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1、Who are they?Scan the QR codes on page 75,and search out information to discuss the questions with your partner.OpenerIn your mind,what are their biggest achievements respectively?There were ups and downs in both mens political career.How did they react to stsbacks?How did the two men spend their yo

2、uth before entering politics?Opener Li and MeLi and MeTime Events Implications Before the readingDuring the readingAfter the reading 1).2)._2)._1).3).The meeting made national news.1).2).1)._3)._4)._Some ground rules were set.2).He had a strong interest in discussing science.He dismissed4).Measures

3、are in place to ensure China has the best and brightest scientists.Chinas efforts have gone beyond intent to yield results._an aide with an urgent message1.During a week-long trip to China in January this year,I was invited to meet with Premier Li Keqiang in Beijing to discuss science.At first,I was

4、 in disbelief.After all,China is a nation of 1.3 billion people.Li,as Premier and Party Secretary of the State Council,has many pressing issues of national and international concern to attend to.今年一月,我赴华一周,其间受李克强总理邀请,在北京与他会面,讨论科学方面的议题。乍听到消息,我觉得难以置信。毕竟,中国有13亿人口,李作为总理兼国务院党组书记一定有许多紧迫的国内和国际问题要处理。QTPRead

5、 paragraph 1 and discuss:How did Marcia McNutt feel when she received the invitation and why?She was in disbelief because she thought Premier Li had too many pressing issues of national and international concern to attend to than to meet her.BackLi,as Premier and Party Secretary of the State Council

6、,has many pressing issues of national and international concern to attend to.As Premier and Party Secretary of the State Council,Li is pressed to handle many issues of national and international importance.As Premier and Party Secretary of the State Council,Li has to handle many issues that are cons

7、idered important in China and the world.BackRead Para 1 Sustainable development is a matter of top concern to the Chinese government.1.After all,China is a nation of 1.3 billion people.Li,as Premier and Party Secretary of the State Council,has many pressing issues of national and international conce

8、rn to attend to.concern:n.关心之事;关系重大之事This is no concern of mine.Go away.这不关我的事。走开这不关我的事。走开。可持续发展是中国政府首要关注的问题可持续发展是中国政府首要关注的问题。attend to:give care and thought to 关心;注意As Dr.Johnson is attending to your wife,would you like to have some coffee and wait?约翰逊医生在照看你太太,你要不要喝点咖啡等着?约翰逊医生在照看你太太,你要不要喝点咖啡等着?Back

9、In all my years as a scientist,including heading a billion-dollar U.S.research agency,this was the most significant invitation I had ever received to meet with a sitting national leader to hear his vision for science and discuss important global science matters.The fact that the Chinese Premier want

10、ed to meet with me sent strong signals as to how China is seeing science as critical to its future well-being.在我从事科学工作这么多年间,包括掌管经费高达10亿美元的美国研究机构,这是我所接到过的邀请中分量最重的一个。我将要同一位在任国家领导人会面,聆听他对科学的看法,同他讨论重大的全球性科学问题。中国总理愿意接见我这一事实释放出强大信号:中国认为科学对中国的未来福祉至关重要。TQ 2.In all my years as a scientist,including heading a

11、 billion-dollar U.S.research agency,this was the most significant invitation I had ever received to meet with a sitting national leader to hear his vision for science and discuss important global science matters.significant:a.having a special meaning;important 有特殊意义的;重大的我真烦这些婚礼请柬。它们老是要我真烦这些婚礼请柬。它们老是

12、要你你带上你重要的带上你重要的另一半另一半。单身女生就不能享受生活了吗单身女生就不能享受生活了吗?Im so bored with these wedding invitations.They always ask you to bring your significant other.Cant a single girl just enjoy life?Back 2.In all my years as a scientist,including heading a billion-dollar U.S.research agency,this was the most significan

13、t invitation I had ever received to meet with a sitting national leader to hear his vision for science and discuss important global science matters.What does the word“sitting”most probably mean here?Current/present.Backglobal:a.worldwide 全球的YundiLisintensepracticeandtalentbroughthimglobalreputationa

14、taveryyoungage.李云迪练琴勤奋,又有天分,年纪轻轻就享誉世界。李云迪练琴勤奋,又有天分,年纪轻轻就享誉世界。(李云迪的练琴勤奋和天分,在年纪轻轻时就带给(李云迪的练琴勤奋和天分,在年纪轻轻时就带给他全球的名声。)他全球的名声。)Back3.The fact that the Chinese Premier wanted to meet with me sent strong signals as to how China is seeing science as critical to its future well-being.signal:n.信号他他带来的鲜花和带来的鲜花和

15、巧克力巧克力传达了一个对她感兴趣的信号传达了一个对她感兴趣的信号。The flowers and chocolate he had brought sent a signal of his interest in her.Back2.Most farmland is under water._ the grain,most of it has been ruined.3.You can have a bed;_ him,he has to sleep on the floor.4._ the question you raised,I dont have a ready answer righ

16、t now.As to&as for1.They sorted the eggs _ size and color.“As to”is sometimes similar to“according to”.“As for”is not.When appearing at the beginning of a sentence,“as for”introduces a totally new topic whereas“as to”picks up a topic already mentioned.“As for”at the beginning of a sentence can somet

17、imes indicate contempt.as toAs toAs foras for5._ you,I never want to see you again.As forBack第二第二份收入对于家庭幸福至关重要。份收入对于家庭幸福至关重要。critical:a.absolutely necessary 绝对必要的从长远看,土地的供应对产业效益的重要性不从长远看,土地的供应对产业效益的重要性不亚于劳动力和资本的供应亚于劳动力和资本的供应。Inthelongterm,thesupplyoflandisascriticalasthatoflaborandcapitaltoindustria

18、lperformance.Be critical to sth Be critical to sth 对 至关重要Asecondincomeiscriticaltoafamilyswell-being.Back此次会面有明确的规定:我单身赴会,美国记者不得随行,会见时间为30分钟。我们的话题仅限于科学和经济,不涉及政治。有些话题我不可和总理谈,建议我同中国科学院白春礼院长谈更为合适。2 The meeting would have clear ground rules.Just me,no U.S.reporters,for 30 minutes.We would discuss scienc

19、e and the economy,not politics.Some topics were off limits for the Premier,suggested as more appropriate for conversations between President Bai Chunli of the Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS)and me.TQWhat were the ground rules for the meeting?1).The meeting would be on-on-one and no U.S.reporters we

20、re allowed;Read paragraph 2 and discuss:2).The meeting would last 30 minutes;3).They would discuss science and the economy,not politics;4).Some topics were off limits for the Premier,being suggested as more appropriate for conversations between President Bai Chunli of the Chinese Academy of Sciences

21、(CAS)and her.Read Para 2 4.Some topics were off limits for the Premier,suggested as more appropriate for conversations between President Bai Chunli of the Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS)and me.be off limits for sb:be off limits for sb:beyond what one is allowed to do;beyond areas that one is allowe

22、d to enter不在允许范围之内;属于禁区这这一军事演习不对记者开放一军事演习不对记者开放。This military exercise is off limits to reporters.Back我提早到达了一个美丽的传统中式接见厅。不像美国国会大厦和白宫,这里没有X光机,也没有人体扫描仪。总理和我一起用茶。我们从空间探索、国际合作谈到气候变化和环境保护,谈着谈着70分钟就过去了。I arrived early for the meeting at a beautiful traditional Chinese reception hall.No x-ray machines or b

23、ody scanners such as you find at the entrance to the U.S.Capitol and the White House.The Premier and me,having tea.And we talked,and talked,for 70 minutes,on topics ranging from space exploration to international cooperation to climate change and environmental protection.PTNo x-ray machines or body

24、scanners such as you find at the entrance to the U.S.Capitol and the White House.There are no x-ray machines or body scanners like the ones you find at the entrance to the U.S.Capitol and the White House.No x-ray machines or body scanners here were like the ones you find at the entrance to the U.S.C

25、apitol and the White House.Back5.And we talked,and talked,for 70 minutes,on topics ranging from space exploration to international cooperation to climate change and environmental protection.range:vi.include a variety of things or people 涉及,包含Sth range from A to B Sth range from A to B 某事的范围从A 到BTheh

26、oteloffersmanyservicestoguests,rangingfromticketstohotshowstoprivatetoursofthelocalmuseum.酒店为客人提供各种服务,包括热门表演的票子、酒店为客人提供各种服务,包括热门表演的票子、当地博物馆的私人导游当地博物馆的私人导游。BackAt one point early in the conversation,Lis aide rushed in with an urgent note.And yet Premier Li dismissed him;whatever important matter dema

27、nded his attention elsewhere would have to wait.谈话开始后不久,李总理的助手冲进来,递给他一张紧急的条子。然而,李总理让他退下;不管有何重要事宜需要他处理,都得先等等。T6.At one point early in the conversation,Lis aide rushed in with an urgent note.And yet Premier Li dismissed him.at one point:at one point:at one time 在某一时刻;一度The actress dressed like Marilyn

28、 Monroe at one point of her career.那位女演员在其职业生涯中曾一度效仿玛丽莲那位女演员在其职业生涯中曾一度效仿玛丽莲梦梦露的衣着露的衣着装扮装扮。Backdismiss:He just laughed and dismissed my suggestion as unrealistic.vt.remove someone from his jobIfyourelateagain,youllbedismissedfromyourjob.vt.allow someone to go The teacher dismissed the class ten minut

29、es early.vt.refuse to consider someones idea,opinion,etc.,because you think it is not serious,true,or important;如果你再迟到,你就会被开除。如果你再迟到,你就会被开除。老师提前了十分钟下课。老师提前了十分钟下课。Back3.The Premier was clearly well prepared to demonstrate that Chinas efforts to address its environmental woes have gone beyond intent t

30、o yield results.He quoted numbers on carbon stored through returning farmland to forest since 2000(160 million tons)and the value of Chinas energy-saving and environmental industries 4.5 trillion RMB yuan(approximately US$0.72 trillion)by 2015.He stated:“We need to declare war on environmental pollu

31、tion,on unclean water and dirty air.”总理显然有备而来,要向我展示中国应对环境挑战的努力绝不是纸上谈兵,而是成果颇丰。他引用数据,告诉我自2000年实施退耕还林工程以来实现固碳1.6亿吨,2015年中国节能环保行业将达到4.5万亿人民币(约等于0.72万亿美元)的产值。他说,“我们需要向环境污染、不洁水源和肮脏空气宣战。”QTRead Para 3 7.The Premier was clearly well prepared to demonstrate that Chinas efforts to address its environmental wo

32、es have gone beyond intent to yield results.demonstrate:vt.provide evidence for;show 证明;展示研究表明抽烟与肺癌有关研究表明抽烟与肺癌有关。Thestudydemonstratedthatsmokingandlungcancerwererelated.address:vt.deal with 处理;应对公司想知道你将如何应对你那份商业计划中的风险问题公司想知道你将如何应对你那份商业计划中的风险问题。Thecompanywantstoknowhowyouaregoingtoaddresstherisksinyo

33、urbusinessplan.Backyield:vt.produce;bear 产生;出产多年多年的训练的训练终终于给了萨拉于给了萨拉收获收获。她成功入选国家队。她成功入选国家队。Years of training has yielded a reward for Sarah.She has won a spot on the national team.The Premier was clearly well prepared to demonstrate that Chinas efforts to address its environmental woes have gone bey

34、ond intent to yield results.总理理显然有然有备而来,要向我展示而来,要向我展示中国中国应对环境挑境挑战的努力的努力绝不是不是纸上上谈兵,而是成果兵,而是成果颇丰。丰。Translation:Back8.He stated:“We need to declare war on environmental pollution,on unclean water and dirty air.”TheChinesegovernmenthasdeclaredwaronsmogbyclosingheavilypollutingfactories.declarewaron:decl

35、arewaron:state state officially that one is at war with 对宣战中国政府向雾霾宣战,关闭了污染严重的工厂中国政府向雾霾宣战,关闭了污染严重的工厂。BackHow many examples did Premier Li give to demonstrate Chinas efforts to address its environmental problems?Three.They are:returning farmland to forest;the value of Chinas energy-saving and environm

36、ental industries;clean drinking water for rural Chinese people.Read paragraph 2 and discuss:BackAs an example of how China is moving forward aggressively on this front,Li claimed that 60 million rural water users were supplied with clean drinking water in 2013,with another 60 million scheduled to be

37、nefit in 2014.Yet there is still much to do.The day after I left Beijing,the capital experienced dangerous smog,with concentrations of 2.5-micrometer particles that were 20 times the level considered safe by the World Health Organization.为了说明中国在这一战线上积极推进的成果,他举例说,在2013年,中国就有6,000万农村人口喝上了清洁的饮用水。按计划,到2

38、014年,还有6,000万人口将受益。然而,要做的事情还很多。我离开北京的第二天,中国首都就深陷高危雾霾,PM2.5浓度高达世界卫生组织认定的安全浓度的20倍。PTAs an example of how China is moving forward aggressively on this front,Li claimed that 60 million rural water users were supplied with clean drinking water in 2013In order to prove how China is making huge progress in

39、 this area,Li told me that 60 million rural water users were supplied with clean drinking water in 2013.In order to prove how China is doing its best to guard against possible aggression,Li told me that 60 million rural water users were supplied with clean drinking water in 2013.Back9.As an example

40、of how China is moving forward aggressively on this front,Li claimed that 60 million rural water users were supplied with clean drinking water in 2013,with another 60 million scheduled to benefit in 2014.schedule:vt.plan 计划Mr.Brown,you cant go yet.Youre scheduled to meet some investors in ten minute

41、s.Be schesuled to do sthBe schesuled to do sth=be=be planned to do sth布朗先生你还不能走布朗先生你还不能走。你。你被被安排十分钟安排十分钟后与投资商见面。后与投资商见面。benefit:vi.get help or improvement(from)获益还有成千上万的人将受益于这个项目还有成千上万的人将受益于这个项目。There are another thousands of people who could benefit from the program.benefit frombenefit from从中受益Back

42、4 Ensuring that China has the best and brightest scientists to solve these problems is not just good policy for the Premier,but something personal.Over 30 years ago,Li was a peasant from a poor rural part of China.Thanks to his excellent performance on the college entrance examination,he was admitte

43、d to the elite Peking University,which helped launch his own illustrious career.对总理来说,确保中国有最好的、最聪明的科学家来解决这些问题不但是良政,也是他个人的诉求。30多年前,李总理还在中国一个贫穷的农村里务农。因为高考成绩优异,他被精英大学北京大学录取,从此展开了辉煌的职业生涯。PTQ10.Ensuring that China has the best and brightest scientists to solve these problems is not just good policy for t

44、he Premier,but something personal.ensure:vt.make sure or certain 确保要要确保论文中没有拼写错误你该怎么办确保论文中没有拼写错误你该怎么办?Whatcanyoudotoensurethatyourpaperisfreeofspellingmistakes?没有拼写错误:没有拼写错误:befreeofspellingmistakesBackWhat did Premier Li feel personal about?The importance of training more brilliant scientists for C

45、hina,including extending training opportunities to rural students.Read paragraph 4 and discuss:Back11.Thanks to his excellent performance on the college entrance examination,he was admitted to the elite Peking University,which helped launch his own illustrious career.thanks to:owing to;as the result

46、 of 由于;因为WehadawonderfultimeinXianthankstoourguideAmy.多谢导游艾米,我们多谢导游艾米,我们的西安行的西安行非常尽兴非常尽兴。Backcareer:n.职业生涯12.Thanks to his excellent performance on the college entrance examination,he was admitted to the elite Peking University,which helped launch his own illustrious career.performance:n.表现;成绩他父母给他请

47、家教帮助他提高成绩他父母给他请家教帮助他提高成绩。Hisparentshiredaprivatetutortohelphimimprovehisacademicperformance.launch:vt.start,get going 开启苹果公司什么时候开始发布新的广告苹果公司什么时候开始发布新的广告?WhenwillApplelaunchthenewadvertisingcampaign?这这一事故终止了他的旅行推销员的职业生涯一事故终止了他的旅行推销员的职业生涯。Theaccidentbroughthiscareerasatravellingsalesmantoanend.Backhe

48、was admitted to the elite Peking University,which helped launch his own illustrious career.he was enrolled by the elite Peking University,which was a brilliant move for the university.he was enrolled by the elite Peking University,which gave him a start on his way towards an outstanding career.When

49、Li became Premier,he noted that the proportion of poor students at the elite Chinese universities was declining.Therefore,last year the Chinese government asked those universities to enroll more rural students from underdeveloped central and western areas of China and provided 5 billion RMB(approxim

50、ately US$0.8 billion)in scholarships to offset the cost of their college attendance.Their representation increased by 10%over the previous year,Li noted.就任总理后,李克强注意到中国顶尖大学里的贫困生比例逐年下降。于是,在去年,中国政府要求这些大学到中国中西部欠发达地区招收更多的农村学生,并提供了50亿元(约等于8亿美元)奖学金,以贴补这些学生上大学的费用。李总理特别指出,过去一年,欠发达农村地区来的大学生占比提高了10%。Tdecline:v

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