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1、popular innovation, the much anticipated entrepreneurial atmosphere. Six is to highlight the strong comprehensive and strict guarantees, constantly consolidate the basis of the party building. As the biggest achievement in grasping party building, fully strictly administering the party achieved rema

2、rkable results. Cast soul guben caught idea. Adhere to the important mission of inspiring, gather the people with common ideals, with development achievements inspired people, conscientiously study the partys latest theoretical achievements, further carry out various types of mass selecting mode sel

3、ection, multiple trees and carrying forward the righteousness of fresh air, and constantly promote the development of positive energy together. Strict management of cadres. Developed has new promoted section cadres evaluation and debriefing approach, and township section cadres attendance report inf

4、ormed system and leaders talk talk approach, perfect has Township morning will system, specification has Township cadres management; according to good cadres standard selection cadres, set has heavy conduct, and heavy performance, and heavy grass-roots, and heavy public of oriented; research develop

5、ed party work supervision and grass-roots party assessment evaluation approach, formed has three level Secretary linkage caught party of pattern. Wind Su JI caught style. Carry out three-three special education and strictly investigate and called upon to inform the name violates the Central eight ru

6、les of people and things, concentration and control of frivolity and not as style, as issues such as cadres style continuous improvement. Responsibility to catch the independent Commission against corruption. Strictly implement the 3883 responsibility, and fully cooperate with inspections of municip

7、al party Committee, listen to the peoples congresses, Governments, CPPCC Committee, the County party Committee Standing Committee, Township departments mainly responsible for the implementation of responsibility briefing, step by step to carry out interviews, layers of conductive pressure, clean sys

8、tem continuously. 2015 work go hand in hand, with remarkable results, marked Twelve-Five collector of development success. In five years, the County in accordance with the effective strengthening four support and further development of the five industries, accelerate the construction of three major

9、patterns strategy, focused, hard work, and promoting the rapid, sustained and healthy development of economy and society, becoming the fastest-accelerating the adjustment of the economic structure, enhance comprehensive strength, significant infrastructure improvements, urban and rural . For five ye

10、ars, wrote on the event in the history of jingchuan brilliant chapter. The practice shows that in five years, must adhere to the development the first priority is not shaken, must adhere to the project driven strategy up, must adhere to the deep development does not stop, must adhere to a comprehens

11、ive reform does not retreat, must adhere to the strengthening work style building do not slack off,八年级数学上期期末考试试卷一、选择题(每小题3分,共30分)1、已知点A(3,a)在x轴上,则a等于( )(A)-1 (B)1 (C)0 (D)12、下列各数中是无理数的是( )(A) (B) (C) (D)3、下列函数中,y随x增大而减小的是( )(A) (B) (C) (D)ABOABC 第5题4、下列各组数中,是勾股数的为( ) (A)1,2,3, (B)4,5,6, (C)3,4,5, (D

12、)7,8,9,5、 如图,AOB中,B=25,将AOB绕点顺时针旋转 60,得到AOB,边AB与边OB交于点C(A不在 OB上),则ACO的度数为( )(A)85 (B)75 (C) 95 (D)1056、我国在近几年奥运会上所获金牌数(单位:枚)统计如下:届数23届24届25届26届27届28届金牌数15516162832 12345ABCDE 则这组数据的众数与中位数分别是( )(A) 32,32 (B)32,16 (C)16,16 (D)16,327、下列命题中正确的是( )(A)平行边形是轴对称图形(B)等腰三角形是中心对称图形(C)菱形的对角线相等(D)对角线相等的平行四边形是矩形。

13、8、如图,1,2,3,4是五边形ABCDE的外角,且1=2=3=4=75,则AED的度数是( )(A)120 (B)110 (C)115 (D)1009、已知是二元一次方程的解,则的值是( )(A)2 (B)-2 (C)3 (D)-310、汽车开始行驶时,油箱内有油40升,如果每小时耗油5升,则油箱内的余油量Q(升)与行驶时间(t小时)之间的函数关系的图象是( )Q(升)t(小时)O840(A)Q(升)t(小时)O840(B)Q(升)t(小时)O840(C)Q(升)t(小时)O840(D)二、填空题(每小题4分,共16分)11、化简:(1)、 ;(2)、= 。12、若,则 。A BCOxy 1

14、3、如图,等腰梯形ABCD中,ADBC,AD5,BC=11,高DE=4,则梯形的周长是 。ABCDE第13题图14、如图,在直角坐标平面内的ABC中,点A的坐标为(0,2),点C的坐标为(5,5),如果要使ABD与ABC全等,且点D坐标在第四象限,那么点D的坐标是 。三、解答题(第15题每小题6分,第16题6分,共18分)15、(1)解方程组: (2)、化简: 16、我国从2008年6月起执行“限塑令”, “限塑令”执行前,某校为了了解本校学生所在家庭使用塑料袋的情况,随机调查了10名学生所在家庭月使用塑料袋的数量,结果如下(单位:只):65,70,85,75,85,79,74,91,81,9

15、5。(1)、计算这10名学生所在家庭平均月使用塑料袋多少只?(2)、“限塑令”执行后,家庭平均月使用塑料袋数量预计减少50%,根据上面的计算后,你估计该校2000名学生所在的家庭平均月使用塑料袋一共可减少多少只?四、解答题(每小题8分,共16分)17、列方程组解应用题: 据统计,某市第一季度期间,地面公交日常客运量与轨道交通日常客运量总和为1690万人次,地面公交日常客运量比轨道交通日常客运量的4倍少60万人次,在此期间,地面公交和轨道交通日常客运量各为多少万人次?ABCDEF18、如图,已知ABC中,AB=AC,AD是BAC的平分线,AE是BAC的外角平分线,CEAE于点E。(1)、求证:四

16、边形ADCE为矩形;(2)、求证:四边形ABDE为平行四边形。五、解答题(每小题10分,共20分)ABCODxy19、如图,直线过点A(0,4),点D(4,0),直线:与轴交于点C,两直线,相交于点B。(1)、求直线的解析式和点B的坐标;(2)、求ABC的面积。ABCDEFG20、如图,ABC中,BAC=90,BG平分ABC,GFBC于点F,ADBC于点D,交BG于点E,连结EF。(1)、求证:、AE=AG;四边形AEFG为菱形。(2)、若AD=8,BD=6,求AE的长。一、填空题(每小题4分,共20分)21、当和时,代数式的值都为0,则= ,= 。22、一次函数的图象经过点(0,2),且与直

17、线平行,则该一次函数的表达式为 。23、如图,四边形ABCD为矩形纸片,把纸片ABCD折叠,使点B恰好落在CD的中点E处,折痕为AF,若CD=8,则EAF= ,AF= 。x为偶数x为奇数输入x输出ABCDEFABCD24、 如图所示为一程序框图,若开始输入的数为24,我们发现第一次得到的结果为12,第二次得到的结果为6,请问第4次得到的结果为 ,第2010次得到的结果为 。25、 如图,ABC中,BAC=90,ADBC于点D,若AD=,BC=,则ABC的周长为 。二、解答题(共9分)26、1月底,某公司还有12000千克广柑库存,这些广柑的销售期最多还有60天,60天后库存的广柑不能再销售,需

18、要当垃圾处理,处理费为0.05元/千克,经测算,广柑的销售价格定为2元/千克时,每天可售出100千克,销售价格降低,销售量可增加,每降低0.1元/千克,每天可多售出50千克。(1) 、如果按2元/千克的价格销售,能否在60天内售完?这些广柑按此价格销售,获得的总毛利润是多少?(总毛利润=销售总收入-库存处理费)(2) 设广柑销售价格定为元/千克时,平均每天能售出千克,求关于的函数解析式。三、解答题(共10分)27、如图,已知正方形ABCD,点E是BC上一点,以AE为边作正方形AEFG。(1)、连结GD,求证:ADCABE;(2)、连结FC,求证:FCN=45;ABCDEFGN(3)、请问在AB


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