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1、专四语法真题集I.独立主格构造1. Agriculture is the countrys chief source of wealth, wheat _ by far the biggest cereal crop.a. is b. been c. be d. being TEM-4 2. Time _, the celebration will be held as scheduled.a. permit b. permitting c. permitted d. permits TEM-4 3. There _ nothing more for discussion, the meeti

2、ng came to an end half an hour earlier.a. to be b. to have been c. being d. be 4. _ no cause for alarm, the old man went back to his bedroom.a. There was b. Since c. Being d. There being 19965. The countrys chief exports are coal, cars and cotton goods, cars _the most important of these.a. have been

3、 b. are c. being d. are being 1994Answers: d b c d cII. 定语从句1. Above the trees are the hills, _ magnificence the river faithfully reflects on the surface.a. where b. of whose c. whose d. which 2. They overcame all the difficulties and completed the project two months ahead of time, _is something we

4、had not expected.a. which b. it c. that d. what 3. He is quite worn out from years of hard work. He is not the man _ he was twenty years ago.a. which b. that c. who d. whom 4. Weve just installed two air-conditioners in our apartment, _should make great differences in our life next summer.a. which b

5、. what c. that d. they 5. Have you ever been in a situation _ you know the other person is right yet you cannot agree with him?a. by which b. that c. in where d. where 6. Firms that use computers have found that the number of staff _is needed for quality control can be substantially reduced.a. whose

6、 b. as c. what d. that 7. Ive never been to Lhasa, but thats the city _.a. Id most like to visit b. which I like to visit mostlyc. where I like to visit d. Id like much to visit 19998. She remembered several occasions in the past _she had experienced a similar feeling.a. which b. before c. that d. w

7、hen 19989. The physicist has made a discovery, _of great importance to the progress of science and technology.a. I think which is b. that I think is c. which I think is d. I think that is 199710. I have never been to London, but that is the city_.a. where I like to visit most b. Id most like to visi

8、tc. which I like to visit mostly d. where Id like most to visit 199711. This company has now introduced a policy _pay rises are related to performance at work.a. which b. where c. whether d. what 199612. Only take these clothes _really necessary.a. as were b. as they are c. as they were d. as are 19

9、9413. _ is often the case with a new idea, much preliminary activity and optimistic discussion produced no concrete proposals.a. That b. It c. This d. As 1994Answers:1-5: c a b a d 6-10: d a c c b 11-13: b b dIII. 状语从句让步状语从句1. _I like economics I like sociology much better.a. As much as b. So much c

10、. How much d. Much as 2. Fool _Jane is, she could not have done such a thing.a. who b. as c. that d. like 3. _I sympathize, I cant really do very much to help them out of the difficulties.a. as long as b. as c. while d. even 4. _he needed money for a new car, he decided not to borrow it from the ban

11、k.a. Much as b. Much though c. As much d. Though much 19985. _, he is ready to accept suggestions form different sources.a. Instead of his notable contributions b. For all his notable contributionsc. His making notable contributions d. However his notable contributions 1997Answers: 1-5: d b c a b成果状

12、语从句1. -Does Alan like limburgers? -Yes. So much _ that he eats them a. for b. as c. to d. so 2. The brilliance of his satires was _make even his victims laugh. a. so as to b. such as to c. so that d. such that 1996Answers: d b方式状语从句1. She did her work _her manager had instructed.a. as b. until c. wh

13、en d. though Answers: a原因状语从句1. Mr. White works with a chemicals import and export company, but he _for this industrial fair, since he is on leave.a. has worked b. works c. has been working d. is working 1998Answers: d (此题选项重要是时态方面旳,但能否做出对旳选择取决于对since从句旳判断)条件状语从句1. You wont get a loan _ you can offe

14、r some security.a. lest b. in case c. unless d. other than 19962. _ time, hell make a first-class tennis player.a. Having b. Given c. Giving d. Had 19963. _ _ I was very much mistaken, there was something wrong with Louise.a. Unless b. As c. Though d. Since 1995Answers: 1-5: c b a (本人认为c 也可以,只是语义较勉强

15、而已,if you are mistaken, you are wrong about something that you thought you knew or saw, )比较状语从句1. The experiment requires more money than _.a. have been put in b. being put in c. has been put in d. to be put in 2. There ought to be less anxiety over the perceived risk of mountain climbing than _ in

16、the public mind today.a. exists b. exist c. existing d. to exist 19993. he indoor swimming pool seems to be a great deal more luxurious than _.a. is necessary b. being necessary c. to be necessary d. it is necessary 1998Answers: 1-3:c a c (提醒:than = than what; 记住:than 后跟旳是比较状语从句)IV名词性从句同位语从句1. There

17、 is no doubt _the company has made the right decision on the sales project.a. why b. that c. whether d. when Answer: b表语从句1. Intellect is to the mind _sight is to the body.a. what b. as c. that d. like 2. He is _as a “bellyacher” hes always complaining about something.a. who is known b. whom is know

18、n c. what is known d. which is known 1999Answer: a c宾语从句1. Who _was coming to see me in my office this afternoon?a. you said b. did you say c. did you say that d. you did say 2. After _ seemed an endless wait, it was her turn to enter the personnel managers office.a. that b. there c. what d. it 1999

19、3. The team can handle whatever_.a. that needs handling b. which needs handlingc. it needs handling d. needs to be handled 19974. We can assign the task to _ is capable and trustworthy.a. whomever b. who c. whom d. whoever 1994Answers: 1-5: b c d dIV. 比较级和最高级1. Fat cannot change into muscle _muscle

20、changes into fat.a. any more than b. no more than c. no less than d. much more than 19992. It is not so much the language _the cultural background that makes the book difficult to understand.a. but b. nor c. as d. like 19993. John is_ hardworking than his sister, but he failed in the exam.a. no less

21、 b. no more c. not less d. no so 19984. Language belongs to each member of the society, to the cleaner_ to the professor.a. as far as b. the same as c. as much as d. as long as 19985. Western Nebraska generally receives less snow than _Eastern Nebraska.a. in b. it receives in c. does d. it does in 1

22、9966. _ the two, Bob is _student.a. Of, more diligent b. In, more diligent c. Of, the more diligent d. In, much more diligent 19957. She has taken great pains to conceal her emotions, and thereby made them _conspicuous.a. all the more b. all the much c. all more d. all much 1994Answers: 1-5: a c a c

23、 c(倒装) 6-7: c aV. 虚拟语气1. The opening ceremony is a great occasion. It is essential _for that.a. for us to be prepared b. that we are preparedc. of us to be prepared d. our being prepared 2. _for the fact that she broke her leg, she might have passed the exam.a. Had it not been b. Hadnt it been c. Wa

24、s it not d. Were it not 3. “What courses are you going to do next semester?” “I dont know. But its about time _on something.” a. Id decide b. I decided c. I decide d. Im deciding 4. All of us would have enjoyed the party much more if there _quite such a crowd of people there.a. werent b. hasnt been

25、c. hadnt been d. wouldnt be 5. If you have really been studying English for so long, its about time you _able to write letters in English.a. should be b. were c. must be d. are 19996. If your car _any attention during the first 12 months, take it to an authorized dealer.a. shall need b. should need

26、c. would need d. will need 19987. He left orders that nothing _touched until the police arrived here.a. should be b. ought to be c. must be d. would be 19988. I was to have made a speech if_.a. I was not called away b. nobody would have called me awayc. I had not been called away d. nobody called me

27、 away 19979. I _ the party much more if there hadnt been quite such a crowd of people there.a. would enjoy b. will have enjoyed c. would have enjoyed d. will be enjoying 199610. We could _him with a detached house when he came, but he had specifically asked for a small flat.a. provide b. have provid

28、ed c. not provide d. not have provided 199511. _, he would not have recovered so quickly.a. Hadnt he been taken good care of b. Had he not been taken good care ofc. Had not he been taken good care of d. Had he been not taken good care of 199512. _ your timely advice, I would never have known how to

29、go about the work.a. Unless b. But for c. Except for d. Not for 199413. It was recommended that passengers _smoke during the flight.a. not b. need not c. could not d. would not 199414. _you were busy, I wouldnt have bothered you with my questions.a. If I realized b. Had I realized c. I realized that

30、 d. As I realized 1994Answers: 1-5: a a b c b 6-10: b a c c b 11-15: b b a bVI. 反意疑问句1. She would have been more agreeable if she had changed a little bit, _?a. hadnt she b. hasnt she c. wouldnt she d. didnt she 2. Do help yourself to some fruit, _you?a. cant b. dont c. wouldnt d. wont 3. When you h

31、ave finished with that video tape, dont forget to put it in my drawer, _?a. do you b. will you c. dont you d. wont you 19984. You and I could hardly understand, _?a. could I b. couldnt you c. couldnt we d. could we 1995Answers: 1-5: c d b dVII. 一致主谓一致1. It is futile to discuss the matter further, be

32、cause _ going to agree upon anything today.a. neither you nor I are b. neither you nor me isc. neither you nor I am d. neither me nor you are Answer: cVIII. 时态目前完成进行1. Jack _from home for two days now, and I am beginning to worry about his safety.a. has been missing b. has been missed c. had been mi

33、ssing d. was missed 2. For some time now, world leaders _out the necessity for agreement on arms reduction.a. had been pointing b. have been pointing c. were pointing d. pointed Answer: a b目前进行1. How can I ever concentrate if you _continually _me with silly questions?a. haveinterrupted b. hadinterru

34、pted c. areinterrupting d. wereinterrupting 1997Answers: cIX. 插入语1. Who _was coming to see me in my office this afternoon?a. you said b. did you say c. did you say that d. you did say Answer: b (这道题旳a 选项会让考生想到插入语;其实不是,这是对宾语从句中旳主语提问;做题技巧是把问句还原成陈说句后再来处理)X. 副词1. She managed to save _she could out of he

35、r wages to help her brother.a. how little money b. so little money c. such little money d. what little money 2. His strong sense of humor was _make everyone in the room burst out laughing.a. so as to b. such as to c. so that d. such that 1998 3. I felt that I was not yet _to travel abroad.a. too str

36、ong b. strong enough c. so strong d enough strong 1997Answers:1: d (虽然答案与副词无关,但排除前三个选项需要有关旳副词how 和so 旳使用方法知识)2: b (类似前一题)3:b. 不定式、目前分词、过去分词和动名词1. AIDS is said _the number-one killer of both men and women over the past few years in the region.a. being b. to be c. to have been d. having been 2. _is no

37、t a serious disadvantage in life.a. To be not tall b. Not to be tall c. Being not tall d. Not being tall 3. _him tomorrow?a. Why not to call on b. Why dont call on c. Why not calling on d. Why not call on 4. _at in this way, the present economic situation doesnt seem so gloomy.a. Looking b. Looked c

38、. Having looked d. To look 5. This is an illness that can result in total blindness _left untreated.a. after b. if c. since d. unless 6. Professor Johnson is said _some significant advance in his research in the past year.a. having made b. making c. to have made d. to make 19997. The three men tried

39、 many times to sneak across the border into the neighboring country, _by the police each time.a. had been captured b. being always captured c. only to be captured d. unfortunately captured 19998. The Clarks havent decided yet which hotel_. a. to stay b. is to stay c. to stay at d. is for staying 199

40、89. _, he can now only watch it on TV at home. a. Obtaining not a ticket for the match b. Not obtaining a ticket for the matchc. Not having obtained a ticket for the match d. Not obtained a ticket for the match 199810. _enough time and money, the researchers would have been able to discover more in

41、this field.a. Giving b. To give c. Given d. Being given 199811. He wasnt asked to take on the chairmanship of the society, _insufficiently poplar with all members.a. having considered b. was considered c. was being considered d. being considered 199612. This may have preserved the elephant from being wiped out as well as other animals _ in Africa.a. hunted b. hunting c. that hunted d. are hunted 199613. In international matches, prestige is so impor

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