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1、ANSWERS FOR MOCK EXAM 1(MORNING SESSION) Terence has passed Level III,he has not yet received his charter andcannot use the CFA designation.The description provided in the cover letterproperly describes his situation.Amy must take both actions-notifying her immediate supervis

2、or and deliveringa copy of the Code and Standards.Members may undertake an independent practice that could result incompensation or other benefit in competition with their employer provided theyobtain written consent from both their employer and the party for whom theyundertake independent practice.

3、To maintain his objectivity,Keith should pay his own hotel bill.Because theitinerary required charter flights due to a lack of commercial transportation,A&K Limited can appropriately provide them.Under ERISA,fiduciaries must act solely in the interest of,and for theexclusive purpose of benefiting,th

4、e plan participants and beneficiaries.Daniel must give priority to transactions for clients and employers overtransactions for his children.To avoid violating the standards,members cannot trade until the membersclients and employers have had an adequate opportunity to act on therecommendation.The re

5、quirements of Standard IV(B.5)are not intended to prevent Lambertfrom cooperating with an investigation by AIMRs Professional ConductProgram.Vivian should disclose to her clients and prospects her husbands holdings inDouble Limited because this matter could be expected to impair her ability tomake u

6、nbiased and objective recommendations.Accruals accounting is required.Standard I(B)Fundamental Responsibilities.Prohibition against participating orassisting in illegal and ethical violations.If Roberts suspects someone isplanning or engaging in illegal activities,he should:(1)determine the legality

7、of the activities,(2)disassociate himself from the illegal or unethical activity,and(3)urge his firm to attempt to persuade the perpetrator to stop.The AIMRStandards of Professional Conduct do not require that Roberts report suchactivities to the authorities,but the law might.Standard III(C)Disclosu

8、re of Conflicts to Employer.Gloria should disclose toher employer all matters that could reasonably be expected to interfere with herability to make unbiased and objective recommendations.Her service as atrustee of the Well Limited Foundation for Heart Research is most likely to beconsidered a confl

9、ict of interest with her responsibility to her employer.Standard III(E)Responsibilities of Supervisors.Paul may delegate supervisoryduties,but suchdelegation does notrelieve him ofhissupervisoryresponsibility.Standard IV(B.3)Fair Dealing.Johnson violated the standard on fair dealingbecause he did no

10、t deal fairly and objectively with all clients and prospectswhendisseminatinginvestmentrecommendations.Instead,heshowedfavoritism to his best clients.In disseminating investment recommendations,Johnson should consider making the information available to clients based ontheir interest and suitability

11、.A change of recommendation from buy to sell orsell to buy is generally material.Standard IV(B.5)Preservation of Confidentiality.Choice B is false because this5. for Mock Exam 1(Morning Session)(Rev.1)118.A.

12、ndard prohibits members from executing settlement agreements that preventmembersfromprovidinginformationinaninvestigationbyAIMRsProfessional Conduct Program(PCP).Choice C is false because a personcannot withhold information during PCP investigations.Choice A is falsebecause if a member receives info

13、rmation due to his or her special relationshipwith the client indicating illegal behavior on the past of the client,the membermay not have an obligation to inform the appropriate authorities.Standard IV(B.6)Prohibition against Misrepresentation.Members are notpermitted to make any assurances or guar

14、antees about any investment,except tocommunicate accurate information.The statement that investment grade bondshave less default risk than junk bonds is an accurate statement.Use BGN node:n=10;i=12 PMT=1,000,compute FV=19.654.58The present value of a perpetuity is PV=A/r=500/0.1=$5,000.i=6/12=0.5;n=

15、10 x12=120;PV=40,000 Compute PMTA binomial random variable has an expected value or mean equal to np andvariance equal to np(1-p).Mean=12(0.5)=6;variance(12)(0.5)(1-0.5)=3Rbt-1=In St+1/St=(1+RL1-1)=In(40/25)=0.47.Thus,47%is thecontinuously computed return for the one-year holding period.Choice A des

16、cribes cross-sectional data.Choice B describes time-series data.The dependent variable,Y,is equal to the intercept,b0,plus a slope coefficient,b1,times the independent,X,plus an error term,.INFVCompute PV10110090.91102150123.97103200150.26104250170.75Total535.89Step 1:Solve for the PV of the 5 payme

17、nts of 3,000 to be received in years 3through 7.n=5;i=10;PMT=3,000;compute PV=11,372.3611,372.36 falls one year before the first payment,or in year 2.Step 2:Find the present value of 11,372.36 that is two years in the future.n=2;i=10;FV=11,372.36;compute PV=9,398.64 or 9,399(rounded).From weakest to

18、 strongest,the ordering of measurements scales is nominal,ordinal,interval,and ratio.An interval is a set of return values within which an observation not falls.Step 1.Calculate the mean monthly return=2%+(-4%)+1%+5%=4%M=1%Step 2.Calculate the population standard deviation:(2%-1%)2+(-4%-1%)2+(1%-1%)

19、2+(5%-1%)2N)/2=3.24%Step 3.Calculate the sample standard deviation:(2%-1%)2+(-4%-1%)2+(1%-1%)2+(5%-l%)2)/n-1)/2=3.74%According to Chebyshevs inequality,the proportion of the observations within2,which is k,standard deviations of the mean is at least 1-(l/k)2=1-(1/22)=0.75 or 75%.The probability is 3

20、0/200=0.15.Using the addition rule for probabilities,P(analyst or positive)=P(analyst)+24.D.25.B.26.B.27.D.28.C.29.B.30.D.31.B.32.C.33.B.34.A.35.B.Answers for Mock Exam 1(Morning Session)(Rev.1)236.B.37.C.38.B.39.C. and positive)P(A or positive)=130

21、/200+140/200-(100/130)=0.58 or 58%Savings increases to hold interest rates constant.This means aggregate demandchanges little.The empirical evidence on the relationship between budget deficits and interestrates is mixed.Few studies show a significant positive short-term link between budget deficitsa

22、nd real interest rates.Expansion=1/reserve requirement=1/0.25=4(4)(150)=600People realize this leads to inflation in the long run,so they reduce their moneyholdings.Output rises because the increase is unexpected.In purely competitive markets,there are a large number of dependent firms.Choice A:Accr

23、ual accounting does not require the receipt of cash for assuranceof payment to exist.Choice C and D:These relate only to the condition of completion of theearnings process.46.D.47.ADemand for currency decreases when real interest rates decrease because ofdecreased capital flows.48.CForeign exchange

24、quotations can be expressed on a direct basis-the homecurrency price of another currencyor an indirect basis-the foreign currencyprice of the home currency.49.CF/S=(1+rD)/(l+rF)where rates are listed as DC/FCF=(1.3/1.25)(0.4)=0.41650.C.Direct method:Net income1000Depreciation70Goodwill30Change in ac

25、counts receivable25Change in inventory(35)Change in accounts payable30Change in wages payable15Operating cash flows113551.B.Purchase equipment(200)Sell truck25Investing cash flows(175)52.D.Sale of common stock100Issuance of bonds20Financing cash flows12053.D.A common size balance sheet expresses all

26、 balance sheet accounts as apercentage of total assets.54.C.Original shares of common stock=1,000,000(12)=12,000,000Stock dividend=200,000(12)=2,400,000New shares of common stock=200,000(3)=600,000Total shares of common stock=15,000,000/12=1,250,000Stock dividends are assumed to have been outstandin

27、g since the beginning ofthe year.55.D.Inventory turnover,defined as COGS/Average inventory,if often meaninglessfor LIFO companies due to the mismatching of costs.The numerator representsAnswers for Mock Exam 1(Morning Session)(Rev.1)356.A.57.58.D.D.current costs,whereas the denominator reports outda

28、ted historical costs.Thus,the turnover ratio under LIFO will,when prices decrease,trend lower becauseof small COGS and larger inventory.Net profit margin,defined as EA T/Sales,is higher during periods of decreasing profits for LIFO companies.LIFO leadsto a smaller COGS,which reduces EAT,without affe

29、cting sales.In this situation,LIFO results in lower cost of goods sold because it uses themore recent and lower costs than LIFO.LIFO results in lower cash flowsbecause the cash on income taxes is a percentage(the marginal tax rate)of thedifference in inventory values.Thus,with LIFO:Sales-COGS(smalle

30、r)EBT(larger)-Taxes(larger)Because taxes paid out are a cash outflow.EAT(larger)If taxes are larger,then cash flow ill be smaller.COGSFIFO=COGSLIFO-(Ending LIFO Reserve-Beginning LIFO Reserve)COGSFIFO=$250,000-($8,000-$5,000)=$247,000Compared to expensing,capitalizing results inhigher profitability

31、in earlyyears and lower profitability in later years.The present value of the minimum lease payments equals or exceeds 90 percentof the value of the fair value of the leased property.Capital lease affects on the income statement:Step1:Calculate the depreciation charge:($3,500,000-$450,000)/10=$305,0

32、00Step2:Calculate the interest expense:$3,500,000(0.15)=$525,000Total expense:$305,000+$525,000=$830,00059.C.60.D. are price-driven markets.P/E=Dividend payout ratio/(k-g)Dividend payout ratio=1-retention ratio=1-0.2=0.8P

33、/E=0.8(0.15-0.08)=5.6k=D1/P0+g=$4/$25+0.09=0.25Step1:Calculate the ending index value=($100)(5)=$500Step2:Calculate the expected return.E(R1)=Dividends+(Ending value-Beginning value)/(Beginning value)=40+(500-490)/$490=0.1 or 10%The critical factors determining the franchise P/E are the difference b

34、etween theexpected return on the new opportunities(R)and the current cost of capital(k)and the size of these growth opportunities relative to the firms current size.74.A.75.C.76.DThe completed contract method less net income in the periods beforeconstruction is completed,but not at the end of the co

35、ntract,than using thepercentage-of-completion method.This is because the completed contractmethod recognizes revenue and expense only when the contract has beencompleted.77.A.Net income1,000Adjustment for non-cash andnon-operating itemsAnswers for Mock Exam 1(Morning Session)(Rev.1)478.79.Depreciati

36、on100Deferred taxes(increase)40Profit from sale ofequipment(10)Adjustment for workingcapital items:Accounts receivable(decrease)(120)Inventory(increase)(40)Accounts payable(increase)(20)Wages payable(decrease)(10)Cash flow from operations940DAWhen inventory and accounts receivable increase,this is a

37、 use of cash(cashoutflow);when assets decrease,this is a source(cash inflow).When accountspayable increase,this is a source of cash(cash inflow);when liabilitiesdecrease,this is a use(cash outflow).80.BCash conversion cycle=receivables days+inventory processing days-payables payment period.Receivabl

38、es days=365/receivabies turnover=365/30=12.17 days.Inventory processing days=365/inventory turnover=365/15=24.33 days.Payables payment period=365/payabIes turnover=365/20=18.25days.Cash collection cycle=12.17+24.33 18.25=18.25 days.81.BChoice A:Buying fixed assets on credit does not affect current a

39、ssets butincreases current liabilities.Therefore,the current ratio falls.Choice B:Buying inventory on account increases both inventory and accountspayable.Because the current ratio started off below I,the ratio will increase.Choice C:Selling marketable securities for cash does not affect the amount

40、ofcurrent assets and leaves the current ratio unaffected,Choice D:Paying off accounts payable from cash lowers current assets andcurrent liabilities by the same amount.Because the current ratio started offbelow 1,the ratio will fall.82.DROE=Profit margin x Total asset turnover x financial leverageRO

41、E=(0.3)(2.1)(0.5)=0.315 or 31.5%83.AROE=(S/A)(EBIT/S)-(I/A)(A/EQ)(I-t)ROE=(2.5)(0.2)-(0.08)(1.2)(0.6)=0.30 or 30%84.A85.BEPS=($180,000-$4,000)/50,000=$3.52 per share86.B87.D88.CThese relationships are reversed in the latter years of the assets life if the firmscapital expenditures decline.89.D90.C.9

42、1.C.92.D.93.D.Absolute yield spread=Yield on Bond A-Yield on Bond B=10%-7%=3%94.B.Relative yield spread=(Yield on Bond A-Yield on Bond B)/(Yield on BondB)=(10%-7%)/7%=0.43=43%95.B.Yield ratio=(Yield on Bond A)/(Yield on Bond B)=6%/7%=1.4396.B.Current yield=(Annual dollar coupon interest)/(Price of t

43、he bond)=8/130=0.0625 or 6.25%97.A.When the stocks price(S)-the strike price(X)is positive,a call option isin-the-money.25-X=8 so X=17.Answers for Mock Exam 1(Morning Session)(Rev.1)598. writer of put loss=$60-premiun$5=$55T

44、he writer of call gets a maximum gain of$8Securities that fall on the SML are properly valued.If a stocks beta were equal to 1,an investor would be expected to get themarket rate of return from buying the stock.E(R)=5%+1(10%-5%)=10%111.D112.D113.C114.BPerfect positive correlation(r=+1)of the returns

45、 of two assets offers no riskreduction,whereas perfect negative correlation(r=-1)offers the greatest riskreduction.115.BPortfolio A does not lie on the efficient frontier because it has a lower returnthan Portfolio B but has greater risk.Portfolio D does not lie on the efficientfrontier because it h

46、as higher risk than Portfolio C but has the same return.116.C.117.DChoice A:Unsystematic risk is diversifiable risk.Choice B:Systematic risk is undiversifiable risk.Choice C:Total risk=Systematic risk+Unsystematic risk.118.C119.DCAPM specifies the factor(market risk)but APT does not.120.AAnswers for Mock Exam 1(Morning Session)(Rev.1)6

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