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1、员工保密协议合同范本三例员工保密协议合同范本一Employee Confidentiality Agreement Contract Template1. 双方同意于签署协议之前已了解并同意本协议的全部内容,并确保双方合法代表与签署。 Both parties acknowledge and agree that they have read and understand this Agreement in its entirety prior to signing, and that their signatories are duly authorized representatives.

2、2. 保密义务2.1 员工承诺在从事工作期间及离职后,对公司的商业秘密、信息和资料保密,不得泄露或非法使用。2.2 员工保证在遵守保密义务的前提下,履行其在公司的职责,积极完成工作任务。2.3 公司将为员工提供必要的培训和指导,以确保员工理解和遵守保密义务。2. Confidentiality Obligations2.1 The Employee undertakes to keep confidential the Companys business secrets, information, and materials during and after employment, and s

3、hall not disclose or unlawfully use such information.2.2 The Employee shall fulfill their duties at the Company while remaining compliant with their confidentiality obligations, actively completing work tasks.2.3 The Company shall provide necessary training and guidance to ensure that the Employee u

4、nderstands and adheres to their confidentiality obligations.3. 信息保护与安全措施3.1 公司应在员工离职或转岗时,及时收回员工掌握的机密信息和资料。3.2 员工应妥善管理和保管授予的密码、电子设备和文件,确保信息安全。3.3 双方应共同配合,建立健全的信息安全保护制度,防范信息泄露风险。3. Information Protection and Security Measures3.1 The Company shall promptly retrieve any confidential information and mate

5、rials held by the Employee upon their resignation or transfer.3.2 The Employee shall properly manage and safeguard passwords, electronic devices, and documents entrusted to them to ensure information security.3.3 Both parties shall cooperate to establish a sound information security protection syste

6、m to prevent the risk of information leakage.4. 保密协议期限4.1 本协议自双方签署之日起生效,有效期至员工离职之日止。4.2 协议终止或解除后,员工仍需继续承担保密义务并履行相关责任直至信息不再构成商业机密。4. Confidentiality Agreement Duration4.1 This Agreement shall take effect from the date of signing by both parties and shall remain valid until the Employees departure.4.2

7、 Even after the termination or rescission of the Agreement, the Employee shall continue to bear confidentiality obligations and fulfill related responsibilities until the information no longer constitutes a trade secret.5. 违约责任5.1 凡有违反本协议的行为,一方或双方均视为违约,须依法承担相应的法律责任。5.2 发现员工泄露商业秘密或违反保密义务的,公司有权追究员工的赔偿

8、责任。5. Breach of Contract Liability5.1 Any act in violation of this Agreement by either party or both parties shall be considered a breach and shall bear corresponding legal responsibilities.5.2 In the event of the Employees disclosure of trade secrets or violation of confidentiality obligations, the

9、 Company shall have the right to pursue the Employees compensation liability.6. 其他事宜6.1 本协议内容经双方确认无误后生效,一式两份,双方各持一份备查。6.2 对于未尽事宜或争议的解决,双方应友好协商解决,协商不成的,应提交至有管辖权的人民法院解决。6. Other Matters6.1 This Agreement shall take effect after both parties have confirmed its accuracy, with two copies made, each party

10、 holding one copy for reference.6.2 For matters not covered or disputes, both parties shall resolve them amicably through negotiations. If no agreement can be reached, the dispute shall be submitted to the competent Peoples Court for resolution.员工保密协议合同范本二Employee Confidentiality Agreement Contract

11、Template1. 保密范围1.1 本协议所涉及的保密信息范围包括但不限于公司的商业计划、技术资料、客户资料等涉密信息。1.2 员工同意不对上述保密信息进行复制、外泄、出售或用于其他非法目的。1. Confidentiality Scope1.1 The scope of confidential information covered by this Agreement includes but is not limited to the Companys business plans, technical data, customer information, and other con

12、fidential information.1.2 The Employee agrees not to copy, disclose, sell, or use the above confidential information for other illegal purposes.2. 保密义务2.1 员工应保护公司的商业秘密,严守保密义务,不得泄露公司的商业计划、客户名单等涉密信息。2.2 在离职后,员工仍需履行保密义务,保护公司的商业利益并避免不当竞争行为。2. Confidentiality Obligations2.1 The Employee shall protect the

13、 Companys business secrets, strictly observe confidentiality obligations, and shall not disclose the Companys business plans, customer lists, and other confidential information.2.2 After leaving the Company, the Employee shall still fulfill confidentiality obligations, protect the Companys business

14、interests, and avoid unfair competitive behavior.3. 信息安全措施3.1 公司应建立完善的信息安全管理制度,规范员工对机密信息的存储、传输和处理。3.2 员工应妥善保管已授予的电子设备、文件资料,确保信息安全和完整性。3. Information Security Measures3.1 The Company shall establish a sound information security management system to regulate employees storage, transmission, and handli

15、ng of confidential information.3.2 The Employee shall properly safeguard the electronic devices and documents entrusted to them, ensuring information security and integrity.4. 保密协议期限4.1 本协议从签署之日起生效,有效期至员工离职之日止,离职后仍需继续承担保密义务。4.2 协议终止后,员工对已掌握的商业机密信息仍需保密,直至信息不再构成商业机密为止。4. Confidentiality Agreement Dura

16、tion4.1 This Agreement shall take effect from the date of signing and shall remain valid until the Employees departure, with the confidentiality obligations continuing after departure.4.2 After the termination of the Agreement, the Employee shall still maintain the confidentiality of any trade secre

17、ts they possess until the information no longer constitutes a trade secret.5. 违约责任5.1 如果员工违反本协议的保密义务,公司有权要求员工承担相应的法律责任,并可能给公司造成的损失进行赔偿。5.2 公司应保护员工的合法权益,如因公司原因泄露了员工的个人信息,须承担法律责任。5. Breach of Contract Liability5.1 In the event of the Employees breach of confidentiality obligations under this Agreement

18、, the Company has the right to demand that the Employee bear the corresponding legal responsibilities and compensate for any losses incurred by the Company.5.2 The Company shall protect the legal rights of the Employee. If the Company discloses the Employees personal information due to its own actio

19、ns, it shall bear legal responsibility.6. 其他事项6.1 本协议未尽事宜或争议的解决,双方应通过友好协商或仲裁等方式解决,若协商不成,应依法向有管辖权的法院提起诉讼。6.2 本协议经双方确认无误后生效,一式两份,双方各签一份。6. Other Matters6.1 For matters not covered or disputes arising from this Agreement, both parties shall resolve them through friendly negotiations or arbitration. If

20、no agreement can be reached, legal action shall be brought before the competent court.6.2 This Agreement shall take effect after both parties have confirmed its accuracy, with two copies made, each party signing one copy.员工保密协议合同范本三Employee Confidentiality Agreement Contract Template1. 协议目的1.1 为保护公司

21、的商业机密和敏感信息,规范员工的行为,特制定本保密协议。1.2 双方应遵守本协议的相关规定,确保公司的商业信息不会被泄露或非法使用。1. Purpose of the Agreement1.1 To protect the Companys trade secrets and sensitive information, regulate employee behavior, this Confidentiality Agreement is hereby established.1.2 Both parties shall abide by the provisions of this Ag

22、reement to ensure that the Companys business information is not disclosed or unlawfully used.2. 保密范围2.1 本协议所涉及的保密信息包括但不限于公司的商业计划、客户资料、产品设计等商业机密和敏感信息。2.2 员工对于掌握的商业机密和敏感信息应保密保存,不得擅自外泄。2. Confidentiality Scope2.1 The confidential information covered by this Agreement includes but is not limited to the

23、Companys business plans, customer data, product designs, and other trade secrets and sensitive information.2.2 The Employee shall keep confidential any trade secrets and sensitive information they possess, and shall not disclose them without the Companys authorization.3. 保密义务3.1 员工应履行保密义务,严守商业机密不得泄露

24、或非法使用,确保公司的合法权益。3.2 在离职后,员工应继续承担保密义务,对已掌握的商业机密信息保密并不得用于不当竞争。3. Confidentiality Obligations3.1 The Employee shall fulfill confidentiality obligations, strictly maintain the confidentiality of trade secrets and prevent unlawful use, ensuring the Companys legitimate interests.3.2 After leaving the Comp

25、any, the Employee shall continue to bear confidentiality obligations, keep any trade secrets confidential, and refrain from engaging in unfair competition using such information.4. 信息安全措施4.1 公司应建立保密信息守则,加强信息安全培训,规范员工操作行为,确保商业机密安全。4.2 员工应妥善保管公司提供的信息,不得外借或随意传播,确保信息的安全性和完整性。4. Information Security Meas

26、ures4.1 The Company shall establish confidentiality guidelines, enhance information security training, regulate employee behaviors, and ensure the security of trade secrets.4.2 The Employee shall properly safeguard the information provided by the Company, refrain from lending or casually sharing it,

27、 and ensure the security and integrity of the information.5. 保密协议期限5.1 本协议自双方签署之日起生效,有效期至员工离职,离职后对商业机密信息的保密义务如前述持续。5.2 协议终止后,员工应继续保守已掌握的商业机密信息,直至信息不再构成商业机密。5. Confidentiality Agreement Duration5.1 This Agreement shall take effect from the date of signing by both parties, and shall remain valid until

28、 the Employees departure, with confidentiality obligations regarding trade secrets continuing after departure as previously stated.5.2 After the termination of the Agreement, the Employee shall continue to keep any trade secrets they possess confidential until the information no longer constitutes a

29、 trade secret.6. 违约责任6.1 对于因员工违反本协议而给公司造成的损失,公司有权依法追究员工的赔偿责任,并可能引起法律诉讼。6.2 公司如对员工未能保护个人信息安全造成损失,应承担相应的法律责任。6.3 双方应友好协商或诉诸仲裁等方式解决协议争议。6. Breach of Contract Liability6.1 In the event that the Employees breach of this Agreement causes losses to the Company, the Company has the right to pursue the Emplo

30、yees compensation liability in accordance with the law, which may lead to legal action.6.2 If the Company causes losses due to the Employees failure to protect personal information, it shall bear corresponding legal responsibilities.6.3 Both parties shall resolve disputes arising from the Agreement

31、through friendly negotiations or arbitration.7. 生效与解除7.1 本协议经双方签字后生效,一式两份,每方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。7.2 当需要解除本协议时,应经双方同意,并签署书面解除协议,以解除协议为有效。7. Effectiveness and Termination7.1 This Agreement shall take effect after being signed by both parties, with two copies made, each party holding one copy, both having equal legal effect.7.2 When it is necessary to terminate this Agreement, it shall require the agreement of both parties and the signing of a written agreement to terminate, which shall then take effect.

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