manageen ersonnel inour cnty is nt mu, bu fuedend wil egret. And noadas in Cin,with e reogton b t gverment, ou domtic Pojet Management idust i rwn apilan thatay poide a lo f chace
16、 to u9:四年大学你得到了什么F year niversity uaiongivesme lot of hances otry,anda t opacticsto imprve myself.It eaces e not only wt to studyandhw to thk, ut al to eethe importneof practica ability.In th uniersiy ie, Iav made mnygoodfriens. hehel e improvm sty an rserchaiity, o eythingjustie a an, an oftengivs
17、m good exmplet follow0:简介你自己旳专业 majo rojectanagementin xxxxxx.I h a earelationhip wit agemenSience, Ecoos,CivilEgineerig. o ole think rjectmaagmen is a knd ofmangmn subjec, thisis not corect Th needof lern Projec anamentsnt ony a knd of anaemt thoht,bu alsorequires a cerain degre of gnering bakgouna
18、n knledge of mtheatics.The esnnelof rojec Managment traiin are the ser manamen ersnelwhmat me sientfic nagmet teories, mehods and eans, anake decisn-ming inhe domsti and intraional engineerngonstruction projects a do manet of tentire proes f composite11:大学与硕士旳区别Fist, I think, rativ t unerity ecatin,
19、postraute stud,is a frtheuaion,a deeper lerningSco,Uiersiysd s a morevesatil knowledg experienceslightl,not outl o studsethig, and posgraduae tud isinne f ther selectdsmall aeas of m pese, deperresearchTir, Uniitystuy is o study re basixtbok knowlede, we cduct less pracc Nevthel, osgaduatestudy bsed
20、 o etxtbok knoldge, is he cmbni w pacce.Te at bt no the last, versty tuyteahes meot only ht sudy and h to thn, but als ee he importace ofpractical abilit. On hisbasis,poraduae sudyis me of acined wihpractictpurpoe, aget lrng.12、Wht canyou elleabt youself? (有关你自己,你能告诉我些什么?)Galyspain a oen mindd,motiv
21、atd, atve, amtiousand hard orking. (性格)urig th pt fou yea,Inotoy haeleane lo f proessnal knowledg ad pracial skls, bu lo hve learned how to thn ad hw get along wit tes. a sudet, I obtaine sharshi seea tme and oind the Cmmunst arty ahe colege,As amoir,Iwork earnestly, aso gained good cmnts rom tacers
22、and lsmates Ato lie, havethenotion that he atifacton e t fom liftieeendsonow hih wecoseour dfficulties. Im dong my best!13、 Wha old you lie to b on ive yer fter gaduaio?(在毕业后来5年内你想做些什么?)In thre yeaso pstadute study,ndtin t earning thprofessioa wledg, Iilld some rarchwith the hlpo my clamtesan my ut
23、i ProjectManagement througt mylif. hroughoutthes efecnhe ndetanding o he senior stdents pmet, I wil choose wht to do i the fture com withthe actualiution of my own in thefutureI hpe toybe I ca be at my job and bese my in thi lin of orkare promotd to areaaaer, Iaplannin o tat lso.(跟学长学姐理解他们旳就业方向)你要清晰
24、你实际上能胜任什么。你可以事先和其他旳MB交流一番。问问他们在毕业后在企业旳头5年都做了些什么。 可以这样回答:我但愿能在我旳职位上竭力做好工作,由于在同一领域工作旳许多人都被提为区域负责人,因此我亦有此打算。. ht is your grtst stret? (你最突出旳长处是什么?) fel hatmy stronget sset smy ait osikthing toget the done. I feel ealsen of complishmet whnfish jb and it turns ut jut as d lnnd Ive soe high gols or myself
25、. orexamp, Iwant to grauate ith igh disco. ndevenhugh Ihad a slow start n my freshan yer, lwy too ever oporitoimprove ad ehancemyailty.Atden, tand cholarsip everl tmsand joine th Comunis Party a hcollee, asamnitr, I ork eanetly, ls ganed goodcmens frotechrs and cssmateIn Mrch of thisear,Iws naed te
26、outstandn grdue ofn Provice. Furore, will try my b to nd up m iveritylfeby doing honors thsis.15. hatisou gretes weakns?(你最大旳弱点是什么?)I such apefectinit hat wont st ntil a job swel dne.” Sosomeims we dot meet mand the others requiremets, willbe disressed n lect on n Throuh r year o nivty ang ad temer,
27、 Imig my best toadjust and imve myself.你不应当说你没有任何弱点,以此来回避这个问题;每个人均有弱点。最佳方略是承认你旳弱点,但同步表明你在予以改善,并有克服弱点旳计划。1 Hw doou feel aboutyur prgress to dat? (对于你至今所获得旳进步你是怎样看旳?)I thinkI did welscho. ithte lp ofmclasmats, yteacesand my wneforts,I got som oo results.As astdent, obtied scholarshi svera tim and join
28、ed theCommunis Pary the oeg,A moitr, I wokaretly, alo gaied od cments fom eachers and clsate In Mch o h ea, I ws named houstdg gaateof ea Provice.A to fe,have th tin thatheatisfctinwe efroleti depens on h high wecooe our dificui.Im digmy be!Bt Iknow thrs alondistance w frommy gal, I wil ontinut wkr,
29、 d inulg myself.7、假如在英语口试中听不懂或讲不出,怎么办?保持微笑:Could u spakslowl? or,Sry, didnt repre fo his utionI amso! Ieg ur pardon?I dot undestand yu question, Could yu repat iagan?orry, I dont know. (I m lttle acquainted with h ptof special kowledg) I pssi, I hoe my der tcher ca change oblm for me t swr.But I wsh
30、 I cn hae a cnctlanmore eepy te kowlege uneyorirectio18:谈谈你对重庆旳认识Chogqin, wththemeann ofoube ceebratonsin Chiese, ws buitin the 11th ctuy BC uing te ZhouDynasty.Th ciy asfondd i 99. Prior to hen, itwas a it in Sicua roce. Now Chngqin ite iggst ciy n China n term o area apoplatio. Chongqings wdely ac
31、noedged a te agest inusril and ecnmicceter in sothwsternia, hongqinit s a popular detintion ortraeleswt itshlyslopes, iers, nghtvewsand sifod. Known asne Chias Three Frnaces (along ith Wuha an Nnjig), hgqing i bearabyhot duing he mmer. Thsurrundigmutis see to trah hat. It s pleaantto visit h ity ote
32、 asons. Alsokownas Fog City i aditn to he Furnac, Coningi overed th thick layeof fog for anaveraef 8 ys a ear, ually i sprig ratumn. The gves the placeanir of myter. Spread crss a numerolo hils (aveage evation of400 metrs), surroude ountains, and strdlige Yangtz Rivr, Coging i aatural wnde.Te ain fe
33、auresof the dontown re ae the hlly slope. Trvelrs soo leant get se toefelig o goin n down, upand don Lca ompare t eratoSan Franciso.night, clmbn up ot one of theles-ulaed hlls aordspaoramic ies of thecitsght ghs Du the citys y rain, yocan see hierarchyolights in l diretns 意思是“双庆”在中国,都市建于公元前第十一世纪在周朝。
35、藩。晚上,爬到山上旳人少提供全景旳意见,都市旳夜灯。由于都市旳丘陵地形,你可以看到一种层次全方位灯。19:谈谈你对重庆大学旳认识Itaoundd 191 nd he sch is lae intheouhwet o thcuntry indusril andomia city,te YngtzeRiver cnomic ceter - ongi municpty dctlyune the cetal goernmet, it ces a ar o ovr 70 m. The buidg area s68 thouand squr metes. It eelopsito a cmprhnsivu
36、nversity wit fforsofgenraio,eseal after the refrn openingup And ow Chonqin Uversityis a ionlkey uversit dirlynerteMinsry o dtin, is th natonal 211 rjectan95 Projtkeycnstruction ofhhleel rsach unversty It akes thelea mg h neriisith ie eachingd entiic esearch abilt urtere,ithasadvanced faities of hodr
37、nlibrary, the lirayha a strag f 360thoand books herare tching research eprinta bas, fo exampl,the comuter enter, aing-tes centr, oern educato tnical cetradso n.Tecolhsbecme nationa mprant a or trni ad siifc reseachceter, for hecounty to cultie and trnsport th 2 thousauttding taents. Amog them,mor than 40pople areelce tothe Chinee Acadey Science,te Chiee Academy ofengneing,Ithnk tatafer angneratons adourfrst uremittngeffor