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1、高考英语总复习之定语从句专题练习高考英语总复习之定语从句专题练习1、“Who Moved My Cheese?”,is a best-selling book,is written by Spencer Johnson.(2002海淀)A.whichB.thatC.itD.what2、Dorothy was always speaking highly of her role in the play,of course,made theothers unhappy.(2000全国)A.whoB.whichC.thisD.what3、A football fan ishas a strong i

2、nterest in football.A.a thing thatB.something thatC.a person whoD.what4、The trainshe was traveling was late.A.whichB.whereC.on whichD.in that5、-Have you read the books?-Yes.Ive read all the booksyou gave me.(2003东城)A.whichB.thatC.whatD.who6、Helen is much more kind to her youngest child than to the o

3、thers,of course,makes theothers unhappy.(2003长春)A.whoB.whichC.sheD.that7、The writer has written quite a few books now,his teachers and parents didnt expect.A.thatB.asC.of whichD.which8、Is this the reasonat the meeting for his carelessness in his work?(2002上海春季)A.he explainedB.what he explainedC.how

4、he explainedD.why he explained9、In the office I never seem to have time until after 5:30 p.m.,many people have gothome.A.whose timeB.thatC.on whichD.by which10、They talked for about an hour of things and personsthey remembered in the school.A.whichB.thatC.whoD.whom11、The buses,were already full,were

5、 surrounded by an angry crowd.A.most of thatB.which most C.most of whichD.that most12、-I want to choose a university to study here.Would you should look at the support theuniversity that youre interested inas an overseas student.(2003东北三校)A.what can offer youB.can offer you whatC.can offer youD.what

6、 you can offer13、John said hed been working in the office for an hour,was true.(2001北京春季)A.heB.thisC.which14、,the compass was first made in China.D.whoA.It is known to allB.As is known to allC.We all knowD.As is known to all15、It is the very placethe anti-Japanese soldiers fought over sixty years ag

7、o.(2003重庆)A.thatB.whichC.whereD.there16、Only thoseknew well could be let in.(2003连云港)A.whoB.thatC.whatD.he17、The famous basketball star,tried to make a come back,attracted a lot of attention.A.whereB.whenC.whichD.who18、I shall never forget those yearsI lived in the country with the farmers,has agrea

8、t effect on my life.(1994上海)A.that;whichB.when;which C.which;thatD.when;who19、Is this the museumyou visited the other day?A.thatB.whatC.in whichD.the one20、America has more than fifty states,Kentucky,is the placeAbrahamLincoln was born.(2003黄冈)A.one of them;whereB.one of which;whereC.one of that;whi

9、chD.one of which;which21、In that supermarket on sale is a new type of computer,makes it attractive to thestudents from poor family.(2003南京)A.whichB.whose cheap priceC.whatD.the low price of which22、He is the only one of the students whoa winner of scholarship for three years.A.isB.areC.have beenD.ha

10、s been23、I dont likeyou speak to her.A.the wayB.the way in thatC.the way whichD.the way of which24、The Second World Warmillions people were killed ended in 1945.A.whenB.during thatC.in whichD.which25、Whenever I speak to him,was fairly often,he would talk on and on without givingme a chance to speak.

11、(2003东北三校)A.whichB.whatC.thatD.when26、The British are not so familiar with different cultures and other ways of doing things,is often the case in other countries.(2002朝阳)A.asB.thatC.soD.it27、He was very rude to the Customs officer,of course made things even worse.(1999上海)A.heB.WhomC.what28、A childpa

12、rents are dead is called an orphan.D.whichA.whoB.whosC.whoseD.which29、We found some precious jars and vases in an ancient tomb,you know,are valuable.A.even the pieces of whichB.which even piecesC.even the pieces of itD.whose even pieces30、I dont likeyou speak to her.(1996上海)A.the wayB.the way in tha

13、tC.the way whichD.the way of which31、Is this museumsome German friends visited last Wednesday?A.thatB.whereC.in whichD.the one32、I have never seen such a beautiful movie“Hero”is directed by Zhang Yi-mou.A.asB.whichC.thatD.it33、We are living in an agemany things are done on computer.(2003北京春季)A.which

14、B.thatC.whoseD.when34、That tree,the branchesare almost bare,is a very old one.A.whoseB.of whichC.in whichD.on which35、Some of the roads were flooded,made our journey more difficult.A.whichB.itC.whatD.that36、You can use a large plastic bottle,cut off,as a pot to grow young plants in.(2003南昌)A.the top

15、 isB.the top of whichC.whose topD.with its top37、Hes got himself into a dangerous situationhe is likely to lose control over theplane.A.whereB.whichC.whileD.why38、Recently my father bought a Chinese painting,was very reasonable.(2002丰台)A.the price of whoseB.which priceC.the price of whichD.it price3

16、9、Beijing government puts more than 700 million yuan to increase its green space this year,doubles the money provided last year.(2002海淀)A.asB.whileC.thatD.which40、He must be from Africa,can be seen from his skin.A.thatB.as41、Didnt you see the man?C.whoD.whatA.I nodded just nowB.whom I nodded just no

17、wC.I nodded to him just nowD.I nodded to just now42、I can think of many casesstudents obviously knew a lot of English words andexpression but couldnt write a good essay.(2003上海)A.whyB.whichC.as43、That is one of those books thatworth reading.D.whereA.isB.areC.hasD.have44、The Chinese government has de

18、cided to develop the west of China,I dare say,willbenefit the people there,especially those who are still leading a poor life.(2003湖北八校)A.whatB.whateverC.whichD.as45、I had expected,the number of the audience was well over two thousand.(2003海淀)A.AsB.WhichC.WhomD.That46、The hoursthe children spend in

19、their one-way relationship with television peopleundoubtedly affect relationships with real-life people.(2002宣武)A.thatB.whenC.in whichD.on which47、is known to all,China will be anpowerful country in 20 or 30 years time.A.That;advancingB.This;advancedC.As;advancedD.It;advancing48、The hard-working pea

20、sants and their happy lifewe saw in the countryside made awonderful impression on us.(2003西城)A.B.whoC.whichD.whom49、There wasto prevent the accident.A.something could doC.nothing we couldnt doB.anything we could doD.nothing we could do50、My home town is the sameit used to be.A.likeB.asC.thatD.which5

21、1、We will be shown around the city,schools,museums,and some other places,othervisitors seldom go.(2002北京)A.WhatB.WhichC.WhereD.When52、is known to everybody,the moon travels round the earth once every month.(2001全国)A.ItB.AsC.ThatD.What53、The result of the experiment was very good,we hadnt expect.(200

22、0北京春季)A.whenB.thatC.whichD.what54、Antarcticwe know very little is covered with thick ice all the year round.A.whichB.whereC.thatD.about which55、A war is so cruel that it always causes great losses,has happened in Iraq.(2003南通)A.whatB.asC.whichD.one56、York,last year,is a nice old city.(2003北京)A.that

23、I visited B.which I visitedC.where I visitedD.in which I visited57、He has lost the key to the drawerthe papers are kept.A.thatB in whichC.under which D.which58、The matteryou were arguing about last night has been settled.A.thatB.whatC.whyD.for which59、All of the flowers now raised here have develope

24、d from thosein the forest.(1997上海)A.once they grew B.they grew once C.they once grewD.once grew60、He is nota fool.A.such;as he is lookedB.such;as he looksC.as;as he is lookedD.so;as he looks61、There is this feeling of ease about the city during the month of January,I guessparallels(与平行)August in Fra

25、nce or Italy.(2003东北三校)A.whatB.whenC.orD.which62、My glasses,I was like a blind man,fell to the ground and broke.A.whichB.with whichC.without whichD.that63、Whohas common sense will do such a thing?A.whichB.whoC.whomD.that64、I shall never forget those daysI lived in the army with the soldiers,has agre

26、at effect on my life.(2003东城)A.that;whichB.when;whichC.when;thatD.which;that65、Alec asked the policemanhe worked to contact him whenever there was anaccident.A.with himB.whoC.with whom D.whom66、I can think of many casesstudents obviously knew a lot of English words andexpression but couldnt write a

27、good essay.(2003上海)A.whyB.whichC.asD.where67、This is the biggest laboratorywe have ever built in our school.A.whichB.whatC.whereD.68、Sorry,we dont understandof you have said means.(2003南昌)A.all whatB.what allC.all thatD.that all69、Recently I bought an ancient Chinese vase,was very reasonable.(2000上海

28、)A.which priceB.the price of whichC.its priceD.the price of whose70、He has two sons,work as chemists.A.two of whomB.both of whomC.both of whichD.all of whom71、The old lady,had been killed in the war,was given help by the local government.A.all her childrenB.all of her childrenC.all of whose children

29、D.whose all children72、Is this hoteloffered you a jobyou stayed the first time you arrived here?A.which;whereB.the one;in whichC.where;thatD.the one that;where73、Sometimes the earthquake is so violent that it can destroy the whole cityhappened inTangshan,in 1976.(2002宣武)A.asB.thatC.whereD.like74、Mr.

30、Green questioned his son,he learned how he could play with it.(2003南昌)A.whoB.of whomC.from whomD.that75、Please pass me the dictionarycover is black.A.whichB.which ofC.itsD.whose76、This photo of mine was takenstood the famous high tower.(2003长春)A.whichB.in whichC.whereD.there77、Weve heard of Thomas E

31、dison,who invented the electric light and many otherthings.A.manB.a manC.the manD.one man78、How animals can sleep all through the winter is connected with the main usethe bodymakes of food to supply the energy for movement.(2003金华九校)A.whatB.thatC.howD.as79、After living in Paris for fifty years he re

32、turned to the small townhe grew up as a child.A.whichB.thatC.whereD.when80、Have you seen the film“Titanic”,leading actor is world famous?(2001上海春季)A.itsB.itsC.whose81、Ill tell youhe told me last week.D.whichA.all whichB.all thatC.that allD.all82、The weather turned out to be very good,was more than w

33、e could expect.(2003成都)A.whatB.whichC.thatD.it83、is mentioned above,the number of the students in senior schools is increasing.A.WhichB.AsC.ThatD.It84、has been announced,we shall have our final exams next month.(2003上海春季)A.ThatB.AsC.ItD.What85、The film brought the hours back to meI was taken good ca

34、re of in that far-awayvillage.A.untilB.thatC.whenD.where参考解答:参考解答:1、A2、B在这个非限定性定语从句中,which指代Dorothy夸大自己在剧中角色的作用这件事。3、Ca football fan意为“球迷”,故C项正确。4、C先行词为the train,故排除A。on which she was traveling为定语从句。5、Ballthat固定搭配。6、B首先考虑什么使其他人不高兴,很显然是Helen的行为,而从句是非限定性定语从句,只有选which。7、D8、Athe reason后接定语从句。先行词the reas

35、on作explain的宾语,省略了关系代词that/which。9、D这是非限定性定语从句。介词by表示时间的意思是“到那时为止”。介词on后接具体日期。10、B先行词为things and persons即“事物与人”时,关系词用that来表示。11、Cmost of which本句中意为“大部分的车”。12、C“that youre interested in”作为定语从句修饰the university,而空格内的内容要和the university与as anoverseas student组成一个定语从句修饰the support。13、C关系代词which在非限定性定语从句中作主语

36、14、D15、C定语从句中的先行词the very place后面用关系副词where引导一个定语从句,正确选择为C项。16、D最有迷惑力的是A,但用A就没有主语,何来从句呢?所以句子缺少主语,“he”正好作主语。17、D先行词The famous basketball(著名的篮球明星)表示人,要填who。Who在定语从句中作主语。18、B第一个定语从句的先行词是those years,表示时间,要用关系副词when;第二个句子是非限定性定语从句,要用关系代词which。19、A先行词是museum,是that或which都可,并且也可省略,因为这个that或which在定语从句中作宾语。20

37、、B第一空前是逗号,则后面的句子应该是一个定语从句,排除A、C;因为第二个空代替的是at the place,故用where。21、D这是一道考查定语从句的题,意思是“那家超市正在促销一款新电脑,它的低价吸引了很多来自贫困家庭的学生”,所以可选答案有B、D,但B中表达低价只能用high/low,不能用cheap。22、Dthe only one of the students中的先行词是the only one,定语从句中的谓语动词要用单数形式。23、A修饰time,moment,way,direction,distance等名词的定语从句的关系词可省略。本题中,you speakto her

38、修饰the way。定语从句的先行词是way,其关系词可用in which和that,还可省略关系词,所以答案为A。24、Cin which中“which”代表“the Second World War”。本句意为:“二战结束在1945年,在战争中数以百万计的人死去”。25、A 该题考查定语从句。从句中缺少引导词来指后面一句话,只有 which可以代指整个句子,因此正确选项为A。26、A27、D这是一个非限定性定语从句,关系代词which在定语从句中作主语。28、Cwhose用作修饰的先行词的所有格。Whose指人,表示所修饰的“某(些)人的”。Whose指事物,所修饰的“某物的”。“whos

39、e从句结构”常可以用“of which从句”或with短语代替。29、A这是一个非限定性定语从句,piece与some precious jars and vases是从属关系,所以排除B,C;而D中even的位置不对,even在此处是adv,不能用于whose与pieces之间。30、Athe way后接定语从句时,有三种形式:1.省略连接词;2.用关系代词that连接;3.用in which连接。这道题属于第一种情况。31、D本句缺少一个表语,所以the one作表语,关系代词that省略。变成陈述句是:This museum is the one(that)some German fri

40、ends visited last Wednesday。32、A前面有such,要用“such aas”结构。33、D这是定语从句,先行词age表示时间,所以要用when。34、B 关系词还可以由“名词(代词)ofwhich(whom)”来充当,表示部分与整体的关系。35、Awhich引导一个非限定性定语从句,代替前面整个句子。36、D此题考查with结构短语,为独立主格结构,作状语,若A填入,使这个句子“无主无从”,而B、C非限定性定语从句缺少句子成分,即少be动词is,故选D。37、A先行词是situation,表示地点,where引导的定语从句。他陷入似乎飞机失去控制度危险境地。38、C

41、39、D40、B应记住一些用as的习惯用语,如:as anybody can see,as we all know,as we had expected,as oftenhappens,as has been said before。41、Dnod to sb意为“向某人点头”,从句可改为to whom I nodded just now。42、Athat引导同位语从句具体说明新问题的内容。Need后既可以接动名词,也可以接动词不定式的被动式表示被动。43、B从表面上看,此题似乎与先行词无关,实际上并非如此。根据句意,定语从句中,“值得读的”修饰“那些书”,即是先行词,指复数概念,即不是“其中

42、的一个”。但当one有only修饰时,即在the only oneofwho(that)结构中,该句中的先行词为one,则从句中的谓语动词该用单数形式。44、Cwhich代指前一句话,通常要代一句话时,都用which。45、A此处“As”固定句型,译为:“正如”题中,正如我所预料的。46、A47、Cas在定语从句中作主语,正如。An advancing country正在发展的国家;an advanced country发达国家。20至30年后,中国将成为发达国家,要用an advanced country。48、A因为“The hard-working peasants and their

43、happy life”即不单指“人”,也不单指“物”,所以只能用“that”或“不填”。49、D当定语从句修饰的那个先行词是all,everything,nothing,something,only,that这一类词时,或者先行词前有最高级的形容词修饰时,关系代词也可省略,也可用that。50、Bas引导限制型定语从句通常用于the sameas,suchas结构中。51、C先行词是places,表示地点,要填where。我们被带领着参观了这座城市:学校、博物馆和其它一些有人很少去的地方。52、B关系词as在定语从句中作主语。正如每个人所知,月亮每月围地球转一周。53、C在这个非限定性定语从句

44、中,which在定语从句中作hadnt expected的宾语。54、D短语动词是know about。本举意为“我们了解甚少的南极洲一年到头被厚厚的冰所覆盖”。55、B56、B这是一个非限定性定语从句。Visited后缺少宾语,要用关系代词which。57、Bthe papers are kept in the drawer,故选in which。58、Aargue about sth.“争论某事”,故选A,也可改为about which you were arguing last night。59、C先行词those。They once grew将省略了关系代词which或that。副词o

45、nce要放在行为动词前。60、B当先行词有such修饰时,定语从句用关系代词as。本句意为:“他不像看上去的那么傻”。61、D这是一个非限定性定语从句,I guess仅为插入语,所以从句中缺少的是主语,故选择which。62、Cwithout which中的which指代the glasses,意为“没戴眼镜”。63、D当先行词为疑问词who时,关系代词用that。本句意为:“正常人谁也不会做那种事”。64、B前一空when指代those days,在后一分句中作时间状语。整个句子为非限定性定语从句,which为标志。先行词为those days。65、Cwork with sb意思是“与一起

46、工作”,介词后要接关系代词whom。66、D先行词是many cases,用in which或where引导定语从句,故选D。67、D当“the形容词最高级名词”作先行词时,用关系代词that,如果这个关系词在定语从句中作宾语,可省略,故选D。68、B在宾语从句中充当句子成分,用what,词组all of可在what之前也可在what之后,但all和of不可在what一前一后。69、B这是一个限定性定语从句。The price of which指代花瓶的价格。70、B当先行词由two来修饰,那么定语从句要用both,neither或either来修饰。71、C72、A第一处为定语,第二处则作地

47、点状语。73、A74、C这道题考查的是定语从句,其意思是格林先生询问他儿子,从他儿子那学着怎么玩那个东西。这句话时非限定性定语从句,whom是关系代词,代替his son。75、D76、C这是一个地点状语从句,只有where可以引导。77、C本题需要选择一个先行词,这个先行词在句中作Edison的同位语,故只能选C,the man,表示确指其人。78、B要选一个定语从句的关系代词,因为先行词是一个名词“the use”,所以用that合适。79、C在这个定语从句中先行词town表示地点,要填关系副词where。80、C先行词the film“Titanic”与leading actors是所属

48、关系,要填whose。81、D从句子结构看,本句少了一个宾语,即tell sb sthall作tell的直接宾语,“he told me last week”修饰all,省略了一个that,因为that在定语从句中作宾语,故可省略。All thatwhat。82、B如果用it则成为两个独立的句子,中间就不该有逗号,因此D不可选。这是一个非限定性定语从句,that不能置句首,只能由which作关系词,因此选B。83、Bas引导的定语从句既可以放在主句前,也可以放在主句后。84、Bas引导定语从句表示“正如”,正如所宣布的那样,下月我们将进行期末考试。85、C先行词是the hours,表示时间,要填when。

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