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1、Unit 1Great scientists.阅读理解A2022洛阳市、许昌市第一次质量检测Looking back on my childhood, I am convinced that naturalists are born and not made.Although we were all brought up in the same way, my brothers and sisters soon abandoned their pressed flowers and insects. Unlike them, I had no ear for music and languag

2、es. I was not an early reader and I could not do mental maths.I have only the unmemorable memory of the house we lived in, of my room and my toys. Nor do I recall clearly the large family of grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins who gathered next door. But I do have a crystal clear memory of the d

3、ogs, the farm animals, the local birds, and above all the insects.I am a naturalist, not a scientist. I have a strong love of the natural world, and my enthusiasm has led me into varied investigations. I love discussing my favorite topics and enjoy burning the midnight oil while reading about other

4、peoples observations and discoveries. Then something happens that brings these observations together in my conscious mind. This has resulted in my publishing 300 papers and books, which some might honour with the title of scientific research.But curiosity, a keen eye, a good memory and enjoyment of

5、the animal and plant world do not make a scientist: One of the outstanding and essential qualities required is selfdiscipline, a quality I lack. A scientist requires not only selfdiscipline but all training, determination and a goal. A scientist, up to a point, can be made. A naturalist is born. If

6、you can combine the two, you will get the best of both worlds.1What impressed the author deeply during his childhood?AWildlife.BMusic.CLanguages. DLiterature.2Why cant the author remember his relatives clearly?AHe didnt live with them for long.BThe family was extremely large.CHe was fully occupied w

7、ith observing nature.DHe was too young when he lived with them.3According to the author, what personality should a born naturalist have first of all?ABeing knowledgeable. BBeing selfdisciplined.CBeing full of ambition. DBeing full of enthusiasm.4Why does the author say he is a naturalist, not a scie

8、ntist?AHe thinks he lacks some quality required of a scientist.BHe thinks he has much trouble doing mental arithmetic.CHe thinks he comes up with solutions in a most naturalway.DHe thinks he just reads about other peoples observations.B2022成都市高中毕业班摸底测试Please take a few seconds and think of your pers

9、onal biggest goal. Imagine telling someone you meet today what youre going to do. Imagine their congratulations and their high image of you. Doesnt it feel good to say it out loud? Dont you feel one step closer already? Well, bad news: you should have kept your mouth shut, because that good feeling

10、will make you less likely to do it.Any time you have a goal, there is some work that needs to be done to achieve it. Ideally,you would not be satisfied until youd actually done the work. But when you tell someone your goal and he acknowledges (成认) it, psychologists have found its called a “social_re

11、ality. The mind is kind of tricked into a feeling that its already done. And then, because youve felt that satisfaction, youre less motivated to do the actual and necessary hard work. This goes against the traditional wisdom that we should tell our friends our goals, right?In 1982, Peter Gollwitzer,

12、 a professor of psychology, wrote a whole book about this. And in 2022, he did some new tests that were published. It goes like this: 163 people across four separate tests everyone wrote down their personal goal. Then half of them announced their commitment (承诺) to this goal to the room, and half di

13、dnt. Then everyone was given 45 minutes of work that would directly lead them towards their goal, but they were told that they could stop at any time. Finally those who kept their mouths shut worked the entire 45 minutes on average, and when asked afterwards, said they felt they had a long way to go

14、 to achieve their goal. But those who had announced it quit after only 33 minutes on average, and when asked afterwards, said that they felt much closer to achieving their goal.5What do the words “social reality in Paragraph 2 mean?ACompletion of the goal. BNecessary hard work.CPeoples acknowledgeme

15、nt. DA sense of satisfaction.6What does Peter Gollwitzer try to tell us?AWriting down the goal is very helpful.BAchieving personal goal needs more time.CKeeping the goal secret makes people work harder.DMaking the goal public makes people less satisfied.7How did Peter Gollwitzer prove his idea about

16、 peoples goal?ABy giving figures.BBy giving examples.CBy making a survey.DBy making comparison tests.8What will probably happen if you tell your friends your goal?AYou will be more confident.BYou will not gain satisfaction.CYou are less likely to realize it.DYoull be much more motivated.完形填空2022石家庄市

17、质量检测On a beautiful September evening, my 11yearold grandson, Josh, and his team were warming up for their first football game of the season.At six, the _1_ called the captains forward, said something and _2_ his whistle. The two teams _3_ separately. I was _4_. The other team were, _5_, ten inches t

18、aller than our players. It didnt take long for their _6_ advantage to show. They took a 70 lead very _7_. At the half, the score stood at 34 to 6. Josh _8_ minimal play time. In the second half, they used Josh more often. The score climbed to 40 to 6.Once again, the other team began their _9_ down t

19、he field. Their quarterback threw the ball. The receiver caught it and _10_ the goal. There was only one man in his _11_ Josh. Josh dove and _12_ that boys legs with all his strength. The receiver dragged Josh a couple of yards and _13_ fell down.On the next play, their quarterback shot an opening a

20、nd rushed to the goal, but there was Josh again. Josh knocked him off his feet and _14_ another goal. They scored on the last play, but it wasnt Joshs _15_. The game ended with a score of 48 to 6.On the way home, I wanted to _16_ Josh, but he turned to me with a _17_ smile. “Grandpa, that was a _18_

21、 game.“But you lost, 48 to 6!“I know, but I did good.The boy understood the _19_ better than I did. They didnt win, but he did his best. I was proud of him. More _20_, he was proud of himself.1A.player BrefereeCcoach Dreceiver2A.waved BraisedCthrew Dblew3A.gathered BpracticedCcelebrated Dwandered4A.

22、inspired BembarrassedCshocked Ddelighted5A.in total Bon averageCat length Dfor example6A.speed BstrengthCage Dsize7A.often BsoonCregularly Drarely8A.saw BlostCexpected Dwasted9A.break BsearchCcharge Ddebate10A.let in Bfought forCwent in Dheaded for11A.way BpositionCsight Dmind12A.made room for Blook

23、ed up atCtook hold of Dkept away from13A.accidentally BfinallyCdeliberately Dgradually14A.saved BgainedCtried Dkicked15A.turn BhonorCfault Doption16A.trick BscoldCpraise Dcomfort17A.sad BwideCbitter Dpolite18A.great BcloseCsilly Dvital19A.team BplayCgame Dfield20A.seriously BfortunatelyCspecifically

24、 Dimportantly.短文改错2022陕西省局部学校第一学期摸底检测The time we have is usual limited. However, even an hour is of great valuable. We should make full use of your time to do useful things. As students, we mustnt study hard so as to serve for our society and our nation in the future. But it is pity that there are a

25、 lot of people who didnt know the importance of time. They spend their valuable time smoke and drinking. They dont realize that wasting time is the same as wasting a part of their life. Remember, dont put off which you can do today until tomorrow.课时作业(二十一).阅读理解A体裁:夹叙夹议文题材:个人经历主题:博物学家【语篇解读】本文是一篇夹叙夹议文

26、,作者通过自身的经历明白了一个道理:博物学家是天生的,而科学家那么是可以后天培养的。【熟词生义】result常用义:n.结果例句:His views are the direct result of the time he spent in Africa.他的观点是他在非洲那段日子的直接产物。本句义:v.产生;造成例句:The cyclone has resulted in many thousands of deaths.气旋已经造成了成千上万的人死亡。【难句分析】But I do have a crystal clear memory of the dogs, the farm anima

27、ls, the local birds, and above all the insects.分析:本句是一个强调句,对句子的谓语have进行强调,助动词do放在谓语之前。译文:但是我确实非常清楚地记得那些狗,农场的动物,当地的鸟类,尤其是昆虫。1A考查细节理解。根据第三段最后一句“But I do have a crystal clear memory of the dogs, the farm animals, the local birds, and above all the insects可知,作者在童年时,印象深刻的是那些野生生物,应选A。2C考查推理判断。根据第三段最后一句“Bu

28、t I do have a crystal clear memory of the dogs, the farm animals, the local birds, and above all the insects可推知,作者童年时期过于专注自然界而对周围的亲戚并不是很在意,所以没有深刻的印象,这与第四段第二句中的“I have a strong love of the natural world照应,应选C。3D考查推理判断。根据第四段前两句“I am a naturalist, not a scientist. I have a strong love of the natural wo

29、rld, and my enthusiasm has led me into varied investigations可知,作者从小热爱自然界,而且这种热情使作者作了很多不同的调查,成了一个博物学家。由此可推知,一个天生的博物学家首先要充满热情,应选D。4A考查细节理解。根据最后一段第一句“But curiosity, a keen eye, a good memory and enjoyment of the animal and plant world do not make a scientist: One of the outstanding and essential qualit

30、ies required is selfdiscipline, a quality I lack可知,作者认为自己只是一个博物学家而不是一个科学家是因为自己缺乏成为科学家的必备素质,应选A。B体裁:说明文主题语境:人与社会社会生活说出目标与不说出目标对实现目标的影响【语篇解读】实现一个目标需要做一些工作,试验说明,在实现目标之前就告诉别人你的目标并得到别人的认可,那么有可能使你感到满意,陷入目标已完成的错觉,从而动力减少,不能很好地去工作。而在实现目标之前没有说出目标那么会使你工作更努力。5A考查推理判断。根据画线词组后一句“The mind is kind of tricked into a

31、 feeling that its already done并结合画线词组所在句可推知,social reality在此处意为“目标的完成。6C考查细节理解。根据最后一段最后两句“Finally those who kept their mouths shut . to achieving their goal可知,Peter Gollwitzer想告诉我们:没有说出目标的人工作时间更长,工作更努力。7D考查细节理解。根据最后一段的内容可知,Peter Gollwitzer把所测试的对象分成两局部,一半说出自己的目标,一半没有说出目标,每个人都给了45分钟,他们可以随时停止;试验说明,没有说出

32、目标的人平均工作了45分钟,而说出目标的人平均工作33分钟,由此可知,Peter Gollwitzer是通过进行比拟测试来证明他的观点的,应选D。8C考查推理判断。根据第一段的内容,尤其是最后一句中的“because that good feeling will make you less likely to do it可推知,如果你把目标告诉你的朋友,你就不太可能会实现目标,应选C。【词汇积累】imagine v. 设想on average 平均来看afterwards adv. 后来【难句分析】Finally those who kept their mouths shut worked

33、the entire 45 minutes on average, and when asked afterwards, said they felt they had a long way to go to achieve their goal.(Para.3)分析:本句主句主语是those,谓语是worked, said。 who kept their mouths shut是who引导的定语从句,修饰先行词those; when asked afterwards是过去分词短语作时间状语;they felt they had a long way to go to achieve thei

34、r goal是省略了that的宾语从句,作said的宾语。译文:最终,那些保持沉默的人平均工作了整整45分钟,当后来被问到时,他们说他们觉得要实现目标还有很长的路要走。.完形填空体裁:记叙文题材:生活经历主题:虽败犹荣【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文。“我十一岁的孙子Josh参加了赛季的第一次足球赛,对手平均比他们高出10英寸。在赛场上,Josh拼尽全力挽救了几个球;虽然最终比赛输了,但是他认为自己做得很好,并为自己感到自豪,“我也为他感到自豪。【高频词回忆】warm up做准备活动whistle n哨子separately adv.分别地on average平均advantage n优势,有利条

35、件minimal adj.极少的1B根据上文可知,“我的十一岁的孙子和他的球队正在为他们这个赛季的第一场足球比赛做准备活动;结合该句中的“At six, the _1_ called the captains forward和常识可知,在六点,裁判员把队长们叫上前,故B项正确。2D根据语境可知,裁判员吹响了哨子,故D项正确。3A根据语境可知,两支球队分别集合;A项意为“集合,故A项正确;B项意为“练习;C项意为“庆祝,庆贺;D项意为“徘徊。4C根据后一句中的“ten inches taller than our players可知,对方球队的成员平均(on average)比“我孙子所在的球队

36、的成员高出10英寸;由此可知,“我感到很震惊;C项意为“震惊,故C项正确。5B参见上题解析。6D根据上文可知,对方球队队员的身高远高于“我孙子所在的球队队员的身高;结合该句“It didnt take long for their _6_ advantage to show可知,没过多久,他们的(身高)尺寸优势就显现出来了。D项意为“尺寸,故D项正确。7B根据语境可推知,很快,对方就以7:0领先;B项意为“很快,故B项正确。8A根据后一句“In the second half, they used Josh more often可知,在下半场(比赛),他们更多地让Josh上场;据此可推知,在上

37、半场Josh的比赛时间很少。see“经历符合语境。9C根据下文中的“Their quarterback threw the ball . the goal可知,他们开始投球,接球者拿到了球并朝球门进球;据此可知,对方球队再一次开始了冲锋;charge意为“冲锋,故C项正确。10D参见上题解析。head for意为“朝迸发,故D项正确。11A根据语境可知,只有一个人挡住了他的路Josh. in sb.s way为固定搭配,意为“阻碍,挡着路,故A项正确。12C根据该句“Josh dove and _12_ that boys legs with all his strength可知,Josh扑过

38、去,用尽全身力气抓住那个男孩的腿。take hold of意为“抓住,故C项正确。13B根据该句“The receiver dragged Josh a couple of yards and _13_ fell down可知,接球者拖着Josh走了几码,最终摔倒了。B项意为“终于,故B项正确;A项意为“意外地;C项意为“成心;D项意为“逐渐地。14A根据语境可知,Josh撞倒了他,又一次救了球;A项意为“挽救,故A项正确。15C根据上文可知,Josh挽救了几个球;结合该句“They scored on the last play, but it wasnt Joshs _15_可知,虽然对方

39、得了分,但不是Josh的过错,故C项正确。16D根据语境可知,Josh所在的球队失败了;由此可推知,在回家的路上,“我想要抚慰他;D项意为“抚慰,故D项正确。17B根据下文中的“I know, but I did good可知,尽管最终失败了,但Josh认为自己在球场上做得很好;结合该句中的“smile可知,他朝“我咧嘴一笑,故B项符合语境。18A根据语境并结合上题解析可推知,Josh告诉“我,那场比赛很棒,故A项正确。19C根据上文中的“game,并结合Josh对这场球赛的评价可知,他对这场球赛的理解比“我好;C项意为“比赛,故C项正确。20D根据语境可知,此处表示“更重要的是,他为自己而自

40、豪;D项意为“重要的是,故D项正确。.短文改错The time we have is limited. , even an hour is of great . We should make full use of time to do useful things. As students, we study hard so as to serve our society and our nation in the future. But it is pity that there are a lot of people who know the importance of time. The

41、y spend their valuable time and drinking. They dont realize that wasting time is the same as wasting a part of their life. Remember, dont put off you can do today until tomorrow.usual改为usually。考查词形转换。修饰形容词用副词,所以用usually。However改为Therefore。考查副词。根据语境可知,此处前后句之间是因果关系,而非转折关系,所以用Therefore。valuable改为value。

42、考查名词。be ofn.beadj.为固定用法,故用value。your改为our。考查代词。与该句中的We保持人称一致,故用our。mustnt改为must。考查情态动词。此处表示我们必须要努力学习,故用must。删除for。考查固定用法。serve意为“效劳时,是及物动词,不需要加介词,故删除for。pity前加a。考查冠词。It is a pity that .“是很可惜的为固定句式。pity此处竟为“遗憾,可惜,是可数名词,又主语为it,故此处表示单数,前面应加a。didnt改为dont。考查动词的时态。本文的根本时态为一般现在时,故此处用dont。smoke改为smoking。考查动名词。spend time doing sth.为固定用法,意为“花时间做某事,故用smoking,与drinking并列。which改为what。考查宾语从句的连接词。句意:记住,不要把今天能做的事情拖延到明天。空处引导宾语从句,在从句中作do的宾语,表示“的事物,故用what。- 9 -

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