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1、谢河学区电子备课教学设计小学 五 年级英语教学设计Module 1 ChangingUnit 1 We lived in a small house. 第一课时教学目标:知识与技能:Words and phrases: life, different, ago, any, television, us, grandchildren, lady. Sentences: There werent any buses. We lived in a small house.There are lots of buses and cars. We live in a big house.Grammar:

2、Compare the life.过程与方法:讲授、 情感、态度和价值观:从对比中发现差距、以前的生活和现在的生活德育目标:更加珍惜现在的生活重点:Words and phrases: life, different, ago, any, television, us, grandchildren, lady. Sentences: There werent any buses. We lived in a small house.There are lots of buses and cars. We live in a big house. 难点:Grammar:Compare the l

3、ife.教学方法:讨论、对话课时安排:1课时教学过程:(一)导入:Warming up1. Greeting2. Talking about: holiday and changing of you.(二)探究新知Lead inT: In the winter holiday, you had a lot of changes. Now you are older and cleverer .I am very glad to see your changes. And write changing on the blackboard. Tell students Everything is

4、changing. No change, no progresses.New teaching3. Show some old photos and say: Look, life was very different many years ago .But how was it different? Today, we will learn how to compare past and present life.4. Listen to the tape and underline the new words.5. Teach the new words.a. Show some new

5、word cards.b. Correct pronunciation.c. Practise new words in different kinds of method.d. Explain important phrases.6. Listen to the tape-recorder and read follow it .7. Act out text.(三)巩固新知Practise8. Pay attention to SB unit1 part2 and copy them to make sentences.9. Show some pictures. Make some st

6、udents find differentinthem and describe in English.(四)作业布置Todays homeworka. Listen and read Unit1 three times, try to recite and act.b. Compare two photos and write differences.(五)小结SummaryT: Today we have learnt “How to describe past and present life, review simple past tense and presenttense.”(六)

7、板书设计Designs: Module 1 ChangingUnit 1 We lived in a small house. werent lived smallare live big教学反思第2课时Module 1 ChangingUnit 2 She didnt have a television.第二课时教学目标:知识与技能:Word and phrases: fire, radio, telephone, field, hope.Sentences: She worked in the fields. She didnt have a television.Grammar: Tal

8、k about the life of past and now.过程与方法: 信的内容、chant部分情感、态度和价值观:通过看这种节目引发思乡之情德育目标:加深学生的爱国之情重点:Word and phrases: fire, radio, telephone, field, hope.Sentences: She worked in the fields. She didnt have a television.难点:Grammar: Talk about the life of past and now.教学方法:巩固游戏课时安排:1课时教学过程:(一)导入:Warming up.1.

9、 Greetings.2. Act out last text.3. Free talk: Compare Old China and New China.(二)探究新知Lead inYesterday, Lingling saw the programme about China, she missed her grandmother very much. So she writes a letter for Daming, tells about that programme and her feeling.三New teaching.1. Show some questions.a. W

10、hat programme did Lingling watch last night?b. What was the old ladys life like many years ago?c. Who does Lingling miss?2. Listen to the tape-recorder and find answers.3. Learn new words.a. Show some object and cards.b. Correct pronunciation.c. Practise new words in different kinds of method.4. Lis

11、ten to the tape-recorder and act out it.(三)巩固新知Practise1. Play a game.Put nine cards on the desk. Two students use cards to make dialogue.For example:A: Where was he/she seven days ago?B: He/She was A: What did he/she do there?B: He/She 2. Do A B Unit 2 exercise1.a. Listen to the tape.b. Understand

12、generalization.c. Choose right answer.(四)作业布置Homework Introduce the great changes of our hometown/school/home.(五)小结:掌握动词过去时的否定用法板书设计Module 1 ChangingUnit 2 She didnt have a television.She worked in the fields. She didnt have a television.教学反思 .五年级英语下册Module 1测试题一、读单词找出划线读音不同的一个。 ( 共10分)( ) 1.A. farm

13、 B. postcard C. party D. warm( ) 2.A. play B. rain C. any D. wait( ) 3.A. hear B. air C. hair D. pear( ) 4.A. sad B. badly C. catch D. glass ( ) 5.A. control B. shop C. home D. hold二、写出下列动词的过去式。(共15分)1.do_ 2.is _ 3.are _ 4.live _ 5.have _6.watch _ 7.cook_8.talk_ 9.help_ 10.go_11.run_ 12.play_13.danc

14、e_14.listen_15.take_ 三、单项选择。(共20分)1.( )There werent _buses. A. some B. any C. one2.( ) We lived _ a small house. A. at B. in C. on3.( )Yesterday I watched TV _my grandchildren. A.and B.with C.to4.( )Thank you for talking_ me. A. with B.to C.and5.( )She _ football yesterday. A. playing B played C pla

15、ys.6.( ) Its a programme _ monkeys. A.for B.in C.about7.( ) There _ three books on the desk one year ago. A.was B.were C.are8.( ) Now there _ lots of buses. A.was B.are C.is9.( ) Many years ago there _ any televisions. A.wasnt B.werent C.arent10.( ) Many years ago we _ have enough food. A.are B.did

16、C.didnt四、请选择下列句子的正确译文。(共15分) ( )1.Its a programme about China. A.大约是中国的节目。 B.它是一个关于中国的节目。 ( )2.We have got lots of food. A.我们有许多食物。 B.我们想要许多食物。 ( )3.Life was very different in China many years ago. A.多年前中国的生活和现在差别很大。 B.生活有了一些不同。 ( )4.China is changing. A.中国已经变了。 B.中国正在变化。 ( )5.There werent any buses

17、. A.过去没有一辆公共汽车。B.现在没有一些公共汽车。五、选词填空。(共10分)seasons days weeks months1、There are seven _in a week.2、There are fifty-two _ in a year.3、There are twelve _ in a year. 4、There are four _ in a year.didnt werent lived5、Many years ago.There _ any buses or cars.6、Tim _ in a small house. 7、He _ have enough food

18、.Where What Who8、_ are they? They are my friends.9、_ did you do? I played football.10、_ did you go? I went to the supermarket.六、看句子,连线。(共10分) 1. How is your mother? A.You are welcome. 2. Thank you. B.No, I havent. 3. Have you got enough food? C.I was in Shanghai.4. What did you do last Sunday? D.We

19、watched TV at home.5. Where were you two days ago? E.She is very well.七连词成句,注意大小写及标点。(共10分)1. life very years different in was many China ago2. we of got lots food have3. for you thank to talking us4.I a television watched about programme night last China5. or she television a didnt radio a have八、阅读

20、理解。根据短文,判断正误, T或F。(共10分)There are two pictures about our city. One is now. the other one is before(以前的). Look! There was a small park, but now there is a big and beautiful park. And there is a lake with some ducks on it. There wasnt a lake before. In our city there were some old houses, small trees.

21、 But now there are some new and high buildings(建筑物). The trees are very tall and the flowers are very beautiful. There are some supermarkets and some cars now. I love my city. Do you want to visit here?( )1. There was a park in our city before.( )2. There was a lake in the park.( )3. There arent som

22、e ducks on the lake now.( )4. There werent any tall trees before.( )5. There were some cars in the city before.个人备课修改建议Module 2 GrandparentsUnit 1 She learnt English.第一课时教学目标:知识与技能:Words and phrases: learnt these dancer Sentences: She learnt English. Did she learn any foreign languages. He is learni

23、ng English now.Grammar: Talking about the past and present.过程与方法:本课单词、课文和练习 情感、态度和价值观:说一说自己爷爷奶奶的故事德育目标:活到老、学到老重点:Words and phrases: learnt these dancer Sentences: She learnt English. Did she learn any foreign languages. He is learning English now. 难点:Grammar: Talking about the past and present.教学方法:

24、对话、看图提问课时安排:1课时教学过程:(一)导入:Greeting:T: Hello, Good morning, class. S: Good morning, teacher.T: How are you today? S: We are well.T: What day is today? S: Thursday.T: Are you ready for your English class? S: Yes. We are ready.Game: Review the past tense of some verbs. (二)探究新知New teaching 1. Use some p

25、ictures to learn important sentences.Did you/he /she .? Yes, I/she/he did. No, didnt.He is doing .2. Learn new words and phrases.Teacher plays the tape and have Ss underline the new words and phrases. Teacher guides to learn by all kinds of methods.3. Listen and repeat 4. Act out the test. (Give Ss

26、some minutes to practise.)(三)巩固新知Practice and consolidate.1. Show two pictures and have Ss describe (use the important sentences)2. Do activity 3.Have Ss look it , give some minutes to practise in pairs ,then act it out.TaskfulfillingGame : teacher have Ss take out their photos and describe it. The

27、others guess it.(四)作业布置Homework:Try to describe the other persons to your parents.(五)小结:学习动词过去时的简单用法(六)板书设计Module 2 GrandparentsUnit 1 She learnt English.She learnt English. Did she learn any foreign languages. He is learning English now.教学反思:Module 2 Grandparents Unit 2 Mr Li was a teacher.第二课时教学目标

28、:知识与技能:Words and phrases: study hard retired Sentences: Mr Li was a teacher. He taught Chinese. Chen Hai is an English teacher. Hes teaching Mr Li.Grammar: Talk about the past and the present.过程与方法:看图对比现在和过去,运用过去时 情感、态度和价值观:人要不断地去学习和探索德育目标:从变化中探索辩证理论重点:Words and phrases: study hard retired Sentences

29、: Mr Li was a teacher. He taught Chinese. Chen Hai is an English teacher. Hes teaching Mr Li.难点:Talk about the past and the present.教学方法:对比、学诗课时安排:1课时教学过程:(一)导入:Warmingup1 Greeting : Free talk2 Game: “What did he do?”(二)探究新知New teaching1. Lead-inTeacher has a student stand in the front of the class.

30、T: Ten years ago ,I was a student .Now, I am a teachet. Ok, lets come to the text.2. Important words and sentences Listen and underline the new words. Teacher uses all kinds of methods to guide. Show some pictures and let Ss describe them. Listen and repeat (三)巩固新知Practice in pairs Show a picture of

31、 sports player .Have Ss say out the differences between the pictures.(use the important sentences) Show three pictures and have Ss compare.4. PronunciationHave Ss listen and repeat. Put these words on the Bb. Let them find the similar pronunciation. Follow the tape two times.5. Say a poem Look. List

32、en and follow the tape. Then say together with actions.(四)作业布置SummaryHave Ss sum this lesson. Teacher gives complement.(五)小结SummaryHave Ss sum this lesson. Teacher gives complement.(六)板书设计Module 2 Grandparents Unit 2 Mr Li was a teacher.Mr Li was a teacher. He taught Chinese. Chen Hai is an English

33、teacher. Hes teaching Mr Li.教学反思:五年级英语下册Module 2测试题一、选出画线部分读音与其他三个不同的一项。(5分)( )1. A. draw B. saw C. window( )2. A. ear B. chair C. hair ( )3. A. autumn B. house C. all ( )4. A. post B. class C. pass ( )5. A. star B. party C. some二、写出下列动词的过去式。(10分)1. learn 2. live 3. do 4. make 5. is 6. watch 7. teac

34、h 8. study 9. dance 10、walk 三短语互译。(20分)1.学英语 2.wear these clothes 3.在许多中国城市 4.Welcome to Beijing! 5.十年前 6.退休 7.do ones homework 8. 购物 9.by school bus 10. 写电子邮件 四从方框中选择适当的词语填空。(10分) to have ; having; has; had; have1、What did she _ ? 2、She _ a tomato. 3、I m _ dinner.4、He _ lunch at twelve everyday. 5、

35、Im going _ chicken for dinner.五选择填空。(15分)( )1. Yesterday she _a cake. A. make B. made C. making( )2. Hes _ English now. A. learnt B. learning C. learn( )3. Ten years ago, Mr Li _ a teacher. A. was B. is C. am( )4. Now Chen Hai is _ Mr Li . A. teach B. taught C. teaching( )5. A: What did she do ? B:S

36、he _. A. dance B. dancer C. danced( )6. A: dont we go out to play? B: Because its raining. A. Who B. Why C. What( )7. A: is he? B: He is my grandpa. A. Who B. Why C. What( )8. I TV every day. A. watch B. watched C. watches( )9. A: this? B: Its a pencil. A. What B. Whats C. whats( )10. A:Did you like

37、 ice creams? B: . A.Yes, I didnt. B. No, I didnt. C. No, I did.六选择配伍。(10分) AB( )1.Who are they?A. Hes learning English.( )2.Was he a driver?B. Yes, she did.( )3.What is he doing now?C. They are Linglings grandparents.( )4.Whos this?D. No, he wasnt.( )5.Did she learn any languages?E. Its my mother.七补

38、全单词。(10分)1. My aunt is a danc (舞蹈演员).2. I st d (学习)English two years ago.3.She works very h d(努力地).4.My parents have ret ed.(退休的)5.She worked in the f lds(田地).八连词成句。(10分)1.he, hard, very, studied. 2.was, Mr.Li, a, teacher. 3.hes, learning, now, English. 4.she, was, because, dancer,a. 5.learn, he, di

39、d, Chinese? 九阅读理解。(10分)Hello! My name is Alice. There are seven people in my family. My grandfather and grandmother are in America. My parents are English teachers in China. I have two brothers. They are twins. We are students in the same school. I am in Grade One. They are in Grade Three.( )1. Thre

40、e are people in Alices family.A. eight B. seven C. ten( )2. Her parents are China. A. at B. on C. in( )3. There are children in her family.A. seven B. three C. two( )4. They are in same school.A. a B. an C. the( )5. Her parents are . A.doctors B. teachers C.workersModule 3 English FoodUnit 1 She had eggs and sausages第一课时教学目标

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