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1、看法看法态度态度不定不定式宾式宾技巧技巧借鉴借鉴阅读阅读体验体验课本课本链接链接针对针对训练训练课文课文点津点津妙笔妙笔生花生花写作写作范文范文写作写作指导指导尖子生语法探究尖子生语法探究尖子生语法探究尖子生语法探究八年级英语上 新目标 人一、询问对某人或某事的看法、态度一、询问对某人或某事的看法、态度 询问对某人或某事的看法、态度用句型“What do you think of?/How do you like?”,回答此类问题可以根据自己的看法来作出评价或转述别人的看法,如:Its great!(太棒了!)/Very much.(非常喜欢。)/He doesnt mind.(他不介意。)/

2、Its just so-so.(不过如此而已。)/He is friendly.(他很友好。)/I dont mind.(我不介意。)/I cant stand them.(我受不了它们。)/I love watching them.(我喜欢看它们。)等。What do you think of talk shows?你认为访谈节目怎么样?I love watching them.我喜欢看它们。What do you think of this film?你认为这部电影怎么样?Its just so-so.不过如此而已。返回返回二、不定式作宾语二、不定式作宾语 动词不定式(to+动词原形)是动


4、),expect(),expect(期望期望),afford(),afford(担负得起担负得起)等。同时,动词不定式也具有非动词的性质,相当于名词、形容词或副词,可以在句中作主语、宾语、宾语补足语、表语、定语和状语。动词不定式作宾语(补足语)的用法如下:Our boss wants to see you soon.我们的老板想很快见到你。I agreed to take to take part in his party.我同意参加他的聚会。He promised to help me.他答应帮助我。2.think,find,feel,make,believe等动词后面的宾语是不定式时,可用

5、于“主语+动词+it+adj.+to do sth.”句型(it作形式宾语)。I think it necessary for us to have a good rest.我认为我们有必要好好休息一下。I find it important to learn English well.我发现学好英语很重要。3.动词不定式还可作宾语补足语,常见的可接动词不定式作宾语补足语的动词有:ask(要求),want(想要),tell(告诉),wish(希望),teach(教),invite(邀请),advise(建议),allow(允许),order(命令),encourage(鼓励),warn(告诫)

6、,permit(允许),persuade(说服),force(强迫),get(让),beg(乞求),require(要求)等。My friend asked me to wake him up on time.我的朋友要我准时叫醒他。He told me not to be late for the meeting.他告诉我开会不要迟到。4.下列动词后应接省略to的不定式作宾语补足语:“一感”(feel),“二听”(hear,listen to),“三使”(make,let,have),“四看”(see,watch,notice,look at),“半帮助”(help)。I heard her

7、 sing in the next room just now.刚才我听到她在隔壁房间里唱歌。The manager made the workers work for 12 hours a day.这个经理让工人们一天工作12个小时。I often help mom(to)clean the house.我经常帮助妈妈打扫房子。Let me help you.让我帮助你。5.不定式和what,how,where等特殊疑问词一起,构成动词或介词的宾语。返回返回Please show us how to do that.请给我们演示如何去做那件事。1.(2015福州中考)So beautiful

8、 flowers!I cant decide for my mom.For Mothers Day,it cant be better to take some carnations(康乃馨).A.when to chooseB.which to choose C.how to choose B 提示:考查含有特殊疑问词的动词不定式的用法。when to choose什么时候选;which to choose选哪一种;how to choose怎样选。结合句意,故选B。B 提示:考查动词不定式。句意为“如果我们大家都齐心努力,就一定会有我们可以做的事情去改善环境”。不定式短语作目的状语,故选B

9、。2.(2015凉山中考)If all of us pull together,there must be something we can do.A.improve the environmentB.to improve the environmentC.improving the environment D.improved the environment3.(2015泰安中考)When you leave,please turn off the lights energy.A.save B.to saveC.savingD.saved B 提示:考查非谓语动词的用法。句意为“当你离开的时

10、候,为了节约能源请关掉灯”。本句是动词不定式作目的状语,故选B。B 提示:考查动词不定式。表示“如何使用它”用how to use it,故选B。4.(2015连云港中考)Wow,Wendy,its cool to make a short video with your mobile phone.Just with a software called Meipai.Let me show you.A.which to use B.how to use it C.what to useD.where to use it5.(2015威海中考)Tony,remember with your mo

11、uth full of food.A.to talkB.not to talkC.talkingB 提示:考查非谓语动词。句意为“托尼,记着满嘴食物时不要说话”,故选B。Go onA 提示:本题考查固定句型。由固定句式“Its+adj.for sb.to do sth.”可知,故选A。6.(2015长沙中考)Its necessary for us to our parents when we have problems.A.to talkB.talkingC.talk7.(2015南充中考)Its necessary for us English well.A.to learn B.lear

12、ningC.learn D.learnsA 提示:考查固定句型。Its+adj.+for sb.+to do sth.意为“对某人来说做某事是的”。其中It作形式主语,真正的主语是后面的to do不定式短语,故选A。B 提示:考查非谓语动词。句意为“我们应该感谢那个人。他总是尽他所能来帮助我们”。动词不定式to help作目的状语,故选B。8.(2015眉山中考)We should thank the man.He always does what he can us.A.helpsB.to helpC.help D.helping9.(2015遂宁中考)They decided a brid

13、ge over the river.A.buildB.to build C.buildingB 提示:考查非谓语动词的用法。句意为“他们决定在河上面建一座桥”。由decide to do sth.结构可知,故选B。C 提示:考查非谓语动词辨析。句意为“当我们去观察研究鸟类的时候应带些什么?”“我们应当带副望远镜来清楚地看鸟”。动词不定式表示目的,故选C。10.(2015扬州中考)What should we take when going birdwatching?We should take a pair of binoculars the birds clearly.A.see B.see

14、ing C.to see D.sees11.(2015十堰中考)His mother often tells him too much time playing games.A.not to spend B.dont spend C.spends D.spendingA 提示:考查动词不定式否定形式的用法。tell sb.not to do sth.告诉某人不要做某事,动词不定式的否定形式需在to前面直接加not,故选A。B 提示:考查动词不定式作目的状语的用法。句意为“目前交流项目已经把很多外国人带到了中国学习汉语”。由句意可知,学习汉语是这些外国人到中国的目的,动词不定式可作目的状语,故答

15、案为B。12.(绵阳中考)So far the exchange program has brought many foreigners to China Chinese.A.studyB.to studyC.studyingD.studied13.(临沂中考)Mike went to the library some books yesterday.A.borrow B.to borrowC.borrows D.borrowed B 提示:考查不定式作目的状语。句意为“昨天迈克去图书馆借了些书”。分析句意可知应用动词不定式作目的状语,选B。D 提示:考查动词不定式的用法。be allowed

16、 to do sth.意为“被允许做某事”,故选D。14.(河池中考)People under aged 18 should not be allowed.A.drives B.driving C.drove D.to drive15.(贵阳中考)I like places where the weather is always warm.I hope Hawaii this winter.A.visiting B.to visitC.visited B提示:考查非谓语动词。句意为“我喜欢天气一直很温暖的地方。我希望今年冬天去夏威夷”,故选B。返回返回关于喜好的文章关于喜好的文章I have

17、two daughters and a son.Their names are Lisa,Lucy and Mike.They all like going to the movies.Yesterday I asked them about movies.Their answers were very interesting.Lisa likes action movies and comedies,but she cant stand thrillers.She doesnt mind documentaries.Lisa likes action movies and comedies,

18、but she cant stand thrillers.She doesnt mind documentaries.Lucy likes comedies anddocumentaries.She doesnt like action movies.And she cant stand thrillers.Mike likes action movies and comedies.He cant stand documentaries,but he doesnt mind thrillers.【词汇积累】action movie动作片comedy喜剧thriller恐怖片documentar

19、y纪录片返回返回在阅读关于喜好类文章的时候,应该注意以下阅读技巧:首先,准确把握文章所涉及的人物。了解文章将要讲解哪些人的兴趣爱好,为更进一步的阅读奠定基础。其次,把握文章中关于喜好的关键词,如:like,dislike,favorite,likebest等,这样可以使喜欢更加明确。最后,寻找具体的细节,这是阅读的核心内容。抓住喜好的具体内容,从文章的具体细节入手,水到渠成地理解整篇文章。返回返回1.What is the very famous symbol in American culture?_2.Where did Mickey Mouse first appear?_ 针对本单元针

20、对本单元Section B 2b Section B 2b 的内容的内容回答下列问题。回答下列问题。A cartoon.A cartoon.In the cartoon Steamboat Willie.3.How many cartoons with Mickey did Walt Disney make in the 1930s?4.What did most of people want to be like?5.When did Mickey become the first cartoon character to have a star on the Hollywood Walk

21、of Fame?_返回返回87.Mickey.OnNovember18,1978.关于喜好的写作关于喜好的写作 假如你们学校的校报正在做一个关于电影喜羊羊与灰太狼的调查报告,下面的表格是你们班36名同学的反馈信息。请写一封信给校报的编辑,说一下你们班的调查结果。What do the students in your class think of the movie Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf?LoveDont mindDont likeCant stand19 people 5 people6 people6 people要求:不少于60词,开头和结尾已给出

22、。Dear editor,Dear editor,Im Jack from Class 1,Grade 7.This is a report Im Jack from Class 1,Grade 7.This is a report about the movie about the movie PleasantPleasant GoatGoat andand BigBig BigBig WolfWolf.Yours,Yours,HelenHelen【思路点拨】引出话题This is a report about the movie根据表格内容描写喜好How about me?结尾设问,介绍自

23、己love dont minddont likecant stand写出下列短语1.实际上_2.无法容忍_3.一份关于这部电影的报告_4.怎么样_【重点词汇重点词汇】infactcantstandareportaboutthemoviehowabout根据汉语意思完成句子1.他们不介意这部电影。They the movie.2.我们班有36名学生。36 students in our class.3.他们认为它很无聊。They think it is.【重点句型重点句型】dontmindThereareboringWhat do you think of?I dont mindI love I

24、 cant standHow about?I likebecause【单元参考句型单元参考句型】返回返回 Dear editor,Im Jack from Class 1,Grade 7.This is a report about the movie Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf.There are 36 students in our class.In fact,many of us like this movie.19 people say they love the movie,because they love the pleasant goat.Fi

25、ve people say theydont mind this movie.Six dont like it.They say the story isnt interesting.And the other six people cant stand it.They think its boring.How about me?Im one of the 19 people.Yours,Helen 本文是书面陈述同学们分别对喜羊羊与灰太狼的不同看法的调查报告,内容完整,包括表格中所提供的所有信息。分别从“喜爱、不介意、不喜欢和无法容忍”四个方面进行详细的介绍,并给出了具体的理由,语言丰富多彩

26、。名师点评名师点评返回返回 写喜好类的文章时,首先,应该准确使用表示喜好的形容词,如:interesting,boring,exciting等;其次,对于表示喜好的表达方式也应该了然于胸,如:dontmindit,cantstandit,like,love,Myfavoriteis等。最后,根据命题要求及所提供的具体信息,对喜好的具体理由进行详细的表述。返回返回MostchildrenlikewatchingTV.Itsveryinteresting.BywatchingTVtheycanseeandlearnalotandknowmanythingsabouttheircountryandt

27、heworld.Ofcourse,theycanalsolearnovertheradio.TheycanlearnsomethingquicklyfromthoseTV根据短文内容完成下列各题programs because they can hear and watch at the same time.But they cant see anything over the radio.TV helps to open childrens eyes and mind.Many children watch TV only on Saturday or Sunday evening,beca

28、use they often have a lot of homework to do.ButiftheyspendalotoftimewatchingTV,theywillhavelesstimetodotheirlessonsandfallbehindotherstudents.SowhenyouwanttowatchTV,youmustremember,“Studymustcomefirst.”【词汇积累】program 节目fall behind 落后;跟不上1.What can TV help to open?_2.What will happen if the children s

29、pend a lot of time watching TV?TV can help to open childrens eyes and TV can help to open childrens eyes and mind.mind.They will fall behind others.They will fall behind others.3.Why do children learn quickly from those TV programs?4.把画线句子翻译成汉语。Becausetheycanhearandseesomethingatthesametime.学习必须放在首位。返回返回5.Which one is wrongwrong according to the passage?_A.By watching TV they can see and learn a lot and know many things.B.Many children watch TV only on Saturday or Sunday evening.C.They can learn something quickly from those TV programs.D.Children can hear and see something over the radio.D

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